Disclaimer: The author takes absolutely no stake or claim on any characters mentioned in this story.
2nd Disclaimer: This fanfic should only appear on Mediaminer.org, Digiartistsdomain.com, or Yiffstar.com under the pennames Puppeh and Uki.. If you find it anywhere else, bring it to my attention immediately by e-mailing Sazreazhyu@aol.com.


Kouji wasn't thinking what the other Chosen Children were thinking when Takuya first evolved into Vritramon. They were likely thinking something along the lines of, Holy Shit, that's an awesome looking Digimon. Or maybe, Holy Shit, Takuya's gone insane. Or quite possibly, Holy Shit, I hope he doesn't rip us to shreds or tear out our spines and beat us with them. Something along those lines would've made sense because, despite the fact that Vritramon WAS an awesome looking Digimon, he seemed to be quite focused on gutting them and hanging them to bleed. At any rate, they'd long ago stopped taking notice that beast-type Digimon, who were usually without clothes and armor, revealed certain dramatically engorged sex-specific appendages. Thankfully, they were usually somehow hidden cleverly in extra skin or a particularly thick patch of fur to where it was barely noticeable, and most of the time you couldn't even see enough of the Digimon's genitalia to guess whether it was male or female.
Because it was a group of children traveling around, after all, wisecracks about this were common for a few days until eventually, it just got so tiresome to point out the fact that every male Digimon they came across revealed these certain genitalia that they just started forgetting that they were even noticeable, and were only due for a snicker when a Digimon was particularly noticeable due to said sex-specific appendage revealing itself for sexual situations with its kin Digimon. This was also extremely disturbing when it was first witnessed, (and Digimon seemed to do it frighteningly often, too) but that too grew tiring, and they chose to ignore it. So it was no surprise that when Vritramon came into the picture, all they focused on was his burning rampage rather than what he was sporting. Kouji usually didn't take notice of the genitalia that the others noted on other Digimon at all because, being the self-proclaimed "mature" one of the group, he found it below him. Even if a Digimon had a particularly obvious erection, he simply ignored it, and found nothing to laugh about.
Yet for some reason, it was impossible not to notice that Vritramon, if erect, would have been awe-inspiring. The phrase "hung like a horse" could not have possibly described him; unless the horse being compared was fifty feet tall. Not that Kouji really knew for sure how large he was, but, even the extra-stretchy skin that all male Digimon hid themselves in couldn't hide the fact that he was monstrously enormous. Apparently, for Digimon, the penis was completely retractable and simply slipped inside its body, as were the testes when they were un aroused, and thus, male Digimon sometimes seemed to have nothing "down there" at all. The extra skin or fur covered over the area and made it nice and smooth, until there were no tell-tale signs of gender going on down there. Kouji had no idea how in the great fires of hell Vritramon could fit everything he probably had inside of him. Or, maybe that's why his balls were out now; after getting the first part inside, the remaining appendages couldn't fit. Not that Kouji was obsessing with the Digimon and his obscene package; he was simply curious, and not at all interested in his huge manhood other than wondering how he could walk properly when he was hard. After all, his balls alone must've been generously bigger than his head; God forbid, he'd probably trip over his own dick even if he weren't hard.

He kept staring at it even after evolving to Garmmon to protect Izumi and the others, who were running to safety to avoid getting trampled by a very pissed off Vritramon. While Garmmon did have an overwhelming urge to mark his territory, Kouji doubted that even fully erect, Garmmon could even consider comparing himself to that monster. Blitzmon took absolutely no notice of this, being immune to this sort of thing by now, and he was starting to yell at Garmmon for his sloppy tactics. He barely gave thought to any move he made, which was extremely out of character for him, but he was just so absorbed with Vritramon that it was all it took to keep him running away from Vritramon's bulldozing rushes. Because he had ignored all that made the other Chosen Children ignorant to such features of the Digimon, he couldn't help but be distracted when faced with something so dramatic. Vritramon smacked him with his tail and roared at him, and as he went down, he caught a glimpse of his sack swaying back and forth in a tantalizing manner. Garmmon came in with the strong urge to mark territory again, in addition to assuring himself as the alpha, and he found himself wanting to proclaim his territory to be Vritramon. It might've been an urge on Garmmon's part rather than Kouji's, but even the human section of their mind seemed to like that idea, and the Beast was doubly pleased with it. Garmmon was armored with thick mechanical skin, but he was still capable of an erection; a serious one when the time called for it; and it bulged extremely uncomfortably against the armor, yearning to break free of it. It was horribly distracting in the middle of a battle, as were Vritramon's full testicles that were just so obvious, yet even Vritramon seemed to ignore they were there. A tinge of glowing red-orange, the colour of steel when it was heated, was peeking out of the extra flabby skin, and Kouji wondered if the thought of killing was exciting the Digimon.
Garmmon felt like howling and courting the huge beast, but thankfully, Kouji had a strong enough grip on his Beast to control at least that primal feeling. The natural dominating aspect of the wolf-Digimon gave him the strength to attack despite his mind floating off elsewhere, and in the end, he luckily didn't have to try too hard to defeat him. A quick speech by Tomoki brought an end to the problem, and much to Garmmon's, and Kouji's, disappointment, Takuya became himself again. While Takuya sulked, overwhelming irritation filled Garmmon's mind; he felt like pawing at the ground and snarling and generally making it known he was a very angry Digimon, but Kouji opted to revert back to himself rather than skulk around as a blue-balled wolf making angry sound effects. Almost as soon as he was back to his human self, the urge for Vritramon was gone. In fact, with Takuya void of any energy and becoming determined to scold himself for all eternity, he was getting really annoyed at him. Kouji figured it was a Digimon thing rather than actual attraction on his part, and he decided not to discuss it with anyone. Perhaps it was just some kind of weird, Beast Digimon thing he still wasn't familiar with, and in time he'd get used to it. No one else brought up the fact that Takuya was ten kinds of giant when he became Vritramon, and eventually, he forgot it too. Onto the Forest Terminal.

They hadn't gone very far when they were attacked by Grottomon again, and with everyone except Takuya and Tomoki stuck in mud, Kouji in particular felt completely useless. He urged Takuya to evolve into Vritramon again, and he thought of nothing but the battle at hand when he encouraged this. When Takuya finally gave in, imagine his surprise and shock to find the only thing he could focus on was that the Digimon and his overwhelmingly large and dangling sack were extremely arousing. He had figured the powerful fascination with Vritramon's nether regions had been a result of Garmmon's Beast-like urges, not something that he personally sought. Vritramon seemed to move in slow motion, and in the heat of battle, he was beginning to get excited again. The glowing molten-steel tip was peeking out from its hidden spot, daring itself to release into the world. It was shamelessly teasing Kouji, who was so glad he was hidden in mud at the moment when he began to get an uncomfortably insistent erection. He squeezed it between his thighs and his face flushed with sexual excitement as he struggled to avoid thinking about him, when suddenly; Gigasmon came crashing down between the trees. Vritramon was gone for the moment; Agnimon was in his place. He knew from experience that Human Digimon were as normal as real humans when it came to their sex organs, so Agnimon quickly lost his interest. He attempted to study Gigasmon's package; he was covered by a thick layer of leathery skin, but he could still see the faint bulge hidden inside. He was nowhere near as impressive as Vritramon, and Kouji quickly lost interest in him as well. He scoffed at himself; so now he was rooting for the player with the biggest penis? He silently urged Agnimon to evolve into Vritramon again, but he started running off, and Gigasmon ran after him. He groaned with frustration, and then looked away when he realized the others were looking at him strangely. How could none of them notice that Vritramon...?
He was especially eager to get out of the mud. The others likely attributed it to his dislike of sitting around and doing nothing during a battle, or a comrade-type urge to go help Takuya fight Gigasmon, but really, he was hoping that by the time Tomoki pulled him free and by the time he caught up to them, Vritramon's erection would have become even more noticeable. He was disappointed again, though he kept asking himself why he was so disappointed, when he reached the Beasts at the last second. The fight was apparently done. Digi-code surrounded Gigasmon and Vritramon was stealing his Spirit. Kouji almost growled with frustration; the ONE time Takuya has to be competent by himself in a battle! He squeezed his legs together to try and calm his own burning erection, but he was unable to do much without drawing attention to the others. He hoped he wouldn't accidentally cum. He stayed behind them, hoping that no one would happen to look at him and notice the straining need in his pants, which was easy enough for them to ignore as Vritramon flew towards them and threw an ice-blue ball into Tomoki's Digivice. As he turned back to retrieve Izumi's spirit, Kouji caught a glimpse of the head, violently glowing molten-steel red, only just erupting out of it's prison. Kouji was stunned as he caught it, and then lost it in a split second. He couldn't even begin to estimate how large it must've been. Vritramon floated in the air for a moment as Grottomon retreated, and as his wings worked to keep him afloat, those full orbs bounced in time with him. When all was said and done, everyone was disappointed that Grottomon got away, but at any rate, Takuya was happy again. Izumi was still depressed she didn't have her spirit. Tomoki was elated, which made Takuya happier. Junpei was depressed that Izumi was depressed. And he, Kouji, was mentally masturbating to the image of those huge, drool-worthy orbs swaying with every step, and he nearly came imagining the huge, glowing red cock violently and completely emerging from its imprisonment.

