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Road Rovers: Love At First Sight - Printable Version

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RE: Road Rovers: Love At First Sight - Lukos - 04-28-2007

Give me an IM and I'll show ya the episodes, AWL!

RE: Road Rovers: Love At First Sight - Erethzium - 04-28-2007

OOC: okay i read Wikipedia and i basically have a good knowledge of all the characters. i guess i can only choose Shag right now, sooo...i'll insert him somewhere soon.


Gary simply stood, listening to the conversation. "hey...can i come too?" he said, kicking his foot a little.

OOC: sorry, cant really think of anything else to fill those other 5 lines...

RE: Road Rovers: Love At First Sight - Lukos - 04-28-2007

Everyone but Exile is free of the original RR characters.

RE: Road Rovers: Love At First Sight - GuilmonForever - 04-28-2007

Arcrus ignored the honking and just kept going, not caring for what they were thinking, he was here for one reason only. As they continued to drive down the highway, it became clear that the defences were not going to be that strong outside. As the factory came into view, you could see that the place was huge, with a huge fence surronding it and two guards at the front. The second they saw the bike and motocar they opened fire, using lazer guns. Arcrus rolled his eyes and jumped off the bike, and shot forward, leaving a trail of fire behind him. As he got closer he jumped high in the air and dissapered, only to reappaer behind the guards and knocing them hard in the back of the neck, they fell unconsious. He slowly dissapered once more, and reappered on his bike, just in time to put on the brakes in front of the fence.

RE: Road Rovers: Love At First Sight - Lukos - 04-28-2007

The car stops at the gate and the helicopter lands next to it; Exile and Blitz join Hunter and Muzzle at the car.
"Well," says Hunter. "While he's doing that, I guess the best thing to do would be to penetrate this factory. Exile, you and I'll take the south end, and Muzzle, you go with Blitz and do the north end. We'll try to meet in the middle.
"Roger," say Exile and Blitz. Exile gives the gate a mighty kick, breaking it open, and they all go to find their entrances to the factory.

RE: Road Rovers: Love At First Sight - GuilmonForever - 04-28-2007

Arcrus slowly looked left and right, nobody to be seen. Slowly kicking the fence down, he slowly moved through the factory grounds, being silent and moved swiftly through the area, making sure none of the gaurds saw him as he made his way through.

Back where the Rovers were, they would know be able to see two men whispering to each other, but loud enough for the dogs shapr hearing to hear.

"You have to destroy the files, if anybody founds out about the project then we will be in deep trouble, take them and destroy them, I will get the men ready to the deliver the weaponary" muttered the shorter of the two. They both nodded and quickly went their seperate ways, the taller one carrying a large thick package in his hands.

RE: Road Rovers: Love At First Sight - Lukos - 04-28-2007

"Grr... Leave it to me," says Exile. "You be backup." He sneaks up through a connecting hallway, Blitz right behind, ending up in the same hallway as the man but farther ahead. Exile uses his frozen sight to make a slippery layer of ice on the floor, then waits.

RE: Road Rovers: Love At First Sight - GuilmonForever - 04-28-2007

The man kept walking, but did not see the frozen patch and slipped and smacked his head against the ice, knocking himself out cold. The package flew out of his hand and slowly opened, and a cd case fell out, holding a CD with the lable, "Project" on.

Arcrus kept on making way through the base, slipping past a pair of guards and following the man who was heading towards the weaponary. He followed behind him silently, not making any sounds as he kept to the shadows. The man slowly dialed a few keys and pressed enter and the large door slowly began to open. At the very last second before he stepped in, Arcrus charged towards him and fired five blocks of solid ice, forming round the man, almost like a cage.

"That should keep you out of trouble" muttered the wolf, a sthe man shook violently, completely shooken by the whole event. Arc ignored his quivering and slowly walked though the door. Looking round he could see all kinds of weaponary, missles, small rockets, machine guns, all different kinds of US equiptment.

RE: Road Rovers: Love At First Sight - Lukos - 04-28-2007

"Project...." Exile repeats. "We'll need this."

Silently, they begin their search for any illegal items in the factory, looking through doors--until they find a room with computers in it. Exile nods to Blitz, and they make their way inside. Exile shuts the door and freezes the lock, and then looks to the computers. "Let's see what's on this...."

They turn on the computer and pop in the disc.

RE: Road Rovers: Love At First Sight - GuilmonForever - 04-28-2007

As the cd went through, the screen came to life. the location was unclear, but it appeared to be some sort of artifical park, a large dome surronding the park, outside was different machinary hooked up. But what caught your eyes was a young wolf, no older then nine, swinning on the swing, laughing happily, his adorbale smile on his innocent face, his paws clinging to the chains on each side. Thos ebright gold eyes, shinning so beautifully, there was no doubt about it. It was Arcrus. The person pushing the seat was a young girl, with bright blonde hair. She was wearing a purple skirt and buttoned white top, with no sleeves. She was a human and she could be no older then ten years old. She laughe dhappily along with Arc as they played. The screen then skipped to another site, some sort of giant lab, sirens going off and a robotic voice echoing through the hall. "Emergency, emergency". Arc appeared again, looking about twelvle, he looked the same, but taller and slightly larger body. He was holding onto the same girls hand, she was a little taller as well, talle rthen the small pup as she ran alongside him, they were being chased by men in uniform with guns. The scene changed once more, Arc and the girl were in a room, banging on the doors, them men in unfiorm trying to brake through. The audio was weak so you could not hear what they were syaing, but Arc seemed shcoked by whatever the girl had said. She looked weak, and tired, and she clung to a set of controls on machine, and pushed an orange button, and suddenly a capsule slammed over Arc, trapping him inside. That's when you got a shot of a window in the room, you could see the earth below, they were in space. Arc banged ont he glass desperatly trying to get out. The men had broke through, and had aimed at the girl, but she simply closed her eyes and pulled the lever and a trapdoor opened underneath the capsule and it started heaidng to earth with Arc inside, a gun shot could also be heard, and finally a voice screaming loudly. "Jenna!". With that, the screen went black and the disc was spat out of the machine.