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Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - Printable Version

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RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - DragonMasterX - 10-24-2008

Mar didn't blush, although seeing Katt so embarrassed made him stop roaring like a monster as he looked around, not seeing walls anymore, but countless eyes fixated lower than his face, obviously either pinning their attention on his girth or Katt's bust. "I like showing off, but I think she just lost her nerve." Mar thought, trying to get a way to fix the situation, something random came to mind. "Hey! Isn't this the set for the movie scene? They tricked us!" he said.

OOC: Classic.



It was only half hour or even forty minutes later that she finally budged again, and with a few blinks she woke up after so much snoozing. "Yyaawn..." she yawned cutely, one of her eyes closed, "Where am I...?" she asked herself, her vision a bit blurry without her glasses, added to the fact she had just opened her eyes.

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - Shadowknight - 10-25-2008

Katt grabbed her clothes and quickly held them up, covering her breasts, "L-let's get out of here," she said, standing up and moving towards one of the undestroyed changing rooms to get into her own clothes.


"Your living room," Shadow said, lying back on the chair, "Have a nice nap?" he asked, smiling a bit.

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - DragonMasterX - 10-25-2008

"Hey!" Mar said, his cock bouncing down as he straightened himself up, "But I need someone to take care of my..." he looked down, having trouble to move fast with all the meat even in his claws as he smiled a bit nervously.

"Woah..." a water lizard girl approached Mar's side, "That a prop for the movie?" she asked, making Mar slightly uncomfortable as she seemed to sniff around his stuff. "It even smells like the real thing! only five times stronger and... hrrr... bigger!"

"Uh oh. This can't mean anything good if Katt starts gutting people." He thought, trying to stuff his manhood back inside his pouch, but it wouldn't shrink down, and all the attention it was receiving wasn't helping him at all.


"Yeah..." she sat up, "I'm sorry about earlier... my neck hurt." Dorothy said, feeling a bit exhausted still, but not drowsy anymore at least.

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - Shadowknight - 10-25-2008

OOC: Katt: Gutting? I'm starting to like this RP.

Katt, no, no killing sprees.


Katt stuck her head out of the room, keeping her body covered, "Um, could, you just, throw me a shirt and pants?" she asked, a bit nervously.


"It happens, I have that effect on the ladies." he laughed. He turned up the volume on the TV now that she was awake, "You're missing an awesome movie, Fast and the Furriest."

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - DragonMasterX - 10-25-2008

OOC: Well, E-cups are a bit short from being melon size. She could easily crush someone's head with them though!


Mar tried walking towards the changing room, reaching below for the first set of clothing he could pick up, he hurled them over the changing room, the little outfit consisted in a cleavaged blouse and a sexy thong. The dragon grunted, he knew he had to relieve, or else he wouldn't shrink one inch, "You might wanna hurry up..." he said with a small growl.


"Oh? Make yourself at home..." Dot said sarcastically, watching over to the TV, "'Never seen that one, what is it about?"

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - Shadowknight - 10-25-2008

OOC: Katt: I'm starting to like these.

Don't give her ideas. No matter how good they might be.


"Are you serious?" Katt asked as she looked at the outfit he threw over, "You couldn't find some pants?" she growled, though began getting dressed so she at least wasn't wearing the tight leotard anymore. She stepped out of the booth, pulling down the shirt to try and help cover herself a bit, though it pulled down the cleavage and showed off even more of her chest.

OOC: Okay, that's a cute moment, pulling down the shirt to try and cover up.



"Well would you have rather I just abandon you here unconcious?" He asked, "As for the movie, some kind of racing thing. I'm not entirely sure, was flipping through channels and saw a firey car crash and a girl in a skimpy outfit. All I needed to know about it." he laughed.

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - DragonMasterX - 10-25-2008

"Yeah, well, it was the first outfit I," Mar had started, but upon seeing Katt's outfit, and not being able to decide whether the upper or lower part were sexier, his enormous shaft bounced, hard as a rock, and he spurted hard, sending a pointblank shot into Katt's cleavage (OOC: BULL'S EYE!), while the remaining gallons simply formed a large puddle on the floor.


"How... cute." Dorothy said at Shadow's description of the movie, "Well, while you loaf off, I'm going to get my spare glasses. And don't you dare follow me to bite me again!" she said, standing up and walking away from the sofa, back to her room.

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - Shadowknight - 10-25-2008

Katt blinked a bit, her brain taking a minute to register what had just happened, "You, did, not just do that." she said slowly, looking at Mar.


"Sheesh, nice to see you don't hold grudges." Shadow stuck out his tongue as she left, "How was I supposed to know you'd go insane from a bite to the neck?"

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - DragonMasterX - 10-26-2008

Mar groaned, "Aw c'mon! You had kept me all hard and teased up till now!" the dragon said, feeling his great phallus shrinking into a 'tolerable' size to his pouch as it disappeared inside. "Ah, but maybe I kinda exceeded..." he said, looking down at the enormous white pool on the floor.

OOC: A cute moment ruined by irrefutable smexiness.



Ignoring his comments, Dorothy went to her room and continued to search for her glasses, eventually finding them inside a small plastic container in her cupboard. She fit them on and then made sure she was clean, before she went back to the living room where Shadow was. With a more relaxed smile, she asked: "So. How do I look?"

RE: Heaven & Hell. Mk.2 - Shadowknight - 10-26-2008

OOC: Such is the way of SDP.


"You couldn't have held it in for another second?" Katt hissed, suddenly noticing the snickers from some in the audience, "I vote we discuss this elsewhere, just grab me a pair of REAL pants." she groaned, starting to whipe the sticky fluid off her face.


Shadow looked up from the TV, a large grin cross his muzzle, "You should wear them more often, they make you look really cute." he commented.