Kouji never really took himself to be gay. It's not that he didn't want to be, he just never had a reason to ever think that he was. He'd never leaned one way or the other. People insisted that he was gay, usually just because of his feminine appearance and not at all attributing to his personality, but he always took it as a personal offense rather than an observation. He didn't think he ACTED gay, as he had a somewhat misinformed opinion on how gay men act, and so he didn't think it was true, or even considered it possible until he realized how bad he wanted to jerk off to the image of Vritramon. And not just Vritramon; his cock. That big, thick, fire-red dragon cock. In his mind's eye he saw it protruding from Vritramon's crotch and saw it glowing brightly with need, steaming as it dripped onto itself from the need to cum.
What was strange was that he didn't particularly feel anything for Takuya, just Vritramon. Takuya was just sorta...his friend, he supposed. Though he preferred 'ally', Takuya seemed to think the two of them were just swell buddies now, and he rolled with it. But how was he supposed to explain to him that he was attracted to him, but not him, only the Beast Spirit that he became? He was sure that if it had just been Takuya, he could probably figure out a way to take advantage of him without him realizing that he was being taken advantage of, but Takuya likely wouldn't buy Kouji asking to have sex with his Beast Spirit. Did even Takuya realize how huge he was when he Beast Spirit Evolved? Did he feel an intense rush of sexual need whenever the Beast was in battle, and did he realize he started growing as the violence increased? Perhaps, after a particularly violent battle, he could lead Vritramon away and use his arousal, which at that point would probably be at a bursting point, to cloud his judgment. He was quite sly when it came to getting what he wanted. But then, he wondered, how exactly DO you have sex with something like THAT? It was simply too big to actually fit anywhere; it defied logic.
Of course, it was the fact that it defied logic that made it so arousing.

Takuya was standing watch away from the group. Izumi had gone first, and Junpei had followed. It was Takuya's turn for now, and Kouji would finish up the night. None of them really wanted Tomoki having to worry about keeping watch and struggling to stay awake all night, and since they all agreed that he needed sleep most, so they scrambled up the schedule every night and took turns in shifts. Kouji's shift didn't start for at least two hours, but he couldn't get to sleep. He was horny as hell, and he had been all night. He couldn't believe the others didn't notice; his pants weren't exactly baggy enough to hide such a thing easily, and for him, it was like his erection was on a bright spotlight. He was sure it was making a blatantly obvious bulge in his pants, but no one even seemed to look at it. Ironically, he thought that perhaps since they'd all been sensitized to the constant appearance of a Digimon's erection, they'd ceased to notice human erections too.
Not long ago, when Takuya had de-evolved from Vritramon, he'd immediately lost interest, but now he was holding onto his erection and it would stubbornly not go away. He had no way of sneaking off to take care of it; Takuya would notice, wonder where he was going, and why he'd gone so far away. The children usually were in close earshot of the others when they left to do their business in case something happened, (excluding Izumi, who insisted on leaving a good many yards between the boys and was willing to risk being split up in the case of danger so that she would be comforted that none of the boys could hear or spy on her when she peed) so Kouji had no particular reason to leave so far away, nor a reason to explain why, if he did only stay in earshot, he would be gone so long. Takuya was nosy and too curious for his own good. He'd never accept a "Shut up" as an answer to his question, either. Worst case scenario, they might guess what he'd been off to do, and he'd never live that down. Ever. Stoic Kouji left camp to jerk off. Absolutely not. Well, maybe he could just wait two hours, two more lousy hours and he could leave on his shift... but that would be irresponsible. What if something happened while everyone was sleeping and he was away jerking off? He'd never forgive himself, ever. He had too much pride in his clear-thinking and responsibility to allow anything like that to happen. Unless he wanted to do it right there in front of their sleeping bodies, but, even imagining it made him flush with embarrassment. It also made his hard-on pulse uncomfortably; ah, he'd never wear anything but nice, baggy jeans after this.
He wistfully looked to Takuya, whom he abruptly realized was looking back at him. It was just the way the light of the moons hit that made him catch his eye; if he hadn't been sitting up at his tree, as he usually did, he might not have noticed. But Takuya was, in fact, looking at him. Takuya shifted to the others, confirmed they were sleeping, and he nodded his head for Kouji to come in his direction. Though it wasn't Vritramon beckoning him, Kouji's hardness seemed to get even harder, which he didn't think was possible. He stood up and briskly walked to him, trying to stay in the shadows so Takuya wouldn't notice the reason he was walking so oddly. He hoped Takuya thought his foot was asleep.

"Hey," Takuya greeted with a nod, offering Kouji to sit next to him. He did, and pretended to have very little interest in being sociable. He was simply here because he was called, and he was concerned something was amiss.
"Hey. What's wrong?"
Takuya shrugged. "Nothing has to be wrong for me to want some company."
Kouji pretended to look annoyed. "I thought something was wrong, and that's why you wanted to talk without waking the others."
He shrugged again, and looked off into the forest.
"You just brought me here to talk?"
"Is that a problem?"
Kouji sighed reluctantly. "I guess not."
"Good," Takuya said with an air of finality, and nothing more; he just seemed content to have company. Kouji was trying to think of a tactful way to bring his newly acquired Beast Spirit into conversation, when Takuya did it for him.
"Some Spirit, eh?" Kouji shrugged back, not having thought anything to attribute to the conversation that didn't involve him jerking off.
"Was yours...that hard to control?"
"I guess."
"I mean...did you want to, you know, attack everyone?"
Kouji realized he wanted to talk to him because he was the only other one to receive his Beast Spirit. Takuya hoped he knew what he was going through. Come to think of it, he could use a comrade in this area too. "Not to that extent I guess, but he was hard to control. He still is. I feel like I'm thinking things, and I want to do things that I normally wouldn't want to do. And it's weird because you start thinking, 'Why do I want to do this?' until you realize it's because there's another consciousness there thinking the things for you."
"And I'm just the one guy who wasn't strong enough to control it," Takuya muttered back darkly, and his whole body wilted.
"Hey, think about how I feel. You wanted to attack everyone, and as soon as Garmmon realized Gigasmon was an enemy, you know what he wanted to do?"
"Piss on him."
Takuya snickered, despite himself, and seemed to at least cheer up a little bit.
"Garmmon has this overwhelming desire to mark his territory everywhere he goes. You can control yourself from wanting to attack people, or focus your attacks on the enemy instead of us and make use of that rage. Garmmon just wants to piss on everything."
Takuya's laughed rang clear, though quiet so not to wake up the others. He seemed better. "Well, when you put it that way, Vritramon is a joy."
Kouji's erection was finally dying down, which he was silently very grateful for. He knew it; it wasn't Takuya he was attracted to, it was Vritramon. Even sitting right next to Takuya did nothing for him. As it were, he now knew he'd never get to sneak away when Takuya was ready to talk for a good hour, and by now he'd talked himself into believing without a doubt that it would be impossible to get Takuya to Beast Spirit Evolve only so he could amuse himself with his genitalia.
Even considering his discomfort, he was sort of glad for Takuya's company too. They sat in silence for a long time, watching the moons and stars glittering around them, and eyeing the Digimon that were at home in the darkness and were prowling about late at night. A Dokunemon had passed their inspection ahd had started loudly munching on some sort bright blue, wide-leafed plant before Takuya spoke again.

