AUTHOR’S NOTE: This season is like a whole rewrite of the Season 4 of Digimon. Almost nothing is the same as it is in the series, but of course there are things that have to be the same. The first chapter takes place as soon as they arrive in the Digital World, but they don’t see Cerberumon. You might also wonder about the many villages, but they do have a purpose near the end of the series. I hope you enjoy the reading.

Want to know who Myotismon is looking for? I’ll give a hint at the end…




PRECAUTION: This work of writing contains mature themes that may not be suitable for children under the age of 12. If you so happen to be one, call an exit button immediately. He or she or it will be more than happy to assist you out of this page. In case of disturbing nightmares should ever occur from reading, watch a G rated movie immediately. Stare hard at the screen. If nightmares persist after 3 days, knock yourself out. Handle this page with care; object is fragile.


Copyright 2004, all rights reserved, part of the Zakuyoe Best-Writer Productions. Parts of this and other stories belonging to this company may not be taken without permission first. Things such as character names, attack names, etc. are not copyrighted by Zakuyoe Best-Writer Productions


Digimon Frontier: The Seasons Crossover

Written by Zakuyoe


So Rika was being forced into a prison by some freak, and Takato and JP followed them. JP slipped over the balcony edge, and caused them all to fall in! While Guilmon and JP look for food, being they hungry creatures that they are, Takato and Rika have some awkward moments. But that wasn’t any trouble to them, and it didn’t stop them from beating Minotarumon. They met up with Renamon and Tommy, and slept nearby the area. The whole time, my side of the group met up with the others. I found my Beast Spirit, and all was cool. Now that we all have our beast Spirits and our Human Spirits, I wonder what’s going to happen?


Chapter 23: Chaos At the Radio Station

Morning came upon both groups as each awoke to his or her time. It was around noon when each awoke, but although peace was in their area, trouble was spewing elsewhere…


“Crimson Wave!” A huge fog emitted from Myotismon as the platform he was standing on shook violently. The surrounding atmosphere grew thick as a heavy blanket of fog surrounded him.

“What’s going on?” yelled several voices.

“It’s a change of weather!” yelled some others.

“Let’s sue the weatherman!” cried several more.

“Pathetic fools!” yelled Myotismon to the creatures below him, “You can’t hide from me! I’ll find the one I am looking for eventually!”


“Spiking Strike!” Stingmon produced a laser sword from a dent on his arm as he slashed several trees out of Ken’s path.

“Excellent, Stingmon,” said Ken, “It will be soon that Myotismon will find him.”

“This will be as easy as finding the eighth child!” yelled a Digimon beside him. Ken turned to his companion.

“If you must know, that was pretty hard,” informed Ken, “It will be the same, though.”


“My lord Cherubimon,” said LadyDevimon, “Why must we find this child?”

“I am aware that Myotismon has been foolish not to tell you this,” replied the hologram, “There is more than one prophecy that will affect the future of the league of evil. For example, one says that a new child will cause the ruin of one who kills his own kin. Another says that there will be a betrayal in our league. The one that Myotismon is working on relates to the second most important one: A Digidestined child, one who was left behind when others went along to our world, will cause the defeat of an evil teacher.”

“So? What relation is that with him?”

“He is the evil teacher, LadyDevimon. If you have not figured it out, yet, you are the student. For him to continue the search of the cause of the prophecy prophesizing the ruin of our league, he must save himself.”

“And what happens if he is to fail?” A long silence came after her statement.

“Then you will need to apply what he has taught you and take his place in commanding our search.”


“We’ve got an official email!” yelled Cody as Takuya, Kazemon, Koji, Yolei, TK, Kari, Henry and Davis crowded around him. The Digimon merely tuned in from a distance.


I hope you get this soon, Cody…

We have a problem in the Real World, and I’m not talking about electrical problems.


“Must be that the Internet crashed down,” joked Davis.


Remember the search for Kari about three years ago? Well, I’m sure TK and Kari do, but still… Anyways, something of the sort is happening again!!! And I think it’s worse than ever! Mimi and I are already prisoners to Myotismon, and we can’t do a thing because our Digimon aren’t here!!! Get back soon, and save our world!!!

Note: Forwarded message attached


“Does he mean the whole fog barrier thing?” asked TK.

“How do we get there?” asked Davis. Henry put a hand on his shoulder.

“Dude, relax. I’m sure the attachment will tell us.”


Unfortunately, Myotismon destroyed the gates in and around of Odaiba and Highton View Terrace. Open the attachment to access the gate. It will bring you to Shibuya, the closest place here.


“Shibuya!” yelled Takuya and Kazemon. The others stared at them.

“That’s our hometown,” explained Koji.


Of course, that place is also under siege. To be precise, all of Japan is!!! The gates are still open, though.


“Mom!” yelled Kazemon.

“Mom!” mimicked Koji in a high tone. Kazemon glared at him.

