Disclaimer: All characters contained herein are the property of their respective owners and they are being used without permission for the purpose of parody. This story contains consensual sexual activity between underage characters. If you find such material offensive, please stop now. If you are under the legal age to be reading such material in your area, generally 18 or 21, please stop now. If reading such material is just generally illegal in your area, then please stop now. If none of these apply, then feel free to continue.

Author’s Note: Alright, as you’ll probably quickly guess, this takes place after the end of season three, by about fifteen minutes. I just couldn’t resist, Takato and Jeri are too cute a pair and digimon, especially season three, seems a little underrepresented on the archive. As usual for me, there’s a fair amount of plot for a one shot lemon. Finally, this uses the english translation so names, plot and events are taken from that version.

Digimon: Old and new

Takato tore down the streets, running full out as he raced home. He was pretty obvious and from the other side of the street where a group of his friends and classmates watched him with curiosity as he quickly moved past them.
“Hey Takato,” Kazu shouted out as Takato quickly ran by, “where’s the fire?”
There was no answer, Takato was moving to fast and was gone too soon.
“I wonder what’s up?” Kenta noted from beside his friend.
“Beats me, he probably just remembered he left the iron on or something.”
Jeri, standing nearby, wasn’t so sure. “Hey, you guys go ahead,” she told them, “I have something I want to do.”
“Sure Jeri,” one of her girlfriends said slyly.
“Something that has to do with checking on Takato,” another one guessed shrewdly.
Jeri turned away and ran after Takato, blushing a little, without another word, secretly wondering what had him so worked up.
“Hi mom,” Takato greeted breathlessly as he blew past his mother and ran upstairs. He was in a hurry and left her staring at the cloud of dust.
Takato exploded into his room, grabbed his backpack and started to hurriedly stuff items in. “Let’s see,” he muttered to himself, “uh… sleeping bag… I’ll get some bread downstairs… canteen…compass…stuff for mapmaking… modify cards, hope I don’t need those…lucky charm… I guess some clean clothes… uh… gee, I know I’m forgetting something.” He scratched his head, when he encountered nothing he figured it out. With a smile he reached under his bed and pulled out his goggles, then carefully slipped them on to his head. There was also his digivice, but that barely ever left his body. Takato realized that in the digital world half this stuff was either useless or optional, but who knew how the digital world had changed or if it would come in handy or not.
Takato also grabbed some pen and paper and quickly scribbled out a note for his parents. “Dear mom and dad,” he mumbled as he wrote, “I’m sorry to have just taken off like this but I had to go. Hopefully I won’t be long, I found a portal back to the digital world and need to bring back Guilmon and the others. I have a promise to keep. Please don’t worry, things should be a lot safer back there then they used to be. If I’m not back in a week tell my friends the old portal is open. Love Takato.” Takato carefully placed the note on his bed, then snuck down to the kitchen.
Already being reminded of old times he carefully started to raid the older bread, stuff that was still good but harder to sell. He stuffed as much of it as he could in the remaining space in his backpack, then carefully crept out.
As he put his hand on the door he suffered some momentary second thoughts. The ones about not going or telling his parents properly didn’t last long but he did hesitate and think about telling the other tamers. They really did deserve to know and would probably do just what he was doing. But, he quickly told himself, since the plan was to bring all their digimon back it should be okay. And who would he call anyway? Henry, Ryo and Rika, okay they would be certain, and probably a good idea. But Kazu, Kenta and Jeri? Not to mention bringing along Susie or Ai and Mako would probably be a very bad idea but they had just as much a right as anyone. He was ready to go now, but if he told all the others it would take forever to get things organized and coordinated so they could all go and plan. Not to mention all the trouble a large group had caused last time, keeping everyone together had proved a nightmare. If he went alone at least he was being fair to everyone and not leaving anyone out by leaving everyone out. In fact, he convinced his conscience, if he went alone and brought back all their partners everyone would probably see theirs quicker then if they went as a group.
With his mind made up and his supplies packed Takato slipped out and started to jog back to the park.
Jeri loitered around the outside of Takato’s home, unsure what to do. She wanted to go in but it seemed too awkward and forward so she hesitated and waited. She was worried about Takato, he had seemed really worked up over something. But before she could make up her mind about what to do Takato slipped back outside and started to run again.
Jeri started to call out to him something then hesitated. She wasn’t sure what to say or do, but there was something about the whole picture that was tugging at her mind, something she thought was important but couldn’t put her finger on. As Takato jogged farther and farther away she kept staring and trying to figure it out. Until finally, just as Takato turned a corner, the sun glinted off something on his head. Then it hit her.
Takato was wearing his goggles again! And that could only mean one thing, he’d found a way back.
Jeri stood there in shock for a few moments. Then she shouted “hey, wait for me!” and began to chase after him.
Despite her speed Jeri didn’t catch up with Takato until he was actually back at the old hangout. He had paused for a few moments to catch his breath before taking the next few critical steps (and sigh with relief the portal was still there) when Jeri suddenly appeared behind him. He had been so caught up in running and his own thoughts that he hadn’t actually noticed her until then.
“Takato!” she gasped out behind him, “didn’t you hear me… I guess not.” She finished as she gave Takato a shock and he tripped. She instantly moved to help him up but in doing so saw down the hole and noticed the light of the portal.
“I was right!” Jeri half shouted.
“Jeri,” Takato said nervously as he accepted her hand up, “so what are you doing here?”
“When I saw you had your goggles on again I realized something… digital was up,” Jeri answered seriously, “your going back to the digital world aren’t you?’
“No I…” Takato trailed off. ‘Was just going out for a walk with my goggles and a backpack full of supplies and stumbled across this portal,’ he finished in his head. Yeah, that would work.
“I’m going with you,” Jeri declared firmly.
“Jeri,” Takato sounded concerned, “you can’t.”
“And why not?”
“Uh, good question. Look, this could be risky, I’m just making a quick trip to bring Guilmon and the others back. It’ll be simpler if there’s only one.”
“Says who? What risk is there anyway, every digimon is probably still at its baby stage and the D-reaper’s gone. And if there is any trouble you need someone to watch your back.”
“Uh…” actually Takato had to admit those were good points, but he still didn’t think it would be a good idea for Jeri to come along. “But I’m prepared and your not, okay, if you run home and pack we’ll go together once you’re ready.”
“Okay,” Jeri said brightly, then took two steps before it hit her. “hey, you’re just trying to get rid of me so you can go while I’m gone!”
“No no no,” Takato waved his hands in negation, “I’d never do anything on like that.”
