This contains a brief sex scene. If you are offended or under age, don_t read it.

                                                            Rock Star


This story is dedicated to the memory of Kurt Cobain. Don't support skanky‑whore Kurt‑killers. Burn Courtney Love Paraphenalia! Try to recognize the charactor relations.


            "Veemon, are you ready yet?" Gabumon said.

            "As I'll ever be." Veemon rubbed his hung‑over forehead, "What's ths place called?"

            "You should know." The fur‑coated Digimon replied, "It's File Town."

            "File Town? Shit we're here already?"

            "I guess that's how tours go." Gabumon shrugged. The two were talking backstage as a screaming crowd of various Digimon were on their feet in a huge stadium. Two years after the Digidestined's last battle, Veemon realized his new calling in life. Death Metal Superstar. Two months into his band's Digworld‑wide tour, Veemon was looking more like Kurtcobainmon. His ears were tied back in a sort of pony‑tail and he had black circles under his eyes. Everyone knew the band of Digidestined Digimon as Fatal Digivolution.

            Veemon, of course, did the vocals with primalistic screams and almost‑vomiting shouts as he picked off chords on an old electric guitar. Gabumon played a toned down five‑string bass as he shouted grunts of his own. Augumon ripped through riffs like a wet piece of paper on guitar, backing up Veemon on the lyrics. And who could forget the dummer, Armadillomon, packed into the back with every piece of drum paraphernalia imaginable.

            "Five minutes." A Vegiemon stage‑hand reminded the two. Veemon groaned and walked over to his dressor. He pulled out the top drawer and rustled around inside. Gabumon shook his head.

            "You're not seriously considering doing Tycho right now?"

            "I damn well fucking am." Veemon pulled out a small brown bag. Tycho is a newly‑found drug of the Digital World. It has the effects of coke, heroin, and acid rolled into one plant then dehydrated and chopped into a fine powder. Reaching into the bag, he coated two fingers with the black substance. He brought them to his nostrils and inhaled every last granul of the drug into his brain. He clenched his eyes and shuddered as the first round of feelings hit him.

            "I'm not a... greedy bastard." Veemon choked, holding bag out towards Gabumon, "Here..." Gabumon shook his head and did the same as Veemon, taking a little less of the black powder.


            Meanwhile, behind all the noise and conniptions, a small figure approached the backstage door. The security guard, a Skullmeremon wearing a black shirt sporting: SECURITY, raised an eyebrow as the figure walked up to him. She looked up at him and swallowed.

            "I want to see Veemon." She said confidently.

            "Name?" Skullmeremon grunted.

            "Gatomon." After flipping through the pages on the clipboard he was holding, Skullmeremon looked back down at the white‑furred feline.

            "You're not on the list."

            "Not on the list?! What do mean?"

            "I have a list." He showed it to her, "It has names on it. If your name doesn't match the name on the list, you don't get in."

            "Don't patronize me," Gatomon hissed, "I know Veemon!"

            "Like I haven't heard THAT one before." Skullmeremon laughed.

            "Listen, I'm a Digidestined Digimon, HE'S a Digidestined Digimon."

            "And I'm a security guard. And unless you're also a groupie, the only thing you'll be is not someone who's going backstage."

            "A groupie?!" The Skullmeremon nodded at her outburst. Gatomon clenched her gloved paws and grit her teeth.

            "Fine. I'm a groupie then." She hissed.

            "Now, you can get in." The Skullmeremon stepped aside.


            Gatomon looked around through the mass of Digimon needed to run a concert. She recognized no one as she was repeatadly bumped, pushed, and run into. She was about to give up hope when a golden‑yellow gleam caught her eye. She made her way through the Digimon, almost tripping over the wires that littered the ground, and walked up to familiar object.

            "Armadillomon... hey, wake up!" She shook the armadillo Digimon. He grumbled and turned over on the cot he was sleeping on.

            "Wake UP!" She hit him. He grunted and groaned, slowly opening his eyes.

            "Whaaaat? The stage manager told my five more minutes and I wan' ta have `em." He muttered.

            "Armadillomon, it's me." He recognized the voice and turned around.

            "Gatomon? What're you doin' here?"

            "I came to see you guys. I hear you're really getting popular."

