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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake? - Printable Version

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - Maero - 07-14-2009

She shook her head. "Not entirely. In my society the strong rule. If someone sees a mate they desire they must best them in one on one combat in order to earn them. A male or female can do this...but the rule is a little different for me. As the princess I am of a higher breed and their are nearly none of my own species who can best me, and many have tried. That is why the first to beat me...earns me. To keep the blood line strong. Ever since our sojourn into space and the invention of bio weapons, this rule has expanded to all creatures who are sentient and able to mate with my own race. And from our information...you fall under the category."

She dropped her eyes to the floor and fell to one knee, one of her arms behind her back while the other curled into a fist and held her up from the floor. "That is why I Silvia of the Silver Clan hereby offer myself to you as your mate and subordinate. I am tasked with guarding you, the stronger, and serving you to the best of my abilities. Should I fail I shall die in disgrace." Her knuckles were white from the force with which she was making her fists and she bit her lip as she awaited to here how he would react or what his next order would be. "I am....at your mercy." Her heart throbbed and she felt as though she were bird who had just lost its wings. Her life was over, now it only served as a part of his. So it was made, so it shall be.

RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - Casey the furry one - 07-14-2009

Casey nodded understanding what she talked about and how she needed to keep her blood line strong. Since Silvia seemed to be from a warrior race of dragons and maybe a race of other humanoid like beings. He sighed trying to decide to except her offer or not. "Look Silvia being a soldier and a bio weapon my be in my blood but that doesn't make into a warrior or someone strong. Besides I am just an archeologist someone who digs up artifacts past cultures on my planet," he explained to what he did for a living trying to explain to her that he really didn't know how to fight at all.

"I was studying the ship and some fossilized remains that could be found near by. I thought ship was just a petrified relic from about 250,000 years ago when I think the creators came back for some reason and the they died from something while on earth. Then today a door opened on the ship and I investigated it to see what could be found inside the relic which turned out to be an active ship that we're in," he stated explaining what happened basically before she arrived on earth to retrieve the Warrior Guyver unit.

"One more thing I really can't consider myself your mate unless I beat you in unarmed combat because of who you are," he said as he extend his hand to help her up. "So how about this you train me to fight. So when I do beat you, you can say proudly that I won you fair and square and not because of the armor? he suggested because he didn't want to be someone she was ashamed of.

RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - Maero - 07-15-2009

Silvia paused for a moment before taking his hand. "Very well, will train you, but you must understand that even as I do I am still your mate. If you decline, if you reject me and let me go...I shall be the only person of royal blood to ever be rejected. I will be shamed, and my shame will carry on throughout the eons." She looked him in the eyes and added "Either way, you will have to come with me. I still need the suit so that I can complete my mission...and I am forbidden to fall separate from my mate."

RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - Casey the furry one - 07-15-2009

Casey nodded knowing he would have to make the relationship work no matter what. "I want you to be who yourself that includes your hated from me being human even. Since you made it quite clear your disdained for me. Second I want you to be happy if that means going on mission again after this whole Guyver thing is resolved then I will go with you since I wouldn't mind traveling to other planets and learning their history," he said with a big child like grin.

Then the enormousness of the situation then hit as he confronted the fact she was a princess and realized she may be in line to be the next on the throne. "Um... uh does this mean that your the next on the throne or one of your older siblings?" he asked nervously since he really did want to travel the galaxy.

RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - Maero - 07-15-2009

Silvia bit her lip. "I have sisters, both older and younger, but only when our father dies will we choose who becomes he next leader of our people. We rule by strength, not age or gender. Aside from that, my father will not die any time soon, it is likely he will out live you." Suddenly there came a hissing sound as sparks began to fly on the far wall. "My crew is cutting a hole into the ship. We shall be leaving soon...Jinkari Casey." She said, looking down and holding her arm. She was still trying to absorb how such a routine mission could have gone so wrong...

RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - Casey the furry one - 07-15-2009

Casey scratched his chin wanting to ask more question when he heard a hissing noise and spark began to fly from the far end of the wall. "Great what the hell...," he asked as he wondered what was going. Then his mate spoke up and found out it was her own grew cutting threw the haul. Yet just as they saw the blade emerge it was already pretty much eaten away by the acid in the haul and the opening was already closing once more slowly. Casey closed his eyes and focused some imagining a door way opening on the side of the ship. The circular opening opened connecting the to ships together.

