Feathery Infatuation

Written by the oh-so-lovable Trillermon

"But WHY can't you go with me?" Biyomon sighed.

"Well... I already found a date." Agumon rubbed the back of his head, sweating.

"That's what Gabumon said." The bird Digimon hummed sadly.

"Hey, we met some twins and we're... Aheh.. Well..." Agumon returned with a small blush. Biyomon sighed and stared at the ground.

"Hey, I really am sorry and I would go to the Moonlight Festival Ball with you... But I already asked someone."

"That's okay..." Biyomon sighed, walking away.

"Hey, I'm sure someone will want to go with you." Agu called after her. Biyomon huffed and crossed her wings as she made her way back home. The Moonlight Festival Ball is held every year in the Digital World as a celebration for the night. Everyone joins in a huge ballroom where they dance until midnight. Although, most couples don't end up dancing.

"Why is it just because I'm unpopular nobody wants to go to the ball with me...?" She thought to herself, "Veemon's going with Gatomon, Agumon and Gabumon already have dates, even Palmon got to be with Gomamon. Maybe I shouldn't even go and spare myself the humiliation." As Biyomon got back to the real world she was met an unwelcome surprise. Gatomon and Palmon were at Sora's house getting ready for the ball that night. Gatomon and Palmon were talking and giggling about what they were going to do for the ball while Kari, Sora, and Yolei did everything they possibly could to make the females look their best.
"So Gomamon tells me to wear this UGLY little shawl-thing around my neck and it's this TOTALLY gross color of puke green." Palmon sighed, "Isn't that just like him to have poor fashion taste?"
"I know! Kari here wanted me to wear this little bow on the top of my head." Gatomon nodded.

"I thought you would cute with it."

"It's nearly bigger than my head!" Gatomon responded. The girls laughed mirthfully before hearing a small cough from the computer. They all looked over at Biyomon then immediately away.

"Oh, don't mind me. Pretend I'm not even here..." She grumbles.

"Hi... Biyomon... How did things go... with Agumon?" Palmon asked nervously. Biyomon only huffed as she left quickly into the other room. As she closed the door, the pink bird fell to her knees, groaning.

"Who am I kidding? I'll probably just end up staying at home eating E-Z-Cheese and watching C-SPAN..." She muttered to herself. She heard another sigh from the couch and saw that the TV was on. As Biyomon walked around and looked to see what was on, she blink.
"Now... Watch... As the... Delicate... Silk worm... Slowly... Slowly... Slowly... Spins... Her thread... Of pure... Silk... See... How... Majestic... She is..." The narrator's monotone voice droned on as the picture of the green worm was present on the screen. Biyomon looked to the couch and saw Hawkmon lying on it. He was slightly slack-beaked, his eyes half-open and the remote in his rigid wing, and he didn't blink. Hawkmon looked somewhat like a zombie. Biyomon giggled at the look and shook her head.

"Hawkmon? Hawkmon, can you hear me?" She waved her wing in front of his face. He blinked, then snapped awake, sitting up.

"Oh, Biyomon, I didn't see you..." He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head. He stretched as he sat up.

"Ohhh, my back... Yolei dragged me over here and I've had absolutely NOTHING to do for the past three hours." Hawkmon groaned.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the ball, tonight?" Biyomon asked, sitting up on the couch. Hawkmon shook his head.
"I've decided not to."

"Why not? Can't find a date?" Biyomon asked. Hawkmon blinked and looked over at Biyomon, blushing.

"Well... You see... I COULD, but I just didn't feel... Well, you see." Hawkmon rubbed the back of his head, "No... No, I couldn't..."

"Hmm, me neither." Biyomon sighed, "Everyone already has dates..."

"Well, is it really that important to go?"

"To me it is." Biyomon looked up, "I've always wanted to go to the Moonlight Festival Ball, but nobody ever goes with me... When I tried to last year, I was laughed right out of the building." Biyomon sniffled, "They were so mean..." The pink bird buried her face in her wings.

"They laughed at you? Why?" Hawkmon put his wing around the sobbing bird.

"Because I didn't have a date... I was so embarrassed." Biyomon wiped tears from her eyes, "Just once... I want to go to the Moonlight Festival Ball and have a wonderful time like everyone else!" Hawkmon looked to the side for a moment before turning Biyomon's head to face his.

"Well... I'm certainly not doing anything tonight... How would... You like to go to the ball... With me?" Biyomon blinked and looked into Hawkmon's smiling face.

"You... Mean it? You really want... to take me to the ball?" The pink bird asked. Hawkmon nodded, holding one of her wings.

