“A Hint From the Past”

A series made by Zakuyoe


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Digimon, they belong to Toei, Bandai, Fox, yeah whatever. Also, this series does contain material not suitable, and if you still want your mommy, then LEAVE NOW! For the rest of us who’d rather a husband/wife instead of their mommy, then let’s begin.


AUTHOR’S NOTE:  Let’s make a few things clear before we start. Firstly, the first chapter takes place in the future with five children named Andrew, Daved, Brion, Karlene, and Mollysa (the spellings may be odd, but that was just for a variety of names). They go to the past and save the previous Digidestined from a terrible fate (so in case you wonder where the original characters appear, I’ve told you). Their Digimon are Arrimon, Flatlermon, Baslermon, Socrimon, and Aerialmon, all in which are based on a hobby. Okay, you should pretty much know the genders (if I told you that the Digimon have same genders as their partner, and that the Digimon go with their partner according to the way it is listed) so let’s start! Oh yes, if words are in italics then it is a thought by a character. And also, this is my second lemon, so excuse my poor writing skills. Also, every odd chapter I’ll reveal some information (from now on).

For all those curious readers, there will be a part in the story where the enemy shifts from the Digimon Emperor (it might not be Ken, remember) to an army of Dark people), and unfortunately not in this Chapter or Part (it’s in PART 5: The Folk of the Dark Castle).

If you remember, I posted the chapter list for PARTS 1-3. Here is the PART list:


PART 1: The Folk of the Future (Ch. 1-2) introduces my characters

PART 2: The Folk of the Frontier (Ch. 3-12) introduces season 4

PART 3: The Folk of the Armor Age (Ch. 13-24) introduces season 2 main characters

PART 4: The Folk of the Crests (Ch. 25 –32) introduces season 1

PART 5: The Folk of the Dark Castle (Ch. 33-46) introduces the evil Ken

PART 6: The Folk of the Card Modifiers (Ch. 47-52) introduces season 3

PART 7: The Folk of the Dark Army (Ch. 53-88) introduces the Dark Army

PART 8: The Folk of the Masteramon Slayers (Ch. 89-100) introduces Masteramon


Remember that these are titles, and I have no idea what is in each chapter. Suggest some (see end of chapter)

PART 2: The Folk of the Frontier

Chapter 3: The Frontier (Takuya/Zoe)


“You really need to wake up guys,” Socrimon complained as she, the other Digimon, Karlene and Brion shook their sleeping bodies.

“Wha happened?” Andrew muttered as he and Mollysa woke up.

“We’ll tell you, don’t worry,” Brion assured them, “just put on your clothes first.”

“Right.” After locating their garments and re-dressing themselves, the four and their Digimon left to find Daved.


“What extent of evil do you wish to do on this land?” The owner of a voice was a girl, dressed completely in purple, except for her shirt under her vest.

“Actually, we’re not from here,” Daved explained, “We’ve seemed to walk through a blue portal and got winded back twenty years.”

“Stupid people, these days,” the girl commented, “I mean, you should expect something to happen if you stroll through a swirling blue vortex.”

“Actually, a floating head told us to come here, something about protecting the ruin of the Digital World.”

“Idiot! If you were really to believe that, why did you come to the Digital World?”

“This is the Digital World?” The girl gave Daved a blank expression, “I mean, I: thought this was earth in the past?”

“You people in which claim to be from the future are crazy,” the girl said, extending her hand, “but if you’re here to prevent evil, then we’re on the same side. I’m Zoe.”

“My name Daved,” he said as he shook her hand, “now can we get out of this place? Only it’s very dark and dusty…”

“Oh, right.” The two left the building, not noticing one of the candles moving.


“I’m really sorry if I scared you all,” Mollysa apologized.

“It’s okay,” replied Karlene, “I mean, it really didn’t sound like a frightened scream- what’s up, Aerialmon?”

“Someone’s presence.” At those words, a Digimon popped up from the gap of the cottages ahead. He resembled a bit like a dinosaur, only red with yellow hair and more of a human look.

