Disclaimer: I do not own the rights of Digimon, which is a copyright of Toei Animation and Pokemon, which is a copyright of Nintendo, nor am I affiliated to them in any way. Please do not proceed if you are disturbed by acts of yaoi (male x male love)


Veemon visits the World of Pokemon


By: Veemonlover


(Note: The words in italics are Veemon’s thoughts)


Chapter 1: Lost


“Where the heck am I?”


Darkness only surrounds Veemon’s consciousness. Just a minute ago, he was with Davis traversing from the Real World to the Digital World and now, he’s surrounded by darkness.


“This aches so much. What just happened?”


Slowly, he opened his eyes. He found himself in a forest. He looked around for signs of Davis and the others but found no avail.


“This world seems unfamiliar. I couldn’t sense any presence of Digimon here…” he said to himself. He continued to walk forward, hoping that he’ll eventually bump into the gang. He walked far into the forest, where the trees start to thicken. “Strange… if we traveled into the Digital World, there should be Digimon lurking around, but there seems to be none here. I wonder where could this be?”. He then saw a figure right in front of him. It was just about the same size as he is. That figure seemed to be quite muscular… for a figure so small…


“Excuse me!” V-mon shouted. The figure turned back to see who it was, but since it was getting dark, Veemon could not see him well. “I’m lost… could you help me find my way out of here? My partner’s gone, so…” Veemon said, not able to finish his sentence. The figure stood there. “Umm… it’s getting dark… so I need to go home to Davis… please help me.” Veemon pleaded. The figure approached Veemon. As he approached closer, Veemon saw how the figure looked like. His grey body bore a huge mass of muscle for a figure almost the size of Veemon’s. “Wow!”  

”By golly, I’ve never seen the likes of you here before…” he said. “Umm… uhh… I’m Veemon… pl-pleased to m-meet you…” Veemon stammered, handing his hands out for a handshake. “I’m Machop. By the way, you ought to go home soon.” he said. “I… I can’t… I don’t even know how I got here in the first place!” Veemon said. Machop looked puzzled. “Is this Digital World?” Veemon asked. “Oh no, we’re near a city called GoldenrodCity.” Machop replied. “What…? Are you a Digimon…?” Veemon asked. “No… I’m a Pokemon. What’s a Digimon? Is it some kind of Pokemon?” Machop asked back.


“Oh no! I’m in a completely different world!”


“At any rate, it’ll be night soon… why don’t you come with me? You can stay with me, if you like.” Machop said. “Are you sure? It’s not very nice…” Veemon replied. “It’s fine. I live alone, so I don’t have a problem bringing strangers into my home.” Machop said. “Th-Thanks…” Veemon replied with a sense of gratitude. “It’s not too far… come on, follow me.” Machop said.


Veemon followed Machop to his home. Machop lives under a huge tree; he made a hole to go inside the tree. His home just consists of some feathers that are made in a way so that it becomes a mattress and an old cloth used as a blanket. “Sorry, my home is very small… it could just fit the two of us nicely.” Machop said. “Oh, don’t be. I should be thankful because I met you.” Veemon replied. Machop smiled in reply of Veemon’s comment. “Oh, it’s time for my night exercise. Why don’t you stay here? It’s cold outside.” Machop suggested. “You work out at night?” Veemon asked. “I love to exercise. It keeps me fit.” Machop replied with a smile. Gathering some courage, Veemon asked; “Can I watch you?” “Sure. Come on.” Machop said. He led them to his training ground not too far away.

”See these rocks? They’re great improving strength that exerts from your arms and legs.” Machop said. Veemon nodded and sat down. Machop punched the huge rock and it broke. “What strong arms he has…” Machop then continued to break more rocks and then he returned to Veemon. “Can you break rocks too?” he asked. “I’m not so sure… they might hurt.” Veemon replied. “Come on, I wanna see. Let’s start off with a medium sized rock” Machop said with enthusiasm. “I think its okay… I’ve beaten many other Digimon with these bare hands I got…”  Veemon approached a rock and got his right arms ready to punch it. Just before he released his arm, Machop approached him to correct his posture. “Lift your arm higher; spread your legs wider…” Machop said. He lifted Veemon’s arm a little higher and his front body touched Veemon’s back so that he could properly correct Veemon’s posture. “That way, you can release more energy” Machop said. “His body… gosh… it’s so hot… I’m almost at the verge of explosion…” 


“You know…  I like that sweaty smell your body emits after you work out.” Veemon said. “I… I… like it… your body… your smell…” he continued. Machop slowly pushed Veemon to the surface of the rock. “I knew it.” Machop said. “What…?” Veemon asked, blushing. “I knew you somehow… liked me. I can feel it…” Machop said. Machop slowly approached Veemon to kiss him. Machop’s tongue slowly crept into Veemon’s lips. Veemon loved that warm sensation in his mouth. Machop pulled back shortly. “Come on… you’re not doing anything… explore my body… I know you’ll love it.” Machop said. Without hesistating, Veemon reached his hand to caress Machop’s chest first. “How… solid. I love it.” Veemon said. He slowly reached down to Machop’s sheath and caressed it as well. Slowly, a huge rod started to erect from there. Veemon started to erect at a fast rate. “It’s big…” Veemon said, fondling his new partner’s member. “Come on, let me fondle your part…” Machop pleaded. Veemon stood up, not letting Machop’s member go. Machop crept his hands to Veemon’s erected member. “It’s very hard and long as well.” Machop said.