“Liar. If I go and find you gone I’ll phone up all the rest of the old tamers and we’ll all go together.”
“No, then we’d never get everyone home!” Takato protested, momentarily panicking.
“Then take me with you!”
Takato sighed, he’d hoped to avoid this. “Jeri… I just don’t want to see you get hurt again. Remember everything that happened last time? And I didn’t want to say this but… you don’t even have a good reason to go this time. Leomon’s… gone, and you’d just be putting yourself in trouble for no reason.”
Jeri’s lower lip trembled a little. “I know,” she said shakily, “and I miss him. That’s why I have to go back, I just have to be sure. On the television series the digimon always came back and I just have to know. I know its stupid, but one way or another I have to be sure.”
“Jeri,” Takato sighed, then caved in. “Alright. Let’s go.”
“Thank you,” Jeri said softly.
With no more to say the pair walked into the opening between worlds.
Jeri started to squint and shield her eyes from the bright light almost instantly. “I remember this part now, Takato I can’t see.” She remembered a little too late that Takato’s goggles did actually have a purpose as he slid them down and walked normally through the light.
“Here, take my hand,” Takato gently grabbed one of hers. There was a pause, both of them blushed a little, then Takato firmly led her through the brightness into a more ‘normal’ section. If you called floating in a sea of data normal.
“Alright,” Takato said, “just like last time. Eyes forward, don’t worry about anything, keep close, watch out for sudden surges of data, keep moving, ignore the weirdness, and whatever you do don’t think about which way is down.”
There was a pregnant pause as both of them realized what he’d just said.
“Aw nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuts!”
A few minutes later, in the bottom of a new medium sized crater, Takato groaned and sat up. “Well, at least we know that still works,” he laughed nervously.
“’Don’t think about which way is down,’” Jeri muttered, “nice move Takato.”
Jeri stood up and dusted herself off. Luckily it seemed all the old digital rules were still working so the fall hadn’t killed them. She looked around, they were in the desert and barren part of the digital world. Desolation seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see, the giant nexus of data and information still hovered overhead, and digital fields still roamed the landscape in the distance.
Jeri half smiled, it hadn’t changed a bit. She looked down and corrected herself, there were more digimon. She hadn’t noticed before since they were all still below rookie level but there were half a dozen gathered around and staring at her worriedly. “Hi there,” she said cheerfully.
The digimon seemed to back off a little, sliding backwards. Under old circumstances they’d have nothing to worry about from Jeri, but at their current level Jeri and Takato were the most dangerous creatures for miles around.
“Hey, don’t be worried,” Jeri said softly, carefully stepping towards them, “we won’t hurt you.”
Takato meanwhile was going through his backpack and making sure that nothing had gotten damaged or lost in the fall. After last time he’d been sure to tie and seal everything in tighter this time so it was all still okay. He turned over to watch Jeri pick one of the little digimon up. “Jeri, what are you doing?” he asked curiously.
“Making friends,” she answered reasonably, and turned towards him, “we have to ask someone if they’ve seen Guilmon and the others. How else did you think we were going to find them?”
“Well actually-“
“Go on,” Jeri said in a determined voice, “make a sketch of Guilmon and the others and we’ll ask this little guy if he’s seen them.”
“Just trust me on this one okay?”
Takato took one look in her eye and stopped, she was too determined and wasn’t going to listen to him argue. Besides, it wasn’t a bad idea. He pulled out some of the supplies he’d brought for drawing a map and got to work.
Jeri watched over his shoulder as the sketch of Guilmon as they’d last seen him quickly started to take shape. “Wow, you’re not bad,” she commented in surprise.
“Thanks,” unfortunately the little digimon failed to recognize the sketch. Other quick sketches of Renamon, Terriermon, and Calumon also failed to get anything.
“Darn,” Jeri said as she finally let the little digimon and his friends go, “well, now what do we do?”
Takato simply brought out his digivice, the screen was active and started to blip. “Guilmon is my digimon, remember?” he said as he studied the screen. “I was planning on using this to lead me right to him.”
“Oh,” Jeri flushed with embarrassment.
“Don’t worry though,” Takato said quickly, “it was still a good idea, and if he’s separated from the others we’ll still need to ask around. And,” he frowned, “this doesn’t seem to be working so well.” The digivice was creating an arrow and trying to point Takato in the right direction, but it was wobbling across an almost 90 degree arc and sometimes spun across the whole circle. They had a direction, but not nearly as good as he’d hoped.
Jeri beeped. Takato looked at her in surprise while she looked at her pocket. She reached into it to pull out her own digivice. Takato was almost surprised, but when he thought about it he realized he’d always carried around his, why shouldn’t she.
“Takato,” Jeri said hopefully, slowly, as her digivice began to act like his, “if your digivice is tracking your digimon then what’s mine tracking?”
“Huh?” Takato looked at her digivice, it was pointing Jeri in the same direction, more or less, as his was. “I… don’t know,” he said slowly.
Jeri looked at him, surprised hope flaring in her eyes.
Takato smiled. “Let’s find out.”
The problem came when night fell (or, as usual in the digital world, thudded into place). Takato and Jeri had been walking since they’d arrived, occasionally stopping to interview some of the small digimon that seemed to be a lot more common this time around. There were still long stretches when they wouldn’t see any, but compared to their first trip to the digital world there seemed to be at least two or three times as many.
They hadn’t had any luck but it had been a long trip and they were both tired. As they stopped for the night and Takato realized the problem. He’d taken the time to pack for the trip and had a sleeping bag but Jeri had virtually nothing. Admittedly her digivice was probably the digiworld’s equivalent of a Swiss army knife and the most useful thing she could have brought but that still left one sleeping bag and two people. And Takato wasn’t about to let Jeri sleep on the ground while he slept in comfort.
Of course even he didn’t think she was going to go along with that easily.
As they both sat down Takato brought out one of the smaller loaves of bread and offered half to her, then took out the canteen he’d brought. Jeri took it thoughtfully but gratefully, “you didn’t really need to take this you know,” she mumbled as she chewed a bite, “you don’t actually need food in the digital world.”
“I know,” Takato admitted, “but I was in a hurry and didn’t really think. Besides, its nice to have anyway and you know its probably going to be the first thing Guilmon asks about when I find him.
Jeri giggled. “Probably.”
“And you never know,” Takato added, lying on his back to look up at the night sky, “I was worried the rules around here would have changed after all the things the digital world went through since we were last here. Counting on them to have stayed the same seemed to be a bad idea, but I guess I was just being paranoid.”