            "Yep, that's us. I haven't had as much time ta sleep as I'd like, but one more concert after this..." He sighed and laid back, "I'm goin' on a lonnnnng cruise."

            "Sounds great." Gatomon giggled, "Hey, where's Veemon?" Armadillomon's eyes shot open.

            "Uh... you don't wanna see Veemon."

            "Yes I do. I haven't seen him in eight weeks."

            "Trust me... you really don' wanna see..."

            "Where is he?" Gatomon asked sternly. Armadillomon sighed and pointed in their direction. Gatomon nodded and started toward it. Armadillomon immediately slumped back to the cot, snoring slightly.

            As Gatomon passed a dressing room, she stopped. Her ears twitched and searched through the noise. She slowly turned to the door leading to the dressing room, which was left slightly ajar, and walked over to it. She peered inside and saw two figures on the floor. Augumon was lying on top of Biyomon as she moaned loudly. Her legs were draped around his waist, hugging him tightly. Augumon was in a swift rhythm, pushing into and out of the moaning female.

            "Ahhhh, Augumonnnn, you're so fucking gooddddd." She growled, wrapping her wings around his neck. Augumon only replied by kissing her neck and humping her faster.

            Gatomon silently closed the door and stepped away. She continued walking towards Veemon and Gabumon, shaking her head and whispering, "Rock stars..." As she saw the flash of blue skin, her spirits rose. She hadn't seen Veemon since he told her about the band's tour and she was excited to see him. As she approached the two band members, she notied how wiped out Veemon looked. His eyes were slightly closed and his general demenor was apathetic.

            "Veemon!" She smiled. The blue dragon jumped to hear his name.

            "WHAT??" He involentarily yelled. Gatomon jumped back as Veemon struggled to catch his breath.

            "Hey, how's it going? Are you allright?"

            "Huh? Who're you?" He squinted his eyes at her.

            "It's me, Gatomon. Don't tell me you don't remember me.

            "Look... I'll give you... an autograph after the show." Veemon growl, waved her off. Gabumon almsot immediately recognized Gatomon.

            "Veemon, that's Gatomon." He whispered. Veemon looked at him unbelievingly then back at Gatomon. He squinted his eyes.

            "Shit..." He groaned.

            "What's going on?" Gatomon asked Gabumon.

            "Right now you're talking to a Digimon deep in the depths of a Tycho‑binge."

            "WHAT?! He's on Tycho?!"

            "He started it about three weeks ago. Does it every time before he goes out."

            "You know what that shit does to you! It melts your brain!"

            "Yeah... and it feels... FUCKING amazing while doin' it!" Veemon growled.

            "He can't go on stage like this!" Gatomon grabbed his arm.

            "AUUGHHH!! GET OFF ME, GET THE FUCK OFF MEEEE!" Veemon yeled, thrashing away from her, "WHAT THE FRIGGIN' FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

            "Veemon, calm down, she's a friend."

            "A f‑friend? I think ffffucking not! She's... trying to bite my arm off... she a ffffriggin'... succubus!" He blinked repeatadly. Gabumon looked at Gatomon.

            "It wears off after the show. Right now, you're just another bad trip. Try talking to him then." He assure.

            "Yeah... sure." Gatomon sighed.


            The crowd screamed wildly to see their own home‑grown superstars return home from their long tour. Veemon's head was bowed as he gripped the microphone stand tightly. Fatal Digivolution was standing in darkness, waiting for just the right moment. Veemon looked up. The crowd looked like one big blurr, waving and swaying this way and that. He motioned to the light crew off stage. Within seconds the lights went up and crowd went insane. Veemon whipped the microphone from the stand.

            "AUUUUGHHHHHHH!!!" He clnched his eyes releasing a primal scream from the depths of his body and psyche. With a single bass drum hit, the band was off. With distortion and volume to the max, Veemon whipped his head into the beat.

            "Don't know how to live... don't know how to brethe... don't know how to feel... JUST LET ME BLEEEED!" Veemon wailed, only a select few actually know what he was singing because of his raunchy voice, "Don't let me live... don't let me bleed... who are you to say... what I can BE!!" He suddenly stooped low to the stage as Gabumon and Augumon followed. The riffs and volume softened.

