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Inferno Academy - Printable Version

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RE: University of Judecca - Digimon Crazy - 08-20-2011

awe plz nolet it dies so many die and its sad when they aren't even given a chance to start :(Crybaby2

RE: University of Judecca - deathseal1390 - 08-20-2011

ok... but only for digi.... though i would like to make a SLIGHT change if possble

RE: University of Judecca - EmirLicht - 08-20-2011

Dude, it's your rp. You got permission to use the idea, you can now alter it anyway you wish, not that you couldn't earlier.

RE: University of Judecca - deathseal1390 - 08-21-2011

Ok.... the name will be, Inferno University. and here all of the potently demons, ranging from sucubi and incubi, to soon to be rulers of the circles of it. Here only those who have been seen as more than just gathers or torchers are allowed to attend. These will include actual in the field work and even the most realistic simulators. each student is required to pay their way in by either a Very good recomdation, Lucifer himself, or through mass soul payment to be paid over time, or any other reason you can think of. The classes are formal and only a few in number and due to the mass attraction to all the parts of hell it was made clear that each student will be with a dorm and to save room paired with 1 or 2 roommates. However due to the lack of good souls, even some humans who are heavily sinned or entwined with the dark are also accepted under the same rules. Even some under contracts have been known to come and learn to better themselves. The school asks, that in order to keep its students recognizable that they wear a uniform with the schools logo on it. And now i ask, not because it's hard, well actually it is XD but if some would like to help as a teacher you will be allowed to do so. Now students may have been highly recommended but they are still on their way to become full powered demons, one of the tops students of which is legion.

RE: University of Judecca - EmirLicht - 08-21-2011

Character sheets format, or free form sheets?

RE: University of Judecca - deathseal1390 - 08-21-2011

oh right sorry ^^;

role: student/ teacher
oragin: (if demon then what part of hell. and if a dark one then from where?)
how you got in:
connections to demons/earth:
personal touch: basicly anything your char would deem nessary to have in their room or on their uniform as the univsity only requires you to wear it.

RE: University of Judecca - EmirLicht - 08-21-2011

Name: Vincent, Fallen Angel of Bleeding Wings

Gender: Male

Role: Student

Origin: Fallen Angel, from the Seventh Circle of Hell, Violence. He has small magickal prowess, and due to his origins, much skill with the sword. Perhaps too much for a mere student.

How You Got In: As the High Lord of the Seventh Circle's son, he was assured a spot from the beginning. When he slew his father and offered his own father's soul, his spot in the academy was that much more assured.

Looks: His face was not seen until he entered the academy. Due to the dress code, it is his first day outside of armor.
He has snow white hair, which in light, sparkles, and soft red eyes--almost pink. He always seems happy to those who have never seen him happy, for he is only truly happy when in battle.
He does not seem muscular, being a demon of warfare, his muscle tone is actually only slightly above average, because his body was not crafted to look sexy, but for functionality. Thus, no part of his body is particularly bulgy unless you look closely to see just what the bone-to-muscle ratio is. If you see him without his shirt, you may get the idea that he isn't a broad person, but a strong one.
He weighs in at nearly 300 pounds, none of it fat. He reaches to six feet and three inches, and his glimmering white hair reaches down to the base of his neck, though it does not go over his eyes.
His waist comes to a circumference of 29.7 inches, shaping him up as a very skinny lad.

Fighting Bio: His blade is the deadly and legendary Muramasa, which drips forever with blood. While this appears to have no functional purpose, it does for three reasons. The blood slicks the blade, increasing cutting ability, and subsequently absorbs blood upon slashing or stabbing.
So, should you keep the sword inside of you, it will literally suck you dry in a matter of seconds. (about 20).
The final reason, his magickal powers are completely based on blood magick, being the blood angel. So, the sword empowers his magick greatly--for that matter, it makes it useful in battle. Without the Muramasa, his magick is useless against other demons or darkened humans.

His biggest issue is, he's a warrior used to wars, having been born into the Ring of War. Thus, he is not at all used to dueling, only fighting several on one. He has no strategies for single fights, which is one of many glaring flaws he goes to the academy for. (also, his birthright is that of magick, and he's very far from having learned any useful magick)

Due to his position of entering the academy to learn, he has decided to use his swordsmanship as little as possible, and only to keep up with basic training to keep his skills sharp. He will focus on his blood magick.

