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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Printable Version

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RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 08-01-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern)

The waitress didn't look surprised. "Of course. The queen. Not a day goes by that I don't hear something about her...mostly bad things," the waitress explained sadly. She clenched her fists. "If I actually cooked here, I'd poison the food of any soldier that stepped foot in here. If only her army would rebel, she'd be severely outnumbered, but she has some kind of hold over them. It's inexplicable."

"She probably promises them fame and wealth...and she probably grants them that stuff as well," Aussa proposed. "And maybe safety for their families. There's no telling what their stories are..."

The waitress slammed her fists onto the table. "Let's cut the shit, okay? You've been found out."

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

"So it was her," Alexander muttered, finally catching on. "The old lady was controlling them."

"She was controlling the dead townspeople's corpses?" Ariadne spoke up, clearly shocked.

"Not only that, but I have a feeling she killed them for that express purpose," Alexander replied. "I've heard of those who train themselves to control others using mana. They're called puppetmasters. A very rare class of fighter, they are extremely dangerous class to deal with. Because their power has nothing to do with the mind, sheer will cannot break their spells, and because mana can overcome muscle, sheer power cannot break it either. Nothing can break it. Except for Restocasians who can disable any magic...," his voice trailed off as he kept his eyes trained on the old lady through the window.

(Aqueorlitus: Central Path)

The old lady chuckled again. "Well, they were supposed to be my puppets, but it seems as though you're spiriting them away from me," she told the female wolf with the same smile that had plastered her face from the beginning. "Yes. My puppets. And the rain, the travellers, the consul. All of it was a part of my plan. There is only one person fit to be consul of this city of mysteries, and that is me." She took a moment to let out a rather hearty laugh, tinted with a bit of craziness and malevolence. "Each time a traveller would come here and seek shelter, I'd control one of the townspeople to direct the traveller to my place where I told the sad story of this city. Feeling sympathetic, the traveller would come to the castle nearby to investigate, only to fall prey to the three men laying in wait. They were also controlled by me, even though they were still alive until the previous travellers killed them. This has never happened before, though I have a backup plan. Do you know what that plan might be, deary?"

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 08-01-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern)

Faiz's expression doesn't change even the waitress knock the table, causing all the glasses jumped a little. "I guess you share the same fate as ours. Am I right, miss?" He muttered as buried his face on his furry arms while his ears still perking up.

"We have been found out...You mean someone had following us all along...? The wolf added some.

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

"Why we didn't think this will happen earlier...?" Ryo drop his ears a little, and still concentrating on the female wolf and the old lady. "I could say we easily fell on her traps, but she do help me strip off the metal ring on my legs that will make me a sex slaves. Still, she had commit the worst crimes I have seen in my life."

(Aqueorlitus: Central Path)

Despite all bad things the old lady had commited, Michiru does not want to provoke her that makes her angry. She always calm when she met with the enemy and thinking of next step she should take to take down the enemy. "I believe all the four travelers in the castle behind me still alive and the three me has been defeated. Would you like to share with me what kind of backup plan you have...?"

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 08-02-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern)

"Tsk, tsk. No one's been following you," the waitress replied sharply. "You gave yourselves away by going to that damn manufactory." She paused and looked around the empty tavern. "Right now, I'd say this place is surrounded by engineers who plan on arresting you themselves, probably for the money. They ARE a bunch of idiots, but I don't want you to wipe them out."

Aussa remembered that one fellow who knew he could use Divine Form. "This town is property of the queen," he said. "We should have been more careful."

"Damn straight. But it doesn't matter now. You've got to leave town. Now." She took a moment to point to some stairs leading up to the second floor of the building. "Go up those stairs and go about halfway down the hallway. You'll see a string. Pull it and that will cause a hidden door to open. Climb out of this secret hole in the ceiling to get onto the roof where my sister and a supposed friend of yours is waiting. Understood?"

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

Ariadne gasped suddenly.

"What's wrong, Ari--" Alexander started and turned around to look at the princess only to be horrified by what he saw. Sticking through Ariadne's stomach was a sword, her crimson blood running down the iron blade and trickling on the floor where some blood had already pooled. Behind her stood the dead consul, the sword in his lifeless hands.

"You son of a bitch," Alexander growled and unsheathed his dagger.

In response, the consul ripped his sword out of Ariadne causing more blood to stain the stone floor. He roughly took a hold of her and kind of used her as a human shield.

(Aqueorlitus: Central Path)

The old lady shook her head. "It's already in motion, but it doesn't concern you. Let me just assure you that everything will be okay now. Back to normal, if you will." She smiled. "Is there anything I can do for you before you leave? Seeing as how I'm the only one here in this city, there isn't much to do here, I'm afraid. Not really a place for tourists, obviously." She let off one of her darling old chuckles.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 08-02-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern)

The wolf's face then popped out and resting his muzzle on top of his arms, sighing softly. "Oh great...What do we know, miss? We're just a normal tourists so we didn't know what is actually happen around us." Faiz then stood up and stretch his body a bit. "So, what are we waiting for? We should leave, quick."

