AUTHOR’S NOTE: This season is like a whole rewrite of the Season 4 of Digimon. Almost nothing is the same as it is in the series, but of course there are things that have to be the same. The first chapter takes place as soon as they arrive in the Digital World, but they don’t see Cerberumon. You might also wonder about the many villages, but they do have a purpose near the end of the series. I hope you enjoy the reading.


DISCLAIMER: Toei, Bandai, and any others I missed own Digimon, so no lawsuits. THIS FAN FIC CONTAINS EXPLICT CONTENT; SO IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, LEAVE!


CHAPTER NOTE: This is one of four chapters of the Mini-Series: ‘Effect of Myotismon’. Each chapter is directly linked from the same time, which would be from when the sun rose (see chapter 13). YOU MUST READ THE PREVIOUS CHAPTERS TO UNDERSTAND THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS!!!


Digimon Frontier: The Seasons Crossover

Written by Zakuyoe


EFFECT OF MYOTISMON the sub-series

Chapter 16: Where Angels Fear to Tread


“Execute!!! Beast Spirit Execute!” The phrase was exclaimed relatively at the same time, but at two different places.



Let’s get out of this island,” Zephyrmon suggested as she picked up Davis and Veemon.


“What do you want with us?” Korikakumon asked.

“It’s very simple,” said LadyDevimon as Myotismon and Devimon neared, “But no concern of you is required. We simply need your two friends Koji and TK.” Devimon snarled at the mentioning of TK.

“Never! Avalanche Axes!” A pair of axes fell from the sky as Korikakumon picked them up and slashed furiously at her. LadyDevimon smiled.

“Darkness Wave!”

“Grisly Wing!” A multitude of bats swarmed at them as the three smiled. “Crimson Mist!” With a puff of red smoke, the Digimon and the bats disappeared, carrying TK and Koji with them. Furious with rage, Korikakumon struck his axe into the ground, changing back into Tommy.


“That was quite a large bang,” said Yolei as she and Takuya walked through a forest, “Thankfully, Submarimon prevented another clash from happening.” The two had barely escaped a cursed Nefertimon, thanks to a few well-placed oxygen torpedoes by Submarimon.

“I hope Cody’s all right,” Takuya said glumly, “Like if he and Armadillomon drowned or anything.”

“I’m sure they’re fine,” Yolei encouraged, “Now about that sound, I think it came from here.”

“Footprints!” Takuya yelled.

“How strange,” Hawkmon noted, “These ones are fairly big, but the suddenly decrease in size!”

“Those look like human footprints,” Yolei exclaimed, examining them.

“Then we’d better find out whose they are.” Takuya concluded, running into the woods. Hawkmon merely shrugged as they followed.


“Look over there!” Davis yelled, “It’s a Digimon with a human!”

“That’s JP!” Zephyrmon yelled as they neared. The four got on ground, as they went out to meet him.

“Oh my!” Bokomon exclaimed as he spotted the others, “JP they have found us! We no longer have to live a life of outcast!” Zoe raised an eyebrow.

“Bokomon!” Neemon yelled, running to him. Bokomon hesitated, and then made the decision to run.

“Hi,” said JP weakly.

“JP, this is Davis. He’s another Digidestined guy, and he’s with four others.”

“Don’t forget me!” came a squeaky voice.

“Oh, and this is Veemon.”

“Nice to meet you all.”

“There is- Neemon stop, I’m trying to say something- something I need to tell you all.”

“What?” Davis asked curiously. Bokomon looked at Zoe with hesitation.

“Oh, don’t worry, we can trust him.” So three children and two Digimon made up Bokomon’s audience as he pulled out the book from his pink belt.

“Here is what we should worry most about at the moment!” Bokomon informed. The audience of five listened as Bokomon read the prophecy:


The age of Heroes has come at long,

To fend off evil and remove all wrong.

The two who doubt their belonged places

Turn against by fears they must face

The two who are in one of the same

Shall be behind of all evil’s shame.