            "Who are you, who are you, who are you, TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO, who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you, I DON'T FUCKING NEED YOUUUUUUU!" The beat picked up and Augumon and Gabumon started leaping across the stage. Veemon stayed on his knees, bobbing to the beat.


            Afterwords, Veemon laid on his cot, snoozing lightly, as the instruments were loaded ontot the tour bus. He was passed out since he stumble off the stage in a drunken stupor. Gatomon smiled as she saw him. Walking over to him cautiously, she tugged at his arm.

            "Uhg... errrrmmm." He slowly opened his eyes, "Hey, Gatomon. It's good to see you!" He sat up a little too quickly and groaned, rubbing his head.

            "Are you okay?" Gatomon asked.

            "Yeah... I'm fine, I'm fine." He said.

            "I don't think you are. Why did you start taking Tycho?! Do you know what that stuff does to you!"

            "Hey, you're not my mother! I can whatever I want!" Veemon suddenly growled.

            "Veemon, please stop! You can't keep doing this! You're going to kill yourself."

            "Look, I wanted to have a nice conversation, but if you want to bitch to me about MY habits than you can go talk to Gabumon."

            "I also wanted a nice conversation but SOMEONE was too fucked‑up on Tycho to even recognize me." Veemon looked away, then growled.

            "Well, who the fuck are you to give me orders? I'm the greatest fucking rock star this crappy world has ever known and I demand some fucking respect for it!"

            "Listen to you!" Gatomon shouted back, "The last time I saw you, you were energetic, willing to do anything for this world! Now you piss around snorting Tycho and not giving a fuck for anyone but yourself."

            "I'm tired of listening to your shit!" Veemon suddenly yelled loudly, "SECURITY!" The Skullmeremon with the black T‑shirt came over.

            "What's the problem, Veemon?" He asked.

            "Get this bitch out of my face." Veemon jerked his thumb at Gatomon. She was completely surprised as she was lead away to the exit.

            "Veemon, I'm just worried about you! Stop doing this!" She called to him.

            "Whatever." Veemon slumped back to his cot as the white cat Digimon was dragged away.


            Veemon lazily laid on his bed in the back of the tour bus. The lights were dimmed and he had just taken a few Alka‑seltzers. Suddnely the door opened and th elights flew.

            "AH! Light! Turn it the fuck down!" Veemon turned into a spasming wreck.

            "Oops, sorry, baby, I didn't knwo you were in here." Biyomon turned the lights back down. Veemon groaned and sat up.

            "Hey, how's it going." He muttered as Biyomon sat next to him, "Where were you before the show? I could have used you to get Gatomon out of my face."

            "Oh... I was..." Biyomon looked to the side, "Busy. Anyway, I need some money for our next stop."

            "More money? Ghaa, whatever." Veemon leaned back on the cushioned bed, "Just take what you need and go, I'm tired, dammit."

            "Alright, alright, I'm going." Biyomon stood up and went over to a near‑by dressor, taking a wad of cash. She left and closed the door silently.

            "Ohhh..." Veemon slowly relaxed into the sheets again. His slumber was interrupted again by another intruder. The lights were up and an annoyed growl emminated form Veemon.

            "Veemon, babe, how's it going?"

            "Oh, God, not now..." Veemon groaned. It was his agent. After a few of the band's first shows, they noticed him hanging around them. A Vegiemon with a lust for money and popularity. He tricked Veemon into signing a ten‑year contract then pulled his pants down over the expenses. After all, who charges you for breathing the same air as him?

            "What?" Veemon slowly sat up again, "And turn that light off!"

            "No time, I've got some new music for you."

            "What? We're doing fine with the..."

            "This shit you call music will send you on a one‑way ticket straight down the crapper. I've got some grade‑A material here." Vegiemon handed the blue dragon some sheet music.

            "Wait... this is from other bands." He said.

            "WHO CARES?! We're in the Digital World. How is Nerf Herder going to sue a bunch of Digimon?" Vegiemon grinned, dollar signs in his eyes.

            "No way, this isn't how my band works." Veemon shook his head.

            "Hey, you'll do what you're told or I'll throw your ass out on the street. You can easily be replaced. And let's not forget that this is my, legally binding, band now, sunny‑boy." Vegiemon grumpily turned away, "Unless you want to take it up with the law, be my guest. Now learnt he fucking music!" The door slammed as the green Digimon left. Veemon groaned and got up to turn the lights down.