“Because half of it was destroyed and then regressed?” Jeri asked rhetorically. “That was a good idea Takato.”
Jeri seemed in a good enough mood, now was probably the time to bring it up. “Anyway, why don’t you take the sleeping bag?” he suggested casually. “I feel pretty comfortable right where I am and I kind of hurried you out here so you should take it.”
Jeri looked at him. “While you sleep on the ground?”
“It’s pretty comfortable,” Takato lied, ignoring the rocks poking his back, “and I can use my pack as pillow. I’ll be fine.”
“Takato, stop being silly. We can just unzip the sleeping bag and use it as a blanket over the ground. That way we can both be fairly comfortable.”
Takato grinned nervously, sleeping that close to Jeri? He’d probably get more sleep if he stayed where he was. “I’ll be fine,” he tried again nervously, “you take it.”
Jeri looked annoyed. “Takato, I got myself into this. Either we both sleep on that sleeping bag or neither of us does.” She hmphed and moved to make herself comfortable on a different patch of rocks.
Takato sighed deeply, he knew she’d do it too. While Jeri had never been as aggressive as, say, Rika, she could be just as stubborn and determined in her own quieter way. She’d have even a worse night then he would, it didn’t get truly cold at night in the digital world but the temperature still dropped and she’d be wearing a skirt. Takato got up and took out the sleeping bag, then unzipped it and flattened it out like a blanket over the hard ground.
“Good,” Jeri said more normally as he came back to take one side of it, “those rocks were really uncomfortable.”
Takato sighed again and took the other side. He had to admit that this was more comfortable then sleeping on rocks in one way. But, as his body reacted to the nearby presence of Jeri, much more uncomfortable in another.
“Takato,” Jeri said slowly from next to him.
“Yes Jeri?” he answered, carefully looking at the night sky again.
“What do you think my digivice is tracking? Do you really think…?”
Takato sighed. After everything she’d gone through already he really didn’t want to disappoint her by getting her hopes up too high. But still… “I don’t know,” he answered honestly, “it could be a lot of things. Maybe Leomon’s back somehow, or maybe its just tracking Impmon because of the data, or maybe its tracking any one of the others because you spent so much time with them. Or maybe its even pointing out an entirely new digimon that’s supposed to be your partner. But there is something there for you Jeri, I’m sure of it.”
“You really think so?” Jeri asked hopefully.
“I do,” Takato said firmly, and he did.
“Thanks, that means a lot to me,” Jeri answered softly, “your such a good friend. That’s why I like you so much. Goodnight.” Jeri said abruptly and went silent, leaving Takato even more uncomfortable then before.
Still, it had been a long day. Despite the overall feeling that his skin was on too tight Takato eventually dropped off to sleep.
Jeri, nude, kissing him, moving over him in interesting ways, crying out “Takato, I’ve always loved you, I want you now!”
Takato woke up with a start, his eyes popping wide open even though he didn’t move out of sheer shock. Beside him Jeri murmured in her sleep.
It wasn’t like he hadn’t had occasional dreams like that before, but never so vivid. And never with the real Jeri so nearby. Takato nervously glanced over to find that Jeri had rolled over closer during the night. She lightly grabbed his arm and her legs were over/pressed against one of his as she slept on her side.
Takato groaned softly, she was too close and he’d never get loose without waking her up, thus spoiling his thought of quickly hiding behind some rocks and relieving some pressure and frustration. In fact, he could just see the light of digital day quickly starting to come their way. When that arrived, going straight from dark night to bright day, it was probably going to act as an alarm clock anyway and wake her.
“This,” Takato muttered softly as he frantically tried to convince his body to calm down, “is going to be a long day.”
Around noon it seemed obvious that he had been right.
So far Takato and Jeri’s day had been more of the frustrating same. More walking in the direction more or less indicated by the digivices. More talking to the digimon to see if they’d seen any of their friends. More occasionally moving fast to dodge oncoming data streams. And more lack of success and the feeling they were getting nowhere fast.
“No huh,” Takato sighed in unsurprised disappointment, he let the hairy little digimon go and plopped down on a rock next to Jeri as another one failed to know anything.
“Man,” he admitted his doubts to Jeri, “this is all so frustrating! If it weren’t for the fact that the d-power is giving us some direction I’d say it was hopeless! And even then I’m not sure this stupid thing is working right.” He glared at his digivice in annoyance.
“Don’t worry,” Jeri said as hopefully as she could manage, “I’m sure everything will be fine. We can’t just give up.”
“I know,” Takato smiled, “and we’re still doing better then we did when we were looking for Calumon, but I just wish things were easier.”
“Maybe I can help,” a gravely voice spoke up behind them.
The two tamers turned around in surprise but couldn’t see anyone, just a dark cave in one of the rock outcroppings. “Who’s there? What do you mean help?” Jeri asked.
“I know who your looking for,” the voice sounded mischievous, despite its roughness.
“You know Guilmon?” Takato asked excitedly.
“A red virus type, eats everything in sight, kind of noble but naive?” the voice asked.
“That’s my digimon,” Takato said excitedly steeping towards the cave.
“Come inside,” the voice in the dark invited, “we can talk payment.”
That stopped Takato. “Payment?”
“I can tell you things about Guilmon and his friends, but it won’t be for free,” the mysterious voice said.
Takato and Jeri looked at each other worriedly then both stepped carefully into the cave, it was dark but cooler then outside. As their eyes adjusted Takato offered, “we have food if that’s what you want.” He thought he could just make out a digimon silhouette hiding among the rocks but it was quickly gone.
“I don’t want food,” the voice ground out.
“Then what do you want?” Jeri asked nervously.
“Entertainment?” Jeri echoed, now puzzled.
“Yes,” the voice continued, “I want you two… to make out.”
“What?” Takato squawked, surprised.
“Excuse me?” Jeri said at the same time.
“You heard me,” the voice sounded amused.
“Look buddy,” Takato said aggressively, “there’s no way I’m-“
“Start by kissing,” the voice said smugly as it overrode Takato, “no entertainment, no information.”
Jeri and Takato slowly looked at each other, a hundred different emotions running over their faces.
“Well…” Takato said slowly, “it is for a good cause.”
“Right,” Jeri agreed quickly, “and its not like he’s asking us for anything too bad… he could have asked us to fight or to do a whole play. I mean its just kissing, where’s the harm in that?”
They both laughed nervously and stepped in close. The fact was, they both secretly more or less wanted to do this.
“Go on, that’s the way,” the voice from the darkness spoke.
Just not because a digimon was forcing them to.
