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Furry Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry - Printable Version

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- Disturbed - 02-06-2007

OOC: Dont mean to be a bother but Angewomon's_Lover could you please write in dialog like everyone else ^^() its kind of the standard for the RPGs here.

- Master Grim - 02-06-2007

OOC: I apologize for the OOC post but if you want to RP like that... *grins* I'm always open if you've got an AIM account! mrgreen

- izzy_bear - 02-06-2007

"That you were a wizard, of course. I've always known. Me dad is in Azkaban right now. It was a shame, they broke his wand and everything. Mum was so embarrassed, she hasn't been right since."

- Erethzium - 02-06-2007

"Oh, that? yeah i've known. ALL dragons are trained in magic when they turn 15. well on Tohcknar all dragons are. im too young for dragon magic so my parents sent me here to learn regular magic. my dad taught me a few tricks because he doesnt believe that young dragons sohuld have to wait until they're 15 to learn magic." Ereth snaps his claws and a small flame appears in his hand. he snaps again and the flame disappears and a small orb of flashing lightning appears. "it's not much, but still O.K."

- Lonely Werewolf - 02-06-2007

Faiz closes eyes and looks back to Yoosei. "Yeah, me too, my friend.." He looking to outside as the train is heading towards the witch school which they will attend.

- izzy_bear - 02-06-2007

Blinks at Ereth, slightly impressed. "Interesting. So do you plan to be a goody two-shoes your whole stay?" Passhun grins and gives Ereth a small wink.

- Erethzium - 02-06-2007

Ereth blushed a little and said "yeah i guess so." and smiled at the vixen.

- izzy_bear - 02-06-2007

The vixen smiles widely at the dragon. "I wonder how many other kids there are besides us first years? I would absolutely die if I had to spend a whole year with some of these immature brats. I'm glad there's people like you here, though. You make the place feel more like home."

- Erethzium - 02-06-2007

Ereth replied "i dont know. be we'll probably find out soon." an looked at the castle again, it being closer than before.

- izzy_bear - 02-06-2007

"Wow, it's so much bigger than I thought it would be. Not like in me dad's stories." Passhun stares at the enormous castle as it looms over her and Ereth.