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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Printable Version

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RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 08-02-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern Roof)

Quarry smiled. "I'm gonna fly you guys outta here. Simple as that." With a flick of his wrist, he hurled his giant fan into the air. He closed his eyes and concentrated. In response, the fan shook and began to grow even bigger--big enough for each of them to ride upon. The fan lowered so that they could get on. Quarry hopped on first to gain control of it.

"All right. Get on," the female in the maid's outfit commanded.

Ardeal helped Solia get on the fan before getting on himself. It was a bit shaky, but Quarry seemed to have the thing under perfect control.

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

"I appreciate the advice, but you can't tell a Restocasian anything about magic," Alexander fumed. "Did you know that a spell that isn't vocalized could possibly be less potent, or even fail completely? Yeah, that's right. Every time you don't say the words to a spell, you might just be endangering your life and the lives of those around you. Just keep that in mind," he explained, satisfied with showing off his expansive knowledge of magic.

Ariadne was shaking slightly. She kept her eyes closed and her mouth shut. Besides, she was feeling a bit too weak to talk anyway.

(Aqueorlitus: Central Path)

"Yes. You cannot stop me from making the weather in my world stormy," the old lady agreed. "So, I believe you must be on your way, dear. I'd like to get inside before I get too wet now. Farewell." With that, the old lady turned around and began to head back to her house farther down the path.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 08-02-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern Roof)

The wolf then jumped on top of the giant fan and kneel besides the maid, hoping Quarry's weight able to balance the fan. "I'm ready, Quarry."

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

"Oh, I apologize for my less knowledge. This is because I already getting used of chanting a spell inside my mind rather than chanting vocally." The male wolf stated and turn his eyes to the window, seeing the dark clouds and lightning once again conquering the sky.

In the meantime, Mika's mana slowly to drop in worriedly state, starting to breathe heavily. "Huuhh...I-I don't know how long I can heal you, Ariadne..."

(Aqueorlitus: Central Path)

"I guess I should leave her alone...There's no use of quarrel with her since the townspeople already dead..." Michiru thought to herself and turned around before facing to the upper floor of the castle. In a blink of an eye, Michiru teleported and appear besides Alexander on the audience chamber.

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

The female wolf saw the dragoness healing her wounded friends and approach them before resting her dry paw above Mika's claws; a warm energy flows on their bodies and slowly gain Mika's mana and healing Ariadne's internal wounds until the cuts is properly sealed.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 08-02-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern Roof)

Quarry took a second to focus on keeping the fan balanced with his mana before taking off suddenly at a pretty high speed. Strangely, no one fell off, even though the wind was battering at them. The reason for that happened to be that Quarry was channeling wind mana to create a barrier around the fan that repelled opposing gales making it virtually calm on the fan.

"So, we're going to Aquorlitus now," Quarry stated. "We should be there very quickly. I'm flying at top speeds right now." Down below, the landscape was zipping by, changing constantly. "That ought to throw the queen's men off our trail."

Good. At least they won't be able to track us down while we're trying to complete this mission of ours, Solia thought, her mind slightly relieved.

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

Ariadne took in a deep breath and staggered up until she was standing, her legs a bit shaky. "I-I definitely don't w-want another sword s-stabbed through me," she said, wiping a tear from her cheek.

"Hey, it takes a strong will to overcome something like that. Healing magic alone won't heal wounds; the strength of the person being healed is also a factor," Alexander informed. It seemed to make Ariadne smile, but only for a second. There was no way she could forget that wound so easily.

"W-well I feel better n-now thanks to...oh. We don't know your name," Ariadne said gratefully, but got stuck when she realized that the female wolf was still nameless to them.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 08-02-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern Roof)

In the midair, Faiz seems worried of the waitress who decided to stay and fight with the engineers even though she's not capable of defeat them all. He sat on all fours like a feral wolf and laid on the fan with his tails swishing behind him, watching the landscape changes every now and often as they passing by.

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

As Mika's mana being recovered and Ariadne completely healed, she does not hesitate but giving Ariadne a warm hug to calm her down.

"I have been stabbed many times on my body, but it doesn't stop me to lead my tribe. I gain experiences from it." Michiru smiled as she stood up and looking to Ryo which seems stunned of her appearance, handing her paw to the male wolf and he extend his before stood up straight.

"I'm sorry for barging you like this without introduce myself." She bowed politely and smiled. "I'm Michiru, the leader of lightning magician of Lunatio, and the leader of no-longer-existed two-tailed wolf tribe."

"But how you become a leader of two-tailed tribe even though you have one tail, like me?" Ryo asked curiously.

"W-Well..." Michiru suddenly blushed, seems like she shy to explain a little bit further. It involves her personal life after all." It's a complicated to explain...Hehe..."

