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Xeno panic! - Printable Version

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RE: Xeno panic! - Maero - 10-06-2009

"Im flattered, but I would rather keep being independent." She said with a shiver as she was pulled next to him so that her half naked furry body pressed against his human one. "Now...Is there anyway I can get you to...stay here? I will try as best I can, I swear I will, to get you and our girls some free time outside, maybe even get you walks around town, give you some money to buy them things with, ice cream and such. Just...come back on time everyday. If you can do that Im sure I can work that out, and then I can keep my job and life, and you can keep your girls happy. How about it?"

Kat had to keep from biting her lip and remained limp, not allowing her muscles to tense no matter how badly she wanted them to. She couldnt resist him at all, and she had to make sure she could please him enough that he let her live, or at least go unsoiled. "I can work it out with corporate...you can come! You can see everything I do by turning into my lab coat. No one knows about this yet, which means that we can still work out a deal."

RE: Xeno panic! - MasterZero - 10-06-2009

Alex growled and looked at Kat's face, and sniffed her head. "...I want my girls happy. If you can give us a chance to get out there, in the world, then we have a deal. And I don't mean like a few minutes or anything. Hours. I'll keep an eye on them, keep them under control as best I can, but only if you keep this. Once a day," he explained. He suddenly turned white, his form slowly shrinking. "I'll be watching. You might here my voice....You turn me in, and you will wished I had raped you," he said, before his mouth disappeared, and he turned into a white labcoat.

"Put me on," his voice said, though where it came from was unknown. When, or if Kat did, she would feel hands grabbing and groping her ass and breasts. "Sorry!" he laughed. "Couldn't resist!"

RE: Xeno panic! - Maero - 10-06-2009

Kat nodded as Alex transformed and got her normal clothes on, everything bur her lab coat, which she replaced with Alex. She suddenly blushed and her legs trembled for just a moment. The surprise maneuver had effected her. "You have to swear to hold up your end the deal." She said sternly, regaining her composure. She wouldnt leave until Alex agreed. when he did she would call a few people and having a meeting set up.

When she entered the room where the meeting was to be held, it turned out to look more like a trial case rather than a hearing. Ten men, five anthro and five humans, sat on elevated seats high above Kat, the seats in a slight arc so that they appeared to surround her. Kat stood on a small white platform in the center, looking calm as ever, though Alex would feel her heart beating quickly. "Dr. Kat, you said you have an urgent topic to discuss, what might that be?" One of the anthro males asked with an upraised eyebrow.

Kat cleared her throat and steadily said "I believe the time has come to speed the Xeno subject in question to the next part of testing." The council above her spoke for a moment before one man answered her. "Are you suggesting we allow an untrained Xeno specimen out into the general public?! That is absurd, even an hour could be fatal to the project." Kat shook her head. "You dont understand, I do not mean for mission testing. The xeno is exhibiting strange neurological and even sever psychological changes do to being confined to his room." "Give him a bigger room then." One of them men said, cutting in with a wave of his hand.

Kat shook her head again. "That does not seem to be working. The Xeno wants to be out amongst people. The women we have fed to it are not being impregnated, they are simply serving as pleasure slaves to it, and they seem to be growing...somewhat dull in the confined space. If we wait much longer they will begin to experience personality collapse and this will affect the Xeno directly." She was waved away again. "We have plenty of subjects, simply exchange the girls then, get him newer, lively ones." Kat shook her head one more. "It has grown attached to these females, it does not want new ones and will respond violently to the removal of even one of them. It seems to form an emotional need with every female it meets."

The council spoke among themselves for a few moments before responding. "What do you propose then Dr. Kat?" Kat grinned slightly, knowing now that she was making some headway. "We simply release the Xeno with his females, monitor them carefully, allow them a few hours daily to...stretch their legs." Another moment of conversation followed. "What if the Xeno tries to flee? Or if one of the women do?" Kat tugged her coat a little before answering. "The xeno wont abandon them, and they would be easy to retrieve if they ran, they have no where to go after all."

