American Dream

A Series typed by Zakuyoe


AUTHOR’S NOTE: Okay, to all those new to my writings, I am Zakuyoe, a new artist in the fields of lemon writing. I have written many previous stories beforehand (mainly upon death and grieving), so lemons are still new to me. Now for al those who don’t know what a lemon is, it’s a story that contains detailed scenes of sex (but I’m infamous of skipping some of those scenes, especially kissing, and I apologize in advance). The terminology? YAOI is male x male sex, YURI is girl x girl sex, and rape is the deliberate action upon forcing an unwillingly partner to have sex with you.

My stories are basically best read in parts of stories, as you will find many of mine belonging to a collection of related series (usually categorized chronologically). So without further ado, here’s my series!!!


I unfortunately do not own the whole concept of Digimon; they belong to Toei, Bandai, all those official companies…


CHAPTER 3: Revenge on the Coldhearted

Josh stood isolated from his classmates during his 1st period class that day as his mind wandered to Kim. He should have told; maybe then he would have Kim to cheer him, still. Still, he didn’t need to go way out of his way to please a being. But she was a girlfriend, which completely took it out of those rules, whatever rules there were. Josh took a death glare at Charles, who had been watching his every move since the start of class. As Charles turned away, Josh hissed silently, “This all happened because of you…”


“So, Charles,” muttered Kim softly as she seated herself into her desk, “Tell me, how was your afternoon yesterday?” IT was the start of Physical Science class, and Charles was already seated when she got there.

“It was fine, Kim. And you don’t have to tell me that you’re Josh’s girlfriend. He asked you about me, didn’t he?” Kim nodded.

“We broke up this morning.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Kim gave him a death glare.

“It’s not because of an argument, Charles, and you know why.” Her voice seemed to increase with anger at every word she spoke.

“Uh, no I don’t, actually.” Kim eyed him oddly.

“Well, deep inside you, you know why. I will get back at you for this, you know that?” She looked down apologetically, “Truthfully, I want Josh, but he won’t… I mean, if I could do that for him, then…”

“Are you talking to yourself?”

“What? Oh no, never mind…” The two turned to the front as the bell rang, drifting them to eternal boredom.


Josh sat with his own friends that lunch period as Kim watched him laugh happily at his table’s hysterical jokes. She missed his company; after all, he was the one who took her virginity. Kim sighed as she listened to her own table’s conversation, unaware of anything around her.

Josh also had Kim in mind while he was joining his group in laughing. Kim was his first, and had only dated her for about two days. Josh tried his best to hide his true emotional feelings, and continued to hoot at the punch lines on every joke.


School passed long for the two separated lovers that day, each thinking of the other, but not knowing how to apologize. Charles saw this as an opportunity, as he began to stalk Josh. Because of their current dilemma, Kim had also been trailing Josh. She noticed the gay boy immediately, and decided to use his medicine against him. The boy passed, and Kim grabbed him by his black shorts. He screamed, frightened.

“I thought I heard something,” wondered Josh, turning around to see no one. He shrugged it off and continued walking home. Kim struck again. She removed the gag from her prisoner’s mouth and punched him hard at the face, giving him a black eye. Kim smiled as she dragged the body to her house.


Charles woke up by a loud roaring noise. He tuned his hears to hear a young boy yelling, ““Go get him, WarGreymon!” but had not idea why. Thinking it was all for the best, he opened his eyes. A brilliant shade of pink and purple met his eyes.

“I see my feed has awoken,” muttered the voice of Kim. Charles shuddered. “You’ve hurt Josh without even realizing it, and you definitely don’t know that you’ve hurt me too. I’m going to have to teach you a lesson.” Charles whimpered as Kim drew near.


Josh sat at the dinner table silent that night, although the scent of Mac and Cheese greeted his nose. As the other occupants of the house began to relish the food, Josh continued to stare at the emptiness, not even glancing at the food set before him.

“Honey, dear,” began his mother, “Do you want to say what is on your mind?”

“No thanks. May I be excused?”

“Certainly.” Josh kept himself within his room for the rest of the night.


“Don’t do this to me,” whined Charles as Kim hovered over his now exposed cock. Kim had used some blankets to trap the poor human. As she prepared to dive herself into him, a loud rapping came at the door. Charles got his clothes and fled as Kim got up and looked out the window.

“HI!” yelled what seemed like a floating ball of white fluff, “Wanna play?” Kim smiled at the odd creature.

“Are you a Digimon too?”

“Your species are funny,” said the Digimon happily, “They always seem to be eaten by these large metal Digimon, and some are swallowed by this one large blue Digimon.” Kim considered what this guy meant.

“Well, I guess you mean that people are walking into buildings, and the latter I can guess that you mean swimming in the ocean?” The white Digimon shrugged.

“Err… I don’t know. I’m Calumon.” His ears grew extensively as Kim shook it.

“Well, you’d better hide before the military police find you or something.” Calumon nodded as he hopped into the house and dove under her covers. “Hey, not there!”

“Oh?” The Digimon’s ears shrank. Kim sighed.

“Okay, you can have that side of the bed. Just don’t bump into me at night, okay?” Calumon’s ears grew again as he flopped on the bed, snoring almost instantly.


“Why’d you stuff me in a Digimon filled with heavy rectangles?”

“Not everything is a Digimon, Calumon,” informed Kim as she headed for the school, “In fact, not many are here. I’m carrying you in my bag so no one gets suspicious about you.” Kim stopped at a red light.

“Did you have to put me with these heavy rectangles?”

“Those are books,” informed Kim as they continued to walk again, “You learn from them.” She heard a knocking from within the bag.

“How can you learn from them if they can’t speak to you? Do they transfer it to your mind or something?”

“You read it. Okay we’re at school.” Kim went to search for Josh.


“I wonder if Kim will forgive me,” wondered Josh as he paced through all the corridors, “I really miss her.” As he rounded a corner, Kim’s face met him. “Oh, err, hey Kim.”

“Hey.” She looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with her ex, “I was thinking… if I forgave you, would you date me again?”

“Yeah, sure.” He said this a little too quickly, but Kim didn’t seem to mind.

“On a happier note, Josh, I found a Digimon at my window last night. I don’t know what he’s doing here, but…”

They were interrupted as a loud announcement rang over the school speakers.



Finite! Chapter 3 is completed! Well, what’s the announcement, anyways? Read to find out! No teasers unfortunately, but does it even matter?