"Hey, Kouji."
He grunted a confirmation.
"Do you mind if I ask you a weird question?"
"I think all of your questions are weird."
Takuya lightly shoved him, and Kouji shoved him back. It was really childish, but it was kind of nice having a friend he could do things like that with.
"But, seriously?" he pressed. He looked on edge.
"I don't care." Kouji leaned back nonchalantly into the tree they were sitting at, assuming his usual position and comfortably settling against the hard bark. For some reason, it was more comfortable to him than sprawling out on the grass. He kept his right leg tented and hiding his groin from view, just in case he spontaneously resumed pushing out the seams in his crotch. There was no way he would ever live it down if Takuya saw.
"It's just... you know when you evolve, and you feel everything about that Digimon, and it just feels like you? Like, it's not just part of the Digimon, it's some natural thing that you have too. Like Agnimon's muscles are muscles I'd DREAM of having, but when I have to use the muscle, it feels so natural it's like I have that strength every day. But things like that. Wolfmon's speed; you obviously can't run that fast in real life, and you can't jump like that in real life, either. Izumi can't kick like Fairymon in her actual body, and her tits aren't nearly as big as Fairymon's, either."
Kouji didn't particularly find such jokes amusing, more immature and worthy of a sigh and an eye-roll, but he lightly chuckled anyhow to humor him. "They're Digimon. They're obviously not human. Wolfmon can run so fast just because that's just how the Digimon is. Certain attributes just come with certain Digimon, such as Agnimon's natural resistance to fire. If you tried to surround yourself in a tornado of fire, you'd be burned to the ground before you could even say 'Salamander'. We probably connect with them easier because we're humans, and they're Humans. Vritramon and Garmmon are Beasts, so it's different. I have trouble controlling Garmmon, but if it were Wolfmon instead of me evolving to Garmmon, he'd probably have a job of controlling him too, because in a way, he's also a human."
"Well...when I was Vritramon..."
"You became 'Takuya the Homicidal Maniac', yeah, I'm so glad I happened to notice that."
"No, I mean. When I was Vritramon, it was kind of weird because of...some feelings I got. I was just wondering, you know, like Garmmon you said just wanted to 'mark his territory' all over the place-"
"All over hell and back," Kouji confirmed. "And then again on the way back, just to spite whatever he pissed on before."
"Vritramon seemed to get really heated over the battle," he finally said in a rush. Kouji just raised a brow; his mind was out of a gutter, and he wasn't thinking along those thoughts anymore.
"Clearly, which is why I expect he kept trying to kill us."
"No, I mean, he got really hot during the battle. It had happened before when I was Agnimon, and I didn't even really think about it because as Agnimon, what he had just felt so...natural. Like the muscles were natural, even though I didn't have that in real life. But as Vritramon...you know what I mean?"
"Not really."
"You know, Vritramon's...well, he just seemed to get really hot," he repeated, reluctant to actually say it.

Kouji thought about it for a minute, and his mind began to realize...Heat. Hot. Vritramon. Heat. Oh. AH. Fuck. "When I first evolved, it was a really intense feeling. You know from experience how great spirit evolving feels, and it was nothing like evolving into Agnimon. It was like fire and raw emotion was just bursting inside me, and I could feel every bit of Vritramon exploding through me. It was so powerful, and he was so heated up over the battle, and then when I evolved, it was like...sensory overload." He stopped, looking extremely embarrassed, somewhat reluctant to go on. "Just with all the power rushing through me, it felt so good, I almost felt like I was having an orgasm, repeatedly. That's partly why it was so hard to resist; I was just so weak afterwards."
Kouji thought back to Vritramon's fierce, angry cries after he'd slide evolved for the first time. Had those been cries of fear and rage, or pleasure?
"And it's just that he's kind of...really big. And at first I didn't notice it, but it was like every time I struck something-" Kouji shifted his legs to hide his suddenly alert erection, avoiding looking at Takuya at all. Not long ago he wanted to shift the conversation to Vritramon's enormous package, and now he got it delivered to him on a silver plate without any effort at all. He didn't know whether to be flustered or thrilled.
"To clarify, are you talking about the fact that Vritramon has some enormous sack?"
Takuya went red.
"And that he seemed to be getting a hard-on when he was fighting?"
He sort of looked off into the distance. "Yeah, that, pretty much. Did you ever feel something like that with Garmmon? I mean, I don't mean to say anything about it, but I can't even see Garmmon's-"
"Inside of him," Kouji explained, but then realized that to Takuya, that had a different meaning because they'd taken on different opinions on how Digimon hid their sex organs. "Garmmon's got some sort of thick metal skin, like he's some kind of robotic mecha 'Zoids' wolf or something. It's more of an armor, actually, and I think if he really wanted to, he could take it off. Or at least, that would make sense. Anyway, his is inside the skin, so even if he gets hard, it just sort of bangs into the armour and you don't notice it at all. Sometimes it gets really tight in there, but I have to admit, Garmmon doesn't compare."
"You say this as if you've recently gotten a boner while you were Garmmon."
"As a matter of fact, Garmmon seems to think he should proclaim to the world he is the 'Alpha Master', and that in addition to pissing on you, he should also assert himself as your superior in other ways." This seemed like a good enough comeback to stop Takuya's questioning on that end; he didn't want him to find out he'd gotten a major hard-on watching Vritramon fighting. It was, and Takuya took that as an answer.
"But back to the fact that Vritramon had balls that I'll bet my Spirits on were at least bigger than my head,"
Takuya flushed again.
"Did you feel aroused when you were Vritramon? Did you feel like you were getting an erection during the battle?"
"You mean after I felt like I was having ten orgasms at once after evolving?"
"Yeah. Like I said, it had happened before with Agnimon-"
"And me with Wolfmon."
"-but this was different, and it was weird because it was so..."
"Fucking HUGE, by the way. It totally blows my mind how no one else mentioned it." Takuya shrugged, embarrassed. "Why do you think they weren't inside him?"
"I guess he was just aroused," Takuya tried and let off, while Kouji finished for him with his version.
"Or he was just too big to fit everything in there."
"I've never seen any other Digimon like that. I mean, I don't think we've seen any Digimon that are that big height wise, but wasn't that just kind of massive? Or are all dragon-type Digimon like that? We haven't seen any other Digimon of that variety yet, either."
"Well, we could be overexaggerating." Takuya looked at him oddly.
"What do you mean?"
"We were in the middle of a battle; there were friends running and trying not to get trampled, friends kidnapped, Izumi bitchy because her spirit still isn't back yet, and like you said, Vritramon was already pumped up after fighting Golemon, us, and you. Maybe we just sort of saw it as bigger than it is. If you were to Beast Spirit Evolve right now, I'll bet we'd realize that we're exaggerating, especially because there's no battle going on, so Vritramon has no reason to be aroused."
Takuya muttered that this made sense, but then there was silence. Kouji was dying from the pressure of his hard-on trapped so tightly in his pants. He wondered if he should volunteer to let Takuya end his shift early so he can take over. At this point, he was willing to run from camp for just a few minutes if it meant getting off. This was painful.
"Do you mind?" Kouji looked at him with what he hoped Takuya took as indifference.
"I mean, if I were to Beast Spirit Evolve to Vritramon to test your theory, would it disturb you?"
"Not at all!" As soon as the words left his lips, Kouji scolded himself. He'd sounded way too eager.
Takuya noticed nothing.

They agreed that taking just five minutes away from the camp was alright. In fact, it seemed fair, because if something did happen, they were sure that they'd hear a battle going on from the distance. Enemy Digimon weren't exactly silent lambs, to be honest. To make up for the distance, Takuya would already be in his Beast form, ready for ass-kicking, so it would really be no big deal at all. But to avoid embarrassing Takuya even more and to give in to Kouji's plan to get Vritramon alone, (though he still wasn't sure what the hell they could possibly do when alone) they walked away from the camp quite a bit. They were silent as they walked, and they continued until Kouji finally indicated they were at a good distance. Takuya wondered if it was too far, and Kouji, who was thinking much dirtier thoughts than Takuya, was only hoping it was far enough. The three full moons in the sky provided plenty of light for Kouji to see everything, and he did intend to see everything.
"Alright, evolve." Takuya was quite embarrassed, but he did as Kouji asked. In a burst of light, he was Vritramon again, and his eyes gleamed red for a second before switching to tranquil blue. He snorted steam from his nostrils and his talons tensed, but otherwise he seemed under control. There was no battle, no violence, absolutely no reason for Vritramon to be aroused at all, but his full, round balls dangled carelessly from below him. He was every bit as monstrous as Kouji had remembered during the battles, except now he could fully appreciate it. Takuya thought Kouji was estimating how big he was how compared to how they'd originally thought, but in reality, he was mentally molesting those two gorgeous orbs. They were crimson red, like the rest of his scaly skin, and they literally seemed too heavy for his body, which made it obvious why they couldn't just slip inside him like most other Digimon could. His head wasn't peeking out this time; it was tucked away safely inside him. Kouji wondered how big it would really be when you took into account how big his balls were.
"Well?" Vritramon asked in a gravelly voice. Kouji couldn't stop staring. He hoped he wasn't doing anything that gave him away.
"They're definitely...big," Kouji attempted to say as though reluctantly instead of excitedly. Vritramon snorted smoke again and jerked his head away, which struck Kouji as an arrogant person's way of being offended, but he guessed it was more of an embarrassed gesture.
"Why am I the only one?" Vritramon whined, and Kouji subtly squeezed himself with his legs again. He could have cum from the movement, but refrained, knowing that it would lead to awkward questions on Takuya's part.
"I don't know. Like I said, Garmmon's definitely not like that."
Vritramon looked ready to revert back, but Kouji held a hand up to stop him. "We still don't know exactly how big he is. Not long ago I said each nut was probably bigger than my head, right? I've got to be at least exaggerating on that part."
Vritramon realized this would mean Kouji would be putting his head right between his legs, and he protested. "Kouji, that would be really weird."
"It's just to compare. I swear, that's all."
He eventually agreed, and he sat down with a ground-shaking thud as he opened his legs to allow Kouji to kneel before him. Kouji felt dwarfed as he crawled between his massive muscled legs, crawling directly towards these ruby treasures he'd been intoxicated with for hours. They were even bigger up close. He could see from where he was kneeling that they were clearly each bigger than his head, but he wanted to touch them. He laid a hand on one, and almost jerked his hand back; it was burning as though it had been sitting next to a fire for too long. But it was just hot enough to his limits to where he could touch it for at least a while, and he proceeded to lean into them. Vritramon was watching him oddly as he put his head right against on orb to compare the size of his skull with them, and was amazed that they really were bigger than his head, at least twice the size of his head, as a matter of fact. He could get both arms around each one, but one arm wasn't enough to go all the way around. He hugged them and carefully ran his fingers down their sides, marveling at the smooth, warm scales covering them. Vritramon was getting embarrassed again at this experimenting and fondling.
"Kouji, you've proven your point. You can stop now." Kouji started to look up at him, and then he realized, as he looked back down again, that the glowing red head was peeking out again. It was eyeing him, looking for permission to come out. There was no battle, but Vritramon seemed to take any excuse to try and get off. This was it.