The two with most similar traits

Shall be in whom determines fate

The once good will be shunned of all truth

Must be refilled with pastime youth

The two whose courage takes thou far

Shall determine who thou are

The two with hatred reminiscences

Can die of whom thou resents

With the force of all the age combine

Remove the iniquity and let peace shine


“What’s iniquity?” Neemon asked curiously, before Zoe snapped his pants.

“So that’s what we should worry about,” JP pondered, “But what does it mean?”

“I guessed that the once good would have to relate to the Legendary Warriors,” Bokomon informed as he reread the passage to himself, “but otherwise I really don’t have a clue!”

“Do you know anyone with hatred reminiscences?” asked JP to their newest member.

“I don’t think so,” said Davis, trying to recall his memories. “I believe that Cody still hates Ken, and TK hates evil, not to mention that I hate him.”

“Who’s Ken?”

“Our sixth member. He never hangs around with us.”

“How much of those memories are actually pure hatred?” JP asked.

“Give the boy a break,” said Bokomon as Davis struggled to think of the proper answer, “He must be very tired from his ride here. I’m sure Zoe is too, as Kazemon is not quite strong to carry all three of you here easily.

“I don’t have that Spirit anymore,” Zoe said sadly, as both Bokomon and JP gasped.

“Is it really that scary?” asked Neemon.

“You’re gonna have to tell us you story,” said Bokomon, “Because at the moment we are stumped on your survival.”

“Before or after I was raped,” Zoe questioned, increasing the shock on everyone’s face.

“After,” Bokomon replied with a quizzical look.

“I rode inside Whamon and he swallowed up Tommy. We found a DemiVeemon Village, but quickly evacuated it when it flooded. We met Koji in an underwater base, and found ourselves in the Upamon Village, meeting Davis and his gang. Because of awakening times, we got split up.” A sudden beeping caused her to stop.

“Hang on, it’s a message from Yolei.” Zoe and JP crowded around.


To Davis,

This is actually Takuya writing from Yolei’s D thingy. We have occurred a problem that you will find important. Kari ha been put under a curse of Myotismon’s, and is attacking us. I hope this proves helpful to you. If you ever find TK, please tell him this. Tell Zoe that we’re following Tommy’s trail.

This is now Yolei typing, and it’s called a D-Terminal. Davis, this may just be a technical error on mine, but see if you can find TK’s coordinates on your D-Terminal. We tried sending this to him, but an auto-reply message came back, stating an error. I really hope we can find him. Cody already knows about this; he was with us but helped distract Nefertimon away from us.

From Takuya and Yolei


“Ouch, that hurt,” said Davis.

“The only good news in it was that they’d find Tommy,” said Zoe glumly. Davis flipped open his D-Terminal and accessed his grid map.

“That should be us,” said Davis, pointing to a cluster of dots. “That has to be Yolei and Takuya, because they’re following that other dot. These two should be Cody and Kari, because they’re in the sea, and continuously bash head on. There aren’t any other dots.”

“That means Koji is gone too,” said Zoe, “Where could TK and Koji have gone without them on the map?”

“I dunno.”

“I think I just understood some of the prophecy!” Bokomon exclaimed.


“There’s him up ahead!” said Yolei as they ran along the pair of footprints.

Man I’m alone in some strange forest, thought Tommy, and I failed to protect them. I’m some Digidestined.

“Hey Tommy!” Yolei yelled. Tommy stopped, but hung his head.

“What’s wrong, little buddy?” Takuya asked, “Come on, you can tell me.”

“I don’t want to,” said Tommy, pouting.

“If it’s something important, we need to know,” said Yolei, “Come on, Hawkmon, we’ll find some evidence on TK’s disappearance.” Tommy’s head jerked upwards, but quickly hung itself again.

“Hawkmon Armor Digivolve to… Halsemon, the wings of Love!” Yolei got on her Digimon as she swiftly glided through the trees. Takuya gazed as she flew out of side, and then turned to Tommy.

“You’re hiding something from us,” said Takuya, “You can tell me, can’t you?” Tommy shook his head, “Then you need some convincing.” Tommy didn’t look up, but quickly did as Takuya tickled him under his armpits.