“Hey… wouldn’t anyone know that we’re here…? Doing this…?” Veemon asked, as Machop began to kneel down to insert Veemon’s member into his mouth. “It’s dark… no one would know.” Machop replied. Veemon’s eight-inch member went directly into Machop’s mouth. Veemon moaned as a sign of pleasure. “It feels like a dream… only that it’s real…” “Wanna have a go on me?” Machop asked, as he slowly pulled back, licking Veemon’s member at the same time. “Yeah…” Veemon replied. He slowly bent to face Machop’s member as Machop stood up. “Go on, dig in as deep as you want. I’m all yours.” Machop said. Veemon slowly sucked the head of Machop’s large cock into his mouth. It feels as it there’s pulsing sensation inside Veemon’s mouth, for it is his first time to feel it. He loved it, for it tasted so good. Veemon lowered his head, to take in more of Machop’s cock. “Ah… you bit the middle part of my cock.” Machop said. Veemon quickly pulled back. “S..sorry... it’s my first time doing this…” Veemon said softly. Machop looked at Veemon lovingly. He caressed Veemon’s head to show his affection. “You know, I think we should go back… and continue.” he said. “Yea… yeah.” Veemon replied.


Machop held Veemon’s hands and led him back to his hole. They were careful not to erect as Machop said that there were Pokemon nearby. They crept back into the hole. Machop caressed Veemon’s sheath and Veemon started to moan. “Back to business.” Machop said. Veemon did the same as well. “Yeah…” Veemon said. Machop nodded and grabbed Veemon’s member. “Firstly, let me teach you how to suck…” Machop said. Machop quickly lowered his head back and fourth. Veemon felt extreme pleasure on that spot. No one had done this for him before. He moaned loudly. “Since you have not done this before, I won’t be so hard on you.” Machop said, as he slowly pulled out. “What do you mean?” Veemon asked. “I don’t wanna poke my member through your ass. It hurts, especially if you do it for the first time.” Machop said. “You know so much about this, have you done this before?” Veemon asked. “Yeah… I did it with a few others… like Treecko and Charmander.” Machop said.  “They must be hot as well” Veemon said. “Very.” Machop responded. Veemon began to fantasize creatures in this current world he’s in. “I think I’ll stay here a little longer…”


“Tell me when you feel an extreme pleasure beginning to erupt.” Machop said. “Why?” Veemon asked. “That’s when those white liquid are starting to come out from your cock. They taste good… very good. But I’ll savor that for later.” he continued. Machop slowly lowered his head to accommodate more of Veemon’s cock in his mouth. Veemon could not help moaning. It felt magnificent. After a while, Veemon began to feel something is gonna come out of his cock. “Machop… I feel something.” Veemon said. Machop quickly pulled back. “How does it feel?” he asked. “It feels like there’s a ticklish sensation inside of my cock and it feels like something is going to come out.” Veemon said. “Great. That’s the sign of the white liquid coming out.” Machop said. Veemon fondled Machop’s member. “Can I… have a go?” Veemon asked softly. “Sure. You should know how to suck my cock properly by now.” Machop said. Feeling a little embarrassed, Veemon asked softly; “Can I taste your white liquid…?” Machop looked at him lovingly and replied; “Don’t be embarrassed… you’ve already allowed me to explore your body… Of course you can.” Machop replied.


Veemon began to suck the head of Machop’s cock. “Yeah, that’s it.” Machop said. Slowly, he began to lower his head and take in more of Machop’s eight-inch cock. He felt a gag down his throat. He didn’t care. He lowered his head some more to take in all of Machop’s cock. Machop moaned loudly, he felt pleasure at that spot. “Ye… yeah… you’re good…” he said. Veemon pulled his head back and fourth. After a few moments, Machop’s dick began to release a stream of liquid. It went into Veemon’s throat and out of his mouth. Machop began to pant. “Tastes… good, right?” he asked. Veemon pulled back, with cum all over his mouth. “I… I… I love it…” he said. Machop got hold of Veemon’s cock and fondled it. “It’s your turn.” he said. “Yeah, go on.” Veemon said. How he loved the taste of cum in his mouth. Machop began to do what Veemon had done to him earlier. Veemon felt that sensation again. Something was starting to travel its way up to the head of his cock. He moaned again and again, for it felt so good. After a few moments, white liquid began to come out from Machop’s mouth. Veemon panted heavily, for it was his first time to cum. “You have released so much, it really is your first time.” Machop said as he pulled back. Even after he did, cum still flowed slowly from the head of Veemon’s cock. Machop rubbed Veemon’s cock all over his body, spreading the cum all over himself. Veemon felt a tingling sensation. Veemon did the same as well. He loved to be covered in cum. “You’re good for a first timer.” Machop said lovingly. Vee mon looked at him and said “I’m tired….” as he continued to pant.


The both of them hugged each other and slept together. Veemon’s tongue crept slowly into Machop’s lips and Machop responded by licking back lovingly. The both of them remained in that posture all through the night.


-To be continued-



Thanks for reading