"Look," he pointed out simply, and Vritramon made a guffawing noise Kouji assumed was a sound of further embarrassment.
"And that's why you should stop." Vritramon started to get up, but Kouji put both hands on his jiggling balls, rubbing his hands over them. Vritramon released another snort of smoke. Kouji was stretching for a reason not to stop. He grabbed the first one he came up with.
"Takuya, you're never going to really know for sure unless you really measure him. Sure, we know his balls are huge, but for all we know, his cock might be a tiny little thing. It's something we've got to know. Then you just evolve back, and no problem, it's like nothing happened." Kouji didn't wait for a confirmation on Vritramon's part; he put his arms around one of the huge orbs and started massaging with both hands. Vritramon made a sound half between an angry growl and a purr, and the timid head got bolder, coming out a little more. It was big. Just what he could see of it now, it was big. Unsure of how far Vritramon would let him take it, he ran his tongue up the full, round orb, but the action was practically lost when there was no way he could lick him enough for Vritramon to feel it and enjoy it. He rubbed his body against it instead, marveling at how hot it seemed to make him until he realized he was actually sweating. It was real heat coming off of his body in waves, and it doubled the heat from sexual arousal he felt.
Vritramon's cock seemed to be growing magically out of his groin, and before long Kouji was pushed aside to allow it to come through. He moaned to himself, and grabbed at his erection through his pants as it grew; just the sight and the witnessing of it made him want to explode. As it hit the air, the glowing subsided and left behind a deep red colour darker than long-since spilled blood, but as each inch pushed itself free of its prison, it glowed violently fire orange-red for first few seconds. Kouji wondered if he touched the glowing red part when it first came out if he would be burned by its heat. Kouji continued fondling the huge, smooth balls and licking and nipping them, and his excitement grew and grew along with Vritramon's relentlessly growing length. It must've been two feet by now. It was impossible and it was disturbing, yet it was just so hot. Kouji groaned as he finally reached into his pants and jerked hard at himself until he heard a shy growling from up above. Vritramon was staring down at him, and making movements as though he were about to talk, but he said nothing. Kouji stared up at him challengingly, continuing to slowly jerk off from beneath his gaze. Vritramon was swallowing hard, and shyly, hesitantly, released a grunt of approval. Kouji couldn't help but utter a soft moan, and with it, Vritramon abruptly gained another half a foot.
Kouji let go of the massive orbs and kneeled his way back, panting up at him. Vritramon was easily exceeding three feet in length. Oh, God, it was probably nearly four feet, but he had no way of deciding exactly how long he was. Just kneeling before him, the dark red head towered over his skull and actually cast a shadow on him. He had no doubt that this massive addition was as thick as his balls were huge, and he reached up to grab it to 'compare'.
"Kouji..." Vritramon's cold, un giving face leered down at him, but in his eyes he saw Takuya still; ashamed, maybe embarrassed, confused, maybe hurt. Takuya had likely never done this before, and who knew, he probably didn't really want to do it now, but his Beast wouldn't let him stop it. It was difficult enough to control, not even accounting such powerful urges on top of it.
Kouji wanted to touch that huge length. It was killing him not to. It was turning him on so bad; he had to come soon or he'd literally explode. But first, he had to touch it. He had to. "Takuya, please."
Vritramon stiffened. Another inch of the molten-red cock slipped out of his body, and Kouji shuddered with anticipation as it towered higher over him.
"Takuya, please, please let me touch it. Please let me touch it."
Another crept out before the previous inch had even stopped glowing.
"Takuya!" In his excitement he nearly started cumming, but he managed to contain himself. Still, he'd already managed to release a particularly violent spurt of pre-cum, and he held himself tenderly, hoping not to irritate his hard-on. Any movement would make him cum. He was panting and holding himself still by leaning on top of Vritramon's enormous testicles, and he kept pulling back his head and moaning as he fought to hold himself back. He saw another inch slowly, slowly crawl and force its way from deep inside Vritramon's body. How the hell could he fit so much in there? His jacket suddenly felt wet, and he realized Vritramon's cock was dripping too; when given size proportion, for him, it wasn't a lot, but when compared to Kouji and his dwarfed body when he kneeled between Vritramon's huge legs, it was the equivalent of a bowl of water being dropped on him. He nearly came again, but instead released a choking moan and another spurt of pre-cum. His boxers were getting soaked. He finally just started ripping off his pants and his boxers along with them, freeing his angry erection to the cool night air and throwing them off to the side. Another drip, into his hair. It was instantly a sticky, gooey mess and it plastered his bandana to his head. It ran down his face and it was burning hot, steaming hot, like the bath water from an active volcano's spring. He moaned again and looked up at Vritramon, still begging, though he didn't know why he was begging anymore. Vritramon was clearly too aroused to stop; he likely wouldn't want to leave until he was satisfied.
"Please, please..."
"...Yeah," Vritramon grumbled in his deep voice, "Please, Kouji, relieve me."

Kouji had to stand up to properly reach his cock, but he could barely move with his own so stiff and hard. God, he was going to die. He needed to cum. He couldn't hold it. He practically fell back down, but he wrapped his arms around Vritramon's dark red cock to keep him standing. It felt so big and hard in his grasp that just touching it made him want to cum. Again, given the size of Vritramon, it was thin when you took into account how long it was, but for Kouji, who was sure it was thicker than his head, it was obscenely big, which made it obscenely arousing. A dribble of pre-cum ran down his thighs. Vritramon was staring with interest, both at his arms grasping his cock, and Kouji's own, which compared to Vritramon's monster length must have seemed shockingly small and puny when you compared four inches to something like fifty four, but he still appeared to be quite taken with it.
Kouji took a shaky breath. He didn't want to come yet. He wanted to do it soon, but after experimenting with Vritramon. If he came now and couldn't get off again afterwards, all of this was a waste. He doubted that he wouldn't be able to get hard again considering how hot Vritramon made him, but he took no chances. He reached and pulled the head down, and it resisted the motion strongly. Vritramon grunted in protest, but Kouji ignored it; if he didn't bring it down, he wouldn't be able to reach.
"Oh, God," Kouji whispered as he looked up to meet the head, firmly wrapping his hands around it and clutching the stretchy skin surrounding it; obviously, Digimon were completely natural in their sex organs, so there was no surprise that Vritramon still had his foreskin. He leaned into the head, licking the outside of the tip. Instead of being fleshy, as he'd expected, it was still covered in those smooth scales. And it was hot. God, it was hot. He could almost swear there was steam coming up from the inside. The slit was so wide he could easily stick a finger inside, and could've managed more with room to spare, but the second it slipped inside, his finger felt like it had been stuck in boiling water, and he had to pull it out again. Not to be deterred, he attempted to stick his tongue inside, but he immediately burned it and he pulled back with a gasp. He was trying to sooth his stinging tongue when another enormous glob of pre-cum fell onto his face. As far as Kouji knew, his face had just been showered with multiple orgasms rather than just one drop of pre-cum. It blinded him for a few seconds as he tried to rub it off, and succeeded in swallowing a generous amount of it. It was so thick he struggled to get it down his throat, and it was so hot it was badly irritating his scolded tongue and burning his throat. He panted as it stung his chest while it eased itself down; it was bittersweet, not unpleasant but overwhelming in such a large load, and a little spicy. If just the pre was that bad, Kouji definitely didn't want to be in the line of fire when Vritramon finally really came.
Vritramon had taken to gripping the base of his own cock, and what surprised Kouji was again size proportion: compared to Vritramon's size, his cock looked completely natural, despite being so long. It was Kouji; dwarfed by the monstrously large Digimon; that was out of place. Vritramon's talons fit perfectly around his cock, and he was steadily jerking it. He looked incredible. Perfect. Orgasmic. Kouji grabbed his own again as he hung on with one arm still wrapped firmly just under the head, and he started when Vritramon reached him with a claw. He prodded at Kouji's hair that had been soaked with sticky pre-seed, and he tenderly lifted his bandana off with just the tip of his claw. Soaked and heavy, it immediately dropped, and Vritramon reached for him again when Kouji realized he was attempting to undress him. He eagerly shed his jacket and Vritramon brought a claw up under his shirt, pushing it right against his throat as he eased it up from his head, and somehow, the gentle talon that was just as easily a dangerous weapon pushing up against his pulse was wonderfully arousing. It was like an act of allowing his life in Vritramon's hands, which, despite his unwillingness to admit it, was like an act of submission. He was nude. He didn't feel the night air anymore, only the steaming heat emitting from Vritramon's body.