“Great, just great,” Takato mumbled so that only Jeri could hear, “thousands of digimon in the digital world, and we run into pervertedmon.”
Despite the situation Jeri couldn’t help but giggle, reliving the tension a little.
“I don’t have all day,” the voice spoke after another long pause.
“You sure you want to do this?” Takato whispered in concern as they slowly leaned closer, "you don’t have to you know, we don’t need whatever this digimon is offering us.”
“Yes, we do,” Jeri answered, “eyes closed.”
“Right,” Takato answered, doing the same. Carefully, slowly, the pair began to lean those last few inches closer. It took an agonizingly long time, hearts beating fast for the both of them as they waited for the other one to crack. But neither did, they just kept getting closer, until finally their lips met.
Takato and Jeri both shook a little with surprise, they were actually doing it! The warm and pleasant feeling of their lips pressing together thawed their fears and the tension seemed to flow out of them both.
“Now get closer, put your arms around each other,” the voice commanded.
It was a command they didn’t mind following. Slowly the pair relaxed even more and stepped closer, bring their bodies close together and wrapping their arms around each other.
“Come on, closer, get your bodies into it. And don’t forget to breath,” the voice chuckled the last bit.”
Takato was now starting to get really annoyed at the digimon, or as annoyed as he could manage under the circumstances. But as he and Jeri pressed their bodies together that wasn’t much. Takato actually opened his eyes in surprise as he realized Jeri actually had started to get small breasts. He’d always thought so and fantasized that way, but with her loose dress it was hard to tell. And unless those were two small and hard buttons pressing into his shirt, she was really enjoying everything. At the same time Jeri’s eyes widened as she felt the bulge in Takato’s pants. They noticed and slowly closed their eyes again, each returning to the pleasure of the experience as they truly felt each other’s body. Jeri, without any prompting, also opened her mouth a little and started to invite Takato in.
This went on for a long but enjoyable minute. But finally he voice chuckled and spoke up again. “Now feel around under each other’s underwear.”
Takato suddenly growled and exploded away from Jeri, furious. That was it, it was too much, too fast, and there was no way he was doing that to Jeri in front of some perverted little digimon for its amusement, not even for Guilmon. Still unable to see properly in the dark Takato still found the silhouette and leapt towards it, grabbing the small digimon by the throat and starting to choke it.
“Takato!” Jeri shouted out in surprise and worry. The last time she’d seen him wear that face he’d almost been at the level when he’d created Megidramon.
“Momenti,” a voice gasped out under his hand.
“Huh,” Takato said in surprise, loosening his grip as that penetrated even his anger. He looked down in shock as his eyes finally started to adjust enough to see the digimon now that he’d dragged it out from cover. “Terriermon?” he asked incredulously.
“Boy Takato,” Henry’s digimon said weakly as he rubbed his throat, “you sure have a strong grip.”
Terriermon followed the blushing pair back into the sunlight and coughed a few times as he fought to regain his breath. “Phew,” the little digimon said finally, now using his normal voice, “I knew I was pushing it with that last bit but I just wanted to see what you’d do. I never figured I’d get that strong a reaction.”
When Takato got back he promised himself he’d have a few words with Henry about actually taming the little digimon. “Well just what did you think would happen?” Takato asked angrily. “Even if I wanted to do that how did you think I’d react about doing it in front of an audience.”
“Aw, I was just having a little fun,” Terriermon claimed, “I just got carried away. No other two people I know would have even gone that far.”
“What are you talking about,” Takato protested, blushing all the harder, “we’re tamers, we did it for our digimon, nothing special, any tamer would have done it.”
Terriermon just looked at him. “Riiiight,” the little digimon said sarcastically, “sure they would. If I’d asked that with Rika around how long do you think it would be before she took my head off, in seconds?”
Takato had to admit it probably wouldn’t even be one. “So are the others around here somewhere?” Takato asked, quickly looking around and changing the subject.
“Sorry,” Terriermon answered, “I got picked up by a datastream two weeks ago and deposited around here. I’m looking for them too, you do know where you’re going right?”
“Well,” Takato showed Terriermon the digivice, “sort of. But I just can’t seem to get a good direction on this thing.”
Terriermon looked at it. “Probably because their on another level,” he answered, “I guess they moved to another one since I was last with the group. Well, its as good a direction as any. Let’s start walking,” the small digimon sighed and started to walk in the indicated direction.
Takato and Jeri, who was looking strangely annoyed with Takato, took off after him.
“Wait a minute,” Takato asked as he noticed the difference between Terriermon and the other digimon, “how come your Terriermon again. Shouldn’t you still be at a lower level?”
“Come on,” Terriermon answered in that usual annoying way of his, “have you forgotten who was with us?”
“Huh, what do you mean? There was Guilmon, Renamon, you… Calumon,” Takato suddenly realized.
“Yeah, didn’t take long before we were all digivolving back to our rookie level just to give him better playmates. Although none of us were past that the last time I checked, not even the ones where that were normally like Guardromon and Leomon.”
“Leomon’s back?” Jeri spoke up excitedly for the first time since they’d seen it was Terriermon.
Terriermon actually looked contrite. “I’m sorry Jeri,” he answered, “I should have thought of that. But I’d thought you’d have figured it out with all the digimon around.”
“What do you mean?” Takato asked, confused, “I mean, I know we’ve seen a lot around but what does that mean?”
“When everything went back to its original state data was extracted from us. That meant that all the killed digimon were resurrected in their lowest forms too.”
“That’s great!” Takato enthused.
“Don’t be so sure,” Terriermon said seriously.
Jeri looked at him strangely. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that now all the digimon we destroyed are back too. And some of them weren’t all that nice, remember? And now they’re back they have some serious grudges and scores to settle.”
“Oh, but that shouldn’t be a problem, you guys should be at a higher level then everyone, shouldn’t you?” Takato asked.
“Mostly, but some of the more powerful ones are digivolving too, the sovereigns are already at champion level and I wouldn’t bet against it being too long before they reach ultimate.”
“But the sovereigns like you.”
“Yeah, but there’s still 11 rookie level davas out there that want to kick our butts,” Terriermon answered, “Zhiquaomon’s told them no, but I bet that if they sneak it by him he’ll look the other way.”
“Well, I think that’s a small price to pay to get all our friends back.”
Terriermon sighed. “Not all,” he answered, sounding depressed.
Takato paused, “what do you mean not all?”
“I mean that there were special circumstances and that there were at least two digimon that couldn’t be brought back. At least, we couldn’t find them, and believe me, we looked.”
Takato’s heart sank. “Which two?”
