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Xeno panic! - Printable Version

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RE: Xeno panic! - MasterZero - 02-22-2009

"Sigh, how boring!" Alex sighed. "Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait for her arrival." He then jumped on the bed and relaxed a bit, waiting for his future slave it come. While he waited, he took one of her porno magazine and skimped through it, seeing if there were any pictures of interest as he waited for his girl.

RE: Xeno panic! - Maero - 02-23-2009

Amy grunted as she felt the hard cock enter her ass. "Ahh, stop! Fucking stop that hurts!" She screamed as she wiggled her but, trying to somehow shake it loose. Then the vest fell away, revealing her barely covered breasts. "Help me! Somebody help me!" She called down the corridors, her voice echoing. Suddenly there was the sound of distant footsteps. People were coming, if Dark stayed here in the same place then he would be caught and probably shot at.


Perhaps to Alex's surprise, he found that most of the magazines were lesbian pronos and only a few were straight with a few gay. Silvia had some varied tastes it seemed. After a few hours the door to her apartment opened to reveal a sweaty Silvia, tried from her shift at work. She did not notice Alex right away, turning in the other direction to get some water from the kitchen instead.

RE: Xeno panic! - DarkChibimon - 02-23-2009

Dark hear the footsteps. "Some people have to stop the fun." Dark said as he let's go of Amy, puts on his helmet, summons his tentacles back and walks over to a vent, opens it goes inside and closes it behind him.

RE: Xeno panic! - MasterZero - 02-23-2009

Alex smiled and walked over to her in his little boy disguised. Like a shadow he snuck up on her, sneaking behind her before suddenly reaching out with his hand to grab and squeeze her cute ass. "Hello, Silvia. Did you miss me?" he smiled.

RE: Xeno panic! - Maero - 02-23-2009

Amy covered herself as best she could as some scientists came down from the other corridor. "What what is it?" They asked looking at her, perplexed. "S-Something...Some creature." Amy stuttered. The anthro scientists looked amazed. "You..came in contact with it? Incredible, we must examine-I mean get you to the lab to clean you off, make sure nothing bad happened to you." Amy nodded slowly and was helped up, but went limp as one of the scientists came up behind her and sprayed her face with something that made her pass out. "Excellent. Get her to a lab and get her branded, I want to run allot of tests on this one." The head scientist said as they all retreated into the lab.


"Whaaaaaaaa!" Silvia screamed, falling forward in shock. "What the hell kid?!" She yelled as she realized it was him, blushing madly. "How did you get in here and what is the big idea grabbing me like that!? GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!"

RE: Xeno panic! - MasterZero - 02-23-2009

Alex smiled and leaned forward, his smile strange and....alien. "Why? I do own you after all. My dear Silvia, you will be my slave, and I will be your Master! You'll make a fine slut, a fine one indeed."

RE: Xeno panic! - DarkChibimon - 02-23-2009

Dark came out of the vent, laughing a bit as he follow scientists to the labs. "They must be looking for me." Dark said with a smirk on his face.

RE: Xeno panic! - Maero - 02-23-2009

"Slave? Slut? Are you fucking insane!" Silvia said as she got up and scowled. "Im calling the the security force, this if retarded to the third degree. Get the hell out of my apartment!" She yelled as she picked up the phone and began to dial.


Dark would find no way onto the labs once the doors were shut....no obvious way in, but the vents were even bigger inside and made for even easier access. A few hours later a naked and frightened Amy found herself in the corner of a white padded room with bright lights completely naked. She was afraid, not understanding what was happening, why she was naked or were she was. She hugged her knees tightly and huddled in the corner, trying to stay warm in the cold room. The number 551 had been tattooed into her thigh while she was asleep in black ink and she found that she was hungry and thirsty but had not had once visit from any one since she woke up there. She could only assume there was a door hidden in the padding somewhere since the room seemed completely the same from every side with no way in or out.

RE: Xeno panic! - DarkChibimon - 02-23-2009

Dark went into the vents, and going back into the labs. "This game of cat and mouse is getting funner and funner. Dark thought.

RE: Xeno panic! - MasterZero - 02-23-2009

"Hmmmm....No," Alex smiled and suddenly his hand grew out claws and the claws shot out, stabbing the phone and cutting the wire connected to it. "Looks like the phone died," he smiled and returned his hand back to normal as he walked closer. "Don't make me angry, Silvia. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."