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In the Year 100X... (Crimson / Kyosan RP) - Printable Version

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RE: In the Year 100X... (Crimson / Kyosan RP) - Crimson Fox - 10-05-2009

Crimson tried to remain calm once she told him that little fact as he thought to himself. Kyo was sealed in those mountains? I guess that explains why he showed contempt when I mentioned the dragons to the east. The fox looked closely at Lurea and asked her, "Why was he sealed in there?"

"Well, at least were even now." Ada gave him the cards before she looked over towards the bar and blinked in confusion. "Oh my, it's a dragon...rather dragoness," she told Kyo in a hushed tone. "Odd, they usually disguise themselves to us mammalian races so they don't draw attention to themselves. Do you know her?"

RE: In the Year 100X... (Crimson / Kyosan RP) - Kurtz - 10-05-2009

"The child was sealed in there because of the fact he's the only one who knows magic. Dragons are not actually magical by birth, they must learn it to be granted it, or have the blood of it in their veins. He was sealed in there as a child because if he were to grow violent, they feared the true magic he possessed or something would be released." Lurea tried to explain, keeping it low only for Crimson to hear their speech- her own sense of hearing knowing to keep her tone down.

Kyosan, blinking in surprise- rolled his chair back quickly, only to stop and freeze. In a moment, he quickly gulped and turned back to Ada, looking away before then biting his lower lip. "They're onto me faster then I thought." He murmured quietly, shivering gently. "Probably to inspect if I've left the cave or not."

RE: In the Year 100X... (Crimson / Kyosan RP) - Crimson Fox - 10-05-2009

"That's odd...I've always been taught that all dragons do have magic. Did something happen since dragons left these lands?" Crimson then sighed and told Lurea, "Look, I know you're not the one who sealed him in there, you're just following your clan's orders...but it seems rather cold to lock away someone for crimes they didn't commit." He then poured a drink for himself, feeling the need to relax somehow. "Plus, he has a family back where you come from I imagine. They must miss their son horribly."

Ada started to worry as her heightened sense of hearing could overhear what Lurea was saying, the vixen then sighing in relief as she knew Kyo was fine with his disguise. In a whispered tone, she told him, "Don't worry, you look and smell like a wolf, she won't notice. She'll leave after the night I imagine and then we can get far away from that cave of yours."

RE: In the Year 100X... (Crimson / Kyosan RP) - Kurtz - 10-05-2009

"They were the ones who asked him to be sealed away." Lurea explained, taking a moment to wag her tail softly before then speaking. "The leaders though took the pre-caution because... well, think about it, if at any moment that power is used against people- think of how much catastrophe would happen. We're not magicians, and not many stand up to his magic." Lurea explained, tapping at the desk while sighing. "I can't say much more on the topic anyway, I know most likely I've been eavesdropped."

Kyosan, shuffling the cards once more quickly and dealing them out- took a moment to think to themselves. Unfortunately, he wasn't still as trained to his heightened senses as a wolf to hear her words, but he continued to play the part as he redealt out the cards. "They're much smarter then you think. One can be easily fooled by a disguise, but dragons are much keener on their feet."

RE: In the Year 100X... (Crimson / Kyosan RP) - Crimson Fox - 10-05-2009

"I understand." Crimson nodded, feeling rather sorry for Kyo deep down as he had a good sip of his drink before he looked towards Lurea again. "Well, there's not much I can do to help you, but if you need anything else, just ask." He smiled softly towards the dragoness, wishing they could have met under different circumstances. We've got to get Kyo away from her. Ada will help keep him out of sight I'm sure.

Ada nodded softly before she started talking to Kyo telepathically, using a little of her magic secretly with him. (Okay. Then we'll have to be very careful. Just try to stay away from having to interact with her. Once she's sent on her way tomorrow, we can get away.) She then played cards with him, trying to look calm as she looked at her hand, feeling rather indifferent about it with the current situation.

RE: In the Year 100X... (Crimson / Kyosan RP) - Kurtz - 10-06-2009

"I don't personally care about it though. The seal, what not. I can see why they took the precaution, but since the seal's been there each time I've gone I've been stopped by it. The guy's a real nice person from what I've heard of him." Lurea sighed, putting more coins onto the table before slightly slouching, lowering her head against the table.

(Hmm, alright. Though, I don't think she means any harm. I think I've seen her before once or twice.) Kyosan tried to respond telepathically to Ada, hoping that she would indeed hear his way of communicating as he turned back, slowly looking onto his hand as well before dropping two cards down on the table. "I think I'll go for two this time."

RE: In the Year 100X... (Crimson / Kyosan RP) - Crimson Fox - 10-06-2009

Crimson looked towards the dragoness, noticing her resting against the table. Feeling worried that she may have overexerted herself traveling here, he asked her, "Can I get you a room? I hate for you to be uncomfortable and you've must have traveled a long way to get here, Lurea." He smiled slightly towards her as his held her claws gently, his fingers rubbing hers softly.

"I'll take one this time." Ada set her card down for the disguised dragon, waiting for the next card as she continued to talk to him through her mind. (It seems like she hasn't realized you've escaped that awful seal yet. That should give us some extra time.)

RE: In the Year 100X... (Crimson / Kyosan RP) - Kurtz - 10-06-2009

"Well, I did..." Lurea began, before then looking around, noticing the other two there before smiling softly. "But I'd rather get to know people first. After all, I didn't just come down here because I was 'ordered' to by the stiff uppers. Heh."

Setting the cards out once more and dealing them both the cards they wanted, Kyosan kept away a smile before talking through his mind once more. (Don't worry about it. I'm not sure she'll do anything anyway even if she wanted to. I'm just curious why she's always been the one to visit the cave and not any of the other dragons.)

RE: In the Year 100X... (Crimson / Kyosan RP) - Crimson Fox - 10-06-2009

"Ah, alrighty then." Crimson became a little nervous before he told her, "Enjoy yourself then, cutie." He then went into the back to take care of their mugs real quick.

(Could she be your si...never mind, she's coming this way, let's just try and act normal.) Ada then looked at her cards and revealed her hand, smiling as she showed off an ace high two pair. "Go ahead and reveal them, handsome." The vixen then looked over at Lurea as she came to their table, the sorceress offering a small smile. "Hello there. Um...fancy a game of cards? We're just about done with this round."

Crimson then returned from cleaning and walked over to the table as well, smiling as he said, "Hey, don't forget about me, I want to play. Besides, I don't think we're going to get any more customers tonight."

RE: In the Year 100X... (Crimson / Kyosan RP) - Kurtz - 10-06-2009

Smiling with some confidence left in him, the dragon set down his hand- a cleverly prepared royal flush as he folded his arms and smiled. "We definately finished this round, but it'd be fun with a few more people I guess."

Lurea nodded, pulling up a chair before then smiling and looking onto them both. "I hope I'm not invading your privacy. If you want to keep playing cards, by all means-"