“Dobermon and Granni,” Terriermon sighed again, “Renamon thinks that because some of their data went to you guys through biomerging not all their data got back to the digital world so they never got reborn. Even loose data got sucked back to the digital world, but data within humans? There was no way”
“Oh,” Takato said softly. It wasn’t like he had just lost them all over again, but it still hurt knowing the only two not recovered were friends. And he couldn’t help but feel a little responsible and guilty about it, even though he knew it wasn’t his fault. Behind him Jeri looked equally depressed at that thought, even though she’d never really known either of them.
“Yeah, and I’m worried about the rest of the group too. With me gone the davas have us even more outnumbered then before. If they ganged up on us we’d be digital dust before you could spell Zhiquaomon’s name.”
“Well let’s stop talking and find them, alright?” Jeri said angrily, stalking past the pair.
“Whoa, hey wait up!” Terriermon called out and ran along to keep up.
“What’s with her?” Takato asked the digital world, taking a moment to scratch his head. He felt all confused but soon had to jog to catch up with the other two.
Jeri set a blistering pace and the small group walked the rest of the day.
“Jeri,” Terriermon panted as the day drew nearer a close (although only he was really sure of that, being a digimon he was more sensitive to time in the digital world), “going fast won’t help us, the rest of them are on a whole other level. We need to find a way between levels and then we can go fast.” The speed was especially hard on the short legged little digimon, he had been too short of breath to complain but, in addition to a whole lot of other reasons, he wished Henry was along so he could digivolve or modify into something better suited to walking.
“Then we’ll find the place where they were before and look for an opening there,” Jeri snapped back, “that’s not a problem, is it?”
Terriermon opened his mouth then shut it again, he had to admit she had a point there. And they were probably going in the right direction for that.
“You would recognize the place if we saw it, right,” Jeri suddenly asked sharply.
“Uh, probably,” Terriermon admitted.
Jeri shot her gaze to a nearby tower of rock. “Then we’ll climb that and you can look around for it.” She marched off towards it and Terriermon repressed a groan.
“Well, it would be a good place to spend the night,” Takato said. He took a look at the size of it and considered, “so long as you don’t sleepwalk.”
“Jeez, what’s with gung ho Jeri,” Terriermon muttered to Takato as they walked over. She’d been forceful and aggressively almost since they’d started out.
“I don’t know,” Takato answered, “maybe she’s still angry with you for that trick you played on us.”
Terriermon didn’t think so, but he saved his breath for walking and the climb to come. There at least he’d have some advantage, he could use his ears for extra support and grip, but that didn’t mean he’d have to like it.
“Alright,” Jeri declared as they got to the base of the pillar, “I’ll go first.”
“Okay,” Takato answered quickly, not inclined to argue with Jeri the way she was acting. Then as she reached for the first handholds a thought struck him and he quickly changed that answer to, “no, wait, I’d better go first!”
“Why?” Jeri asked, dropping back down and spinning to face him angrily. “Is it because I’m a girl? Is it because you think I’m some helpless no good tamer wannabe who can’t do anything and has to be protected all the time? Is that it Takato?”
“No no,” Takato said quickly, completely confused. “That’s not it at all.”
“Well,” Jeri asked angrily, almost getting in his face (this was starting to worry Takato almost as much as the D-reaper Jeri had), “what is it then?”
“Its because I have to look up to climb,” Takato answer hurriedly, “and your, well, wearing a skirt.”
Jeri deflated instantly, blushing in embarrassment and automatically moving to shove her skirt down. “Oh,” was all she said.
Behind them Terriermon giggled and Takato started to blush too.
“Tell you what,” Jeri answered in a strained and embarrassed voice, “why don’t you go first.”
“Good idea,” Takato answered in a similar voice.
Terriermon moved to outright laughter. They both turned and shot him a glare that moved him to silence.
Takato moved to the base of the stone tower and took a deep breath. Well, hopefully they’d all be a lot calmer by the time they reached the top.
Takato groaned and flopped exhaustedly onto the spread out sleeping bag. The climb had calmed them down all right, exhaustion would do that to you. They had reached the top just ahead of nightfall and set up for the night. Luckily it was a fairly big plateau so they didn’t have to worry too hard about falling off. Everyone had had some bread and water (although Takato had been very tempted not to give any to Terriermon) and now they were almost ready to go to sleep. Takato was already lying down, Terriermon had sagged exhaustedly against Takato’s backpack and Jeri… was about as far away from them as she could get, sitting on a rock and staring into the night.
Takato sighed. Terriermon opened his eyes and noticed too. “What’s up with her?” he asked, “you sure she’s not gone D-reaper on us again?”
“No,” Takato said slowly, “then she was creepy, this is just…odd.” He groaned then slowly got up, “I guess I’d better go talk to her.”
“Ohhhh,” Terriermon said sleepily, “going for a late night rendezvous with your girlfriend?”
“Shut up,” Takato said tiredly, summoning his strength and courage after a tough day he walked over and sat down next to her. “Hey Jeri,” he said cheerfully, “mind if I sit here?”
Jeri made a noncommittal noise and continued to look into the night. Takato took a little heart that she didn’t sound angry anymore, just confused.
“Are you alright Jeri?” Takato finally asked, “I mean, it looks really cool out there and everything but you really need your sleep. You’ve had a busy day and all.”
“Takato…” Jeri asked slowly, “do you think I’m pathetic?”
Takato was taken aback. “No no, heck no, why on earth would you say that Jeri?”
Jeri sighed and continued in depressed tones. “I don’t know, I’m the weak one, the one who doesn’t deserve a partner. The one who lost her digimon, the one who got captured by the D-reaper, the one who-“
“Jeri!” Takato interrupted, “that’s nonsense and you know it. Your about the toughest tamer there is to go through all that and survive. Now what brought this on? Hey,” he snapped his fingers, “you’re trying to be stronger, aren’t you? That’s why you were acting so tough and in charge today?”
Jeri nodded.
Takato sighed. “Jeri, you don’t have to do that, you’re at your strongest and best when you’re just being you, and that’s incredible.”
“Is that why your not interested in me?”
“Huh, where did you get that impression?” Takato said, stunned.
“It’s what you told Terriermon today, isn’t it? I can’t even kiss a boy right.”
As Takato thought back he realized he had tried to give Terriermon that impression. “That’s not true, I just didn’t want to give Terriermon the impression he’d been right or doing us any favors,” Takato answered urgently, “I couldn’t let him know that I really loved it!”
“Really?” Jeri asked, perking up and looking interested.