"It would be an honor for me to take a lovely Digimon such as you to the Moonlight Festival Ball, Biyomon." Biyomon was overtaken with joy as she hugged Hawkmon tightly.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Hawkmon! You're so SWEET!" She crushed his ribs.

"Yes... You're... Very welcome... Biyo... Now... Will you please allow my... spine to reform to its original shape?" Hawkmon choked. Biyomon giggled with a blush as she pulled away.

"Oh... I... I just can't thank you enough, Hawkmon! You're so sweet!"

"I know, you told me that." The brown Digimon replied, chuckling.

"C'mon, Hawkmon, let's go." Yolei called to him as she walked by the two towards the door. Hawkmon looked at Biyomon with a smile.

"I'm looking forward to our wonderful night together." He said.

"Me too..." Biyomon smiled back, hugging Hawkmon again. As she pulled away, she looked at him again.

"Hawkmon... You're not... Just going with me to the ball because... You feel sorry for me, do you?" Hawkmon blinked.

"No, not at all, I really do want to go with you." He smiled nervously. Biyomon returned with another hug.

"Come ON, Hawkmon." Yolei nearly shouted.

"Aheh, well, I have to go." Hawkmon slowly pushed away from her.

"Alright..." Biyomon sighed, "We'll meet right outside Centennial Hall, okay?"

"It's a date." Hawkmon grinned, making his way over to the door. Biyomon sighed happily, falling to her back and smiling to herself.

"Do you think my feathers are too ruffled? Maybe I need to trim them. What about my eyelashes?"

"Biyomon, you don't HAVE eyelashes." Sora chuckled.

"I KNOW! I need some plastic ones!" Biyomon squeaked, fidgeting out of Sora's grasp.

"Biyomon, you don't need fake eyelashes."

"But what if Hawkmon gets offended?" The pink bird looked back.

"He won't get offended that you don't have eyelashes." Sora laughed, "Now sit still, you're making your feathers even worse." Sora ran a brush down Biyomon's disquieted feathers.

"I just want EVERYTHING to be perfect. If Hawkmon doesn't have a good time, I won't have a good time..."

"I thought you were going to the ball because you never went before, not because you want to make someone else happy."

"Well... I did... At first... Then... Well... I just thought of how sweet Hawkmon is and... And how I can repay him."

"You can repay him by looking nice and having a good time." Sora assured, "And you can't have a good time without looking your best." She got up and went over to a set of drawers, Biyomon watching from the bed with confusion.

Hawkmon looked at the black untied bow tie around his neck. He blinked and looked up in the mirror. He grasped the two ends and hummed in thought.

"Now... It can't be too hard to... Do this..." He muttered to himself, fumbling with the red silk. Hawkmon first just tried tying it like a shoelace. No good, it looked offset and ridiculous. He quickly untied it and knitted his brow with thought. After trying several different methods, the brown bird was getting very cross.

"Why isn't this WORKING?" He growled, moving the ends of the tie every which way and then pulled tightly. Hawkmon eeped. He choked and looked at himself in the mirror. He had gotten one of his feather/fingers caught in the loop somehow and had tightened the tie hopelessly around his neck. He tried to pull his feather/finger loose, but it only ended up tightening the tie. Hawkmon was beginning to get blue in the face when he stumbled over to the bathroom door. Because of the lack of oxygen, he fumbled and fell to the floor.

"Yo... Lei... I need... Some help!" He choked out, tapping on the door. It swung open and smacked Hawkmon in the face, making his legs jerk. Yolei screeched, then began laughing at Hawkmon's predicament.

"How did you... Never mind... I don't want to know." She sighed, kneeling down and quickly untying the suffocating bird. Once free of the silk, Hawkmon gasped and panted for breath as he rubbed his throat.

"Why did you think you could do this?" Yolei looked at the ruined bow tie.

"It... Seemed rather simple. I didn't think it would turn out to be some sort of noose if used improperly." Yolei chuckled as she wrapped the tie around his neck.

"Next time, ask me first before you go and try to hang yourself again..." She shook her head, tying the silk into a proper bow, "Why are you making such a fuss over this anyway? You look a little ridiculous with just a tie." Hawkmon looked at himself in the mirror and smoothed a couple of his feathers.

"I take it upon myself not to scrutinize certain details when on a date."

"Whatever..." Yolei stood up, "Just be careful about this door, it locks from the outside."

"All right all right." Hawkmon waved Yolei off as he smoothed out a few more feathers. As he stood up, looking at himself, Hawkmon smiled.