            "Pretty soon all that will be left of rock will be fucking commercialism." He shook his head.


            "But we can't sing this! We didn't write it!" Armadillomon argued.

            "Yeah, I thought we agreed to do our own songs from the beginning." Augumon added.

            "That was all before our dick‑head manager said otherwise. Look, it's just for one fucking show. Let's get through it and forget about it." Veemon put up his hands, "We're pretty much fucked on this." The rest of the band shrugged and shook their heads as they got ready for the concert. Veemon groaned and slumped over to his dressor. He reached inside and drew out his little bag of Tycho.

            "Fuck, I'll need a lit tonight." He turned the bag upside down. Only a few black specks fell out. Veemon's eyes widened.


            "Looks like someone's out." He spun around to see Biyomon.

            "What happen to my stash?!" He yelled, trembling slightly.

            "Oh, I thought some needy Digimon needed it more than you."

            "You, little..." Veemon stomped forward, arms outstreached.

            "However," She held up a clear bag fill with black powder, "I can sell you this."

            "... Sweet angel! Come here and give me a hug." Veemon forced a smile.

            "Not until I see some green." Veemon swiftly reached back into his dressor and withdrew a wad of cash.

            "Here! Just gimme the shit!" He shoved the money into Biyomon's left wing and snatched the black powder form her other wing. He opened the bag and immediately dumped his face into it, inhaling deeply.

            "Don't go killing yourself, now, dumbshit." Biyomon laughed, counting her new roll of cash. Veemomn surfaced and gave a long sigh as the effects of the drug took hold of him.

            "Fuck, that's nice..." He grinned.

            "Vee, two mintues, are you ready?" Vegiemon came up behidn him.

            "Be... right there." He stood up.

            "And what the fuck are you doing with this shit?!" Vegiemon snatched the black powder from Veemo's hands, "Get out on stage and play, for fuck's sake!" As Veemon stumbled away, Vegiemon quickly pourd half of the drug into another pouch he produced form Veemon's dressor.


            Vemeon knew it was wrong to not sing his own song, but the Tycho had pushed him out of caring. WAY OUT. He barely got any of the guitar riffs right, and most he made up. The copyright infringed song began:


I bleached my hair, just like Vince Meal,

Then you made me cut it like James Hetfield.

We're gonna put an end to alternative rock,

We'll find a way to make the Cranberrys stop.

We went to Sears for pictres at Christmas time,

But they wouldn't let us make the Metal Sign.

No, they wouldn't let us make the Metal Sign.


I'll bring the wine, you bring the bread and cheese.

It's hard to eat when you're head‑banging.

Makin' out in the middle of the pit,

How come Slayer doesn't sing about this?

If anything comes between you and me,

Then Heavy Metal heaven that's where we'll meet.

We are... Pantera fans in love.


What's with these punk rock nerds? They can't even sing.

I wish we'd never heard of the Offspring.

A candle‑lit dinner, now we're holding hands,

I taught you how to draw your first pentagram.

We went minature golfing but we didn't get far,

Because we used the clubs to play air‑guitar.

Oh, we used the clubs to play air‑guitar.


I'll bring the wine, you bring the bread and cheese.

It's hard to eat when you're head‑banging.

Makin' out in the middle of the pit,

How come Slayer doesn't sing about this?

If anything comes between you and me,

Then Heavy Metal heaven that's where we'll meet.

We are... Pantera fans in love.


We are, we are Pantera fans in love!


We saw Ozzy on our first date,

Our special song is "Crazy Train"

Makin' out in the middle of the pit,

How come Slayer doesn't sing about this?

If anything comes between you and me,

Then Heavy Metal heaven that's where we'll meet.

We are... Metallica fans,

We are... Megadeath fans,

We are... Metawar fans in love,



            The crowd went wild as they finished the song. No one seemed to notice, or care, that the song was a complete rip off. Veemon looked around the crowd. Everyone was one big blur of colors.  He stumbled back slightly.

            "Who... put the strobe light on allready?" Veemon grumbled. He stumbled to the side.

            "Veemon, you okay?" He looked up to see a long, twisted tree holding a flaming axe talking to him.