“Uh, well,” Takato stalled, practically glowing in the dark like a big red nightlight.
Jeri blushed too. “You know Takato,” she said slowly, “I’ve wanted to do that with you for a long time.”
“Oh,” Takato said slowly, in a slightly different tone. There was a long and silent pause. Finally Takato added, “You know, the only reason I stopped is that I didn’t want to do that in front of a perverted little digimon, not because I didn’t like it. If Terriermon hadn’t pushed it too far I probably would have kept going. And even then… part of the reason I stopped was I like and respect you too much to do that in front of a pervert just because they’re asking me to.”
“Your sweet,” Jeri answered, “that’s why I like you so much Takato. And it was a great kiss, even with a strange digimon watching.”
There was more silence. Then in unison both shot a glance over their shoulders to see Terriermon snoozing against Takato’s backpack. “You know,” Jeri suggested shyly, “Terriermon isn’t watching now.” She shuffled closer to Takato.
Takato shot another look at the sleeping Terriermon then slowly put an arm around Jeri’s shoulders. “Not that I mind, but are you sure you want to do this? Terriermon’s still pretty close and it has been a long day, we could use rest.” Part of him shouted out inside ‘I can’t believe you just said that!’
“Please Takato?” Jeri pleaded, “if we wait too long I’m worried we might go back to just being friends again, and I couldn’t stand for that to happen.”
“Well, when you put it that way,” Takato admitted. He closed his eyes and leaned in close. Jeri giggled and mirrored his actions. They were still nervous, but once you’ve jumped off the high dive once (or, in this case, been pushed) its easier to do again. Their lips met and lingering doubt dissolved in the face of pleasant warmth.
The pair shuffled even closer together, their bodies touching a little awkwardly as they still sat side by side. But they didn’t mind, this was even better then last time because there was no watcher to hold them back and they were doing this one totally on their own. Soon Jeri opened her mouth again and the pair began to get a little tongue action in. Takato and Jeri both felt like they were going to burst, possessed by a mixture of happiness and not quite full satisfaction.
Jeri broke off the kiss first, by shifting over to sit in Takato’s lap. She could feel his erection pressing through the fabric of their clothes but had something to ask him first. “Um, Takato?” she asked softly, “could you try to… get me off? You’re a really great kisser, and I loved it, but if I don’t come soon I’m going to explode.”
“Oookay,” Takato answered slowly, more then a little surprised even thought he felt exactly the same way.
“Great!” Jeri answered in quiet enthusiasm, “after your done I’ll do you, okay?”
Takato’s eyes widened in surprise and happiness. “Okay,” he agreed more enthusiastically, then returned to kissing Jeri. After a few seconds of quick but fragmented thought he began to slip a hand up and along her leg, blindly but gently feeling around until he reached under her skirt, then even further until he slipped into the warm place under her underwear.
Jeri’s eyes widened in shock as she felt Takato tentatively and gently slip a finger inside her. He still seemed unsure what he was doing but Takato was gentle, and in the right place, and as worked up as Jeri was it was highly effective. As a thrill of pleasure raced through her Jeri broke the kiss long enough to tell him “yes, that’s the way,” in a strained voice. Takato, a little more confidently but still pretty gentle and tentative, started to moved his finger slowly in and out of Jeri, softly stroking her tender area with every movement.
It was more then enough for the worked up Jeri, she began to twitch and squirm in Takato’s grip, unable to even keep kissing him anymore. Takato meanwhile wasn’t all that much better off, with Jeri sitting in his lap he was getting more then a little stimulation back as she wiggled against him. Unable to do much else he settled for kissing and sucking at the soft flesh of Jeri’s neck.
It was too much for the inexperienced girl, she was finally getting what she’d wanted for a while. She gasped and jerked around in pleasure as Takato gave her so much stimulation. Then Takato accidentally shifted his finger so he was truly hitting to clitoris. “Takato…” Jeri gasped out desperately, “Takato… Takat-OH!” she finally almost shouted and shook all over as she came hard, slumping against Takato as she gasped for air.
Takato held her, and smiled gently but with a hint of strain as she took a few moments to recover. He’d certainly enjoyed everything, and even liked just holding her like this, but if he didn’t do something soon he was going to be the one to explode! Fortunately after almost a minute Jeri took a deep, if slightly unsteady breath, and said softly “now its your turn,” in a voice which sent thrills down Takato’s spine. She slowly started to reach for his pants and then-
“What’s with all the racket?” Terriermon asked sleepily, stirring a little and blinking in confusion as he looked towards the pair.
Jeri hurriedly slid herself off Takato and the pair composed themselves. “Nothing!” Takato shouted back towards Terriermon nervously. Not trusting himself to say anything more hit the stone he was sitting on with his fist. With a deep sigh he slowly got up.
“I’m sorry Takato,” Jeri said softly as she got up too.
“Don’t worry about it,” Takato said almost normally, “it’ll just be a long time before I get to sleep, that’s all.” Internally the normally good-natured boy had some stronger language for the situation.
“I owe you, don’t worry I’ll pay you back,” Jeri whispered as she walked past him.
Takato stood there, stunned, for a few seconds. “Well, now I’m never getting to sleep,” he muttered to himself.
Eventually, despite all the distractions and percolating hormones, Takato managed to get to sleep. And eventually the new day dawned and woke the group up.
“See anything you recognize Terriermon?” Jeri asked as daylight finally allowed the little digimon a good look around from the pillar of stone.
“Maybe,” Terriermon admitted as he shaded his eyes and looked off into the distance. “Over in that direction I think it looks like where we were last.”
“You think?”
“Hey, it’s a long distance away and there’s not a lot of variety around here!” Terriermon returned.
“Well it’s the same direction indicated by the digivice,” Takato confirmed, “I say we go for it.”
“Works for me,” Terriermon agreed, “so who want’s to go first for the climb down?”
Things were mostly quiet on the walk for a while, everyone spent the time lost in there own thoughts. There was some conversation but it was mostly light and nothing major (except for one urgent “there’s a datastream coming, run!”). But finally Jeri asked the big question, “Hey Takato, I’ve been wondering, just how do we get back?”
Takato looked surprised for a few moments, then just shrugged. “Actually that shouldn’t be too hard,” he answered, “now that the d-reaper’s gone it should just be a matter of getting up there,” he pointed to the giant nexus in the sky, “and a few modify cards should make that doable once I find Guilmon.”
“Will that work?” Jeri asked in surprise. It seemed too simple.