Kouji was satisfied enough with this. He'd gotten to touch and feel every bit of Vritramon's enormous load, and he'd tasted him. Vritramon appeared to be content to masturbate and to just leave it at that, and if Kouji just stopped to jerk himself off, he'd come in seconds. That was all he thought would be possible, anyway. There was no way that huge cock could ever penetrate him, at least not without killing him. They would jerk off together until they each came, Kouji would marvel at Vritramon's intensely dramatic orgasm, probably cum again just from watching it, and they'd go back to camp. But as Kouji started to finish, Vritramon made it apparent he had other plans. He wrapped his claws around Kouji and picked him up with ease. Kouji squirmed in his hold; the scales on his hands were much rougher and harder than the scales below. Vritramon let go of his full erection that had finally stopped growing, and let it stand to attention. It smacked Kouji on the back as it snapped back, and the wind was nearly knocked out of him. It was extremely heavy; not even accounting its length, Vritramon probably would've had a hard time balancing himself if he were to try walking. Dear God, it was now longer than Kouji was tall.
Vritramon turned Kouji to face away from him, and lowered him again. Kouji was completely clueless as to what he was trying to do until he came against Vritramon's erection again, this time from above. He nudged it downwards using Kouji's body, prodding it with Kouji's legs until he spread them apart and had him straddle his cock. As soon as Kouji had his legs dangling on either side and he was holding on, Kouji expected it for it to drop immediately to the ground. There was no way it would support his weight. He was shocked to realize that Vritramon had let go of him, and yet, his cock was still completely supporting his weight. It was giving a bit under him and he sat on practically horizontal, but his feet were still a few inches off the ground. He moaned and rubbed up against it, reveling in the incredible heat coming up from under him. He leaned into the flesh and hugged it with his whole body, and though it fell a little bit down, it still held its own, and Vritramon didn't appear to be in any pain. It was still supporting him. It was so rigid and firm Kouji felt like he might as well have been holding onto a small tree. He could feel it pulsing, and each pulse was a shockwave to his whole body. He was sweating profusely; he really felt like he was getting burned from holding onto this mighty length. Vritramon was rubbing his back with the blunt side of his claw, letting it occasionally dip between the cleft of his firm ass.
Kouji thought that was his breaking point. There was no way he'd be able to hold off on his orgasm anymore. He'd already been holding off for so long, it would be impossible to avoid. He dry humped his mount, grunting deeply and sighing in bliss as he met the burning scales, allowing himself to build to that point and urging himself on faster. He was arching and just nearly about to cum when he felt something large poking behind him. He was going to ignore it and account it to just another one of Vritramon's curious proddings when he felt it spread his ass apart. He tensed up and spun his head around in time to see a single one of Vritramon's talons lifting him up and raising his ass in the air, then gently inserting the tip of his claw into him. He moaned and jerked as he adjusted to the huge claw slipping inside him. Vritramon either didn't know or care about using some kind of lubrication, and as a result, as the talon pushed farther in, the pain intensified. At the same time, or at least, as he was steadily filled, it was extremely pleasurable. He hadn't been expecting to be penetrated at all, so it was an interesting surprise. He'd been wondering what it would feel like. He couldn't account for how long each claw was, but this one was mercifully small enough to fit inside him without breaking him, so he simply leaned into the pulsing cock below him, fantasizing, allowing the hesitant pleasure the claw digging deep into him brought to overwhelm him.
He continued moaning and thrusting into the huge cock he rode upon, urging Vritramon to screw him with his claw faster and harder, even ignoring the terrible pain the sharp point of the claw brought when it accidentally dug into him. He sat himself up, weakly using his arms to propel his body into Vritramon and against his claw, and when the claw's smooth bend met his prostate, he gasped with delight. He managed to take just long enough to feel it rubbing hard into his most sensitive spot, and then finally, he fell forward again, wrapping his arms tight around his monstrous steed, and came. His orgasm struck with such force it shocked him, and even then he continued riding Vritramon as hard as he could, urging his body to continue falling and falling off of that peek. He made harsh, guttural gasps of deep pleasure as he unloaded everything he'd been saving for so long, spurting uncontrollably as Vritramon continued massaging his untouched insides with his hard talon. Vritramon was so hot that as he got splattered with Kouji's cum, the fluid started to steam. Kouji really was getting burned from leaning on his cock; he could feel blisters forming all over his body as he came. Vritramon kept moving his claw into him, hard and rough, jamming into his prostate, intensifying it. Amplifying it. He squeezed his cock hard, struggling to hold onto that one amazing orgasm, but it stopped far too quickly, and he was left feeling vaguely satisfied and unsatisfied as Vritramon continued fingering him roughly with his talon. That incredible feeling had only lasted a few seconds; it practically wasn't worth all the effort. Without arousal ignoring the pain for him, this heat was uncomfortable, the fingering claw was uncomfortable, and lying on the cock itself was uncomfortable. Painful, even. With a mindless moan he slid off of Vritramon's enormous cock, yelping as it snapped back to attention from under him and as he landed hard on the ground. Now in addition to first degree and possibly even second degree burns, he'd probably have bruises.

Vritramon was panting softly and arching. He had not been in pain when Kouji was lying on top of his powerful erection, but now he was really in pain when there was nothing tending to it. It cried its burning need, sending demanding waves through his body to relieve it. Controlling this monster was nothing like controlling the Beast Spirit of Fire, and with Takuya still so new at even trying to control his Beast Spirit, even trying to control it was a hopeless battle. Vritramon could just masturbate until he was satisfied, but he didn't want to do that. He wanted to keep playing with Kouji. His small body was an intense source of pleasure for him. He wanted to enter it, but he knew that it was impossible unless there was a bit of change.
"Kouji." He looked up at Vritramon, still lying where he'd fallen, breathing deeply to bring himself back down to earth. His face was soft. "Evolve to Garmmon."
Kouji blinked dumbly at him. "Huh?"
"Evolve to Garmmon. I want to take you."
Dumb look again. "Take me?" His mind was misted over from his release; he couldn't think straight. Abruptly he realized what he meant. "Too big."
"For you. I could fit in Garmmon."
"Too big..." Kouji attempted to sit up. He felt dizzy and so warm; he was surrounded by waves of intense heat emitting off of Vritramon's body, and the overwhelmingly powerful scent of sex. It was like an aphrodisiac, and it was impossibly arousing. He held himself gently, unable to stop his erection from growing. Initially it was painful, but then suddenly, he just wanted more.
"Please." Now it was Vritramon begging him. He put his hands together to form a shallow dip, and he scooped Kouji into it. He lifted him to his face, trying to show the Human need and desire in the Beast's hard and indifferent eyes. "Please." Kouji panted as he looked into the Beast's face, seeing that desperate need, and completely succumbing to arousal. Before he got a chance to agree, Vritramon opened his mouth and let his tongue slip out. It attempted to reach inside Kouji's mouth, but really just splattered saliva all over his face. No matter how wide Kouji opened his mouth, he couldn't fit it inside. Instead, Vritramon went lower, timidly licking at his hard-on. That felt good. Kouji had nowhere to grab onto, but he managed to hold onto his nose horn as Vritramon steadily soaked his bottom half with saliva. It was too small to take into his mouth, but he made a show of licking his erection hard enough for Kouji to feel like he was getting blown. Kouji was stiff and shaking as he gripped the horn harder, arching up and preparing his body to fall into oblivion again just from these sensual licks when Vritramon stopped. With a harsh gasp he fell back into his hard talons, holding his spasming stomach to calm it before he really did lose it again. He could bounce back the second time, but a third time was uncalled for.
Vritramon started poking at his feet, and when Kouji looked down he realized he was still wearing his shoes. Vritramon, ever so careful not to stab Kouji's ankles, slipped his claw into the back of the heel and pulled both shoes off, and repeated for his socks. He started licking at his feet, dipping the very tip of his tongue between his toes and fluttering over the tenderest areas, determined to make Kouji willing without a doubt to have sex with him. It was a subtle, enjoyable little bit of pleasure that Kouji could've gotten off on if he were to let it continue. For, of course, he was the one who'd started this, and there's no way he'd be the one to stop it.
"Alright, alright, alright, just put me down."