“You could show more concern,” said TK.

“Nah, let’s just go.” The children and the Digimon went through the gate.

“Wait!” yelled Neemon, “I’ll get homesick!” Bokomon snatched some grass and stuffed it down Neemon’s pants.

“There! That’ll help you remember our world!”


“I hate this place!” whined Mimi as Izzy sat beside her, “All I wanted to do was visit Sora, and I got tangled up in this Digimon business again!”

“Maybe you were destined to be here,” suggested Izzy, “You are one of the Digidestined, after all.”

“But what will my mom and dad say? They’ll be worried sick of me! They’ll probably even come here themselves to rescue me! But all they’ll do is get themselves caught!”

“Oh.” Izzy turned to his laptop, which he managed to snatch as he was caught, “I’d better tell Tentomon to shut down the hotel at the Tentomon Village temporarily, then. Mimi, don’t worry. We have to help these people to keep their hopes up before Myotismon permanently damages their minds!”


“Huh?” said Tommy suddenly, “My D-Tector is ringing!” Tommy pressed a button as an unrecognizable voice boomed in.

“Go to the villages of the In-Training Digimon. Collect the Digidestined Digimon there. Agumon, Gabumon, Biyomon, Tentomon, Palmon and Gomamon. Press the redial button when this is done!”

“Hey, it works like our cell phone!” said JP.

“I used to be a cell phone,” reminded Tommy.

“We’d better do what he says,” said Tommy.


The seven children (and a Legendary Warrior) arrived in the middle of a park as a thick dense fog met them. Kazemon flew above the fog as they others were left to stay in the fog.

“Okay,” directed Kazemon as Hawkmon, Patamon and Terriermon floated adrift the fog, “Let’s show Myotismon what we’re made off!”

“Patamon Digivolve to… Angemon Digivolve to… MagnaAngemon!”

“Hawkmon Digivolve to… Aquilamon!”

“Terriermon Digivolve to… Gargomon Matrix Digivolve to… Rapidmon!”

“Time to get the party started!” yelled Gatomon, jumping into the air.



“DNA Digivolve to… Sylphimon!”

“Let’s jet!” yelled the aerial Digimon.

“Hey!” yelled Davis as his voice became muffled.

“Davis!” came the squeaky voice of Veemon, “Veemon Digivolve to… ExVeemon!”


“Vee Laser!” The V-shaped laser charged at the Bakemon as they fled.

“Grisly Wing!” A sudden charge of bats collided into ExVeemon as he hurled to the ground, Digidevolving into Veemon. “Crimson Lightning!” A whip of red energy slashed Rapidmon and MagnaAngemon as they, too, became rookies.

“That was two ultimates on one!” yelled Henry.

“It took seven last time,” said TK.

“Static Force!”

“Crimson Mist!” The two attacks went full force, but Myotismon’s was stronger. Sylphimon became drowned by his attack as they split into the two Digimon.

“Gatomon!” yelled Kari.

“Gatomon Digivolve to… Angewomon!”

“What’s this?”

“Celestial Arrow!”

“Not again!”

“Insectoid Barricade!” A sudden barrier covered Myotismon as the arrow bounced off it. As the energy shield vanished, a large bug flew downwards. His green armor shone, even in the fog. He sported a horn, and strangely had blue arms.

“Hello,” came a voice.

“Ken!” yelled Davis, “Finally, we can DNA Digivolve to beat this creep!”

“DNA Digivolve?” Ken glanced to the bug, “Paildramon’s worthless. I’ve got him now.”

“But…” The new Digimon flew upwards again.

“This is DinoBeemon, Wormon’s new ultimate form.”


“Get them!”

“Venom Jabbing!” His blue fists glowed a bright purple as it hit Angewomon hard causing her to become…

“SALAMON!” Kari yelled as the Digimon fell from the sky.

“Execute Spirit Evolution!”

“Hold on!” yelled Takuya, “Nothing’s happening!”

“We’re in the human world!” yelled Koji, “In this world, humans can’t become Digimon!”

“We’re useless!” said Koji.

“I’ll get you!” yelled Kazemon as Salamon fell to the ground. Kazemon landed safely as she flew back upwards to face Myotismon and DinoBeemon.

“Execute Slide Evolution!”

“Giga Antenna!” Rays of poison energy came out of DinoBeemon’s antennae as Kazemon was frozen in midair. Her Slide Evolution stopped as she fell to the ground.

“Crimson Lightning!” Myotismon’s whip cut through the fairy Digimon as she yelled in pain. No matter, she got up and floated in the air again.

“Don’t you think she’s had enough?” asked Takuya. Henry’s eyes blew open.

“Of course! If you guys can’t become Digimon, maybe she can’t become human!”

“Execute Slide Evolution… Zephyrmon!”

“This better be more challenge than before,” yelled Myotismon, “Grisly Wing!”

“Venom Jabbing!” Zephyrmon endured both attacks as she released one of her own, but having no effect.