"My friend, if there were any Digimon more suave and sophisticated than you, I'd like to meet him." He gave a raised-eyebrow grin before adjusting his bow tie. *click* The brown Digimon froze, slowly turning his head towards the bathroom door.

Yolei slid on her jacket as she closed the front door behind her.

"I guess with Hawkmon going to the ball and my parents and siblings out of town, I'll have the house to myself after I get home from that movie marathon." She sighed to herself blissfully. She was too buried in the thoughts of an apartment all to herself, she didn't hear the loud thumping from back inside the apartment.

Biyomon stood in front of Centennial Hall, leaning against a wall and smiling to herself as she waited for Hawkmon. Centennial hall was a colossal ballroom complete with three levels of just dance floors as well as elegant dining rooms. The Moonlight Festival Ball was always held in the mid-18th century-looking building. Biyomon looked up at the spotlights accenting certain feathers of the structure and sighed. She always dreamed of coming here and having the time of her life. Walking in with her wing around her date, making all the other girls green with envy, eating a fancy dinner and enjoying some light conversation and then some engrossing ballroom dancing. Biyomon sighed at the thought of her wings on Hawkmon's shoulder and wing as they twirled across the polished floor. Her mind snapped back to the realization that the brown Digimon had not yet shown himself.

Biyomon heard soft snickering behind her and saw a couple of Floramon pointing and whispering to each other. The pink Digimon blushed a dark hue of red as she turned back around.

"Hawkmon's just a little late... He wouldn't abandon me..." She whispered to herself, trying not to let her paranoid thoughts get her down.

Hawkmon, meanwhile, was driving himself insane trying to break down the bathroom door that had locked on him.

"Who in the world designs a bathroom door that locks from the OUTSIDE?!" He growled to himself as he gave the door another kick. Hawkmon grumbled and looked at the clock, seeing that is was a little after ten.

"If I don't find a way out of here... The ball will be over and I'll have let Biyomon down..." He hummed to himself in thought. He backed up against the wall adjacent to the door and grit his beak. He ran forward as fast as he could towards the wooden door. Before the brown bird had a chance to even GET to the door, he slipped on the rug in front of the sink, which sent him twirling through the air and then flat on his back with a loud thud. As if to add insult to injury, the filthy rug fell down on top of him. He struggled and pulled the rug off of himself, standing up and rubbing his head.

"That... Didn't work..." He groaned. Hawkmon scratched his head and sat down to think. As he did, one of his feathers floated down in front of him. He looked from the brown feather to the door then snapped his feather/fingers.

"Of COURSE!" He exclaimed, leaping to his feet and picking up the feather. Hawkmon fiddled with the lock for a moment before it finally clicked open.

"Why didn't I think of this before..." He shook his head before heading outside of the small prison, smoothing his ruffled feathers and heading for Yolei's room.

Biyomon kept looking around frantically for some sign, ANY sign that Hawkmon was coming. In return, she only got the weird looks from Digimon couples passing her as well as the two Floramon still giggling and pointing at her. By then, a SnowAgumon had joined them, chuckling along as well. Biyomon tried desperately not to cry, but she felt the option not to begin to fade.

"Hey, pinky, what's the matter? You're boyfriend stand you up?" She heard one of the Floramon behind her.

"Heh, who wouldn't?" The other Floramon chuckled.

"He's... Coming!" Biyomon growled, withholding the moistness in her eyes.

"Yeah, and I'm Raremon." The SnowAgumon laughed. A few tears leaked out of Biyomon's eyes as she closed them tightly. He wasn't coming. Biyomon stood up and prepared to walk away from the large ballroom.

"Aw, you're not leaving already are you? I'm sure you can have fun dancing with yourself!" One of the Floramon laughed as the other two joined in.

"He... I... Oh..." Biyomon sobbed, closing her eyes tight and dashing away from them. She ran blind right into another Digimon, sending her to the ground.

"Oh, I'm terribly- Biyomon?" Biyomon opened her damp eyes and saw Hawkmon standing in front of her, "Are you okay? I'm sorry I'm late, I had a little... Delay."

"You... You came!" Biyomon hugged him tightly.

"Well, of course, I wouldn't stand you up." He chuckled, hugging her back. As they started back towards Centennial Hall, the two Floramon and SnowAgumon began chuckling again.

"Oh, look who's back!" The SnowAgumon laughed, "Jeeze, how much did you pay THIS guy?"

"Excuse me, sir, are you suggesting I'm a member of some sort of escort service?" Hawkmon frowned, stepping in front of the white Digimon. The three blinked at him then laughed.

