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Furry Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry - Printable Version

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- senjuro - 02-01-2007

"The other one's Hufflepuff," Flynn supplied helpfully. "Something about honesty and friendship, I believe."

- Shadowknight - 02-01-2007

"Well they all sound sooo exciting." Shadow said sarcastically, "Basically they're just sticking us in with people we'll get along with." He simplified, "Probably want everyone to make friends."

"Pleasure," Silver smiled at Snow and Manic, "So what's you're name?" She asked the two wolves.

- Master Grim - 02-01-2007

"May be..." Jade giggled at Shadow's comment and smiled at Flynn "I guess I wouldn't mind being in that one then..."

- Yoosei - 02-01-2007

Yoosei looks concerned at Faiz and makes cutie foxie look. "please Faiz.. take a rest... you know it's not healthy if you don't even rest every now and then"

- senjuro - 02-01-2007

Flynn blushed a little Jade's smiled and shyly smiled back. "I-I suppose. We all take the same classes. A house isn't a measure of one's talent. It's more like it groups students together so we'll make friends easier." Like I'm doing now, I hope. He wagged his tail a little.

- Casey the furry one - 02-01-2007

"I'm um uh... Ch.ch.Charlie," Charlie stuttered as he blushed has he nervously looked away from the vulpine girl hoping she did not notice how nervous he was around her.

- Lonely Werewolf - 02-01-2007

Faiz just shooks his head and smiles, while his eyes still locked to the book. At the same time, he didn't realise that Yoosei, his old friend is sitting besides him all the way.

He separated from Yoosei since he's 5 years old, and they could not contact with each other for such a long time. And of course, he didn't know the exact appearance of his old friend.

- Yoosei - 02-01-2007

Yoosei giggles and suddenly picks up the book away from his paws and stands up while smiling cutely at him.

- Master Grim - 02-01-2007

"Well, we'll be in the same house then." Jade said, grinning "Anyway... I'm really curious of magic, but I haven't seen much of it yet... have you learnt any spells, Flynn?"

- Lonely Werewolf - 02-01-2007

Faiz looks to Yoosei and speak via his mind, which Yoosei could be heard, while shooks head. "Sorry...I didn't know you...But could you give me back my book...?" He lends a right paw to her, begging her to return back his book.