“It’s useless,” said Myotismon, “You cannot win!”

“Wanna bet?”

“Certainly! Nightmare Claw!” A storm of darkness engulfed Zephyrmon, as she became lifeless.

“Oh no!” yelled Kari, “That’s what happened to Lillymon!”

“Now that that’s done,” began Myotismon, signaling his hands. At once, Bakemon grabbed hold of Henry, Davis, Yolei and Kari. “No matter where you come to the real world, you’ll never win!”

“Run!” yelled Henry as several more came to capture the others. 

“Get them!”

“Armadillomon Digivolve to… Ankylomon!”

“No one comes past here!” Ankylomon swung his tail hammer furiously at the ghouls as TK turned to the fight.

“Patamon, you’d better help.”

“Right! Patamon Digivolve to… Angemon!”

“Angel Rod!” Angemon conducted his baton in a circular motion before releasing it, hitting several before making it’s way back to Angemon.

“Come on!” yelled TK, rushing Cody from the battle. DinoBeemon met them up.

“Going somewhere?”

“Hey!” TK’s and Cody’s D-3’s glowed as Ankylomon and Angemon glowed with them.



“DNA Digivolve to… Shakkoumon!”

“Shakkoumon?” asked TK. Shakkoumon’s eyes glowed red as he shot beams out of them. DinoBeemon fled with Ken, but Myotismon was still there. He sent a whip, causing the two to become rookies.


“I think this is the Agumon Village,” said JP as they entered a village.

“It was the Koromon Village,” corrected Tommy. Several Koromon met them.

“Hello again!” greeted the Koromon cheerily, “Sorry we attacked you last time!”

“We bid our forgiveness,” said JP.

“We need to find an Agumon that belongs to a human,” said Rika, who was bored of the forgiveness talk. The Koromon huddled up.

“He’s out fishing at the Tsunomon Village,” informed the Koromon.



“Hurry up!” yelled Takuya as he and Koji ran from the Bakemon. TK and Cody were caught as soon as they collected their Digimon partner.

“Hey, I’m trying!” yelled Koji. However, he still was too slow, as the Bakemon caught him.

“I can’t get captured,” said Takuya, running straight into the water on accident.


“Hey look!” said Izzy, “A news report from online!”

“Typical, they ruin television, but not the Internet,” said Mimi. Izzy glared.

“This just in, a boy has fallen into the harbor. Luckily, marines were able to get him out and on to land. Evidently, he was being chased by some of the Bakemon, roaming viciously around the city.”

“He’s lucky,” said Izzy. Suddenly more Bakemon raided the room.

“New prisoners, Duskmon.”

“Duskmon?” asked Mimi, “Who’s that?”

“That’s odd,” said Izzy, “He doesn’t seem to be in my Digimon Analyzer. Perhaps he’s a new kind of Digimon!”

“Excellent. It won’t be long until we find that child.”

“What child?” asked Mimi, “Are we in some Déjà vu thing?”

“Where shall we put them?”

“Right there.” The Bakemon floated by Izzy and Mimi as they deposited several children.

“Where are we?” asked Henry.

“Hey!” yelled Izzy, “There’s Davis, Yolei and Kari!”

“Oh, hi,” said Kari, “This is Henry.”

“Nice to meet you.” Another Bakemon passed by as it dropped TK and Cody.

“They’ve got you too?” asked Mimi. TK nodded slightly.

“And our last batch, Duskmon.” The third Bakemon opened the sack as Koji fell out of it.

“Koji, you all right?” asked Davis.

“Koji?” asked Izzy, “Oh yeah, the guy at the Tentomon hotel when I visited.




“And now,” Tentomon announced as the hotel guests looked to the stage, “Give a warm welcome to our hotel manager, Izzy Izumi!”

“Izumi what?” Zoe asked, “I thought I heard my real name?”

“Is that even a Digimon?” Bokomon asked, acting very curious. A high school kid walked onto the stage.

“Yeah, I look pretty young for a hotel manager,” said the boy, “So enjoy your meals!”

“A short and sweet greeting,” Zoe commented.

“It’s not even a greeting,” Koji rejected.

“Let’s just go to sleep,” JP replied.


===============<END FLASHBACK>=================

“You’re that Izzy Izumi guy at the hotel, aren’t you?”


“Takuya’s escaped,” said Koji, “I think he fell into a river.”

“Hold up!” yelled Izzy, “There was a report on that!”

“It’s all starting to make sense,” said Davis.

“What is?” asked TK.

“That’s the point, I don’t know!”

“Hey, anyone know where Bokomon and Neemon went?” asked Yolei.

“I guess they were never caught.”


Well, that’s the end of the chapter. There’s too much information here, so no lemon L. I’ll make more lemon in the next one to make up for it J

Care to comment? The address is


HINT: The kid is a Digidestined in the series, but not yet in my series.