"Jeeze, if she spent half as much on this guy as she did her appearance, maybe she'd get a decent guy!" One of the Floramon fell to the ground laughing. Biyomon blushed deeply and tugged at Hawkmon's wing.

"Maybe... We should go..." She whispered. Hawkmon pulled away from her in a rag and stomped up tot he SnowAgumon.

"You, sir, are the most boorish, rude, impolite, discourteous, ungracious, unpolished, unmannerly, malicious, malignant Digimon I have ever met. And if you so much as say one more insult or make one more suggestive comment about our appearance or past history, which YOU, sir, have no idea of, I will be forced to degrade down to your level of brain power and resort to physical violence!" Hawkmon gasped for breath, his feathers unruly, as he finished his sentence and walked back to Biyomon.

"Did anybody catch what that walking thesaurus just said?" The SnowAgumon chuckled. Hawkmon's eye twitched and he spun around socking the white Digimon across the face with his fist. The SnowAgumon fell back into a group of rose bushes, semiconscious and rubbing his jaw. Hawkmon sniffed at him and turned back to Biyomon.

"I'm sorry if that Digimon disquieted your evening, Biyomon." He nodded. Biyomon stared at the SnowAgumon in amazement at what had just happened. No one had EVER stood up for her like this before. She shook her head and looked back at the brown bird Digimon smoothing his feathers again and smiled.

"Not at all, Hawkmon." She threw her beak up, taking his wing in hers, and started into the large doorway.

Once they found a seat, Hawkmon ordered a bottle of Chardonney which came to them almost immediately in a large bucket of ice.

"Will you excuse me Biyomon." He smiled.

"Certainly." She nodded back, resisting giggling. Hawkmon nodded and grabbed the bucket of ice, plunging his wing into it.

"Ahhhhhhhhh..." He sighed with a slight twinge, "That SnowAgumon had a jaw like a cinderblock."

"Well, it was very nice of you to protect my pride like that." Biyomon chuckled, watching Hawkmon's face change as he took out the Chardonney, keeping his wing in the bucket.

"Wine?" He smiled. Biyomon nodded and held up her glass. He poured her some then a little in his glass before returning the white wine to the bucket. Hawkmon pulled his throbbing wing from the ice and smiled at Biyomon, grabbing his glass.

"To a... Hopefully better evening." Hawkmon gave a weak smile.

"Here, here." Biyomon laughed as they tapped glasses, sipping from them.

"Ahhh, nothing like a little white wine to enchant the senses whilst in the presence of a beautiful female." Hawkmon looked up and finally got a good look at Biyomon. He froze. She really did look beautiful. She was wearing a little red kimono that Hawkmon found especially cute and Sora had put some glitter along the top of Biyomon's beak on her feathers, making her blush sparkle in the candlelight. Her feathers were smoothed so perfectly that ever feather seemed to be in just the right place. Hawkmon also noticed the small, pearl necklace around Biyomon's neck.

"Hawkmon, you're just saying that..." Biyomon's blush intensified. He blinked and looked back up at her.

"No, I really do mean it. I love the glitter and I ESPECIALLY adore that necklace." Hawkmon smiled, "And that kimono... It's... It's cimply gorgeous."

"Oh... Well... I'm just borrowing them..." Biyomon giggled, fiddling with the necklace, "I... I think your bow tie is cute..."

"Thank you... I was beginning to think it was more trouble than it was worth." Hawkmon nodded.

Hawkmon and Biyomon had been enthralled in a long conversation and didn't even notice the time go by. Hawkmon found himself revealing things he would normally never dream of even telling Yolei as did Biyomon. Before they knew it, time had passed them and it was already almost twelve.

"Well, we certainly let the clock get away from us, didn't we?" Hawkmon chuckled.

"Oh... You're right." Biyomon gasped, "We've only got time for one dance... Oh, that is... If YOU want to..." The pink bird blushed.

"It would be my honor." Hawkmon lightly grasped Biyomon's wing in his and lead her to the ballroom floor right as the last song began. He placed his other wing on her hip as she placed hers on his shoulder. The music began very slowly and Hawkmon and Biyomon moved together to the beat. They danced to the sound of Moonlight Senata while other couples twirled around them. Hawkmon caught a glimpse of Gatomon and Veemon, showing off their expert dancing skills as usual, before chuckling and looking back at Biyomon. She leaned her head on his shoulder and let him take her where ever as she closed her eyes. She hummed softly and nuzzled Hawkmon's shoulder with her cheek as the brown Digimon returned with a happy sough.