“I don’t know Takato,” Terriermon said uncertainly, “that’s only halfway there. We still have to get back to your world, and in the right place! I hope your not just counting on guesswork or on us having some mystical connections with our tamers that’s automatically going to put us on the right path.”
“Actually I was more counting on the digivices,” Takato answered, “but even if that doesn’t work you’ve just got to… have faith.”
There was a loud trill and giggle overhead as he said this. Everyone looked up to see a digignome flying away from directly over their heads. Takato smiled and reached for his modify cards knowingly. Just like he had expected, the first one had been altered and he held it up.
“A green card?” Terriermon asked in surprise.
Takato shrugged, “just something I talked about with Mr. Shibumi once. Well, more like he talked about it and I just listened. This should help solve all our problems.”
“Wow Takato, that’s smart,” Jeri enthused, impressed.
Terriermon smirked. “Ohhh, a nice move by the boyfriend.”
Takato blushed. In annoyance he said “Terriermon, would you cut that out. We’re just good friends.”
“Really?” the little digimon put in smugly, “is that what you went over to talk to her about last night?”
Now Jeri blushed too, but she was sure he didn’t know anything. “Nothing happened, we just talked!” she protested.
“Nice hickey Jeri,” Terriermon countered with a smile.
Jeri instantly slapped a hand over her neck, last night it seemed Takato had paid a little too much attention to that spot. She’d hoped Terriermon hadn’t noticed (since he was so short) but it seemed he had. Both she and Takato fell into a deeply embarrassed silence.
Terriermon started laughing, long and loud.
“Terriermon…” Takato growled warningly.
“I’m sorry,” the small digimon gasped out between laughs, “but you two are just so…just so…. ridiculous!”
“And what does that mean?” Jeri asked hotly.
“It’s just that,” Terriermon fought a giggling fit and still couldn’t keep the amusement out of his voice, “you guys have fought digimon, davas, sovereigns and even the d-reaper itself; you’ve befriended digimon, biomerged, gone to a whole other world, and even saved your own world… but you still can’t handle a little embarrassment and the fact you like each other!” Terriermon fell to the ground, rolling with laughter again.
Takato and Jeri looked at each other. “I guess when you put it that way,” Takato admitted.
“It is kind of funny,” Jeri agreed. They shared a good-natured giggle at themselves, their anger evaporating.
“There, you see?” Terriermon smiled, picking himself up off the ground. “That’s why I find it so fun to tease you two, its just so ridiculous.”
“Don’t push it Terriermon,” Takato warned good-naturedly.
Night fell, again, and the group set up camp, again. But this time it was a more relaxed and fun camp as the group settled down. This was helped by the fact they had found the old ‘home’ of Terriermon and the others. Not that there was much sign of the others, this hadn’t been like a house or anything, just a place they usually stayed around, but Terriermon was sure the portal to the next level would have to be around there somewhere.
A quick look around the area hadn’t turned it up, but they figured they could do a better one in the morning. In the meantime Takato had refilled the canteen from a nearby trickle of a stream, and he and Jeri and washed as best they could from it. The three of them settled down for the night. They actually had a small fire going in the fire pit the digimon had set up.
As the fire started to die down Terriermon yawned hugely. “I’m going to get some sleep,” Terriermon declared, “goodnight.” He began to walk away.
“Hey, wait a minute, where are you going?” Takato asked urgently.
“There’s a pretty comfortable niche for me to sleep in nearby, I’m going there,” Terriermon answered, “just yell if you need me. This way you can get some privacy with your girlfriend,” the digimon finished with a laughing grin before walking away.
The pair of humans looked on in surprise as he walked away. Terriermon only thought he was joking. Takato watched with surprise as Jeri then went over to his backpack and unrolled the sleeping bag for the night. “Is he really gone?” Jeri asked when she was finished.
Takato got up and looked around in the direction Terriermon had gone off in. He eventually spotted the digimon crawling in and curling up in a fairly comfortable hole a short but decent distance away. “Yeah, I guess so,” Takato called back.
“Then get over here!” Jeri said urgently, with more then a hint of nervousness.
There was no arguing with that tone, feeling the same as Jeri Takato made his way back to the sleeping bag.
“Now lie down,” Jeri commanded in the same tones, “and take off your shoes.”
Takato complied. As soon as he had taken his shoes off and his head had touched the built in pillow Jeri struck, as quick as a snake, to move over him and lock their lips. After a long but pleasant minutes that sent a surge through both their bodies she let up and they both panted for air as she broke the kiss.
Jeri shifted position, shaking with a mix of nervousness and desire she moved to straddle his waist in a sitting position, effectively pining Takato in place. “Takato?” she asked, “do you remember last night when I said I owed you?”
“What?” the confused Takato asked, “oh, yeah, thanks.”
“Well, I’m ready to pay up,” Jeri declared.
“Wait, that wasn’t it?” the stunned Takato asked.
“No, that was too easy and not equal to what you did for me, it was more to just check if Terriermon was really gone. This,” she declared, handing something to Takato, “is it.”
“Ooooookay,” Takato said slowly, taking what she offered. It just looked like a crumbled up white object, like paper. But as he took it Takato realized it was felt different. With a small frown he uncrumpled it to find out it was… a pair of panties.
Takato stared for a moment in utter surprise. Then he almost lost consciousness from blood loss as blood left his head for other parts (especially as it dawned on him how she was sitting). As he tried to shake off the lightheadedness Jeri drew off her clothes and put them aside, letting Takato see her truly naked.
Takato just continued to stare in surprise. Paralyzed with shock and enjoying the view, looking down to note how in this position Jeri’s legs were spread and he had a good view of her entire front. Jeri giggled a little as a little drool formed at the corner of Takato’s mouth as he forgot to swallow. But soon she instead rose herself up a little to pull down his pants and underwear. Takato groaned with relief as his erection was finally freed and snapped upwards. Then he found he couldn’t breath as Jeri took it in her hand, and then slowly, inch by inch, began to lower herself onto it. There was a feeling of a barrier for a few moments, but Jeri gradually increased the pressure until it suddenly gave way. That didn’t stop her from letting out a small “ow” though, or her eyes from tearing up.
Jeri paused for a moment in pain, then Takato suddenly broke out of his shock and was instantly forcing his way upwards face to face with her at the same time as slipping outside her body. “Jeri, are you alright?” he asked urgently. “I wasn’t thinking, I should have remembered you’d be a virgin.”
“I’ll be fine,” Jeri answered a little shakily, “it just hurt a little.”
“Hey, don’t rush it, take your time,” Takato responded gently, hugging her, “you don’t have to do anything.”
