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Gamers curse and yell...bla bla bla - Printable Version

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RE: Gamers curse and yell...bla bla bla - Bee - 10-28-2008

Suprisingly, other than BIA:EIB, I'm real quiet when I'm playing any game. Cards, videogames, board games, anything.

My dad says he wants to take me to Vegas when I turn 21, because of my poker face.

RE: Gamers curse and yell...bla bla bla - MagusKnight - 10-28-2008

That's half sad...half funny. I'm quiet to, for the most part. I like to talk when I'm having a hell of a lot of fun, like with starocean, or if the games flatout funny I don't mind people talking while I play.

RE: Gamers curse and yell...bla bla bla - Lost - 10-28-2008

I'm dead silent when playing games, and I keep a very calm face about me.

RE: Gamers curse and yell...bla bla bla - Kundral - 11-12-2008

I've only thrown the controler twice the lastest of which broke the batterypack which I sort of fixed. and sorry for re awakening this thread. One more thing, I played halo 3 one time on multiplayer and in the match it was an assult and I was pwning like crazy. too bad it was a social or i would hav had general grade skill... anyvase, on the very last assult for my team which was the final round I'm just 2 secondnds away from the flag plant and the most usleless player on my team snipes me and scores the damn point. I ened up throwuing the controller for the first time.

RE: Gamers curse and yell...bla bla bla - Random - 11-29-2008

Fuck dude, I went ape shit one time. I was like 14 and I was playing Pokemon Stadium, trying to earn a Surfing Pikachu. I fucked that controller up.

But some people I know IRL actually become destructive of my property or violent towards me if I win at like Smash Bros or Soul calibur too much. I do brag alot but shit, it is just a game.

RE: Gamers curse and yell...bla bla bla - The Reclaimer - 12-05-2008

The whiney bitches and cocky bastards on Halo piss me off so much. Case-in-point I haven't been playing for months, I booted up a couple days ago and have been enjoying a few rounds every couple days. I log on one day to a guy calling people out by name and going "Oh (insert name) you sound like a loser, I'm gonna own you" etc. I have a mic but usually have it switched off unless I'm working on a team. Anyhow, come the end of the game me and the kid he was calling out most of the lobby time whooped him good, I beat him by 10 kills, the other kid by 9. Then there are players like Kundral mentioned, just today I shottyed a guy and he was dead for a good two seconds, then bam, sniped in the face by the guy on my team who took his shot way to late.

I get frustrated, but only when I'm playing with total idiots/assholes who are deliberately ruining the session, or not participating and wasting a spot. Actually I have lots of fun betraying people who are AFK for more than half of a match.

RE: Gamers curse and yell...bla bla bla - DragonMasterX - 12-05-2008

I get generally pissed off at Fatal Frame games; that's something I realized, I can't take a scare, so instead of getting coward like I supress it by cursing as loudly as I can each time a defigurated girl appears floating upside down in front of my camera's view finder.

Also, now that I'm playing Fatal Frame III, I generally curse 80% of the time because of the big, spectacularly delined ass they gave to Rei, the main character <3

RE: Gamers curse and yell...bla bla bla - Kurtz - 12-06-2008

Never thrown a controller once. Sworn some times because either I knew I had something so close and I know I made the small mistake that led to me losing/dying, or something that randomly appears, kills you and clinches a game. (E.g. no lives left, die).

But I hate those who take it out on the controller. Most times, it's the player's fault and not the controller's fault. I just tell the player to sober the fuck up and just play for the fun.

RE: Gamers curse and yell...bla bla bla - UnknownH - 12-06-2008

Yeah but if we all played for fun, http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StopHavingFunGuys?from=Main.StopHavingFunGuy
Those guys would have nothing to bitch about.

RE: Gamers curse and yell...bla bla bla - DragonMasterX - 12-06-2008

I hate losing battles in RPGs. Period. I never Save. lol.