Hawkmon found himself become ever fonder of Biyomon as they danced slowly. He started to notice it when he stood up for her pride against the three heckling Digimon outside the Hall. It grew as their conversation did and now it was practically blooming as they stepped to the slow beat, Biyomon's head nestled comfortably on his shoulder. He smiled again and placed his cheek against her, half-closing his eyes. He wished for the song to never end as they danced happily on the smooth floor.

Hawkmon and Biyomon laughed heartily as they left the dimming Centennial Hall out into the forest.

"And... The fish clobbered her?" Hawkmon wiped tears of mirth form his eyes.

"Mm hmm, I couldn't stop laughing." Biyomon giggled.

"I'll never look at Palmon the same way again." Hawkmon chuckled, wrapping his wing around Biyomon. They walked a little ways into the forest before Biyomon spoke up again.

"I had a wonderful time tonight, Hawkmon, you'll never know how much this means to me." She whispered, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I had a magnificent time as well. I hope we can do it again next year." Hawkmon returned. He bit his tongue before looking at Biyomon.

"Biyomon... There's... Something I need to-"

"Hold it RIGHT there!" A harsh voice stopped the two birds in their tracks. They looked up from each other to see the SnowAgumon Hawkmon had hit before with a black eye along with a few others.

"Nobody hits me and gets away with it." He growled, stepping forward. Hawkmon took a step towards him as well.

"Now see here, you had no right to speak to my date in that sort of condescending manner. I say you deserved that blakc eye as a reminder to be polite to ladies."

"Yeah? Well, I'll tell ya what... My FIST is gonna start bein' polite to your FACE, how about that?" The SnowAgumon pushed Hawkmon back. The three others came forward and grabbed Hawkmon's wings as well as hold Biyomon back.

"Hold on a moment! This isn't fair!" Hawkmon protested.

"I never said it would be." The SnowAgumon growled, planting his fist across Hawkmon's face. Another fist came which was followed by a lot more as Hawkmon took them in various parts of his body. He fell to the ground after being socked in the stomach only to have the three SnowAgumon begin to kick him.

"NO! Leave him alone!!" Biyomon struggled against the fourth SnowAgumon's grip.

"Maybe he should learn to keep his big beak shut then!" One of the SnowAgumon said kicking Hawkmon in the stomach. Hawkmon struggled to his feet, but was knocked down by one of the SnowAgumon's elbows. He grunted as he hit the ground again as was resume being kicked. One SnowAgumon pulled him back up to his feet and held him up as the other two branded his face and stomach with their fists. Biyomon struggled against the SnowAgumon holding her frantically, but could do nothing to help Hawkmon. Hawkmon's vision began to blur as the two SnowAgumon pounded his face. The last hit sent Hawkmon toppling back to the ground, blood slowly oozing out of his beak and his eyes closed.

Before the they had another chance to hit Hawkmon again, one of the SnowAgumon fell to the ground. The others looked up to see none other than Gabumon holding him down. He was soon followed by Agumon, Veemon, and Gatomon, all catching the SnowAgumon by surprise. Veemon introduced his fist to one of the SnowAgumon's face and soon after his foot. Gabumon restrained the SnowAgumon he was working on and head-butted him into a dazed state, allow him to punch and beat the white Digimon without protest. Agumon grabbed the SnowAgumon holding Biyomon and rushed him against a tree where he too got a flurry of punches delivered to him. Gatomon was having a field day with her claws and her SnowAgumon, digging them deep into his skin. As the SnowAgumon got redeemed for the beating they gave to Hawkmon, Biyomon ran over to the fallen bird, looking him over and placing his head in her lap.

"Hawkmon! Are you okay?!" She shook him slightly.

"Ohhhmm... I'll take Famous Literature for five-hundred, Alex..." He groaned, slowly opening his eyes.

"Oh, Hawkmon..." Biyomon hugged him tightly, "I'm so sorry they did this..." She rubbed his forehead while Agumon and the other finished up with the SnowAgumon.

"How did you know where to find us?" Biyomon asked.

"We noticed this bunch following you with looks that didn't make us think they wanted an autograph." Veemon said.

"We just followed to make sure you would be all right... But I guess four against two isn't really fair, IS it." Gatomon jabbed her claws into her SnowAgumon, making him yelp.

"Thank you... I... I really can't thank you enough for helping us." Biyomon smiled.

"Hey, don't worry about it." Agumon smiled.

"We Digidestined look out for each other." Veemon nodded. Biyomon nodded, then suddenly stood up in a rage as she stomped over to the SnowAgumon with the black eye that Veemon was holding.