“Thanks,” Jeri smiled shakily, “but I want to go on. Just give me a moment.” She took a few deep breaths, the pain hard been sharp, but quickly over with. Still, she had to admit, his response had been a bit of a turn on so it wasn’t that bad an interruption. She slowly drew his shirt off and put it aside, then pushed him back down and did the same with his pants. “You ready to go?” she asked Takato with a sly smile that wasn’t forced.
“If your sure,” Takato said thickly as he stared at Jeri’s body.
For an answer Jeri spread herself open and once again lowered herself slowly onto Takato’s member, trembling just a little with a mixture of worry and desire.
Takato groaned again and arced his back a little as this time he was in a state of mind to truly appreciate the feeling of Jeri’s body slowly slipping over his member, her moist softness touching the sensitive flesh of that area. Takato panted for breath and control as she continued the move until he was completely enveloped, right down to the hilt. Unable to just lie down he shifted up onto his elbows before Jeri put her hands on his shoulders to halt him.
Jeri took a shaky breath then let it out, savoring the moment. Takato filled her very well and she wasn’t sure she could have taken him in if he had been much bigger, as it was she closed over him tightly, sending little shocks and twitches of pleasure to her even when she wasn’t moving. She twisted her hips a little, making Takato gasp in addition to the slow curl of pleasure it sent to her, to get used to the fulfilling sensation of him being inside her. Then, she began to rise a little, just slightly quicker then she had fallen. Both gave a small gasp at the sensation as their flesh rubbed together but Jeri didn’t stop until it was time to reverse motion and head back down. Then again, and again.
Takato gritted his teeth against the almost painful intensity of the moment as Jeri began to get a little speed and rhythm going. Rising and falling in front of and on top of him at a slow but measured pace Jeri already had Takato near to climax as he both watched and felt her body. Takato almost broke his teeth against each other he struggled not to come or let all the frustrated desire he’d felt since coming back to the digital world get the better of him and instead worked to make the experience last as each stroke into Jeri’s passage sent a new wave of pleasure at his defenses. Takato fell back more fully onto his back and desperately clutched at Jeri’s behind, distractedly enjoying the feeling of the flesh there, as he barely held on.
Slowly, but with increasing speed, Jeri began to move faster and harder onto Takato, like an addict seeking more as she got felt the increasing ecstasy of being with Takato this way. She moaned and gasped softly as she struggled to get as much pleasure as possible before her oncoming climax overtook her. Harder and harder she thrust against him as her back started to arc.
With a strangled cry Takato exploded inside of Jeri, his body twitching and spasming as at long last he found relief and continued to squirt inside Jeri’s body. With a scream of pleasure as she felt this action Jeri’s body locked and spasmed as well as Takato pushed her over the edge. It seemed like forever to the young lovers before Takato’s body finally emptied itself and Jeri’s muscles unlocked and she sank to lie on top of Takato as the pair panted from the intense exertion.
With a tired gasp Takato eventually grabbed the loose part of the sleeping bag and wrapped it around them. Too tired and satisfied (not to mention amazed) to zip it up or do it properly he still realized their sweaty bodies would get cold if left out in the open air. Jeri murmured something sleepily from on top of him and Takato started to fall down into sleep as well, surrounded by pleasant warmth.
Later that night, when everyone was deeply asleep, a digignome flew over the camp. It was soon joined by another one, and another one, and another, until a small swarm of the creatures were overhead. Attracted by the pleasant energies surrounding the place they giggled and basked in the feeling of them. Being good-natured little creatures they decided to return the favor by granting one of the universal wishes of the three beings below.
Gradually the harsh rock of the desert and barren level started to phase out and get replaced by a lush forest setting…
Takato stirred sleepily in the light, wondering if the events of the previous night had really happened. As he felt the pleasant and warm weight of Jeri slightly on top and to the side of him he smiled to realize they must have. He’d worry about other things later.
Gradually he became aware of a smaller weight, pressing down directly on top of him, seeming to jitter and bounce a little. He sleepily opened his eyes and looked, then widened them to full as the shock of what he saw registered. He was surrounded by forest and lush greenery, completely different from where they had went to sleep last night… the fact that Calumon was standing on top of the sleeping bag and staring at him with guileless green eyes was almost an afterthought. Calumon giggled at his expression.
“Takato?” Jeri asked sleepily, then tensed up and clutched at him as well as she took in their surroundings and visitor.
“Awww,” Calumon said softly, “you two look so cute.”
“Ooookay,” Takato said slowly, Calumon calling them cute was definitely the icing on this weirdness cake.
“Did you two have fun? Did you play together?” the little white digimon asked innocently, continuing to stare at the pair with his happy expression.
The pair of humans laughed nervously. Not for the first time Takato wondered just how much Calumon knew. Sure he looked innocent and guileless, but he also looked harmless and powerless and Takato knew that was hardly the case.
“Calumon!” another familiar voice called through the trees, interrupting Takato’s thoughts. “Where are you? You have to stop playing hide and seek while the rest of us are asleep. Now where did you-“ Renamon started to ask as she parted a few trees then came upon the group in the clearing. The sharp eyed fox not only instantly noted Takato and Jeri (and also Terriermon still dozing nearby) but also their nudity and position. “…oh,” the female digimon finished in a shocked voice, “oh my.”
“Renamon, you found me, yay!” Calumon said cheerfully before jumping down and racing off to his fellow digimon.
Renamon continued to stare for a few seconds more then shook herself. “I assume you’re here to take us home, are the others around anywhere?” she asked.
It was a lot hotter inside the sleeping bag now with the blushes Takato and Jeri were producing. “Uh, no,” Takato eventually forced out.
A little ways away from them Terriermon started to yawn and stir.
“I see,” Renamon said slowly, “well, when your dressed just call out and we’ll come meet you.” Renamon momentarily blurred into motion to pick up the sleepy Terriermon by the scruff of his neck and carry him out before he could see the humans. “Come along Terriermon,” she said firmly but gently, “you too Calumon, let’s let them get ready.”
“Huh!” Terriermon shocked to full awakeness and started to look frantically around. Luckily Renamon had positioned him so that her body blocked any view of the tamers. “Could someone tell me what the heck is going on around here?”
“Hello Hello. Goodbye goodbye,” Calumon waved as he moved to follow the other digimon.
Takato and Jeri looked at each other, smiled knowingly and happily, but broke apart and began to get dressed, they had some old friends to get reacquainted with.


If you wish to read more erotic stories by this author (non-digimon I’m afraid, sorry) his works can be found on the Greyarchive, www.greyarchive.org, in the anime section.