Vritramon looked less menacing and more perversely thrilled. His thick tail beat the ground behind him as he replaced Kouji on it, who immediately fell to his knees when his legs couldn't support him. He struggled for breath as he found his Digivice in his pants, and he pleasantly fell into the burst of white light that followed his evolution. Garmmon nearly overwhelmed him with the various things he immediately wanted to do to Vritramon, but he managed to keep him under control. His erection as a human had been lost, but Garmmon was rapidly making up for it. He was impossibly aroused in Vritramon's presence, but now that he was reminded, Kouji realized he had no idea how to release his erection from Garmmon's thick armored skin. Vritramon apparently realized this as well, for he craned his neck and attempted to look beneath him.
"Does Garmmon know...?"
Kouji closed his eyes and delved into Garmmon's mind. The second he let go of his control, Garmmon leaped onto Vritramon and pushed him back, standing on his thick legs and pushing on his chest, growling territorially. Vritramon smiled his scary, Beastly smile and Kouji immediately took control of Garmmon again. His tail was wagging back and forth of its own accord, smacking Vritramon's cock to and fro with each hit. Garmmon was panting in a dramatized impersonation of the dog-eyed tongue-dangling style, as though he weren't just hot, but literally in heat. Somewhere along all these arousing urges, Garmmon revealed he himself didn't know how to take apart his armor.
"No, he doesn't," Kouji informed him, reverting back to the Kouji-controlled version of Garmmon. His erection was pressing hard into his armor, pushing up against it, straining into it. It was too big for the confined space, and it demanded to be let free. It was literally painful to keep it in there. It just got bigger and bigger, and the tight armor was no place to keep such a large appendage.
"But you're sure it can be taken off?"
"Somehow. How else would he be able to get his dick out to breed?"

That was good enough for Vritramon. He took hold of Garmmon's body midway down his back, and dug his talons into his armor. Garmmon started growling, but Kouji tried to keep him under control by sharing memories of fondling Vritramon. They made Garmmon very happy, and very horny. Now Kouji was sure the armor was detachable; Vritramon's claws were dug deep into his skin, but he couldn't feel it at all. Unless Garmmon was really some kind of robot, he had a body under it. And if he were a robot, he couldn't be capable of an erection, so it must be the latter. Garmmon proved this when Kouji became aware that he felt damp inside the armor. Vritramon pulled with all his might, trying to yank off the metal skin to reveal the pounding hard-on inside. He removed his claws to reveal several deep holes into the armour, and then he dug his talons into the skin again, in different areas, and yanked them apart hard. The bottom half of his armor split with a loud crack, falling off of him and allowing his wet cock to happily fall free from its tight grasp. Garmmon yelped in surprise, but not pain, for it was in fact just armor. His real body was lanky and lean, and he was covered in smooth white hair that was occasionally broken up with small purple streaks that matched his armor. His tail was feathery, but not fluffy, and to most appearances, from the bottom down, he looked like a real wolf. Vritramon saw no reason to take off the top of his armor, so he flung away the bottom half, and was happy with that.
"Well, that's one way to take it off." Vritramon made a deep growling noise in his throat, which Kouji later assumed must've been his way of laughing.

Vritramon tried to lay Garmmon flat on his back, but he protested strongly, being very uncomfortable in the position. It would been awkward for him to do it standing, (truthfully, he couldn't stand properly when he was hard) so Vritramon left himself sitting on the ground, and allowed Garmmon to stay on top of him, which pleased the wolf-Digimon enough to keep him quiet. Kouji suddenly started wondering what kind of things Vritramon was thinking with Takuya during sex, and if any of these actions were on Takuya's part, or if most of them were on Vritramon's.
Garmmon couldn't compare, that much was true. Considering body size, he was actually quite large himself, but only in a human's terms. He was only slightly larger than a full foot, but what it lacked in length, it made up in girth. It was wonderfully thick, and again, Vritramon was highly interested in it. As far as Kouji was concerned, what he was sporting was not very interesting, but it sure was insistent. Broken free of its intolerable prison, it was throbbing with delight at the prospect of getting used by this monster, and it quickly changed colour from its original whitish-blush until it was deep pink with arousal. If there was one thing about Garmmon, he seemed to be constantly leaking. There was a trail of clearish-white dribbling down Vritramon's lower-half where Garmmon held himself, and it pooled into a little puddle right below him. It was so much it was like constantly being in the middle of finishing an orgasm, though it came without the relief.
In Kouji's mind, he was half-protesting as Vritramon inserted his talon into Garmmon's hot body, but only out of the concern that Vritramon might really be too big. He was having second thoughts about him being able to fit. But Garmmon took the talon quite smoothly, and while one completely filled Kouji, Vritramon was able to get another claw inside without much effort at all. Garmmon was growling agreeably, and Vritramon was growling back at him, both of them singing a Beastly lullaby to each other of their need. The Beasts didn't pay any attention to the humans who were trying to control them, and they did things on their own accord, following a primal call the humans couldn't understand.
Garmmon was drooling and he panted when Vritramon forced another claw inside his hole, and he started tightening rather than stretching. It was difficult for Vritramon's talons to move around anymore, and as he tried to insert another one, it was practically impossible to move them at all. Garmmon refused to stretch any farther, and he was already edging on his orgasm just from feeling these huge claws play and squirm within him. Garmmon didn't care about stretching or preparation anyway; he just wanted to either fuck or be fucked, as was the natural order of things. The mere touch of his prostate sent bolts of powerful pleasure shooting through his body, and he growled deeply as he released so much pre-seed that Kouji wondered if he had actually just cum. Come to think of it, would he feel like he was cumming when Garmmon came? He felt pain when Garmmon felt pain, and he felt horny when Garmmon was horny. Would he really feel like he was actually having an orgasm? Garmmon seemed to sense his probing mind, and he irritably swatted it away as though it were a pesky little fly. Garmmon wanted him to shut up. Kouji obediently withdrew his hold over Garmmon's mind, watching from afar and simply feeling everything. Garmmon's unstoppable arousal flooded him, and he started making illegible noises that meant nothing to Kouji, but somehow portrayed the urge appropriately to Vritramon. He started a rough purring in his throat. It meant nothing to Kouji, but it aroused Garmmon even more.

Vritramon's eyes were red. He noticed it very suddenly, but for all he knew, they'd been red for a long time. He guessed, anyway, that they hadn't been, because this Vritramon quickly put an end to the probing inside of Garmmon, pulling all of his claws out of that tight hole that was eager to be used. Garmmon was lifted into the air, up until he supported his paws on Vritramon's shoulders, just until he nearly sat on top of the thick, hard monster he wanted so much. Kouji started bubbling over inside from anticipation, or rather, in response to the excitement Garmmon was practically bursting with. Just as Vritramon was about to attempt to push in, Garmmon reached up, gently licking the sides of his jaw. Vritramon opened his mouth and released his long and narrow tongue to meet Garmmon's wide and flat one, and though Kouji thought it was unreal; he realized the Beasts were kissing. It was a really hot kiss, too, eager and sloppy and wet. Sexual kissing, not love-kissing. He wondered if Takuya was the one who instigated the kiss; he hadn't wanted Garmmon to do it. Had the beasts wanted to do it themselves? Just before Garmmon thrust his mind away again, he mused that, in a very roundabout fashion, his first kiss was with Takuya.
Vritramon spread him far apart. He appeared to be concerned enough to want to push it in slowly, but Garmmon was insisting that he have it now, to have it SHOVED inside him NOW, and Vritramon decided he liked that plan more. He let Garmmon drop onto him, and thought at first he couldn't push past the quivering muscle, his head suddenly broke inside. Vritramon released a primal growl in his throat while Garmmon released a high-pitched howl, squirming in Vritramon's grasp and squirting a fresh burst of pre-cum on his chest. Vritramon was extremely aroused to be so frequently showered with the fluid, and even Garmmon was deeply arousing himself with all he was releasing. At this rate, there wouldn't be anything left for a proper orgasm.
Vritramon pulled him down, and though the Human part of Garmmon resisted, he was so wrapped in the promise of overwhelming pleasure that he refused to let the human break through even a tiny bit. He eagerly worked his body to convince it to allow the mammoth cock to slip deeper into him; it was so big, even Garmmon's unshakeable determination to be screwed by it wavered a bit. He could only just manage to get it inside, and then having to push it deeper was just unbelievable. It was so thick it was constantly nudged right into his prostate and it throbbed non-stop right against his most sensitive region, releasing waves of intense heat all throughout his body. Its throbbing was so powerful that Kouji thought that this must be what a vibrator felt like on a very slow mode. He didn't think he could stand it, and even Garmmon was thinking this might possibly be too much. Unfortunately, Vritramon didn't care about thinking. He wanted to shove himself inside; more, more, more, stretching apart that muscle until Garmmon simply wouldn't take anymore. He balanced his paws on Vritramon's wide shoulders, being held by his thick arms because his hind legs wouldn't even support his weight, and though he kept trying to push down more on the huge length, his body wouldn't allow him to take it any deeper. This was as far as it would go. Vritramon wasn't even close to half-way inside.

