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"The Facility", MC/Hypno RPG (FFA) - Printable Version

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- Nate Hunter - 06-19-2006

Security could analyze the relevance of the name. Alte didn't personally know who that was.

"Good, now it feels so relaxing to just listen to me, and my voice helps you relax more and more with every word," she said. "It feels so good to listen, that you just let go and follow my voice. Your whole body is so relaxed... so peaceful. You feel yourself just drifting off." She hit a small button to indicate a session to anybody outside of the room.


Several minutes later, Hunter arrived. "If you would please wait out here, I'll be only a moment, sir." The light was on, but Hunter could come and go as he pleased in this Facility. He entered the room, closing the door behind him. He stayed silent as he listend to his favorite slave.

"And so relaxed and peaceful and calm, totally at ease and totally free, but you find yourself following my voice, wherever it leads." The earlier intruder was firmly entranced by now. Alte looked around for a moment, and smiled towards her Master. "Now you will simply be aware of nothing around you for a few moments, Leonard. Nothing at all, until I clap my hands together three times. Just like this," and she clapped her hands three times, "and then you will be able to hear my voice again. Do you understand?"

- Seit The Reaper - 06-19-2006

Rejin Obeyed the man's orders and waited outside.there it was.that same energy Spike coming from the room he was waiting outside of.he took safety Pre-cautions and quickly carved a Symbol into his Arm,then quickly hid it away by putting the Robe's Sleave over it.he then went back to waiting.

- Gunter VanCrimson - 06-19-2006

Leon was relaxed, he didn't care what happened to him now... as long as they help him get stronger, he'll do as they say.

- Nate Hunter - 06-20-2006

"Good," Alte said, seeing a slight nod. "And it begins now."

Hunter smiled. Watching Alte work was one his favorite things to do, since he had literally taught her everything she knew. "So what have you learned, my playful little bitch?" His voice was tender anf romantic the entire time, and Alte didn't even seemd to mind any of it. Of course, she wouldn't. Her Master was speaking to her, so anything he chose to call her was a sign of his love for her.

"He is but a child," she said, smiling. "Nine years old. He apparently used a forbidden art which resulted in the form he now bears... and seeks training to avenge his family. He claims that he heard of us from a telepath... a certain... deBuovant." She was breathless as he held her in his arms for his interrogation. "He wishes to learn... alchemy and ninjutsu. Has Your bitch done well, Master?"

"Yes. I want you to see to his conditioning personally. But make sure he's willing to pay us for the services first." Hunter paused, thinking. He wasn't ure he wanted to risk another visit such as today's. "If he cannot, or will not, wipe out his memories of this place. Enough that he won't try to come back." As he finished this he slipped on hand under Alte's miniskirt and grinned. "We can play in a while... but here's a taste of how pleased I am with you." He then whispered a barely audible word and Alte writhed. It was like a small orgasm in her mind.

"Thank You, Master." She knelt as he released her from his arms. "I will see to it that he is treated in the proper way, Master." Hunter then left the room, and Alte took a moment to regain her composure, before clapping her hands together in the signal. "Now Leonard, you have found the facility you sought, but there is a price to pay. First of all, it will cost money for us to train you. For a client such as yourself, it will be five hundred US dollars a week, and your training ought to take several months. Do you agree to that price, Leonard?"


Outside of the room, Hunter continued on with the necromancer. He had managed to put two and two together during his chat with Alte, and the spike of energy he'd felt from the new intruder after leaving the room settled it in his mind. "My office is not in a typical location," he said. He lead the necromancer to a first-floor bedroom suite with a porch on the outside. Inside the area nearest the porch there was a light business desk, not a heavy affair as would be expected for an executive office, and several comfortable chairs. "Please have a seat. Would you like something to drink?"

- Gunter VanCrimson - 06-20-2006

"I... agree..." Leon nodded sincerely.

- Nate Hunter - 06-21-2006

"Very good," Alte said. "Now tell us what exactly you desire to be trained for and we shall set up a program for you. And you find that as you tell me, you mind is simply letting go of all knowledge about where The Facility is located, because we are here, and that is all that matters to where we are."

- Seit The Reaper - 06-21-2006

"no.....im fine........"

Rejin Leaned in closer to Hunter,as if he wanted to tell him something in private.his normal emotionless face look at that of Hunters.

"...this is no resort.......but something more.....isnt it.."

- Nate Hunter - 06-21-2006

Hunter returned to the chair opposite the intruder and sighed as he took down a shot of vodka. "Of course it's not. Half of the resorts in the world aren't really resorts," he retorted. "We're just the best concealed of them. A lot of the rest use their resort as a cover. Our resort is simply nothing more than a cover."

"We are a training facility specializing in the use of advanced hypnotic techniques, as well as other forms of mental manipulation, to train and condition our subjects. We have no ambitions for world domination, just market domination. And since we're not subject to the laws of any government, we can attempt to truly dominate the market of mental reconditioning." He paused. "And you, by your garb, mannerisms and tone are a lich. A reanimated, reconstituted necromancer. And your trade is the manipulation of minds and souls as much as it is dead bodies, am I correct?"

- Seit The Reaper - 06-21-2006

"...nice observation....ive traveled to this place from the Land of the Dead,following a Trail of Energy leading up to here..and now that i know..this place....is what it is...so..im fine with it....also....being that i can effect the minds of others...im interested in a bit....more training in this department....would you be so kind as to show your ways.."

Rejin sat back into his chair,relaxed.letting his Aura Down a bit.

- Nate Hunter - 06-21-2006

Hunter blinked. With the power he could read in this figure's stance, even relaxed, he was surprised he sought learning. "Well, we do require monetary payment for any learning," he said. "As well, we would need to know what you seek to learn from us. We are capable of teaching just about anything you could want."