“Ha ah ha,” giggled Tommy as Takuya continued, “Please, stop!”

“Tell me what you know.”

“No- ah! It tickles, stop, please!” Takuya persisted as he moved his right hand to his stomach, his left reaching through Tommy’s shirtsleeve and tickling his chest. “Ha ah ha! Please, stop!”

“Just tell us why you’re feeling so down!” said Takuya. Tommy managed to shake his head before bursting into a fit of giggles. Takuya removed his hand from his stomach and removed Tommy’s shoes and socks, tickling the soles of his feet.

“Stop, stop, I’ll tell you.” As Takuya stopped, Tommy got up.

“Execute!” he yelled, surprising Takuya, “Spirit Evolution!” As Takuya stood back, Kumamon took his place as he yelled his name.

“What’re you doing?” Takuya asked.

“If you want the information, you gotta chase me.” He ran as fast as he could, Takuya running after him. Of course, as Takuya was one of the top kids in cross-country, he caught up to Kumamon and tackled him. Takuya smiled.

“Okay, little bud, hand the information over.” As Kumamon returned to his human state, Tommy gave a sigh of surrender.

“Okay,” said Tommy, who had suddenly thought of a brilliant idea, “But first, wouldn’t you want a reward for catching me?” Takuya frowned.

“I’ll take it after the information.” Tommy shrugged, as he gave a motion for Takuya to get off him. “Not this time. You’ll run away again.” So Tommy was forced to tell him while he was pinned face down.

“My group was captured by LadyDevimon and Myotismon,” admitted Tommy, “They said they didn’t need me, so they left me here. I’ve been sulking around ever since, because I failed to stop them.”

“So that’s why we couldn’t contact TK,” pondered Takuya, “Okay, I’ve got the info. So what’s my reward?” Tommy smiled, but before the chance came, Halsemon and Yolei came.

“Everyone hop aboard!”


“What do you want with us?” asked TK as LadyDevimon deleted the image of Devimon.

“It’s very simple,” explained LadyDevimon as Myotismon typed furiously at the computer, “We need Koji to fulfill our destiny of the prophecy not coming true. As for you, we may just think that to destroy you may end the prophecy.”

“Stop!” yelled Patamon, “Patamon Digivolve to… Angemon!”

“Myotismon, if you don’t mind?” LadyDevimon called. TK watched in horror as he appeared on the TV screen in front of them. The screen showed Angemon using his Hand of Fate, and the deletion of both Angemon and Devimon.

“Don’t attack, Patamon!” yelled TK. Myotismon smiled. Instantly, TK’s bindings were loosened, as TK feet touched ground. Myotismon’s eyes glowed red, as TK was suddenly pulled to him, and Angemon was thrown to the ground, Digidevolving into Patamon. Myotismon lashed TK once with his crimson whip, as TK reeled to the floor, screaming in pain. Myotismon laughed as he tossed him into a cell.

“Now you, Koji,” Myotismon summoned as Koji fell to the ground.

“Execute, Spirit Evolution! LOBOMON!”

“Crimson Lightning!” The whip hit Lobomon hard, as he turned back into Koji. “Into this cell, just temporarily.” Myotismon smirked as the two cells shut, leaving the two in darkness.


“So TK and Koji were kidnapped by Myotismon and LadyDevimon?” Yolei confirmed as Halsemon raised his altitude a little, “That’s got to be one busy place in the Digital World, if TK’s address can’t even be reached!”

“Or maybe it’s out of service,” Takuya suggested. He was riding in front of Yolei, with Tommy at the very front.

“Could also be,” Yolei began, “That maybe TK doesn’t have it with him.”

“But it would still be sent successfully,” noted Takuya. He glanced at the boy in front of him, who hadn’t spoken a word the whole ride. “Anything wrong, buddy?”

“No, I’m all right.” Takuya frowned, as Halsemon touched ground. He Digidevolved into Hawkmon, as Yolei, Takuya and Tommy reached a clearing.