The men spoke for awhile more before the room fell into silence and they all stared down at her with sly grins on their faces. "Very well Dr. Kat. We will do as you...advise. But you will monitor them closely at all hours from now on." Kat nodded and said "Very well, I will keep a team on the Xeno at all time with a live feed." She said with a bow. The man in the center shook his head. "No no, YOU must monitor him closely, personally at all times." Kat flinched, field work would really cut into her research time. "But I am not well suited for this." She protested. "I am hardly a field scientist, much less an observation team, I would just get in the wa-" "Dr. Kat we know for a fact that you will not be in the way of the observation teams, and that you will not require any kind of training. And you will be monitoring the Xeno at first person contact at all times, even when not out in public. It is the opinion of this council that you are perfectly suited for this task."

Suddenly the grins felt more like leers and Kat's heart sank in her chest. "W-Wait, what do you mean?!" She asked them, trying to keep her face calm. "I can hardly take the Xeno to the research labs or my private quarters! I cant be in the first person contact with it at all times! I havent even been in second person contact yet!" The council laughed. "You still misunderstand Dr. Kat. You are not going to bring the Xeno anywhere it isnt taking you. You will have no more need for the research labs or your private quarters. You have already insured that you will have all you need with the Xeno, food, water and...entertainment."

Kat was horrified as she realized what they meant. Before she could move however, two restrain bots shot from the walls and grabbed her arms, holding her still. "Stop! You cant! On what grounds are you doing this?!" She screamed as she struggled. The council leader suddenly became very serious and darkly answered, "We have every right to terminate you now that you have been influenced by a Xeno. Not only are you acting under ITS orders, but you are wearing it on your person even now!" Alex was busted, they knew, somehow they knew! Before he could transform, he would feel prongs in his back. A single threatening movement would bring incredible pain to him, and maybe death to Kat.

But Alex was getting what he wanted, everything he wanted in fact, and so there was no point in fighting it. Kat was not as happy about this as he was. Her eyes were wide and her legs buckled and gave out, so that she was held up only by the robots. "Take her to the Xeno's cell, make sure you dont let anything fall from her person. Whatever does, from lent to a fly, is to be terminated." The robots beeped acknowledgment and began to drag Kat away. "Oh, and Alex," Said the central man as she was pulled away. "Fuck her hard."

RE: Xeno panic! - MasterZero - 10-06-2009

Alex was....surprised. How did they find out? Did they figure out by his not so smart other? Did someone rat him out? Did they have some kind of scanner?!

Whatever the reason, he and Kat were soon brought back to his cell. So this is what a bittersweet victory means, he mentally sighed as he put his two halves back together. He groaned as he felt his body return to one piece, and he found himself in his female body, wearing nothing. He quickly looked at Kat, and then looked for his girls, as he turned into a dressed male. Did Agatha betray him so she could escape? No...She wouldn't...She couldn't....could she?

RE: Xeno panic! - Maero - 10-06-2009

Any suspicion about Agatha would be swept away by her look of utter and complete shock when Alex and Kat were returned. Kat fell limply on the floor, her legs unable to hold her up as she began to realize that she had lost everything. Every test she had ever completed, every person she had stepped on, every achievement she had ever completed had lead up to this, becoming a sex slave for some kind of alien monster. Whats worse, she would probably be impregnated now for making Angela blind and betraying Agatha, whos eyes she simply couldnt meet. She hugged herself, and quickly found her way to a corner, and there it seemed she tried to shrink out of sight, holding her clothes tightly to her body.

Agatha was not the only surprised one, all the girls were on the bed, having been involved in a mass orgy by Alex's other form just a few moments ago. They watched as their master, both of them, fused into one, and then transformed, having no clue as to what was going on. "So...so are we going to be OK?" Agatha asked, fearing extermination now that they had clearly been caught.