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 08-03-2010

(In the Sky)

The fan zoomed onward over the plains. Quarry had no plans of slowing down now. "And here comes the river," Quarry pointed out as they passed over the river that, if travelling by ground, they would have had to spend time on crossing. But since they were in the air, it was no problem.

"Good. That means we're halfway to Aquorlitus already," the maid stated flatly. She was staring straight ahead, determined on reaching Aquorlitus as quickly as possible. "My sister said you all were a bunch of idiots."

"Well, that's not a nice thing to say," Solia spoke up.

"Nah, I'm the only idiot here," Aussa interjected. "I'm the one who led them right into the city, knowing that it held its allegiance with the queen."

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

"You don't have to say anything," Alexander said and shrugged his shoulders. "If it's personal, don't worry about it. I don't really care seeing as how I have no idea what's going on here."

Ariadne ignored Alexander. "Wait, doesn't that mean you were the leader of Faiz's tribe, then? He thought there was no survivors...am I right?" she asked. Her knowledge of him wasn't that great, but the gears in her head were turning like crazy.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 08-03-2010

(In the Sky)

"No one should be blamed in this case..." Faiz muttered softly, the tip of his tails swishing slowly as he laid by his belly. " We're like a travelers, coming on each cities with not enough knowledge...I won't mind to stay there and fight with the engineers.."

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

Michiru startled a bit as she heard Faiz's name once again, but able to stay control of her hidden emotions. "For the start, there are actually two wolf tribes possessing the same power and appearance; one-tailed and two-tailed tribe. My husband leading the one-tailed tribe which the majority are males while myself leading the two-tailed tribe dominated by females. Both tribes located on different cities and depend on each other for protection and breeding purposes." She paused for a while to catch some breath before continued, looking to Ariadne with her ears dropped.

"Faiz and Ryo are the only persons left, Ariadne. Unfortunately there's no females from two-tailed tribe for them to breed since the queen's forces were too big for us to handle." Michiru sighed, feeling a little regret that she have to tell everything.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 08-03-2010

(In the Sky)

The maid fumed. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. We're doing a favor to those engineers. My sister won't rough them up too bad. She really shouldn't have to, seeing as how we left and there's no proof you guys were even there." She took a deep breath which seemed to calm her.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, guys," Quarry added. "Immolatio might be loyal to the queen, but the town isn't well-known for handing over rebels on a regular basis."

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

Alexander listened to the rain falling outside. Thunder boomed and lightning danced across the sky. The young boy pointed at Michiru. "But you're still here. A female. With one tail? Are we missing something?" he asked inquisitively.

"It's not nice to pry, Alexander," Ariadne scolded. "I'm sure it was hard enough just revealing the information she did."

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 08-03-2010

(In the Sky)

"Well I hope this is the last problem we're facing today...I'm starting to get tired..." The wolf muttered and sigh some more with his midclosed blue eyes looking in front as they flew forward in high speed.

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

Michiru smiled and handing her delicate yet clean paw to Alexander so he can examine her existence. "Please touch me and scan my inner body, Alexander. I'm sure everyone here want to know why I'm still here." She stated while looking to everyone, including Ryo. For the truth, Michiru appear in this world as normal person, but without an internal body parts like liver, heart, blood veins, and such. In addition, she had an ability to teleport and able to walk pass all the solid objects.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 08-03-2010

(In the Sky)

"Get some rest if you want," Quarry said softly. "I can wake you when we get to our destination."

Solia took out a small book and began reading it. Ardeal followed along since it was about magic. He tried to learn little tidbits here and there, even though he wasn't adept at it like Solia was.

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

Alexander touched Michiru's paw and closed his eyes. There was nothing inside of her, and her body was devoid of mana just like the bodies of the townspeople. Her mana had gone to be with joined together with the planet. She was dead. He let go of her paw and opened his eyes. "Why are you still here, then? Why haven't you moved on? You know that in this state, a simple sending will cast you away from this world, right?"

Ariadne was shocked, but more saddened by this revelation. "Y-you're really...n-not alive?" she asked solemnly.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 08-03-2010

(In the Sky)

After a while, Faiz slowly dozed off and fell asleep by curling himself like a furry ball. It was a tiring journey for him which is far difficult than his previous journey with his sister.

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

The female wolf nodded, accepting the fact that she was dead, long time ago. "The God of Thunder giving me a chance to appear in this world for some more time. There are many reasons why I decided to be here..." She switch her vision to outside of the window, watching the storm shaking the sky. "...One of the reasons is...I want to meet my only son..."

Then, Michiru took out her gold crescent moon necklace beneath her white dress before resting on her chest. "I left another crescent moon necklace on my son's neck before my female comrade leave him somewhere on the bushes while we're in the middle of fighting with the queen..."

"Oh...!" Mika suddenly gasped, pointing her thumbclaw to the necklace. "Faiz have that necklace too, but he rarely wears it because he feel insecure. From what I've heard many years ago, to be precise our childhood, the queen is hunting another person who wears this necklace."