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

Mika and Ryo does not realize the dead consul had assault Ariadne behind their backs, thanks to their full concentration on the female wolf. Shocking to the situation, the dragoness began to temporarily block Ariadne's from coming out without her touching Ariadne.

"I know you're good consul, but I have to kill you since the old lady used you as her puppet..." Staring on the lifeless consul, a small electric shock strike through the consul's head before it amplifies and strike his entire body without hurting Ariadne, hoping the consul to release their friend.

(Aqueorlitus: Central Path)

Michiru's ears perked up as she heard a small commotion and her sensitive nose sniffing the blood coming from the audience chamber of the castle. But that's not even enough to ticking her off. "What's the meaning of becoming a consul when there's no real-life people to support you? In fact, a people like you should die and rot in hell." She spoke softly but she'll stay and not attacking the old lady until the old lady make her first move.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 08-02-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern)

Aussa stood up from his chair and made for the stairs. "Let's go!" With that, he dashed up the stairs hoping to find that string quickly and have the secret door opened for the others.

Ardeal grabbed Solia's arm and gently pulled her out of her chair. "I can't believe this," he groaned and took off, Solia right behind him.

"Don't worry, brother," Solia spoke up, trying to keep her footsteps even to prevent herself from tripping. "At least we're getting help. Killing those engineers would have gotten us nothing but a bad reputation."

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

The consul's body shook a bit, but the shock otherwise had no effect. He held onto Ariadne tighter, holding his arm against her neck, making sure to put pressure on so that the girl could barely get any air.

Alexander knew that there would be no point in using any kind of magic except for one in particular. "Holy. Only holy magic will set him free. I don't want to destroy him, so I'll perform a Restocasian sending." He took out a small gem and tossed it into the air where it froze in place above the consul's head. "Keep him busy and try and get Ariadne away from him, if possible." With that, he closed his eyes and prepared to chant his spell.

(Aqueorlitus: Central Path)

The old lady appeared shocked. "My, that is a horrible thing to say, dear. You didn't mean that did you?" The female wolf suddenly found herself unable to operate her mouth. With a few finger movements, the old lady got the response she desired.

"Of course not, Consul. I know not of what I speak. Please. Ignore anything bad I say; it is meaningless, for all I have is unyielding praise for you," Michiru said after which she regained control of her mouth.

"That's what I thought. It's no problem, my dear," the old lady replied.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 08-02-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern)

The wolf follows the others upstairs but he stopped for a while before walks closer to the waitress. "Thank you for telling us all about this. We appreciate your kind help." With that, Faiz lean closer and plant a soft kiss on the waitress' forehead and run upstairs to meet with his friends.

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

"Just do anything you can, Alexander. We'll try our best to get Ariadne back to us. " Ryo stated as Mika and himself change their position by sitting on the consul's sides. Once the consul looking on Ryo, Mika move in swift motion and grabs the consul's arms before pulling it has hard as she could, so Ryo can grabs Ariadne.

As Ariadne finally released, the dragoness throws the livingless consul to other direction and run back to Ariadne to heal her.

(Aqueorlitus: Central Path)

Michiru act like there's nothing happen as the old lady gain a control of her mouth, and let the voice coming out. Later, the female wolf regain her mouth back and said, "Would you like to tell me, does your consul really bad in townspeople's eyes? Or he's bad only in your eyes?"

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 08-02-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern)

"Do that again and I'll slice your eye out of the socket!" she yelled at the wolf as he rushed up the stairs. Her eyes shot towards the door. "Now, time to deal with those engineering idiots."

Aussa found the string easily and gave it a yank which opened the secret door in the ceiling. From somewhere above, someone lowered a rope down allowing Aussa to climb it. Ardeal and Solia came stumbling up the stairs and immediately saw the rope and hole in the ceiling. They didn't hesitate to climb it.

Come on, Faiz, Solia thought. I hope nothing bad happened.

"He should be right behind you," Aussa spoke up, reading the girl's thoughts.

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

Alexander didn't respond. Glorious light that shines from the heavens and warms the hearts of the denizens of your creation. The wind blows gently and cools the wrath of those who have been scorned. A peaceful rest. The earth embraces those whose life has escaped them. The loving caress of rock lures the soul to an eternity in the skies...

The consul easily got back to his feet, his face frozen in the emotion he felt last: fear. He groaned and rushed Alexander who seemed to be the immediate threat now. The others were worried about the girl anyway. The consul hefted his sword and aimed a calculated blow at the boy's neck.

