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Escape of the Cryptids - Printable Version

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RE: Escape of the Cryptids - DarkChibimon - 02-28-2011

Dark growl in anger, looking at Gin that had Jessica in front of him with his stinger over her heart. "You won't even dare." Dark said as the grip on his brass knuckles was so strong, blood starts to drip off from his hand from the brass knuckles cutting into him.

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - johalt - 02-28-2011


Candy thought this over for a moment. His smell right up her nostrils, or him directly behind her; plus she knew the general way and he didn't. "Hmm... Ok fine. But you hold on here" she said indicating her midriff. "Anything higher or lower and I'll push you off."


If only Chris were here, I'm sure he would've been more than happy to contain this beast, thought John as he continued to try to think of a way to get Gin's attention. I was hoping he got and understood the message, but it's starting to look like that isn't the case... Oh man, we are so screwed! Here he gave himself a mental slap in the face. No! Can't let myself think like that: we are only screwed if we let us be screwed, ultimately. Nothing is true; everything is permitted: I just gotta find a way to permit this truth!

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - DragonMasterX - 02-28-2011

Sam felt like laughing at the girl's predicament, never having expected the cunt boy to actually go and give the bat's fat ass a good rimming out of nowhere. This actually caused him to miss Ayla using the glitter jar against him. The jar burst against his face, the glass bounding off his powerful scales, but the glitter actually working as intended, getting on his eyes and blinding him momentarily, "GRRROAR! You bitch!" the monster roared, holding one of his claws up his face, holding the palm over his irritated eyes, his long tongue squirming as his huge tail violently slammed against the floor and the surrounding furniture, wildly sending everything flying if not outright breaking it.


"Dark, wait!" Rogan stopped as he stood beside his classmate, dropping the fire extinguisher. "Look, you ugly scaleface. Drop the girl, NOW!" he said, starting to walk in the direction of the alien-like monster with his open palms facing down, his eyes trained on the monster as he slowly, carefully walked forwards, weaponless.

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - Idalia - 03-01-2011

Ayame smiled shyly at Saburo. She knew all to well about his little crush, but she'd never had the heart to tell him it could never happen, not only because it would have hurt him, but rejecting what most would see as a cute guy would surely put her secret out there for everyone to see. "Monsters in the school? Are you sure? I haven't seen any..." she stopped for a moment to consider the possibility, then nodded. "Where should we go? If the stories are true, they could be anyone.." she glanced over at the 'new student' Even him... she thought, though she knew that the accusation would be unfair, there were new students all of the time.

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - Frisk E. Coyote - 03-01-2011


The transferee nodded, gripping his steel, cylindrical training sword's hilt a little tighter. "A classroom with lots of students is safer than being alone with someone." He said, gesturing at one of the many classrooms with classes going on. They seem to have ignored the sounds and yelling, thinking it was just the school delinquents up to their usual no good pranks. "I have to go- be safe, okay?" He bowed quickly, as if apologizing for taking up her time, and ran off toward the disturbance once more.


"Now!" Ayla though, and dove for the door. His thrashing tail blocked her path, and she put her arms forward, springing her body upward in a somersault, flipping her sexy but athletic body over the powerful limb and landing just before the doorframe. She thought she was home free, but the Cryptid's tail got her on the back, knocking her forward onto her little dining table. How could a tail be so powerful? She thought as little stars popped up inside her head, leaving her barely conscious as she struggled to get up on all fours, some blood dripping over her eye from a cut on her head.


"Yeah, yeah, I know, do I look like I'd do something like that?" Denny gestured at himself. A recap would be that he was shirtless, filthy, wearing Hawaiian, floral patterned shorts, had red, itchy eyes (from lack of sleep) and looked pretty much worse for wear with his near heatstroke. "Er- don't answer that." He sighed and got on the back, making sure to place his large, powerful paws around her waists only.

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - johalt - 03-01-2011

IC: [highway]

Candy smirked at the coyote again. She started the cycle, reved it a couple of times, and started down the road. Gosh, he smells even worse than I thought. she thanked the fact that it shouldnt take too long to get to the hotel, then this guy can take a shower, and she can leave as soon as his truck was fixed (she couldn't just leave him stranded, of course).


Whats this dude trying to do now? thought John as he watched the one he had heard the others call "Rogan" approaching Gin. It's not like that Gin would listen to him, not in the state he's in now... However... That might be just enough distraction for me to get in there... With that the air around John seemed to shimmer, like on the street on a hot day, and then, he seemed to "vanish". there's a good chance Gin could still sense me, even cloaked... I just gotta hope he's distracted enough for this to work.

OOC: static until Casey or psycho post I guess
Ps hey psycho, how come yours is the only char who's noticed Candy is female right off the bat? I mean, when they first met, she was still wearing a coat that apparently nobody else could tell from, and wearing a motorcycle helmet with one of those really dark visors...

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - Idalia - 03-01-2011

Ayame watched Saburo run down the hall and sighed. "I hope everyone will be okay..." she said softly, hitching her bag up higher on her shoulder, though it was loaded almost beyond capacity, she was used to the weight by now, and because of it, much stronger than she looked. "We should do as he said.. Unless you'd like to go all noble and heroic and run off trying to get yourself killed.." she added, turning to go into the nearest classroom. Do they really think it's just troublemakers? Or are they just numb to the danger by now? I really hope it's the first...

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - CloneWarrior - 03-02-2011

Jess continued to moan loudly, despite all the danger around her. She knew she was in trouble and her friends were trying to help her, but her intense arousal was blinding her rational thinking. "Please, someone fuck me!!" She continued to finger herself as Gin put his stinger to her chest. Her juices were soaking Gin's body and the floor beneath them.


Chris thought for a second. Maybe I can use this to my advantage. She rushed up to Ayame and grabbed her hand. "We should head to one of the computer labs! There are lots of tables we could hide under just in case!" He started to pull her through the hallway, realizing how hard it was to move her with such a heavy backpack.

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - DragonMasterX - 03-02-2011

Sam growled, and in his anger turned around, his huge tail swishing around about to hit Jason square in the abdomen; if he didn't duck or avoid, it would impact with him with bone-shattering might and send him crashing onto a wall. "You... You looked nice. So round, plump, delicious..." he groaned, still driving his hand over his face, attempting to get the remaining glitter off as he fixed his eyes onto the bat as she got on all fours, "I was gonna be gentle, allow you to adjust..." Sam's immense erection all of a sudden fully hardened and he had to use both claws to hold it straight.

"Fuck that. Fuck YOU!" With that, the cryptid made for the bat girl, who was still struggling on the ground. He reached for her waist, attempting to grab her from the sides. His hips were already reared backwards, he was about to impale her behind!


OOC: Still waiting on Casey...

RE: Escape of the Cryptids - Frisk E. Coyote - 03-03-2011


The coyote sighed as the wind ruffled his damp fur, slowly drying him off. It felt good, considering the heat of the sun had almost killed him. He couldn't wait to immerse himself in cold water so he could give his nose a rest, grab the biggest cheeseburger and fries he could find, gorge himself on it, and maybe just sleep for a whole day. That was what he expected from the end of his tour, not spending a month trying to escape a doomed city of mutant rapists.

[Ayla's Apartment]

All Ayla could do was yelp out feebly as the she felt the cryptid's powerful claws wrap around her toned, slender waists. She squirmed and struggled pitifully, and found it to be useless. Even if she wasn't dizzied by his blow, she didn't have the strength to break out of his grasp. "Sam- don't-" She pleaded, placing her hands on his as she tried to push herself out of his grip.