RE: Xeno panic! - MasterZero - 10-06-2009

Alex looked at the girls and sighed, before he walked over to the bed and laid down on it, looking at the ceiling. "This is a good news, bad news sort of thing. Good news is, we will now be given enough freedom to be allowed out of this damn cell once a day," he said. "The bad news, at least for some of us, is that Kat will now be joining you as one of my fellow...lovers."

He then rose up and cracked his neck. Now that his brain wasn't cut up, he had a much better control of his emotions and he found he had pity to the poor girl. "Kat...Come to the bed and rest. I won't do anything to you. I promise," he gently said.

RE: Xeno panic! - Maero - 10-06-2009

Kat was about to refuse him, but realized that resisting him would just end as it always did...cooperation was the only way she would get through this with her mind intact...she hoped. In reality she knew she would likely never "get through this" until she became old and unattractive. By then all hopes of her raising a family would be gone and her career would be trashed. She was smart for what she knew now, but no amount of intelligence would make up for the lost years she would spend in the cell with Alex.

And that was all assuming he wouldnt impregnate her at one point or another. The thoughts struck her like a hammer to the chin and just as she rose to walk over to the bed she stumbled and fell, feeling dizzy and hopeless. She got back up slowly and managed to reach the bed, sitting on the edge of it and hugging her knees to her chest, her marvelous golden eyes glazed over and dulling even as Alex watched.

Agatha said nothing, but moved as far from Kat as she could while remaining on the bed. The other girls had no clue what was going on and wondered why Alex had counted another beautiful, and apparently obedient slave girls to play with as bad news.

RE: Xeno panic! - MasterZero - 10-06-2009

"Everyone....I want you to treat Agatha with....decency. She has been betrayed, like Agatha, by the scientist who watch me. She is no longer a threat to us. Rather an ally," he said. "Look, it has been a difficult day, for all of us. Why don't we all sleep, and tomorrow I can explain more of what's going on? And we'll all get to be outside tomorrow two, so look forward to it. For now, rest and sleep, my loves," he said, trying to be smiling.


RE: Xeno panic! - Maero - 10-06-2009

(Agatha? Lol, Zero your slippin on me!)

Kat said nothing but the girls nodded their agreement. the bed had not been made big enough for all of them, and all though Rhona insisted that she could sleep in the corner as she had done for a few days, Kat wordlessly rose and sat down near the bed, laying down on the padding and curling up. There would hardly be any arguing with her, and Rhona was secretly relieved and took a comfy snuggly spot next to Alex as all the girls, naked and warm, were tucked into bed, Alex in the center.


Alex would wake up only moments later, and only because of his Xeno senses. The breathing of one of two of his girls had changed drastically, and now that he was conscious he may even had noticed that Agatha was not where she had been, tucked in just behind Amy, who had grown fond of her. Instead she was on the floor next to the bed, Kat pinned beneath her, both of their breathing coming in gasps.

But this scene was not one that Alex would like. The gasps coming from Agatha were angry and her face was red with rage, and the gasps coming from Kat were short and strangled as Agatha choked the woman beneath her. Both hands wrapped around Kat's throat, Agatha was trying to kill her and her face said it all, revenge. But Kat wasnt fighting back. The stunning scientist was on her back, her arms spread out and completely limp as Agatha strangled her, Kat's golden eyes only half open and rolled up, looking up at the ceiling and wall behind her.

Her breathing was slowly stopping, and her eyes slowly losing more and more of the life beneath them. Timid, scared Agatha was choking her master's latest slave, a crime that she would never be able to escape or hide...so it was one she was doing willingly and accepting of consequences.

RE: Xeno panic! - MasterZero - 10-06-2009

((What? What are you tal....OH. Well.....I've been slipping on you for years.....And no, that didn't make sense!))

Alex woke to the noise and he saw the two. He quickly jumped off the bed and his fingers became tentacles. He tried to pry Agatha off of Kat, and he was obviously mad. "What is happening here?" he growled. "Agatha, I know you are mad that Kat betrayed, but now look at her! She has been betrayed two! You are even! The only people at fault, are the people who made Kat be here. Now we are working this out tonight, because I am not dealing with you two fighting forever!"