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Full Version: The Game Playas Series
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Oh hey. It is that pose. This should be interesting.
The next 2 pages and some pin ups I've been working on.

[Image: th_217644726_Tournament6_123_535lo.jpg] [Image: th_217649584_Tournament7_123_228lo.jpg] [Image: th_217653700_Feb2018Ivy_123_547lo.jpg]
[Image: th_217657474_Feb2018_123_536lo.jpg] [Image: th_217662819_Menat2_123_476lo.jpg]
Huh. Nice start. And nice pin ups. Nice to see you again.
I really should be getting back to this one, shouldn't I?

[Image: th_33146_Tournament8_123_119lo.jpg][Image: th_33147_Tournament9_123_37lo.jpg][Image: th_33147_Bliss2_123_163lo.jpg]
[Image: th_33148_April2018_123_178lo.jpg]
Ah! Someone posted here! *ahem* Nice to see that again. But the first picture is broke. Nice work otherwise.
[Image: th_29512_Tournament8_123_772lo.jpg]
OK now it works.
[Image: th_70835_Tournament10_123_1030lo.jpg][Image: th_70835_Tournament11_123_601lo.jpg][Image: th_70836_Tournament12_123_605lo.jpg]
Well that didn't work. Funny. Hear the SNK game isn't very fun but did we expect anything from it? I do like to see how's playable. And there's nothing else that's been happening that I'll talk about.
Hmm, I was kind of afraid of that. I heard they're gonna throw in a female Skullomania (who seems to act as surprised and confused as Terry does, so it must be another gender flip) and the long awaited return of Janne from World Heroes.

[Image: th_38046_Tournament13_123_1102lo.jpg]