Author’s Note: Hey everyone! It has definitely been a while! I’ll be honest… I sort of lost interest in digimon for a while… but I’m back! I’m sure none of you missed me anyways, but here’s a start-off present!

Ah, disclaimers… well I don’t own digimon, and it’s… explicit. Both violently and that other meaning. If you want a clean version, go here:

And as always… enjoy!


[Normally, there would be a insert here summarizing the last chapter. But as it’s the first chapter, I’ll replace that with the story setting]. The digidestined had just defeated MetalSeadramon. This chapter starts in Puppetmon’s forest, but in the plot, they go to Machinedramon’s city first.


Divinations of a Demise ~ Zakuyoe

Chapter 1

Taichi Yagami struggled as he fought for dominance in a heated fist-fight. In his surroundings he could hear explosions and cries of help, and as much as he wanted to help he was caught up in his own affairs. With his mind set on the face of a dark-haired boy, he lunged himself at the boy’s torso. The two boys fell to the ground, and once more fought for dominance. One fist thrown to the head caused Taichi to lose his balance. The other boy smirked in satisfaction before proceeding in delivering more punches. Taichi felt each one as they collided into his figure like crashing meteors, and soon all he could do was try and maintain consciousness.

But then… the punches stopped. Taichi craned his head upwards to see what exactly was happening. His eyes grew wide with what he saw; the boy was pulling off his shirt over his head. Taichi didn’t know what to do; normally he would’ve picked himself up and run, but his midsection was numb and was preventing him from getting up. The boy continued in his actions, tossing the shirt aside and moving on to his brown shorts. Taichi did his best to squirm away, but his attempts had failed.

Now the boy was down to only his underwear, and it was then that he finally realized that Taichi was watching him. It was almost as if he knew that Taichi was already watching him, and only continued to undress himself. Taichi wondered what he was doing, though ideas were slowly starting to formulate in his mind. The other boy had finished, and then, smiling, he bent down to Taichi’s figure on the ground. Taichi yelped as the boy forced him to lie on his back. Taichi did his best to never lose contact with the boy, just as to make sure that he knew everything that the boy was planning, and to see him do it. Of course, it wasn’t such an easy task. The boy sat on Taichi’s chest, perhaps to try and aim his punches better. His left arm reached behind Taichi’s head, and in his mind Taichi supposed that any second he was going to be hit again.

“You know you like it,” snarled the boy, pulling Taichi’s head upwards even more. Taichi yelled in pain; he wasn’t sure how much more he could take his head being pulled (anyone who exercised  knew how hard it was to do a sit-up while someone was sitting on your chest, and this was very much like that situation). He shut his eyes in pain, unsure why he was receiving this torture… and wasn’t he the one who originally had the advantage in this fight? “Open your eyes,” growled the other boy, and Taichi obeyed. It was then he realized the condition of the other boy, and what he had done previously.

“Take it in your mouth,” ordered the other boy.


“Now!” And before Taichi could complain further the other boy pushed his lower half further, Taichi almost choking on what was now forced into his mouth. Taichi thought of biting down, but he knew that that would get him into more trouble. Nevertheless, after licking only slightly, he bit down, causing the boy above him to scream.

Taichi took this opportunity to fight back. He pushed the other boy off him and retook the dominance. He straddled the boy and began aiming punches at the boy’s face. He put all the energy he had left in him in his punches, hoping to knock his enemy unconscious with his assault. What made Taichi most annoyed at the situation was that the boy was merely smirking through the whole attack, and though he was receiving the pain it was almost as if he wasn’t bothered by it.

“That’s what you get for trying to rape me!” Taichi yelled.

“But you know you liked it,” said the other boy, smirking more than ever. “And I know you’re argument will be that you don’t ‘swing’ that way. But that thing pressing on my stomach isn’t exactly in agreement with you.” Taichi stopped a punch in midair as he began to turn red. The statement had been true; Taichi could feel the boy’s stomach underneath him, and he could feel an aching from lack of room below his waist.

“That’s no such thing!” protested Taichi, but it had been enough to set Taichi off guard. The other boy reached his arms behind him and pushed his body off the ground. His back formed an arch as he pushed Taichi off his figure, Taichi falling to the grass once more. The boy stood up from his position and walked over to Taichi’s crumpled form. He kicked Taichi in the back causing Taichi to yell in pain.