"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO HIM!! JUST BECAUSE HE PROTECTED ME? AND THEN GETTING YOUR STUPID FRIENDS TO COME AND HELP YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO WEAK TO EVEN FACE HIM ON YOUR OWN? YOU'RE NOTHING BUT LOW-LIFE... SCUMMY... TRASH!" She struggled for words, too infuriated to think straight, before placing her wings on the white Digimon's shoulders and kneeing him in the crotch as hard as she could. The SnowAgumon's eyes dilated as he eeped and gasped for breath, falling to the ground. Biyomon went back over to Hawkmon and helped him to his feet as the others sweat-dropped and stared with surprise at her.

"I'm so sorry, Hawkmon..." She cooed, slinging his wing around her and helping to continue in the forest.

"Biyomon, really, I'm fineEEE!" Hawkmon clenched his beak as Biyomon put some more rubbing alcohol on his wounds.

"Stop squirming..." The pink bird replied with a giggled as she rubbed his head. The two had made their way back to Yolei's house where Biyomon put Hawkmon on the couch to tend to his injuries.

"I'll be fine, you don't need to stay with me..." Hawkmon smiled.

"But I feel like I'm responsible for all this..." Biyomon sighed sadly, looking away.

"Now, don't say that, it most certainly is NOT your fault." Hawkmon slowly sat up, holding Biyomon's wing, "It was... I suppose... Partially my fault... But I couldn't stand by while a beautiful creature such as yourself was belittled by their insults."

"But... I'm not... That beautiful..." Biyomon tried to cover her blush with her wing.

"Nonsense, I've never seen a prettier Digimon in my life." Hawkmon smiled. Biyomon looked up at him and blushed even deeper.

"You... You really... Think so?"

"With all my heart."

"Oh..." Biyomon looked down for a moment, "Could you... No, never mind." She shook her head.

"Well, now you HAVE to tell me." Hawkmon chuckled, resting his wing on hers.

"Uhh... Could you... T... Tell me..." She glanced at him, "How... Beautiful... I am...?" The two bird Digimon looked into each others eyes.

"To start off," Hawkmon said in a low tone of voice, "Your eyes are like two shimmering emeralds that are far too enchanting for their own good. Your feathers are softer than the finest silk and are more gorgeous than any tapestry or painting ever made." Biyomon blushed and smiled at the compliment, "Ah, yes, and your smile is more radiant than the sun itself. It could bring happiness to even the darkest regions of any world."

"Hawkmon... Do you really mean all those things?" Biyomon looked into his eyes, tearing up slightly.

"Of course. I... I have to admit that... Tonight opened doors of new perception to me..."

"What's that mean?" Biyomon looked at him oddly.

"It means... Well... I never really noticed what... A wonderful Digimon you are... Until... Tonight..." Hawkmon held one of Biyomon's wings tightly.

"I feel the same way... I mean... I was too busy with others like... Agumon or," Biyomon blushed, "Veemon, sometimes, that... Well... I never even stopped to even... Consider... You... I mean... I let myself up for a lot of let downs... I've... I've never even been kissed before..." Biyomon crimsoned even more as she looked away.

"I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't heard it straight from you." Hawkmon blinked, "You really never...?" Biyomon nodded. The brown Digimon looked at her for a moment before curling a small smile on his beak. He sat up a little more and placed his wing on Biyomon's cheek. She looked at him with surprise before she felt his beak press hers softly. Biyomon was taken aback for a moment before trying to pull away. After a second of feeling the kiss, however, Biyomon stopped struggling. She closed her eyes and began enjoying it as she wrapped her wings around Hawkmon's neck. Biyomon hummed with delight as he tilted her head to the side like she had seen people in movies do, trying to make this kiss really count.

As the two bird Digimon pulled out of the beak-lock, Hawkmon looked at Biyomon. He chuckled slightly and slowly released Biyomon.

"I... I'm sorry about that... I don't know what came over me... I... Actually expected you to slap me..." He stuttered.

"I almost did." Biyomon giggled, "But... Well... Then... I guess I... Just couldn't when it felt so... Nice..." They sat in silence for a moment before Biyomon spoke up again, "Can we do it again?" Hawkmon nodded with a nervous smile as he wrapped his wings around Biyomon's sides, pulling her into another passionate kiss. Biyomon was a little too eager this time and leaned into it, accidentally sending herself on top of Hawkmon. She quickly disengaged from the kiss.

"Oh... I'm sorry... I... I..." Hawkmon placed a feather/finger to her lips before kissing her again. Biyomon placed her wings on his shoulders as she decided to just enjoy the beak-lock. The pink bird thought back to another movie she saw with Sora where two humans got in this same situation. She remembered something that the female did that the male seemed to enjoy. Biyomon slide one of her wings down and grabbed Hawkmon's groin. Hawkmon stopped kissing Biyomon, as well as breathing, and pulled away with a start.