(Aqueorlitus: Central Path)

"He was bad in my eyes, of course, and those are the only eyes that matter around here," the old lady said with a gentle smile. "Don't worry your pretty little head over it. Shouldn't you be on our way, hm? I have a storm to conjure and I wouldn't you to catch a cold in the rain, dear."

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 08-02-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern)

A smile carved on Faiz's lips as he've been yelled by the waitress for something he usually do when people giving them a help. Once reach upstairs, the trio already disappeared based on the waving rope from the ceiling. With that, the wolf lowering himself and jumped through the hole on the ceiling before landed softly. "I'm here, Solia." He thought back to his lover.

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

Even though Ryo and Mika is busy helping and healing Ariadne, the wolf's eyes focusing on the consul who began to charge towards Alexander. In swift movement, Ryo grip his fist and chant a small spell until his fist swarm with sparks and throw a hard blow directly under the consul's chin, sending him up in the air and fell on the floor. "I'm sorry, consul..."

(Aqueorlitus: Central Path)

"I see..." The female wolf nodded and smiled. "But unfortunately, old lady. The skies have been sealed off from any forms of spells and I have restore it to normal state. So yeah, your spell is useless now."

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Masquerade - 08-02-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern Roof)

Solia grasped Faiz's arm. "Good, good," she said in relief. "We're all here."

"It's about damn time," a female's voice said that sounded suspiciously like the waitress's. But it wasn't the waitress. The female stepped forth, her auburne locks curling down her back and over her shoulders, resting on her breasts. Her eyes were hazel in hue, and full of danger. Her apparel was that of a maid; black dress with white frills with a white apron over top of it. Black heels graced her feet and matching hose went up to her knees. The woman sighed as she felt the eyes of the group upon her. "Don't look at me like that; this is just for my day job."

"Yeah, guys. Take it easy," a familiar voice called out from above. There was a blur in the air and Quarry appeared next to the female. "Long time, no see, right?" he said with a smile. "I wish we could have reunited at a better time, but look at where we are." With a single hand, he gestured to all the engineers surrounding the tavern, still in their work clothes.

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

...hallowed chamber that houses the vessel that was once the soul's temple, take care of it. Watch over it, so that the soul may not have to worry about its first home. Skies open! Take in your child, and shroud him in the fluffy clouds so that peace may wash over one who has been through many tribulations, and surpassed numerous temptations. It is time to sleep, lost soul. Prepare for your parting. A wonderful afterlife awaits you. Alexander's eyes shot open. "Purification!!" he shouted. Suddenly, the gem above the consul's body glowed brighter until the whole room was filled with light. When it faded, the consul's body had vanished along with the shining gem.

"I always hate that spell," Alexander said with a sigh. "Much too long of an incantation. How's Ariadne?" he asked.

"I-it really hurts," Ariadne groaned, her eyes purposefully avoiding the wound. The last thing she wanted to do was to look at it.

(Aqueorlitus: Central Path)

The old lady sighed. "Oh well. No spells then. I will do what comes naturally to me instead," she said, smiling as always. Suddenly, she thrust her hands into the air. Almost immediately, clouds began moving in the sky. The old lady's fingers were moving very quickly in strange patterns. In the sky, more and more clouds were gathering and changing color to that of dark gray: the color of storm clouds. With a few more movements, rain began to fall. It was light at first, but as the old lady continued her work, the rain became heavier. Lightning danced throughout the sky, and the old lady lowered her hands.

"You see? I don't require spells to make things the way I want them dear," she explained cheerily.

RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - Lonely Werewolf - 08-02-2010

(Immolatio: Tavern Roof)

The wolf observe the waitresses appearance which makes her feel uncomfortable. "Sorry for that..." Faiz apologizes and his ears perked once heard another voice which seems familiar. "...Quarry...?" He said and the person he mentioned appear in front of them. "Yeah, it's been a while we haven't seen each other." He smiled and then look to the direction where the engineers surrounds the tavern. "Less taking and execute the action. What's the plan?"

(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

"You can kept on practicing chanting a spell faster." Ryo smiled and looked to Ariadne. "Keep quiet and stay calm, Ariadne." He said as petting her head softly.

In the meantime, Mika still healing Ariadne's deep wounds by slowly recovering her internal bleeding. "It'll take some time to heal. Please bear with it." She said.

(Aqueorlitus: Central Path)

Michiru watch the old lady moving her arms up in the air and gather the clouds around it until it thick enough for rain to fall. The female wolf then fous her internal energy to pull the lightning from the clouds towards her, before it disperse into the ground, causing the ground to shake lightly. The muddy ground doesn't make her white clothes dirty nor the rain makes her wet. "Oh, goodness...I guess I was fail to stop you doing this..." She sighed softly.