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- UnknownH - 03-23-2006

And that people, is why I watch some many cartoons.

- blueeyedgabulvo0o - 03-23-2006

Cartoons are awesome but unfortunately in my area caroons are only on PBS and actual cartoons we get is South Park at 130am - 230am and the others only happen on sATURDAY MORNING!!! That gets me aggitated but I will survive....

I am looking to get so much more anime at least that will suffice...


- senjuro - 03-23-2006

What cartoons do you actually find worth watching? Every time I turn on the TV, all I see is Atomic Betty...jesus, does that show ever NOT come on?

Or totally spies, which I just find entertaining because my girlfriend gets a kick out of it. I keep joking that she's Alex, the klutzy one. Then she punches me in the arm. Yeah, we have a good thing goin'.

Cartoons (thinks to himself) - blueeyedgabulvo0o - 03-23-2006

well there on pbs you have your pick of

Dragon Tales *
Berenstein Bears

and then you have wb11 who has on saturday mornings

Lunatics Unleashed*
Xaiolin Showdown*
Fosters Imaginary Friend
Johnny Test

on wb11, Sundays you have

Liberty Kids*

Weedays Chanel 9 mornings you have
Archie's Wierd Mysteries*

On Saturday mornings you have on FOX 5
Dora the Explorer
Power Rangers, Mystic Force
Shaman King
One Piece
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles*

In my opinion only the one's in stars should are above average in some aspect and are the only one's with viewing at all. Other than that we are kind of screwed in the fact we have no good decent cartoons have since long vanished. I hope that these tv executives learn that quality should be replaced by quantity. Make it more interesting...


- UnknownH - 03-24-2006

That is a weird list in some spots but I do have a satilite so I have cartoon network, toon disney, and nicktoons. So I dod kind of have better choices.
(and I can give an opinion on possibly any cartoon you list that comes on now)

- KS_Naslund - 03-24-2006

The only kiddy cartoons I care about have to be Recess and the Weekenders, because sometimes they can actually be funny!

I think House kicks ass too, The guy's so much of a damn smartass that I can't turn the TV.

I also like 'Lost', an ABC show about an airplane crash that has so many lupeholes in it nowadays (only season 2) that I don't think they'll be able to answer them all lol

- Anonmon - 03-25-2006

UnknownH Wrote:
Wisemon Wrote:Yes, the MLK episode of the Boondocks was awesome. I'm surprised there wasn't press about it on news networks (at least CNN, a fellow Turner company).
Actually I did hear about al sharpton complaining about it but that was on an internet news site.


That was just to piss off Al Sharpton. I didn't actually mean even one.

Also, I would like to coin a platitude in relation to said Boondocks episode: "The revolution will come a week after the Messiah."

- Wisemon - 03-26-2006

Quote:Also, I would like to coin a platitude in relation to said Boondocks episode: "The revolution will come a week after the Messiah."
Now that

- Wisemon - 03-26-2006

Getting back to the topic of inventions, according to the patent lawyer who visited my class, a patent only gives me the right to exclude others from making money off of my idea. So, there

- senjuro - 03-27-2006

Unless you were planning on giving classes on it, it doesn't really seem like you could make much money off it anyway.