"B-Biyomon!" He yelped sliding away from her with surprise. Biyomon pulled away as well with a deep blush as she sat up.

"What... Why did you...?" Hawkmon stuttered, still a little flustered from what Biyomon just did.

"Didn't you like it?"

"DIDN'T I..." Hawkmon calmed down with a deep sigh, "I... Well... Sort of... But... Still... You... Surprised me..." The pink bird saw that Hawkmon was blushing more than she was.

"I'm sorry, Hawkmon..." She looked down. Hawkmon sighed sadly and moved back towards her.

"It's... Alright... You just... Aheh... gripped me a little hard..." He chuckled.

"So... What if I squeeze you softer?" Biyomon didn't wait for a reply as she leaned forward and grasped his crotch gentler. Hawkmon eeped as he was pushed to his back, Biyomon on top of him.

"Wait, I didn-" He was silenced by Biyomon pressing her beak to his again so she could imitate what she saw in the movie fully. Hawkmon slowly stopped struggling and soon gave in, placing his wings around Biyomon again while returning the kisses. After a while, Biyomon noticed Hawkmon's crotch becoming hotter and suddenly, something poked against her wing. Confused, and curious, Biyomon looked down. She gasped and pulled away quickly as she saw Hawkmon's member poking out of it's sheathe. Hawkmon covered his state of arousal speedily as he blushed again.

"H-Hawkmon!" Biyomon stuttered.

"Well... What did... You expect the outcome of... All that... To be?" Hawkmon looked at her, deeply crimsoned.

"Well... It... Uh..." Biyomon rubbed her wings together, "Sora made me leave the room during that part of the movie..."


"I was doing... What I saw this girl in this move was doing to another guy and... So... Well... It looked like it made him feel good so... I wanted you to feel good..." Biyomon trailed off. Hawkmon looked at her for a moment before blinking.

"Wait... You wanted me to feel good?"

"Yeah... I mean... Well, you know... I... I..." Biyomon stuttered looking at Hawkmon, "I..."

"...Love you..." Hawkmon finished. She nodded then moved forward, hugging Hawkmon. He returned the embrace as he kissed her cheek.

"I do... I love you..." Biyomon whispered, wrapping her wings tighter her around Hawkmon.

"I love you as well..." Hawkmon gently nuzzled his beak against hers. After a moment of embracing each other, Biyomon noticed that Hawkmon's member was still present.

"Um... What do we do about... The, um... Your, uh..." She looked down.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" Hawkmon's blush returned.

"No... It was my fault..." Biyomon chuckled. She gently kissed him again and, in the process, accidentally brushed her wing across his limp dick. Hawkmon returned with a sharp shudder and a small gasp.

"Oh, sorry..." Biyomon began.

"No... That's... Alright..." He smiled. Biyomon looked at Hawkmon oddly then rubbed her wing across his member again. It twitched and Hawkmon gave another gasp. Biyomon grinned almost evilly as she pushed Hawkmon to his back. He was taken aback for a moment as the pink bird kissed him again, repeatedly running her wing across his hardening prick. She hesitated before grasping it in her wing, rubbing it with her feathers.

"Oh... Biyo..." Hawkmon's eyes slowly closed as he shuddered, feeling Biyomon rub him more. She moved her kisses down his neck as he fully erected in her wing. She looked down at his member, then back up at him before continuing to peck (no pun intended) at his neck.

"Biyo... Mon... Don't stop..." Hawkmon sighed, pushing his hips up. Biyomon grabbed his cock a little harder as she moved her fist up and down the shaft, waiting for his reaction. He gave a shudder and a long moan before looking back at her.

"What... Should I... Do?" Biyomon blushed.

"What you're... Doing now is just fine for me..." He smiled back, "If you could go... Just a little faster..." She nodded and sped up her wing. Hawkmon let out a small moan as he tilted his head back onto the couch's armrest. Biyomon smiled at his reactions and rubbed her fist up and down his hard-on faster. She kissed him on the side of the beak and was met with Hawkmon giving her a small lick with his tongue. She blinked, then decided to return the lick to his cheek, moving her tongue to his neck.