“Halt! I’ve just about had enough with you Dark Army folk!”

“Dark Army folk?” Brion questioned, “Hold up! We're not Dark Army folk."

“Prove it.” The Digimon suddenly glowed white, shrank in size, and then stopped. What once was a dinosaur was now a boy, with goggles and a red open polo shirt, yellow inside. “Show me your Digivice.”

“A Digivice?” Andrew looked at Mollysa, who looked at Brion, whom he looked at Karlene, and she to Andrew. “What’s that?”

The boy shook his head, “sorry for suspecting you guys. If you were one of the Dark Army folk, they would’ve answered differently. My name’s Takuya, and there are about four others, but we got split up.”

“What a coincidence!” Karlene piped in, “We’re missing one member.”

“Maybe we can look for them together,” Takuya suggested.

“Good thought.”


“So are you here by yourself?” Daved asked curiously.

“No, actually, I’m not,” replied Zoe. “I’m with four others about my age, except for one.”

“But don’t you need some sort of protection from the Digimon here?” asked Flatlermon.

“Not really, but it’s not like they don’t attack me, either.” Suddenly she glowed white as she transformed. By the time the glow stopped, she was no longer there, but instead a butterfly-looking girl. “Meet Kazemon, my Digimon form.”

“How’d you do that?” Daved asked, “Even more, can I do that?” Kazemon merely shrugged, as she and Daved walked through the rows of cottages. Suddenly a sandstorm brewed as Daved shielded his eyes from it.

“Let’s get out of here.”


“So why again did you say we split up, JP?”

“To cover ground, I guess, Koji.”

“I’m tired, guys. Can we take a break?”

“Not yet, Tommy.”

“Why not- hey look, another sandstorm!”

“What’s so exciting, Tommy?” Koji asked, and then noticed the sandstorm, “Let’s take refuge!”

“What’s refuge-?” Tommy began.

“It means cover,” JP answered as they ran into a cottage.


Takuya and the four others averted their gaze to their right, where about a mile away was very dusty. “A sandstorm!” Takuya yelled.

“In a forest?” Mollysa asked, confused.

“Anything’s possible in the Digital World,” Takuya yelled. The five of them quickly took cover in one of the cottages and locked the door shut. “There’s seemed to be a lot of sandstorms here lately, and we think that a Digimon is causing it. Unfortunately, we can’t do a thing while the sandstorm blows in our eyes. Kazemon could do it, but she’s not here.”

“Kazemon?” Brion asked.

“A Digimon, but she’s Zoe as a human. She’s the Spirit of Wind, and she can blow the sand away. We lost her, which is why I split from the group to go after her.”

“How sweet,” spoke Karlene softly.


“So what’s up with this sandstorm, Zoe?” David roared over the winds as Kazemon lifted him over the storm.

“Call me Kazemon while I’m a Digimon,” Kazemon corrected as she dropped him off at a cottage roof, safe from the storm. “I’m the Spirit of Wind, so if I blow the winds away, we can see the Digimon behind this.” With that, her wings fluttered really fast, as gushes of air burst out of her palms. The storm of sand dispersed as a bug Digimon’s shadow loomed in the remaining winds. All of a sudden, Daved’s hand felt heavier, as a device fell on his hand (Digivice).

“SandYanmamon,” he read, “Okay, Flatlermon, Digivolve (where he learned the word, don’t ask)!”

”Flatlermon Digivolve to… Flootmon!” Daved stared at his Digimon partner, now much bigger in size, but still not as tall as him. He had gained hands and feet, but still looked like a football. “Rushing Yard!” He charged at amazing speeds at the figure, dispersing the data, and being collected by Kazemon.

“Mystery solved,” Kazemon exclaimed, turning back into Zoe.

“What’d you do to its data?” Daved asked.

“It’ll go somewhere,” Zoe dismissed. Then she noticed a figure in the dust.


“The storm’s cleared guys, we can leave.” One by one the four of them left the cottage (and the Digimon). “Has anyone seen Andrew?”

“I don’t know,” said Mollysa, “I think we lost him in the storm.”

