AUTHOR’S NOTE: This season is like a whole rewrite of the Season 4 of Digimon. Almost nothing is the same as it is in the series, but of course there are things that have to be the same. The first chapter takes place as soon as they arrive in the Digital World, but they don’t see Cerberumon. You might also wonder about the many villages, but they do have a purpose near the end of the series. I hope you enjoy the reading.



CHAPTER NOTE: This chapter is based on Takuya, so if you somewhat hate him, consider leaving. This is after Takuya falls into the water, running from the Bakemon.


PRECAUTION: This work of writing contains mature themes that may not be suitable for children under the age of 12. If you so happen to be one, call an exit button immediately. He or she or it will be more than happy to assist you out of this page. In case of disturbing nightmares should ever occur from reading, watch a G rated movie immediately. Stare hard at the screen. If nightmares persist after 3 days, knock yourself out. Handle this page with care; object is fragile.


Copyright 2004, all rights reserved, part of the Zakuyoe Best-Writer Productions. Parts of this and other stories belonging to this company may not be taken without permission first. Things such as character names, attack names, etc. are not copyrighted by Zakuyoe Best-Writer Productions


Digimon Frontier: The Seasons Crossover

Written by Zakuyoe


Since most of us were in a jail of Myotismon, we had to think fast. Izzy got this idea of using his laptop as a gate, and it worked. Mimi needed a little convincing, so while Izzy helped her to her senses, Kari brought Koji to the Digital World so he could become KendoGarurumon. He couldn’t do it in the Human World, because his DNA was different here than it was there. Once we got organized, Kari, Yolei, Izzy and Mimi left for the Digital World, leaving us to show Myotismon just what we can do


Chapter 25: A Troubled Mind of the Past

Takuya lay motionless in the hospital as several faces of paramedics popped up in front of him. He recognized the familiarity of the place, and it didn’t bring happy thoughts at all. His brother Shinya had had an accident here once, but he had no more recollections on why or how he knew the place this well.

“This one was lucky,” he heard someone say overhead as a pen scratching was heard. Takuya figured that someone was talking to a doctor, “Several of our men were around the area when this occurred. They saw him fall into the water, and immediately got him to land.”

“Bring him to the fullest attention.” His cart continued to roll down the halls as Takuya thought harder. He had been running from something, and then went over the edge. Why couldn’t Takuya remember any of it?

“Terrible accident with the Bakemon,” said the guy again, this time to a receptionist, “Dr. Kido said to bring him to the fullest attention possible.” Of course, Takuya told himself, he had been running from the Bakemon. He had heard Koji say ‘I’m trying!’ but why? Something was definitely odd here, he told himself. He blacked out again.


He awoke to the fresh scent of orange, probably from an air freshener. Air conditioning was evidently in the room, as a cool breeze met his face. He sat upon his bed as he dimly looked at his surroundings. The curtains were partially drawn, and the familiar hospital bed lay beneath him. The room was particularly empty and quiet, except for the bustling noise of traffic in the halls and the streets below.

A particular sign on the bulletin across his position caught his eye as he glanced the room. It was a volunteering ad for the clean up crew, but Takuya read none of this. His eyes snapped to the bolder print of the ad, which specified the cause of the poster.

He was in the Odaiba Local Hospital, about ten miles from his house. The familiarity of the area began to become clearer to him each time he thought about it. His brother Shinya had been brought here in the middle of the night for something. He stood in the waiting room for hours, not knowing at all what was wrong with him. It was around lunchtime, in his opinion, that Shinju got out.

Takuya desperately scavenged his box of memories to find out all the details he needed to help him recover. He couldn’t remember anything after his fall in the wall; was it perhaps that the lack of air lost him some brain cells?

The door opened suddenly as a doctor and an assistant came in. The assistant was blue-haired with a white medical coat, while the doctor wore a coat in a shade of blue. “So you fell in the sea, huh?” asked the doctor. Takuya nodded, as he knew nothing more than that.

“Do you remember anything before the fall?” Takuya shook his head truthfully, but as he answered, he longed for what he had wanted to remember so much. The voice of Koji rang through him again, this time with his own following and preceding the voice.


[I was running from a strange creature, resembling a ghost, when I turned around to speak to a boy about my age. “Hurry up,” I told him as I ran. He panted harder as he used his legs to increase his pace.]

[“I’m trying,” he yelled back at me. He tripped on a tree root, and I remember hearing myself scream as the ghost figures trapped him in a sack.]