Garmmon released another low growl, and Vritramon returned it. Kouji was already drowning in the pleasure, and he had just enough hold over the Beast's body to have him release a very human moan when he continued to try and shove it further. Vritramon attempted to help, not satisfied with so little of his erection buried into the other Beast, but he eventually accepted that he was simply too big to fit anymore. He began to pull Garmmon's body up, slowly lifting him away from his pounding cock. Afraid he might not be able to get back in again if he took the head out, he lifted him until just the head was in, then let him fall back down again. Garmmon was panting, doggy-style, and his drool leaked off the side of his jaws as rapidly as his cock leaked its own eager juices. He shoved himself full of Vritramon, totally uncaring about pain, even daring the pain to try and interrupt his pleasure. Another human moan broke out of the Beast, and he was shocked by the sound of a very human moan coming out of Vritramon. Takuya was still in there, suffering this incredible pleasure with him, unable to control his Beast and the monster it wielded. He gripped his furry ass hard, still trying to stretch it far apart to fit his enormous need, and he eagerly began lifting him up and down as he thrust into him. Garmmon was still just getting used to being so stuffed with the huge cock that actually being screwed by it was intolerable, and he howled with a sweet mixture of mind-numbing pain and heart-stopping pleasure. He clawed almost angrily at Vritramon's shoulders, frantic from the pleasure, struggling to release his powerful need in some way. He howled again, a deep, longing, beastly moan. It reverberated deep from within his chest, but as the howl subsided, it ended in a human scream. Vritramon lifted him, held, and pulled his claws away, simply letting him drop. Garmmon growled and snapped at the air, baring his teeth and roaring with pleasure. It was going in deeper. Inch by inch, blessed gravity brought him further down. It was bulging out of his stomach. He flailed, trying to get solid footing, struggling to grab onto Vritramon to halt its descent. It eased its way deeper, and Garmmon leaned inward over, biting back screams of pain. He squirt again with a deep moan, and Vritramon rubbed his own cock through Garmmon's protruding belly, humming to himself. Garmmon growled to him, and though Kouji hadn't heard himself speak, Vritramon obediently held him from below again. Garmmon roared viciously, and Vritramon pulled him up, as though following orders. This time, Garmmon spoke, and though Kouji hadn't initiated the speech, he heard himself.
"Vritramon." It was a raspy growl, full of primal arousal, and just the name summarized his deep longing. Vritramon growled back, and let him go again, allowing gravity to pull him down. Garmmon flailed desperately, squeezing his muscles tight in a last-ditch attempt to halt the huge cock from going too far in, but it was no use; gravity pulled him all the way down, and at being attacked so brutally by something so big, his body completely relented, allowing it to sink deep, deep, into him. Garmmon howled again, releasing all his need and arousal into the night air as loud as he could, but it ended again in a harsh scream as he finally came. Vritramon lay back, observing the thrashing wolf jerking his body onto his cock and moaning with such intensity he thought the screams alone must be enhancing his orgasm. The huge load of pre-cum that had been splattering onto Vritramon before was nothing like this; cum just exploded out of him in an impossibly viscous flow, strong, showering him with rapid-fire squirts of Beastly pleasure. Kouji had wondered how his orgasm would feel while he inhabited Garmmon's body; he got his answer. Amazing. He would die to come like this again, and he wanted to keep cumming and cumming and cumming and to never stop. Garmmon seemed to hear his wish, and with each growl, another spurt pounded into his lover's chest. Nearing its end, the spurts became widespread, as though being shot fourth from a sperm fountain, and even Vritramon had started moaning with him as he finally, regretfully, stopped. He grunted with weak, animal noises as the last of his seed left him, fighting to keep his body erect, though his legs were ready to collapse. Vritramon was still painfully hard inside him, and clearly wasn't satisfied yet, though he was extremely aroused to be covered in so much of Garmmon's thick fluid.
"Vritra...mon..." Garmmon gasped out, then let his hind legs fall from under him. He shouted in pleasure as his cock delved deep into him again, but suddenly, Kouji felt his mind being separated from Garmmon's. His was becoming weaker and weaker until he barely felt it at all, and then, just as suddenly, light engulfed him. Vritramon was too preoccupied with his own arousal to notice what was happening, and by the time Kouji figured it out, it was too late.
"No, no, no!" he wailed, but too late! Garmmon had retracted into his Digivice, and in a swirl of bright light, he became a human again. One moment his mind was contentedly pulsing with pleasure, the next, blinding, overwhelming pain. He screamed louder than Garmmon had ever brought forth a howl; the pain was excruciating to have something that was just so big inside him, completely inside his body, stretching him unnaturally and nearly breaking him. He hugged himself, choking on panicked sobs of pain and regret as he realized that, quite possibly, this would kill him.

"Kouji?" Someone said his name. They sounded worried. He felt his body being pulled up. It was so, so painful to feel that deadly monster moving out of him, yet as much as it hurt, he cried in relief. He just wanted it out, he wanted it out...
"Ungh..." A deep, sexual grunt. Kouji's cries intensified; someone was putting it back in! No! He wanted it out! "I can't...help it. It feels so, so...so good."
"Take it out!" he screamed, "You're going to kill me!"
"I can't..." He felt something liquid release in him. Kouji started choking and heaving and gagging, and suddenly he caught a thick mouthful of that luscious bittersweet fluid. Pre-cum. A lot of it. Vritramon eased his body down on him more, and Kouji started choking again; his cock was suffocating him from the inside. He couldn't breathe. His lungs were being crushed into something inside him and it was difficult to inflate them. He prayed the pressure wouldn't crack his ribs and that his lungs wouldn't be impaled on them. He was afraid to move at all, for fear his spine would crack. His anus was almost surely already torn to shreds to accommodate this thick intruder; even now he could feel blood slipping down his legs; and his stomach was churning violently, threatening to release everything it had with the slightest movement. But he was alive. That was the outstanding part. He could take Vritramon, in all his glory, and still survive. He looked down below, to assess that he really was able to take this monster, and what he saw horrified him. There was still at least three solid feet of cock below him; Vritramon wasn't even all the way inside. What was worse, he was trying to push the remainder of his erection deeper. It caught his breath, but he couldn't protest; he was so full of dragon cock that he couldn't even speak. Vritramon was going to thrust so far into him, his dick would simply burst out of his mouth. He didn't even want to think of the gory after-effects of him trying such a stunt; he just knew it had to stop, and now.
"Vritra-" Vritramon interrupted him with a loud roar, beating the ground with his tail, squeezing his ultra-sensitive bottom with his sharp claws. He began to pull Kouji up, gently removing himself inch by inch and foot by foot from the small boy's body, only to thrust back in. Kouji finally lost it and he regurgitated hard, heaving everything in his stomach onto Vritramon's thighs, but he seemed totally ignorant. Even after releasing the very last of what his stomach contained, he continued dry heaving. He was thrusting faster. Kouji struggled to get out a word before he erupted into unintelligible heaves again, but the most he could get out was a choked, whispered, "Takuya."
At first, it seemed it had done no good. Then Vritramon slowed. His breath was exploding out of him in Beastly growls, and he seemed more than ever eager to use him, but he obediently held Kouji high enough to where just the thick head was inside him. Kouji keeled over and moaned in pain, struggling to recover while he was sure that he had at least a brief rest period, but all too soon, Vritramon let himself slide back in.
"I'm sorry," he heard Takuya growl, and he yelped as a thick gush of pre-cum burst inside him. "I can't control it. I can't."

