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Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - Printable Version

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RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - DragonMasterX - 10-27-2008

OOC: Face? I remember aiming at her cleavage! I even scored 2!


Mar rubbed behind his head, smiling nervously for a bit as he quickly swiped down at some lump of clothes, but this time he paid more attention, handing Katt a rather skimpy pair of jeans, although he wasn't so sure if her butt would fit in it. (OOC: Smexiness comes with a price though!)


Dorothy blushed slightly, "Gee... thank you. See? You can be gentle and sound gentle too." She smiled, sitting next to him on the sofa. "So uhm... Shadow... do you really treat all your uhm... dates... as your pets?" she asked, looking a bit away.

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - Shadowknight - 10-27-2008

OOC: It hit her chin, it was a wide shot lol.


Katt held up the pair of jeans, sighing a bit because of their size, better than nothing. she thought as she squeezed into them, they fit comfortably enough, though did little to hide her frame, I guess this will work. she thought as she looked in the mirror, she then pulled the tags off the shirt and pants and exited the room, "Come on, let's just pay for these and go." she said, walking past Mar, grabbing his tail and dragging him along towards the front of the store. She placed the tags on the counter and explained that her clothes had been damaged which was why she was buying and wearing the new ones, then payed for them and darted out of the store as fast as she could, "that, was so embarassing." she thought aloud, then smiled a bit, "though it was kind of fun."


"Hey, since when have I not been a gentle person?" Shadow asked, laughing a bit. He listened to her question, smiling a bit, "Not all of them, it's not an exact science but it's not too hard to tell which girls would enjoy being dominated. Some are incredibly submissive and love the idea, and some are out right opposed to it. It's just a personal prefrence." he smiled.

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - DragonMasterX - 10-29-2008

OOC: Wide Shot! Pun.


"It was!" Mar said, still giving her his back as she held him by his tail, "You've grown so dangerously sexy in these few hours!" he grinned, "Just think of what your body will be capable of in two more days!" he joked.

OOC: Big ass, big tits, arrogant and cute attitude mixed together. I so seriously don't fear world domination by kitties now.



"Well, don't take it the wrong way... but at first I thought you were a crazy sicko wanting to rape me..." Dorothy added, holding her still aching neck with her palm on it softly.

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - Shadowknight - 10-29-2008

OOC: Katt: You should, I'm so turning you into a maid once me and the other girls take over SDP. Dot, you in?


"Don't mind my personality growing, but," Katt smiled a bit as she cupped her breasts, "If these get any bigger I won't be able to walk." she laughed.


"Aww, you say the sweetest things," Shadow laughed, "Don't try and tell me you didn't enjoy any of this." he smiled.

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - DragonMasterX - 10-29-2008

OOC: A MAID?! OF ALL THINGS?! Why not anything related to sex?

Dot: Uhm, gladly, but I think you'd succumb to your carnal desires with him before you can even complete a mandate...


"Growing personality huh? Big fat ass gives big fat promotion to the girl!" Mar said, grinning as he gave Katt a playful smack in her buttcheeks. "Oops, I shouldn't play with you here, from the strains it sounds like you're about to bust out again!" he chuckled.

OOC: Speaking of growth, I have two ideas for both of them, if you mind some more tamer expansion than what I had suggested before.

With Katt, I was thinking of maybe getting her twice the size of Mar in height (no more breast or ass growth, I'm happy at how you kept her), so she'll be able to be in control at a an impressive height of twenty feet, and if people get nearby to whistle at her revealing parts she can just either squish them or eat them! lol.

And with Shadow, since Dot's pretty much the nerdy type experimenting with stuff, why not make Shadow pick something from the fridge to drink but it's kind of an experimental drought that makes him bulkier (muscle growth) and phallic? (cock growth) Anal will feel betterrrrrr! : D



"Well maybe a little... but not the part you called me mean things!" Dorothy said, huffing a bit.

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - Shadowknight - 10-29-2008

OOC: Katt: Who do you think I am? Mindy? I'm not some sex crazed lunatic.

Mindy: HEY! I resemble that remark. *Smiles*


"Yeah, these are a little too small," Katt purred a bit, "I am not looking forward to seen if anything in my wardrobe fits anymore." she giggled, "I'll probably rip through all my pants." she purposely shook her ass from side to side just to tease him a bit as she walked.


"If it makes you feel any better I didn't mean it as meanly, infact, bitch is a pretty general term for canines, it's nothing insulting." he smiled as he stood up, "Hey, mind if I help myself to something to drink? I'm parched."