[“I can’t get caught,” I told myself as I ran faster. Instantly, I ran into the sea, and lost my footing over the stone edge of the paving…]


“Only myself telling another to hurry up,” came the voice of Takuya suddenly as he remembered this little bit of information. Oh, if he only knew anymore…

“You know,” said the assistant, browsing through his records, “This seems to be a familiar case with the Kanbara Family, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Dr. Kido- yes, Joe, even if you’re just an assistant, I will consider you as a doctor-, you would be right?”

“Huh?” Takuya’s conscious snapped back into reality as the two continued to converse with each other.

“Shinya Kanbara, according to the family records, was also brought here for a lost of consciousness due to a fall.”

“What happened to him?” asked Takuya, curious.

“You mean you don’t remember?” asked the doctor; “You were in the waiting room, muttering while wallowing over your brother’s accident. You were only nine years of age then, but you sure had a number of emotions as it occurred. You had even mentioned a case of suicide if he had died, and thankfully, he did not die. You swore to always watch your little brother so that it wouldn’t happen again.” Takuya’s mind flew open as memories poured in to it…


[“Takuya, wake up, sweetie.”]

[“Aw, mom? Why? It’s eleven at night!”]

[“Remember the birthday party Shinju went to?”]

[“Uh huh. The one for Adam?”]

[“Yes, Takuya. We need to got to the hospital and visit him. There’s been an accident.” I remembered a load of flashing lights afterwards, and soon I found myself sitting in the waiting room with my parents. My mom was leaning against my dad’s shoulder, crying. I had no idea why she was so sad, until the doctor came out to greet us. I was particularly angry on his happy mood. How could someone be so happy when someone was so sad?]

[“You’re son’s heartbeats are not changing,” said the doctor, “I’m afraid there’s a chance that he may not survive.” My mom instantly broke into tears, and I suddenly found tears welling inside my own eyes. How come I felt these emotions only now that there’s a risk of my only brother dying?]

[I ran to my dad as I buried my face into his t-shirt. I tried my hardest not to cry; crying was for girls. I couldn’t stop, as the doctor brought my mom and dad to see him. I tried to follow, but personnel stopped me. “No kids in the hospital room, kid.” Feeling separated from my parents, I sat down in the couch, crying.]

[“If Shinju ever dies”, I told myself, “I promise that I’ll die with him!”]

[“What’s that son?” asked a doctor, “You don’t really think of killing yourself, do you?” I made no reply to the question.]


“That’s right,” said Takuya, “I do remember saying that.”

“I’ve had a similar experience,” said the assistant Joe.

“What’s up?”

“It was within that fog barrier, but not this one- the last one. I was trying to go into the city with a boy named TK, but he fell off, and I saved him, but nearly drowned myself afterwards.”

“TK?” asked Takuya, “Hold on… that’s it!!!”

“What is?” asked the doctor.

“The reason I fell into the water! TK and Cody doubled back to get their Digimon partners, and got caught by the Bakemon!”

“TK and Cody?” asked Joe, suddenly, “They have Digimon? Oh no!”

“Can anyone tell me what a Digimon is?” asked the doctor. Takuya shook his head.

“Not here, sir. Come one, Joe. They’ve got almost everyone!”

“I’ll bring you to Tai and the others,” replied Joe, turning to the confused doctor, “I’ve got to finish work afterwards.”


“You’re Tai?” asked Takuya.

“Yeah. You probably know my sister, Kari.”

“Kari! You two are siblings?” Tai nodded, as Takuya tried to draw the line between the two.

“I’m Matt,” said a blond haired boy, “This is Sora, and we’re the only ones not captured, aside from Joe.”

“I’m afraid I’m not much help to you,” said Takuya as they logged on to Tai’s computer, “I can’t Spirit Evolve unless I’m in the Digital World.”

“Spirit Evolve, eh?” asked Matt, “We’ll have to check that out later.”

“Hold on!” yelled Takuya as more memories leaked into him, “Zoe! We have to save her!”

“Mind saying what’s up?”

“She’s Zephyrmon, and Myotismon froze her into a statue!”

“Like Lillymon!” exclaimed Sora. Takuya gazed absentmindedly at Sora; she was the only girl there.

“I’ve got to use the bathroom,” said Takuya as he ran into a room.

“That’s the closet!” yelled Tai as Takuya backed himself out and into the real bathroom. Once inside, Takuya took his cock out and stroked it slowly. Soon he began to suck himself, but only his tip. It had been a long time since he had sucked himself off, so his reflexes on this position weren’t as good. Because only the tip was in his mouth, his seed spilt onto the floor. Takuya tried his best to wipe it up before leaving.

“Constipated?” asked Tai before glancing at the computer, “Izzy says that they’re at the convention center. We’d better make haste.”


“It is soon now,” said a voice somewhere in the Digital World, “This is the end!”



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