“That’s two to find, huh?”


Andrew ran with the others to cottage when he tripped on his shoe. “Oh shit!” He ran to cottage only to find it locked. He wandered through the dusty scene when he got pulled into another cottage.

“What’re you doing in this weather?” asked a small kid.

“I got lost,” snapped Andrew, “that’s all.” Then came a knock on the door. “I don’t know if you should open it.”

“Open the door!” came a female voice.

“Zoe!” cried the youngster, the older two boys glad that he was happy. He dashed open the door to find her with a boy beside her. The area was clear, and there was no more dust.

“Hiya, Daved,” Andrew greeted his friend.

“This one of your friends?” Both Koji and Zoe asked the boy beside them.

“Yep,” replied the two boys.

“So,” Zoe informed, “we dealt with the SandYanmamon, so there should be no more storms.”

“Excellent,” JP summed up, “now we need him to lead us to Takuya.” He spoke directly to Andrew.

“Not a problem.”


“They’re gaining forces from another era, Masteramon. It seems that these guys can time travel.”

“Well, then, Eilee, you know that you are my most faithful servant, so you too must warp time.”

“Yes, sir.”


There was a knock on the door as Brion went to open the door. As he saw the people through the window, his face lit up in gleam as he swung open the door to welcome in his peers, but glanced at Takuya before letting in the others.

“We should leave this place now,” JP suggested.

“Calm down JP,” Zoe said, “don’t be so hasty. Those of us in battle might actually need some rest.” With that, she flopped down on the bed.

“She’s right,” replied Koji, “it is nighttime, and a little rest couldn’t hurt.”

“Okay then!” Tommy yelled, “I’ll go get some sleep! I claim the house next door!” After confirming the house in which each would stay in, they departed, leaving Zoe alone.


Zoe walked in a grassy meadow, when suddenly she heard talking. She approached with caution, as she tiptoed across the field. She found Daved and Takuya discussing something, when she all of a sudden noticed that they were actually Bakemon in disguise.

Suddenly she abruptly woke up from her dream, and located herself to be in the same cottage she flopped on, only with an absence of noise. As an answer to the thought, a sudden rapping came upon the door. Scared of an enemy, she Spirit Evolved into Kazemon before opening it, only to find Takuya in pajamas.

“Hi, Kazemon. It’s cold in my cottage, so can I stay here awhile?”

“Sure.” Turning back into human, Zoe widened the door for Takuya to come in. “ Scared to sleep by yourself, more like. Anyhow, if you want to sleep in here, you gonna have to take the floor.”

“Sure.” He took his vest and laid it on the floor. Suddenly Zoe felt sorry for the sleeping figure on the floor.

“Hey, why don’t you sleep here? I mean it is quite a large bed. You share one side, and I have the other.”

“Why not?” As he slept on the edge of the mattress, an idea popped up in his mind. He placed an arm around Zoe, and pretended that he was just moving in his sleep.

Meanwhile, Zoe had thoughts of her own. As soon as she felt Takuya’s arm behind her head, she inched closer to him. Takuya, sensing more warmth, turned to face her. Zoe’s eyes snapped open, and seeing the body of Takuya spread a silent wave of shock, but go over it as she crept on top of him.


“Hey, Takuya, can I come in? You left your clothes in my- that’s strange. No one’s here… guess I better look for him.”


About fifteen minutes into their sex games, and they had already had two orgasms each, and was about to start a third when there was a knock at the door. As they tried to redress themselves, the door opened.

“Hey Takuya, you left your-“ Daved cut off his sentence as he saw both Zoe and Takuya half naked. “Here are your clothes. Bye.” He dropped them at the door and ran away.

“What’s wrong with him?” Takuya questioned.

“I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”


Wow, you think that Daved’s angry? Well, You might guess that the next lemon will be Zoe/Daved, but if you think otherwise, feel free to send ideas to Xboi42090@aol.com. Anything else should go to my reviewer, Jrro042090@aol.com. Also, if you want to suggest the plot, email those to me (the first address).