Story Bio: Raised in the Circle of War, he learned to fight from birth--literally. His first opponents were mere humans, whom he murdered the moment he learned to walk.
He quickly advanced up the chain, and slew legions of demons and humans. He had soon been honored with the title, "The Bleeding Wings".
On his 18th birthday, the Wargod Rahab, his father, gave him the Muramasa, sword of blood.
The day after his 18th birthday, his slew the Wargod Rahab.
And from then on, he was the expected heir to the throne of Violence, however he was too weak yet to have the spot. He was far from mastering his magicks, and so, he entered the academy earlier than was expected to begin his learning of magicks; he entered on his 26th birthday.
Until then, Asmodeous has assumed temporary control over the Seventh Circle.

Misc: He has four wings instead of two, and they are the source of his magick, which consists of long range barrages. If they are cut off, they regrow from blood.

Connections to demons/earth: Lucifer looks high on him, waiting to see his potential unleashed, which means if he hadn't been accepted by the university, he still would have personally allowed him entrance.
Personal touch: Aside from a sword on his hip at all times, no personal touches.

RE: University of Judecca - deathseal1390 - 08-21-2011

role: student
oragin: 1st circle (lust)
how you got in: every soul he aquires while in school gose to the school.
looks:He has brown hair going down to his lower back often times put into a long pony tail, with purple eyes, his skin is that of a blueish tone, he has black nails that are sort into claws, but being a incubus he can morph his form how ever sees fit, though he dose have a hard time with. mantaining it and going into dreams.
bio: Child from the deamon named "pillow talk" he was raised to charm women with pure words in their dreams. he came from a long way and even was close to getting exorsied a few times. he dosn't attack with hand to hand and often times refers to magic to so for him.
mic: he specilizes in dreams, but can do the basic of powers of a demon and incubus. he is often called a romantic of a demon of sorts.
connections to demons/earth: Pillow talk, a word weilding demon
personal touch: hair supplies, and other demonic hygen products.

RE: University of Judecca - Digimon Crazy - 08-21-2011

role: student
oragin:Fire Demon Sixth Circle of Hell (heresy)
how you got in:he paid all his souls up front
looks:(not the human obiously :P
bio:This isn't his first time hoping to get in unfortuneetly since he is a common fire demon. It was his job like all the fire demons to keep the tombs aflame in the the sixth circle. He was unable to apply the first time due to lack of souls but after much toiling he was able amass enough to pay his due in.
mic:likes to see things burn, is very fluent in fire magic and conjuring
connections to demons/earth:common yet very hard working being in hell.
personal touch: HE must have something at all time in his room to burn to concentrate his flames on. He cant wear a uniform since he is made of flames (unless there is a special one made for his kind :D)

RE: University of Judecca - Shadowknight - 08-22-2011

Well since it looks like you're in need of both females and teachers I'll help out.

Name: Lillith
gender: Female/Herm (Can switch between the two at will)
role: Teacher
origin: Succubus, 1st circle of hell (lust)

how you got in: An ancient succubus that has lived for centuries. She volunteered to stand in as a teacher and began to enjoy the career, opting to stay on as a permanent addition.

looks: A solid black feline with black leathery wings and dark horns. Being a succubus she can change her form but prefers a shapely female one, especially the large chest she always has.

bio: Being barely past what would be equivalant of her twenties as a succubus she is still a bit impatient and gets bored easily, opting to sometimes walk out in the middle of class or just not show up if something more interesting comes up.

misc: She is a big fan of bondage, especially seeing someone that doesn't like it forced into it.

connections to demons/earth: She has connections to some of the oldest succubi and incubi in hell. As well as a few secret ones on earth and in heaven, for a few of the more outgoing angels.

personal touch: She has her room decorated to resemble an old dungeon or torture chamber, aside from her bed which stands out being a canopy bed with a bright look to it despite the dark surroundings. Her favorite object is the Angel she keeps as a pet, after all she needed something to feed off of while working at the school, and the angel surprisingly seems to enjoy her captivity.


Name: Dawn
gender: Female
role: N/A

origin: An angel, or fallen angel at this point, who decades ago got into a small altercation with Lillith the end result of which led to her current captivity which she fought against for a long time, eventually succumbing to her carnal desires and falling in grace, becoming nothing more than Lillith's pet.

how you got in: Brought in with Lillith as entertainment as well as to give the succubus someone to feed off of when necessary.

looks: A perfectly snow white feline with golden blonde hair and soft white wings. She has wide hips and a large chest, giving her a perfect hourglass figure.

bio: An angel that fell into captivity after visiting earth at the wrong time, she initially fought against her captor but soon found herself enjoying and soon welcoming her new mistress. She now loves her captivity more than anything.

misc: Completely submissive, loves being dominated and controlled. Due to her angelic heritage she has a high durability and can recover quite easily from injuries, and thanks to Lillith's training has become quite a masochist.

connections to demons/earth: None.

personal touch: Usually wears nothing or specific outfits that Lillith allows her to wear, usually something degrading or humiliating, such as parading her around in full bondage.