“Me and Yolei will get wood to start a fire.” The two headed back into the forest as Takuya turned to Tommy.

“Sure you’re alright?”

“I was just thinking,” said Tommy in a serious tone, despite his childish voice, “I seem to enjoy fucking guys more than girls.”

“Maybe it’s just that you haven’t been with them for so long,” Takuya suggested, “You’re only eight. Give it time to decide your sexuality.”

“Can I show you my reward for you then?” Takuya paused to remember what he meant, and then nodded. Tommy drew him into a passionate kiss as Takuya returned it, just to keep him happy. After all, Takuya had once questioned his sexuality himself. After a few minutes of that, Takuya let Tommy undress him. After Tommy undressed Takuya and himself Takuya backed into a tree. Tommy got on his knees as he began to slowly suck him dry. Takuya humped his head to encourage Tommy. With a few moans to go faster, Takuya came into Tommy’s mouth; filling him up with his cum. Tommy drank it greedily as he lay on his back. Takuya got on Tommy as he buried his face into Tommy’s crotch. He took it into his mouth, sucking slowly at first. Tommy thrashed in excitement as Takuya fondled his balls. Tommy moaned as Takuya literally sucked the juices out of him. Tommy’s cum couldn’t stay in his dick anymore as it shot out into Takuya’s mouth. Takuya licked the remained cum off his mouth as Tommy flipped on his stomach. “It’s all yours.” Takuya nodded, as he prepared to lubricate his insides. “Not this time. I want to feel the difference.” Takuya complied, as he struck his cock into his ass. Tommy let a surprised gasp of pain as Tommy entered him, but was quickly spared as the pleasure drowned his pain. Takuya attacked his back hole, and with some very powerful thrusts, Takuya came, leaving Tommy’s insides covered with the white substance. Tommy got up, as Takuya knew what he needed to do next.

“Here you go,” said Takuya, spreading his ass cheeks for him. Tommy smiled as he bent down with his tongue out. When he neared, he immediately got up again, his crotch grinding his butt. Tommy licked his finger and inserted it into Takuya’s ass. Takuya moaned in surprise as Tommy finger-fucked him. Soon Tommy had the urge to go further, as he replaced his finger with his dick. Takuya moaned again as Tommy pumped in and out of him. Tommy tried to reach to Takuya’s cock, but couldn’t due to his small arms. Takuya saw this, as he masturbated himself for him. Feeling that he hadn’t done his part, Tommy forced his cock further into him at each thrust. With a few more thrusts, Tommy sent cum into his ass, triggering Takuya’s dick. He cummed on his hands, as Tommy gladly licked off for him. Tommy put his clothes on and fell asleep on Takuya as he sat on a log, waiting for Yolei to return with the wood.


TK was placed in complete darkness for the next few hours as he felt it best to take a nap. When he awoke, the room was dimmed, as the door was slightly ajar. TK quickly tried to make his escape, but was puzzled to find Kari chained in the room. TK immediately sacrificed his chance to escape, as he untied her. As he made a break for the door, it shut, leaving the two in the dark. Inconveniently for TK, he had no idea that Kari was evil, thanks to Myotismon.

Within the next hour, Kari seduced TK enough for him to orgasm four times. Tired of the sex experience, he fell asleep. He woke up to find himself with binds around his arms and legs. He was dangling by a single rope, and Myotismon stood across from him. “What’s happening?”

“Kari has tricked you, deceived TK,” Myotismon laughed, “she is now working for me, and has turned you in to me once you became tired. Now you can no longer fulfill the prophecy! The two whose courage takes thou far shall determine who thou are! There is no more hope for Kari! Crimson Lightning!” His whip sliced the rope in half, as TK fell off the cliff he hanged on, as he fell quite a bit before hitting the water, never surfacing. “And so it ends…”


Wow, that guy sure believes in bringing the prophecy to a halt. TK’s dead, as his body never surfaced, but don’t you think that even a dead person would resurface? All votes and requests (see chapters 7-10) can be sent to, and so can comments.