Taichi felt himself being lifted off the brown and dead grass by a strong hand that clutched his shirt, and later being thrown against a tree. He could barely keep his eyes open, but he was still able to hear the sound of a buckle. Taichi really wished at that time that he could simply lift himself off that tree, but he didn’t have enough energy to do so. And as the other boy’s belt made contact with his already bruised skin he began to wish his friends were with him. Where was Yamato and Sora? Or maybe even Koushiro, Mimi, Jyou, and Takeru? How about is own sister Hikari and his best friend Agumon? Where were all of them while he was enduring this cruel torture?

The lack of the sound of the belt caused Taichi to worry about where his attacker had gone. However the peace had been short-lived, and as he turned around to see his attacker the boy had forced him back upon the tree. This time Taichi was pushed against the tree’s trunk, its bark digging into his stomach. Taichi yelped from the pain as he felt his hands being pulled above his head, and with a sound of a buckle the boy had tied Taichi’s hands to the tree trunk. Tai began to panic,  and was now whimpering.

“There’s a lot of things that I could do with you,” the boy whispered into Taichi’s ear harshly yet seductively. Taichi whimpered some more, having no more control over what he could or could not do. He closed his eyes and anticipated the worst, though it was for at least two minutes that nothing happened. Taichi was under the impression that the boy had left, but he couldn’t turn around and check because of the way he was tied up.

This suspicion was soon proved false as Taichi felt a pair of hands snake around his waist. He held his breath as the hands reached into his shirt, ghosting over its surface. Taichi refused to give any response to his, though it was hard to, in an effort to get the idea across that the boy’s tactics weren’t working. The boy knew better though, and soon shot his hands southwards. He quickly unbuttoned Taichi’s pants and reached under the waistband of Taichi’s underwear. Taichi let one gasp by accident, and was quick in holding his breath again. The boy smirked, though Taichi couldn’t see it. The boy pushed down every other obstacle that had been present before as Taichi felt a cold wind blow through.

“Don’t think that this will be any fun for you,” said the boy, squeezing with his hands once before moving his hands away. Taichi involuntarily whimpered at the loss of contact, but soon felt terrified when the loss of contact continued to persist for several minutes. He was able to hear, however, the sound of spitting. At first Taichi wondered why he’d be spitting at a time like this, but then a new and more dark thought crossed his mind, and the mental image alone caused him to tremble. It was a shame that his suspicions were right.

Taichi felt as if he was going to explode as his rear was intruded. He shut his eyes and tried to ignore the pain as the other boy’s penis dug the whole way in. With each time it dug inside him Taichi yelled in pain, and with each time the boy pulled out Taichi did his best to recapture the breath that he had lost. Taichi wanted to scowl at him, fight back maybe… anything to retaliate. But the other boy had won, and Taichi had known this when his insides grew warm and sticky.. Soon enough Taichi’s knees gave way and soon found himself sprawled on the dead grass once more, the belt still strung around the tree trunk.

With all the remaining consciousness he had left he tried to recall what had started this whole ordeal. The earliest thing he could remember was the eight of them walking in the desert. They had all been in their own separate conversations when Koushiro announced that he had gotten mail. The email had been from Gennai, and it contained information about the Dark Masters’ latest scheme. Piedmon had decided to counter the power of the crests by creating some of his own. According to Gennai, the only thing that Piedmon was missing was a human form to possess the crest and tag. The eight were warned to never be taken hostage by the Dark Masters. There followed a large gap in his memory, and as a result his next memory was at the hospital in Machinedramon’s city. Hikari had fallen sick while in the desert, and they were in need of medicine. He and Koushiro had left to obtain some, but were being assaulted by machine digimon at the same time. Taichi remembered Agumon failing to defeat them, and how they had taken Koushiro and him captive. They were let free afterwards; the capture was the sole reason why Taichi was being beaten presently.

The dark-haired boy was his clone, and he possessed the crest of cowardice. When Taichi had learned about this, he always wondered how cowardice could defeat courage. Evidently it could, because it was currently doing so. Taichi was sure that Koushiro’s clone of ignorance was doing the same. The two of them were the only ones presently to have seen their clones, let alone be captured. However, Taichi nor Koushiro had been able to return to the others after the hospital incident, so neither of the two knew any updates from the other party. Taichi wasn’t even sure if his sister would recovery from her sickness. There was another gap in his memory, and that brought Taichi to the sprawled position he was in.

