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Escape of the Cryptids - Printable Version

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RE: Escape of the Cryptids - Lady_Rahl - 03-05-2011

OOC: Not exactly, but similar in purpose if nothing else. Also, it's Agiel :P

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - johalt - 03-05-2011

Oh shit! Damn iPod typo, here let me fix that... There all better :3 (oh spit I think I metamorphosing into psycho Backlasher...)

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - Frisk E. Coyote - 03-05-2011

OOC: Excuzzi, metamorphosing into who now? XD


[Outside Motel]

Denver looked over the small, single story building as he dismounted the bike. It was pretty rundown, old looking, and it's peculiar name was spelled out in broken neon lights; "The Perky Princess?" The coyote read out loud, scratching the back of his head. "Sounds like a brothel." On first impression, there seemed to be only six rooms, not counting the main office where one would register or pay. Six, scratched and faded doors, two with missing numbers, one missing a doorknob completely, it was a shithole! But there were fast food joints and a bar just across the road from it, and a billboard in front of the office stated that there was hot and cold running water. Good enough for him!

The coyote perked his ears up at the sound, his military training kicking in, he suddenly seemed like a different person from his laid-back and hotheaded self; alert, serious, ready to kill. He unzipped his duffel bag, just enough for his paw to fit in, and produced a sawed-off shotgun before zipping it up again. His stance was low, and his footpads silenced his quick and nimble steps. "Yeah, man, I just can't get a break today..." He sighed, tired and frustrated. "Got a gun?" He asked Candy as he fished a handgun out of one of the side-pockets on his duffel bag and offered it to her. "Want one? They're not hard to use." He said, and waited for her to comply. Maybe she already had a gun, or if not, at least knew how, as it would save him the trouble of explaining about the safeties, or how to hold and aim one properly.

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - johalt - 03-05-2011

OOC: oh come on, take it as a complement, imitation is the most honest form of flattery; don't worry, your place as site creepazoid is secure.... Or did you think I was saying you make typos? Cause I wasn't.

IC: [brothel/hotel]

Candy shook her head at the offered weapon. "I don't do guns. Besides, if I can't take whatever it is with my own claws and teeth," here she held up her hand and unretracted its claws for effect "it's probably too much for us to handle." she retracted her claws again. She was on full alert herself now: she had been halfway there for most of the day (and very rarely turned it completely off nowadays, so to speak), but now her ears were folded back onto her head; her eyes watching and taking everything in, entrances, exits, possible places to corner or be cornered; if most of it had not been completely covered, the fact that her fur was puffed out, especially around her tail, would've been easily noticed now; she hoped she was ready for just about anything...

[school] static till somebody in the vicinity posts...

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - DragonMasterX - 03-05-2011


But Sam's claws were gripping onto Ayla's buttcheeks far too strongly to allow her to escape. His inhumanely huge dick rubbed against those firm, bulbous asscheeks. "Your ass is mine!" he roared, suddenly thrusting his powerful hips forwards, inserting the first three feet of his five foot dick inside of the bat's rectum. "Fuck! You're so damn tight, YES!" he exclaimed.


Rogan swallowed as the stinger hovered above his head. Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to attempt to intimidate the beast, as it didn't seem to have reacted. "Jess... damnit. I won't let him corrupt you!" he growled, rearing back before jumping, his arms wrapping around the large beast's tail, making sure to avoid getting his face impaled with the sharp stinger. He then began to wrestle it with all of his might in an attempt to subdue Gin.

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - CloneWarrior - 03-05-2011

Jess screamed as she felt Gin enter her snatch. "Oh God! It's huuuuuge!!" Her arousal was finally being satisfied, but she knew that she had to get out of there. She tried to focus on coming up with a plan, but the colossal penis inside her just made her want to play with herself. She continued to play with her tits as pleaded with the cryptid. "Please, stop! You're making me want this!"