It slid back in, comfortably realigning itself in the impossible position. "You're so tight. You're just so tight." Kouji felt a different sensation flowing through him: pleasure. The pain was outstanding and he was still terrified of being killed, but just feeling this giant cock inside him, and the strange pride he had for being able to take it, and just the way it bulged perfectly inside him and pressed hard into his most sensitive areas, it was strangely pleasurable. He realized he was extremely hard. As aroused as he was, he didn't actually think Vritramon would bring him to orgasm when there was so much pain laced within the pleasure, but as Vritramon began to pull out again, he became painfully aware of how much his prostate was being abused. Pleasure sensors were on total overdrive. Vritramon pulled himself nearly out again, only just stretching him wide with the tip of his head, and as he began the descent down again, Kouji suddenly felt himself writhing with the pleasure that could only come with achieving orgasm. Hard. Violently, like nothing ever before, he felt his pleasure erupting out of him in the form of thick, gushing seed, and this time, Vritramon seemed surprised. Kouji just mindlessly moaned, feeling so much pleasure, so much intense FEELING that he never wanted it to stop. Vritramon really did become afraid and nearly removed himself, but Kouji gripped his huge claws with his puny hands, gasping for breath and fighting to get out a plea,
"No, no, more. More." Vritramon allowed gravity to pull him down again, and almost immediately, Kouji came again. Appearance wise, his orgasm was markedly less powerful; he was incapable of producing enough semen to match a real orgasm. To Kouji, it was enough to nearly make him lose his mind, and as he allowed his body to accept as much as he could of Vritramon again, he nearly came again. This was incredible. To feel this huge, gigantic, monstrous cock beating inside his tiny body, to feel that monster violating him deeper and deeper than anything ever would; this was utter bliss. He leaned back and allowed the thick head to bulge out of his chest, and he hugged it affectionately. Vritramon was no longer touching him; he was holding himself up by hugging the huge cock within him. His body was still on overdrive, even in this momentary feeling of peace and contentment, and without Vritramon even moving an inch, he suddenly came again, his whole body jerking to each squirt. He clung to the head bulging out of his chest as though it were a treasured lover, and while he relished his most recent orgasm, he became aware of a change in Vritramon. He was making strange sounds he'd never heard out of Vritramon before, and as he held onto his thick manhood through his body, he felt it quivering powerfully. His heart started pounding. Was Vritramon about to...?
His thoughts were interrupted as another orgasm burst through him; THIS was what a vibrator must feel like. His cock was pulsing and shaking so powerfully within him that he felt the vibrations through his whole body. He gasped and cried and panted and struggled to recover; he couldn't take this anymore. He couldn't stand cumming anymore.
"Kouji..." His voice was pitiful, human-like; it was almost afraid of the mighty power surging through him. He could feel it; Vritramon was shuddering as his whole body tightened. "I'm gonna..." Kouji was concerned for himself again. Vritramon was going to pull out, right? He wasn't going to try and cum inside him, right? He wouldn't do that. He COULDN'T do that. He sank deeper onto him; he was being suffocated again. Deeper. Vritramon was panting obscenely, and he looked aroused to the ultimate point. He opened his mouth, gasping for breath, and his cock suddenly stopped quivering. Kouji knew he'd hit the edge. There was no going back.

He expected to hear his roar and that would prepare him for the rush of semen, but he tasted it first. Thick, gooey cum completely filled his mouth and choked him, and a second later, he heard a deep, piercing roar loud enough to shake the whole forest. Vritramon was cumming, and hell, if that wasn't an understatement. The roar released the dam that had built up and was holding him back, and with the blockage gone, he was more than willing to release everything he had into Kouji. It was burning hot, desperately hot, like liquid fire rushing through him, and so, so thick Kouji couldn't comprehend how a fluid could have such substance. It overflowed out of his mouth and all over his chest and stomach, and he continued coughing it up and letting it flow up his throat and out of his mouth. His eyes teared with the inability to breathe, and while he could no longer see Vritramon, he could hear how incredible his orgasm was. Vritramon steadily pulled himself from him as he released into him until it no longer gushed out of his mouth like a waterfall, and instead began filling his insides. Kouji was crying from the intensity and he uncontrollably came again, only to feel his stomach suddenly begin bulging. Vritramon had pulled back enough so that his thick head was gushing into his stomach, and it was fighting to expand quick enough to take as much cum as it was being given. Instead of rushing out of his body, it was being stored. Without choking on a constant stream of cum, Kouji began to realize just how much Vritramon was releasing. He felt the tremors in his cock just before it released, as though it were suffering an earthquake, and as his stomach grew and grew; he was horrified to discover just how much cum was released in each spurt. With cum gushing out of his mouth, he'd thought Vritramon had been undergoing multiple orgasms. But now that he could think, judging on the rate his stomach was filling compared with the tremors; the waterfall of cum that had first flowed from his mouth had been the result of a single burst, not many. He'd hoped he was nearly finished; he had only just begun. Another powerful tremor, another explosion of cum into him. He could actually count the seconds between when he started releasing that spurt, and when it actually ended.
His mind couldn't begin to fathom how much cum he was releasing, but to imagine just so much cum during a single orgasm filling him completely, it was enough to force him over the edge again, even as he was filled with horror. His stomach couldn't take anymore cum; it was already round enough to be mistaken for a heavily pregnant woman's belly. It was ready to burst; something had to give. He began throwing it up again, gagging out seed forcefully as fast as Vritramon released it into him until his throat was raw. As Vritramon lifted his body up again, fighting to pump everything into Kouji and removing himself to make room for more cum, Kouji caught Vritramon purring and limply shaking his head from side to side and grunting happily. He was completely oblivious to Kouji's pain; he was overwhelmed with pleasure. The flow began to lose its edge. Kouji attempted to touch his full and bulging stomach; it was so stuffed and sensitive he immediately threw up more seed. Vritramon quickly replaced it. Garmmon's orgasm had lasted far longer than what should be normal, but this powerful flow continued for minutes, and even as Vritramon lost his high and returned to the real world, he still continuously gushed into Kouji until he nearly lost consciousness. Vritramon was so aroused by how intense his orgasm was; even he hadn't been expecting so much. Instead of Beastly roars, Vritramon was gasping with human cries, and every time he saw Kouji heave up another quart or two of semen, it renewed him, and made him want to continue cumming. And he did.
When the powerful organ inside him finally subsided its rush of cum, and then completely stopped, Kouji barely acknowledged it. Just feeling the monster removing itself; for the last time; from his body, he hit another strong orgasm, and in his fragile state, it shattered his sanity. He was going to die, but from pleasure this time. He thought this must be true when Vritramon's impossibly thick head finally plucked itself from his tight, tight body all together, and in a rush, his cum began gushing out from within him, his body struggling to reject what was filling it so unnaturally. It spurt out from his ass as though it weren't simply leaking, but being forced out from him as though in orgasm, and the sensation made him cum, again. Oh god, he couldn't possibly cum anymore. It was too much; he was going to pass out. His stomach was still gorged to its limit with seed. He gagged it up again and it filled his mouth, and he forced it back down. It was a burning, wicked fire in his belly. Cum, so much cum. He couldn't stop moaning.
Vritramon was holding him up from below, but to keep himself from falling over, Kouji was holding onto the massive head. At being drenched with his own cum so strongly the second he pulled out, he aroused himself enough to release one last squirt, a petty amount compared to the rest, onto Kouji. The stream caught him directly in his face, and he gasped as cum dripped down his body and slipped down his throat, and into his stomach. Kouji belched loudly and swallowed rapidly to keep it down; he couldn't take anymore in there. He was so full he figured if he were to squeeze his stomach in the slightest, he would immediately start gushing semen from any available opening. But he couldn't take throwing up anymore either, and he was in such pain below that he shuddered at the thought of willingly forcing anything to go through his terrorized hole. He'd just have to hold it.

Kouji put a hand on his new belly as he marveled that so much cum was stored inside him; he wondered how on earth he'd be able to walk. Abruptly, Vritramon began glowing. He looked utterly and completely content, and while he was still rock hard during recovery, his cock was growing soft, and smaller. It was retreating into him. He released a low, tame growl as he was encased in light, and Kouji felt himself fall to the ground. Takuya appeared before he hit, and when he did, he screamed; he'd fallen on his painfully sensitive engorged stomach. Cum burst from both ends, and though Kouji rolled on his back to avoid agitating his round belly, he continued heaving up semen from his throat and spurting it from his rear. He heard Takuya whimper at his feet, and overwhelmed with so much escaping seed at the same time as hearing the voice of the boy who'd just done this to him, he just had to cum again. He writhed on the ground, painfully caught between senseless pain and pleasure, and felt Takuya watching him closely as he suffered until he forced himself to stop throwing up. Cum still filled his mouth, repeatedly, but he urged it back down each time, nearly choking from its thickness. Eventually, his body stopped squirting from his hole of its own accord, and when he was finally finished, Kouji's belly had shrunk. Despite losing so much semen, it was still obscenely round and full; he really did look pregnant. Who knew how much cum was still in there. It was putting unwelcome pressure on him to lie completely on his back, and he rolled to his side. He felt dead. Used up, dried out, unfeeling; numb. He was numb. Then, he finally noticed Takuya. His hand was hidden in his pants and he was breathing deeply; by the looks of it, he'd just cum too. If he was panicked and concerned for his friend's well-being, he wasn't showing it. He looked so content, so happy, so oblivious. Kouji went limp. Blood pooled below him; was that really all his blood? He wasn't dying, was he? He'd lasted way too long to just die from something so stupid, so temporary. Was it worth it?
He heard Takuya calling his name. He didn't look up at him. He reached behind himself and stuck a finger inside his hole, trying to prove to himself that it really wasn't as much blood as he thought it was. His hand came back almost completely covered in bright red up to his wrist. Splattered in the red was thick whiteness dripping down his hand; so much blood, so much cum. He put his head down, back into the semen he'd just vomited up, holding his enormous belly and letting the pain drift him away. So much cum. So much blood. So much cum.