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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Printable Version

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RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 11-08-2008

When Solia stepped outside with her escorts, the streets were still fairly empty. Solia turned and locked the door to her house with a large golden key. "Better safe than sorry!" she exclaimed and stashed the key into her robes. She led the two down the streets past various buildings and houses until they reached the South Gate of the town.

"Okay, game plan time, new friends," she said cheerily. "We'll take this path to Narastola, the capital, and then head directly through it to the Devoceps. We should be in Narastola by early tomorrow, and then we should at least begin ascent of the Devoceps before it gets too dark tomorrow as well. With any luck, we'll arrive at Queen's Castle in only three days!" She smiled. "Did you get all of that? We'll set up camp outside of Narastola. If we're caught while in Narastola, then we'll get to see my brother again, but not on the terms I desire."

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 11-08-2008

Faiz and Mika listen to the plan and nodded, understand the plan sets up. "Understood, but don't worried of being caught. But wait..." Mika turn her face to Faiz. "Narastola's authority knew that we kill one of the castle worker because he involve in illegal trade and cheating, right?"

The wolf just nodded, still feeling shocked from the sudden kiss. The dragoness place her claws on her chest. "Don't worry. We'll protect you from any incoming danger. Plus, Narastola's authority currently hunting us."

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 11-08-2008

"Thank you sooooo much, Mika," she said and bowed a little. "And I thank you, too, of course, Faiz." She bowed to him, too. "Don't worry about me too much," she stated in her cute little voice while twirling her staff around. "I know enough about spells to hold my own in battle, and I know a lot of defensive spells if the need arises, so let's move out team!" she shouted, causing other people nearby to look strangely at the trio. Solia didn't seem to mind, for she just turned on her heel and started down the path to Narastola.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 11-08-2008

"But of course, we're quite protective even though the person know how to fight and playing with spells." Mika walking side by side on the right while Faiz on the left.

"Mind telling us why the queen abduct your brother? We do heard this thing in other city, but need the exact information to clear this endless thoughts." Mika asked.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 11-08-2008

"Although the queen does abduct normal citizens, she mostly goes after people who are planning on leading or aiding a rebellion against her." Solia gazed out over landscape, looking at the interminable shadows that played so nonchalantly on the ground, hiding from the sun.

"Ardeal never really told me exactly, but I believe he was aiding a rebel force and was caught and is probably now being tortured." Her smile vanished for a few seconds, but quickly reappeared. "My brother is tough. He'll be able to withstand anything that horrid queen might dish out." Her eyes became filled to the brim with confidence and optimism. "For certain, we shall rescue him."

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 11-08-2008

"Well find a way to rescue your brother but it may takes time." The dragoness reposition the pack of food on her back. "This is our first time we going straight to the jail, the Narastola of course. We need to pay back of what we've done to them before." Mika smiles widely, walking side by side to the new path to Devoceps Mountain Range.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 11-08-2008

(Queen's Castle: Dungeons: Torture Room)

Ardeal screamed with agony as the whip landed against his back again and again. His arms were chained to a stone wall, of which he was face to face with and his back facing the rest of the room. The guards had removed his tunic so that the tunic wouldn't get in the way of the whip. He wanted to pass out, but found that his consciousness was locked in place, as if it, too, were chained to the wall.

"What kind of black magic is this?!" he shouted in anger. Another stinging whip.

"None of your business," the queen said and laughed maniacally. "I don't have to tell my toy anything."

(Path to the Devoceps Mountain Range)

"Perhaps we should circumvent Narastola," Solia thought out loud. "That is where most of the Queen's guards are of course, along with her most elite assassins." She shivered slightly as she walked. It was late afternoon and the wind was blowing the cold mountain air towards them, even though they were still fairly far away from their target.

"Soooo, we're going around that horrible city!" she exclaimed happily. We'll circle around it to the east, so we can use the cover of trees. Sound good?" She smiled, but then her stomach growled, and she blushed. 'I haven't eaten anything all day,' she complained in her mind, but she didn't want to stop unless they had to.

"Are you guys hungry?" she asked. "Because we'll stop to eat if you want." She flashed them her perpetual smile.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 11-08-2008

"That would be good idea, but it much pretty easier if we just enter straight through the gate?" Mika suggest, rubbing her own chin. "You can enter the gate like another strangers, and we both sneaked in through the wall without no one notice. We're both like ninja after all." The dragoness stucks out tongue playfully, and heard Solia's stomach growling.

Mika then lends a pack of bread to Solia. "Here you are. We just take a delightful dishes from other city, and I think we still have plenty of energy till next day, if there's no disturbance that forces us to burn this excessive energy."

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 11-09-2008

(The Confirmed Path)

"Okay, then, sneaky ones," she smiled and took the bread. "You're nice, too, Mika. Maybe I should give you a kiss, also?" Solia giggled as she took a little bite of the bread. "Just kidding." She got closer to Faiz and leaned on him a little while they walked. "You haven't said a word since we started walking, cutie. Are you okay??" She gazed up at him with her sparkling green eyes.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 11-09-2008

(The Confirmed Path)

Faiz glance to Solia who leans against his arm, and quickly look to other side, a slight blush appears again. He just give a few nods, seeming like he's okay. "Don't worry, Solia. He likes to keep quiet most of the time, especially when being approached by cute girl." Mika stated.