"Biyo... Mon... Yesss..." Hawkmon groaned, slightly moving his hips to Biyomon's rhythm. She gripped his member tighter in her wing as she moved it as fast as she could up and down his shaft. Hawkmon gripped the cushions tightly as Biyomon continued to jerk him off. Hawkmon struggled to withhold the rush of fluids that was building, clenching his beak. Biyomon took this the wrong way, thinking he was TRYING to get to the peak of pleasure. She was already going as fast as she could, but nothing was happening. Biyomon then noticed that when she licked Hawkmon's neck, it made him flinch slightly. Putting two and two together, the pink bird slid down between Hawkmon's legs.

Continuing to jerk Hawkmon off, Biyomon stared at his throbbing member, hesitating to actually go through with it. In the end, she gave in and ran her smooth tongue along the underside of Hawkmon's hard-on. As Biyomon got the tip of his cock, Hawkmon could hold back no more. Biyomon was surprised to feel something wet and warm hit her beak as she pulled her tongue to the tip of his member. She opened her eyes as another spurt of whiteness soaked her beak. She pulled back with surprise as Hawkmon moaned, thrusting his hips up finishing off on the couch. Biyomon wiped some of the whiteness from her beak and looked at it. Not knowing why, Biyomon stuck out her tongue and licked it off her feathers.

Hawkmon gasped for breath and looked down at Biyomon. She was happily lapping his cum from her feather/fingers like it was candy. Hawkmon had to chuckle as he sat up.

"What? I think it tastes good." Biyomon looked at him.

"Well, it's just... Never mind..." He shook his head, "It looks like it got you excited as well."

"What do you mean?" Biyomon knitted her brow. Hawkmon glanced down and so did she. The pink bird gasped as she saw that her crotch was extremely wet, the feathers around it sticking to her skin.

"Oh... Uh, well..." Biyomon blushed looking away. Hawkmon smiled and came up to her, kissing her cheek while gently pulling her on top of him.

"Wait... What are you doing?" She giggled, feeling him kiss her neck.

"Tell you what... If you don't like what I'm going to do... We'll stop... Okay?" Hawkmon grinned.

"Well... I guess..." Biyomon nodded. Hawkmon smiled and gently rubbed the tip of his cock against her opening. Biyomon gasped then moaned as he gently pushed the tip of his hard-on into her slit. He moved it back and forward, Biyomon squirming with delight, as he labeled her neck and face with his tongue. Hawkmon began slowly pushing more and more of his member into Biyomon's wet pussy. With every inch he added, he quickly thrust it in and out of her to tease her. Biyomon groaned as she felt him push the final few inches into her, completely burying his cock into her hole.

Hawkmon pulled back suddenly and thrust into Biyomon quickly, beginning to hump her hastily. Biyomon cried out involuntarily as she sat up, raising herself slightly and allowing Hawkmon to pump his entire length in and out of her. He grabbed her wings tightly and moved faster as they exchanged sounds of pleasure. Biyomon shuddered violently at the state of bliss she was in as she gripped Hawkmon's wings as well. She felt something building up inside of her as Hawkmon grit his beak, throwing his head back.

"BIYOMON!!" Hawkmon cried out, firing his hot seed deep into Biyomon's chasm. Biyomon felt his thick juices spray inside of her and pushed herself harshly down his member.

"HAWKMON!!!" She returned the scream as her cum leaked out onto Hawkmon's hips. Hawkmon continued to thrust himself inside of the pink bird before slowing down, their orgasms subsiding. Biyomon fell forward on top of Hawkmon as they covered each other in passionate kisses, holding each other tightly. Finally, Biyomon laid her head on Hawkmon's chest, exhausted and pleased beyond definition. Hawkmon softly panted for breath as he rubbed her head, holding her close.

"I love you... Hawkmon..." Biyomon gently nuzzled against him.

"I... Love you... Biyomon..." Hawkmon smiled, kissing her beak softly.

"So, how did you enjoy the Moonlight Festival Ball?" Sora asked Biyomon as she skipped back into the apartment.

"I loved every minute of it." She beamed with happiness.

"Did you enjoy going with Hawkmon?" Sora giggled as she watched Biyomon skip around the room.

"He was the perfect gentlemon... I can't wait until next year."

The End?

Yeah, I think that's pretty much it.


...... Wait..... Oh, wait, it is... Heh heh, sorry if I got your hopes up.

Questions? Comments? Raves? Rants? Flames? Requests? Want chocolate? E-Mail the all mighty Trillermon @ colorcodedcorpses@hotmail.com OR chat with your beloved author directly under the NEW AND IMPROVED AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name of: Trillermon

I'd like to thank Jodan for the story idea when I was struggling for one as well as the Digiartist's Domain for giving me somewhere to put my stories. Well, I do have a web site, but nobody ever goes to it *hint hint* it's @ http://www.angelfire.com/empire/trillermon