            "H‑h‑h‑holy shit!" Veemon giggled, backing away. He look to the crowd again. It ahd turned into a lake of water‑fire, waving and flickering every which way. He looked to the back.

            "Hey, Veemon, get a hold of yerself." Veemon's pupils dialated. Armadillomon was being attacked by a giant octopus.

            "Holy fuck!" He screamed, "Get down!" Running forward, he jamme dhsi guitar into the "eye" of the "Octopus" It fizzled and shot sparks everywhere.

            "Hey! What are you doin'?!" Armadillomon jumped off the dumset as it caught fire. The crowd was really going wild now. Veemon looked at his hands. They were melting off.

            "Oh... FUCK!" He dug his claws into his paws, "FUCK! Someone help! My fucking hands are... m‑melting!" He screeched as he fell to the ground. The ground began wavering every which way as Veemon watched his flesh melt off his body.

            "HOLY FUCKING SHIT! SOMEONE HELP ME! I'M FUCKING MELTING!" He wailed, rolling on the ground.

            "Veemon!" He slowly looked back, "Quit fucking around, you're scairing us." Veemon was even more freaked out. There he was, Malomyotismon with his hand on his shoulder.

            "AHHHH!" Veemon jumped up and tackled Augumon to the groudn, beating on him, "You fucking bastard! I thought I killed you! You're suppose to be dead!!! WHY DON'T YOU DIE AND LEAVE US ALONE?!" Augumon tried ot restrain him and kicked him off. Veemon got up. Everything was swirling. He looked around for a second, his eyes unfocused. Suddenly, he fell to the stage, totally unconsious.


            "So... you want this to be clean?" A Gazimon whispered to Biyomon.

            "Duh! Put some fucking Tycho around him and put his finger prints all over the gun!" Biyomon hissed. She and the Gazimon were talking outside of Veemon's mansion on th eedge of a beach.

            "You sure you wanna..."

            "Don't fucking argue with me! I'm paying you, aren't I?" The Gazimon bit his lip then nodded.

            "Listen, everyone will say he commited suicide! I mean he takes a shit load of Tycho all the time. And make sure this note is with him." She pushed the piece of paper into Gazimon's paws.

            "A suicide note?" Gazimon raised an eyebrow.

            "Just do it! If he's not dead, I won't get the publicity or the money I need. Just give a few tears... `oh, why oh, why did he have to die?' and I'll be rolling in money."

            "Well, alright." Gazimon cocked the twelve‑gauge shotgun, "But is the gun really necessary?"

            "We can't use our attacks, they'd recognize it immediately. HURRY UP!" The Gazimon nodded and started into the large mansion.


            "... and in other news, tradgey hit the Digital World today as renowed rock star Veemon was found dead in his mansion outside File Island. Authorities suggest he nearly over dosed on Tycho and shot himself with a twelve‑gauge shotgun. He was found with a suicide note and the gun as well as over two pounds of Tycho. This came shortly after the celebrety over does at the band's last concert last Saturday. Investigations are continuing. Biyomon, Veemon's well loved girlfriend had this to say:"

            "I... I guess I should have seen it coming... *sniff*... I begged him not to take so much Tycho. BEGGED HIM! If only I could turn back the clock and... *sob*... stop him from doing this! Oh why.... WHYYYY... *smaon, sob*... (hey, what more do I have to do for a close‑up?)"

            "Many lovers of `Fatal Digivolution's' music gathered outside the Veemon mansion with candles, records, tee‑shirts, and other paraphenali ot mourn the death of the rock star. Many have allready comitted suiced themselves. If you are contomplating suicide, the help number to call..."


            How close is this to the truth? Many people beleive the infamous Kurt Cobain killed himself because of a history of drug abuse as well as an alleged "suicide note." But others, like me, beleive the greatest rocker of all time was murdered by actions made by Courtney Love. There is definite evidence to suggest this. Many fine establishments have been made to make people realize Kurt didn't kill himself. Know the truth. Seek out one of these organizations and compare evidence suggesting otherwise.    There is one thing we can't change. Kurt is dead. But not in his music. Not in the soul of every person that every truely loved Nirvana and Kurt Cobain.


Written by: Trillermon


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