I like the idea for Shadow, big guy small girl is a favorite of mine. As for Katt, I don't, *CRASH*

Katt: *Throws away a broken bat* 20 foot Katt vs 7 foot DMX. I like the idea, I'm gonna enjoy having you as a cute little toy, *Devilish laugh*

Guess she agrees with the idea.

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - DragonMasterX - 10-29-2008

OOC: Thing is, I'm 10 feet tall :3 But really, while we're standing, having her crotch at my face level sounds really... Heh heh. Want it to happen in the middle of town? Or want to make this happen in a secluded place like in a forest or whatever?

Oh and about Shadow, just describe and go wild! There's no limit to growth.


"Mmmrrrr..." Mar murred, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her next to him, his arm above her head as he chuckled, "You're teasing me... want me to doggy you here?" he suggested, growling sensually.


"Oh... sure thing... there's some beer in the fridge in the kitchen, it's just across the way!" Dorothy pointed, sitting still to think as she faked paying attention to watching the movie.

OOC: Let's see, Mar drinks lots of beer, the container should be in a soft drink :3

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - Shadowknight - 10-29-2008

OOC: Anywhere works for me.

Katt: Hehehe, giantess, I like where this is going.


"Oh, am I being teasing?" Katt asked, looking up at him and smiling cutely, "I didn't mean to be, I won't do it again." she said, stretching her arms out behind her, causing her chest to stick out and stretch out her shirt.


"Cool," Shadow said as he left the room. Once in the kitchen he opened up the fridge, "let's see, what've we got here," he began shifting through a few diffrent bottles and cans, finally pulling out an unlabeled green bottle, "Huh, wonder what this is." he took off the cap and sniffed it a bit, shrugging and then suddenly chugging the bottle. He set the empty bottle on the counter, whiping off his mouth, "wow, that was good, wonder if, ooohh," he groaned a bit as he suddenly felt his stomache rumbling weirdly, "Oh man, maybe I shouldn't have drinken that stuff." she groaned a bit as his entire body suddenly felt warm, then hot, then burning, especially around in his crotch. He dropped down to his knees, gripping his stomache, not noticing as he slowly grew larger, roughly doubling in size over a few seconds. Once the pain passed he stood up, still unaware of the change, "Dang, forget this, I'll just wait till I get home to get a drink." he thought aloud as he started back out towards the living room. Suddenly smacking his head against the top of the doorframe, "Ahh, sonuva!" he roared, grabbing his head, "What the hell? How'd that get so low?" he growled, ducking underneath it as he walked over towards where Dot was sitting, he took a seat on the couch, taking up almost two thirds of it, "So, you wanna talk or something?" he asked.

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - DragonMasterX - 10-29-2008

OOC: Nice expansion!


Katt's tease was making Mar feel himself aroused again, he knew he wouldn't be able to contain it this time, and it would mean a bigger uproar if it just sprung out there, "You little..." he said, grinning as he simply loved the view, but then he got another idea. "Let's see who wins between modesty and arrogance with this boost!" he said to himself, still holding her by the waist as he secretely started adding energy inside her entire body to cause her mass to expand and grow, he left the energy do its work on his own, Katt would expand slowly, but would not stop until she was two times Mar's size (20ft! :3). "So yeah, do your jeans fit you well?" he asked, trying to help himself from laughing too soon.


Dorothy pondered, she blushed with each new probability about the many unholy thoughts going through her head with them both, it wasn't until he nearly made the couch break in two that she fell over his new muscle-bound form and, her eyes closed as she tried to cushion the fall, "Y-you've put on some weight haven't..." she opened one eye, then both, then widened them as she saw the biggest wolf she had ever seen. "Meep." Was all she could utter.

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - Shadowknight - 10-29-2008

"Yeah, but," Katt fidgeted a bit, "they're starting to feel alot tighter. Ugh, this behind can get annoying." she thought aloud as she grabbed her jeans and gave them a slight tug to try and adjust their size, she thought it seemed as though the horizon and trees where lowering but wrote it off as just going up a hill, "Kinda uncomfortable."


"What's the matter?" Shadow asked, looking down at her, "You looked like you've seen a ghost or something." he laughed, reaching down to give her a hand up, looking a bit confused when he noticed how much larger his hand was, "What the?" he looked over his hand, then down at his body, "Okay did I fall asleep on the couch or something?" that was the only way he could figure something like this could be happening.