"Why not contact Silvia by communication com device, to see if she could have made some sort of door or something instead of cutting open a hole in the ancient ship that I want to stud...," his eyes went wide as he realized the ship was completely active even though it was several eons old most likely. "Um... uh... when was the last creator's death by natural causes?" he asked because he would bet everything he owned now that it was centuries if not longer before one did die from natural causes.

RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - Maero - 07-17-2009

The crew didnt even listen to the human, all aiming their weapon at him the instant they saw him. Silvia waved them away. "Contacting a possible hostile ship and asking for captives to be released is not the way of my people. We take by force and strength, very little diplomacy is used." the others began to ask her about the human ans she filled them in.

The entire crew looked disgusted and mournful, but they did not voice any of their objections. Silvia looked back at Casey and asked, with great difficulty, "Would you like to leave this ship now Jinkari Casey?"

RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - Casey the furry one - 07-17-2009

Casey backed away nervously while he raised his hands in the air as their weapons were pointed at him. When Silvia told him their policy he gulped. With the revelation made he could clearly see the disdain and how said everyone looked . He sighed looked away, "I am pretty sure what Jankari means but I got a good idea, I am not a warrior, I never wanted to be one I prefer digging up a the past and learning about ancient cultures," he stated once more that he wasn't a warrior.

He then turned his back on everyone as the ship became transparent once more as he watched the earth. He knew that he most likely will never be able to go back since it sounded like Silvia would have to stay with him. He knew how well that would go over with his government. "I... want to stay here and be alone for a bit...," he said his voice shaky, he wanted time to collect his thoughts and prepare himself to leave his home forever. He also needed to ready himself for a cold voyage knowing everyone didn't want him there.

RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - Maero - 07-17-2009

Silvia nodded hesitantly and they all left the room to give him some time. though they kept the two ships locked to each other. When Casey was ready to leave, he simply needed to knock on the door and he would be let into her ship.

Once inside they would take him to Silvia's quarters, now his. There was a large bed and countless trophies as well as a console, large screen, desk and other furnishings. Silvia would be laying down on the bed, dressed now in nothing but a white robe that framed her nicely, taking her after mission reprieve.

RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - Casey the furry one - 07-17-2009

Casey continue to look at the Earth while he cried it was the first time since his mother died when he was nine. He wish he could relive today yet new that was impossible. "Why do I have to live with the advance barbarians.... Why did my curiosity get the best of me when the shipped opened up?" He asked himself with a growl.

He then got up from his pity party and walked up to the main ships control metal and decided to see if there was a way to deactivate the ship for easy storing. When he interfaced with the control metal there was in fact a way to deactivate the ship and it only one twentieth its original size. He then set the timer for ten minutes to make sure there was enough time for him to get out and to Sylvia's ship with out it braking the seal the two ships had. The archeologist then made his way to the Dawn Star and knocked on the door, "Hey let me in now," he requested as he smiled weakly.

The dragonic male did as was requested, "Welcome aboard Jinkari Casey," he said trying to be pleasant.

"Thanks I guess the Creator's ship will deactivate in a moment I want you to put in the ships cargo....um uh... bay I think?" he asked not sure if he used the correct terminology. "Also I want any and all books on your all's history and customs I can get that way I don't insult someone and know a bit about my new... home," the last word a came a bit hard since still depressed about having to leave the the planet he called home.

A moment later the ship finished deactivating itself and was now in its dormant state.

The Dragonic male guided Casey's to his new quarters. "Thanks and tell everyone that Silvia will still be in charge of the ship and everything going to be pretty normal for the most part," he stated since he really didn't want to be in charge.

Then Casey entered Silvia's chambers and saw his mate relaxing on her bed. She looked stunning as he stood there gawking with the door open. One of the one of the males passed, "Dam lucky dirty fucking ape," could be heard uttered softly.

The human then sighed sadly as he closed the door and went over to the bed as slumped down on the floor and leaned against the bed. "Your... looking....good," he stated softly since he was still bummed out about what happened so far today.