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Full Version: Digimon Capsule Game
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dark: *hands it to the BLU scout*

BLU Scout: Sweet! *uses it, goes behind the RED spy, beats the RED spy over the head with his bat* BONK! Remember me? Yeah, you do.
<,< >,>........Ok..........

The capsule contains!
*epic music* Another capsule?
Dark: I don't need this. *tosses it away*

The capsule contains a cute DarkChibimon.
*stares*......Eh, whatever, FREE CUTENESS!!!! *throws DarkChibimon into a harem* lol, fun.

The capsule contains a .44 Magnum.
It's so shiny, so very shiny. *cuddles the magnum before running off*

The capsule contains a Get Out of Jail for Free Card.
Dark: Why do I this for? *spins the card around in his fingers*

The capsule contains a horny AquaVeemon with a case of rena suace.

Dark: I wanted that one!

Me: Too bad, Dark.
Heh heh heh. All right. Giggity!

The capsule contains...a Rick Roll!!
Crimson: Oh no, it's cheesy 80's music! *tosses the capsule into a pit of robot sharks* That was close.

The capsule contains an alien!
Dark: What...the hell?

The capsule contains this movie trailer:
Eh, I'm more interested in seeing a Comedy movie.

The capsule contains a robotic dragon.