In the distance he could faintly hear his clone walking away, perhaps with the intentions of letting him suffer a slow and painful death. Taichi tried calling out names, names that could maybe catch the attention of his friends. But Taichi knew no one was there, and all that came out of this mouth was a hoarse whisper. It was so hard for him to maintain consciousness, and at times it was very tempting to give up trying. But somehow, Taichi felt obligated to hold on, as if there was some slight hope. However, he was eventually overcome by the pain in his body, and he blacked out.


When Taichi regained consciousness he was lying face up on a blanket of shirts. He could tell by the cold air touching his skin that his shirt had been taken off, and by the odd sensations on his stomach he knew that there was bandages placed there. Curious yet worried, he did his best to rise up and examine the situation. It was past nightfall, and a crescent moon illuminated the dark surroundings. Someone had set up a fire nearby, and (by the looks of it) there were also signs of human activity there. How Taichi knew that it had been human activity as opposed to digimon, he wasn’t sure. He wanted to go explore that area, but he wasn’t ready in trusting his legs to support his fallible figure.

“You’re awake!” Taichi was startled by this sudden voice, but was soon relieved when he found the source of it. On a nearby log stood a digimon that looked very much like a white seal with clawed flippers. It had green eyes with a thin black border around them, and had orange hair that also resembled a mane. It had purple markings on its back and flippers, and overall his figure stood not even a fourth Taichi’s standing height.

“Hey, Gomamon!” greeted Taichi. He made an attempt to crawl over to the log to shake his flipper. “Where is everyone?” It was at that that Taichi realized that the campsite was very empty, despite the fact that the fire was still burning. He couldn’t hear any of the other children, nor any of their digimon.

“Well,” began Gomamon, his gaze drooping to the ground, “the group split. Not like the time when you and MetalGreymon disappeared completely. We split into two groups; after Hikari recovered, Jyou wanted to leave the city and find Piedmon, Yamato wanted to go further into the city to look for you and Koushiro, and Mimi wanted to stay at the cabin and not fight anymore. In the end, Yamato, Sora, and Takeru stayed while Hikari, Mimi, and Jyou went into the forest to find Piedmon.

“We heard explosions a few hours later, so we followed the sounds. We appeared to be too late, because by the time we arrived WarGreymon  had already been beaten. He told us that you were being attacked, so we went to find you. We found you unconscious, and so we set camp here.  I’m the only one here presently though; Jyou, Mimi, Hikari, and the girls’ digimon went to go look for healing herbs for you and Agumon.”

“Well I suppose it’s good that Hikari is better,” said Taichi. He looked around the campsite; this definitely had not been the place where he had been beaten like a punching bag. Upon another log he found Agumon lying on his back. Crying, Taichi wobbled his way over to his partner, and rested his head on Agumon’s stomach. “Oh Agumon, I’m so sorry for failing you.”

“You didn’t fail me,” said Agumon. “Just think of it as a loss.” Taichi smiled at the dinosaur digimon before sitting against the log. He looked at Gomamon, who was watching the scene from afar.

“That reminds me,” said Gomamon. “What happened to Koushiro?” Taichi frowned; what did  happen to Koushiro?

“I don’t remember,” Taichi muttered, concentrating hard. His memory was failing him again… all that he could remember after being set free was running… lot’s of running. Running away from something, as well as a large mass of dark energy…

“Just try to remember,” said Gomamon,. “It may help us find him.” Taichi shut his eyes hard in an attempt to help him focus, but only pieces were fitting in. His mind kept on being diverted to the battle with his clone. Think of what happened, Taichi told himself, stop thinking about that. You’ll have time to think about revenge on him later. The concepts of running and dark forces kept running through his mind. Why couldn’t he remember more?

Taichi and Koushiro had been running away from Machinedramon,  just in case the large dark master decided to change his mind. Of course, Machinedramon had no intention of taking pursuit of the children, or at least personally. Taichi and Koushiro had run as fast as they could, through streets and avenues they knew not. He heard voices much like their own, voices that Taichi now knew as their clones. He remembered looking back to see a black version of WarGreymon throwing a massive ball of dark energy, and then… Taichi couldn’t remember. Koushiro had screamed while Taichi had thought that they would never survive.

Yet they did… and slowly Taichi was beginning to remember how it happened. “I remember now,” Taichi told Gomamon. “It went something like this…”


That’s my chapter 1… if you have any question, suggestions, etc, you can reach me at

Thank you, and have a good day!