Chris groaned, then turned back to Ayame. "These monsters like to fuck as many people as possible. If that thing isn't satisfied after the first girl, he'll go to places he's sure he'll find students to get more victims." He pointed to the stairwell. "The computer labs are much further away, and they're empty this period. They'd never be his first choice if he needed a fuck quickly."

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - Idalia - 03-06-2011

Ayame hesitated for a moment, she knew that what he was saying did make sense in some ways. Though she couldn't help feeling like it was a trap somehow. Whether he was a monster or not, it wouldn't have been the first time a boy had tried to get her to go somewhere alone, she'd knocked the first one out with her bag and left him in the room before he could touch her, but she knew it wouldn't be that easy this time if that was what he wanted. "All right.. Just let go, we can move faster if you're not trying to drag me." she said, smiling her shy smile.

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - johalt - 03-06-2011


There! This should hold off the addiction and any further complications from the neuro toxin. thought John as he examined the finished product. I should probably check her mind though, see if I can't help her through what is like to be a devastating experience, as well as nulify any secondary affects not necessarily related to the toxin itself... Though my presence in her thoughts could be counter intuitive to what I'm trying to achieve here... Just then John picked up a very distinct ringing noise, one he had not heard in a long time, one which he had hoped never to hear again, it sent a shudder down his spine. Colars?! Here?! But how- but he did not get much time to contemplate, as the one called "Rogan" began swinging on Gin's tail. He sighed. Guess that's gonna haveta wait for now... Well, if Gin wanted to hurt them, he probably would've by now... Is it possible he's beginning to control himself truly? Or has he just split himself and put a temporary lock on it? Perhaps now he will listen to reason, or atleast after they're done... Guess I better prep a bone-matrix-catalyst while I'm here, too--this guy might need it at this rate...

[hotel/brothel] static till psycho posts...

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - DarkChibimon - 03-06-2011

Dark looks over at Jenna. "What do you want slut?" Dark said, plain and simple Dark hates Jenna. "You know, one of these times you are going to get captured and turn into a sex slave for them." Dark said, half hoping that will be true someday.

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - Frisk E. Coyote - 03-06-2011

OOC: *sobs* I'm- I'm a Creepazoid? Oh woe is me! I thought I was the forum cutey!

Also, I just noticed your PS about Denny knowing Candy was a girl. X3 She called out to him, didn't she? XD He heard her voice, and she sounded like a girl.



"Alrighty." Was all the coyote said. Denny was no stranger to taking these monsters on with just his combat knife, or even his fangs, but he had had bad experiences with their bodily fluids, like blood that drew all other Cryptids to him until he washed it off, blood that caused a terrible irritation upon contact with his skin that it felt like wherever he had been splashed had been lit on fire, and blood that was ridiculously sticky that it was like super glue, making his fur stick together that he had to pull clumps off just to move is arms.

Denny raised his shotgun and stalked closer to the the source of the sound, and pressed his back against the wall next to the door. He was going to bust in, when a man ran out, screaming something about his prostitute having a dick, being chased by said prostitute, who was screaming about not being paid. The coyote watched the two run off into the distance with wide eyes, checked if the cost was clear, and hid his weapons. "Thank GOD-" He sighed loudly, then turned to face Candy. "You got a place to stay? If not, I can get you a separate room- I mean- unless you don't mind bunking with a smelly stranger you just met on the road." He laughed weakly.


"No- no- NO-" Ayla tried to plead, but as his massive cock impaled her tight pucker, going straight into her rectum and further. All she could let out was a scream that died in her throat as she felt her insides rupture. She gripped his fingers tightly and sobbed, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to move away from the cock in vain, only managing to tighten her anal muscles around his cock when she tensed her muscles to push. The pain was too much- she was going to black out...


"KIAI!!" Saburo came down the hall with a running start and drop kicked Gin on the chest, taking advantage of his distraction with Jessica-San and Rogan-San to attack him. He had spotted Dark-San, and was relieved to see that he was okay- but why was he not doing anything? Why was he just kneeling there and punching the ground? Was that Jenna-San? Why was Dark-San yelling at her? Kami-Sama, these Americans had strange priorities!