A Tale of Two Digi's


This story contains graphic visulizations of Yaoi sex and masterbation. If you are under the age 18 or are offended by this, please stop reading, NOW!


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Dammit, you're still reading! Cut it out!!


Okay, fine, read my story. See if I care. (humph)


Chapter 1: Uncertain Bond


A plan that was never approved of.

A passion that was never to have been ignited.

A lust that was never to be acknowleged.

A love... that would never be accepted.


     "But we have to stop him somehow." TK said.

     "But we don't have to destroy him. Don't you see how he's hurting? He's looking for something." Kari bickered. Veemon sighed as he heard the quarreling through the door. They had argued about what was to be done with Blackwargreymon. He didn't understand why they didn't just destroy him. Augumon felt the same way but otherwise he was the only one. TK SAID he wanted to destroy him, but he wouldn't have the guts.

     Veemon snickered to himself as he remember what he and Augumon had talked about earlier. They were going to go and defeat Blackwargreymon by themselves.

     "They'll thank us when we're rid of the bastard." He grinned.

     "What are you snickering at?" Veemon jumped and turned around. Gatomon stood, her eyebrow raised and her arms crossed, right in front of him.

     "What `bastard' are `we' getting rid of."

     "Er... no one."

     "You're planning something. You and Augumon. You both have been scheming for days."

     "You're just paranoid." Veemon waved her off and walked away.

     "I'll find out what you're up to." Gatomon said to him.

     "Whatever." Veemon shook his head.


     Flamedramon quickly made his way through the dark forest. He was late. As he neared a clearing he saw Wargreymon.

     "About time." He said, "I was about to leave without you."

     "Sorry. Davis didn't go to sleep until just recently."

     "Well, hurry up, he just around the corner." Wargreymon lead him towards the sound of rushing water. As they neared a river, Wargreymon ducked behind some bushes. Flamedramon did the same. They looked out and saw Blackwargreymon. He was sitting in front of a rushing river, looking into it.

     "What is my purpose? Why am I here?" He was muttering to himself, "Am I really just a creation of control spires to be the puppet of two weak Digimon?" He sighed.

     "Hah, easy as cake." Flamedramon grinned.

     "You sneak around and I'll distract him." Wargreymon instructed. He nodded and started around the forest. Wargreymon smiled and stepped into the clearing.

     "Hey, freak!" He yelled. Blackwargreymon stood up.

     "Terra Force!" He created and threw the giant ball of energy towards him.

     "Terra Destroyer!" Blackwargreymon made his own ball of black energy. The balls collided and pushed against each other. They grunted against the effort. Wargreymon looked to the side and saw Flamedramon was ready.


     "What?" Blackwargreymon looked to the side.

     "Fire Rocket!" The fireballs struck Blackwargreymon, disrupting his concentration. Wargreymon smiled. He pushed against the weak force and the balls collided with Blackwargreymon. He groaned and fell back from the immeanse energy. As he hit the ground and rolled, half of his armor broken off. He groaned in pain moved to his back. Flamedramon picked up a huge boulder and walked over to the fallen Mega to deliver the final blow. He lifted the rock high over head and looked down at Blackwargreymon. He looked up at him and lifted his arm slightly.

     "Do it, Flamedramon!" Wargreymon yelled. He nodded and prepared to throw down the rock. He hesitated. Half of Blackwargreymon's helmet was broken off, revealing his face. Ex-Veemon looked into his eyes and froze. Something was holding him back.

     "Do it!" Flamedramon began sweat, sub-consciously struggling with himself, "Do it now or I'll do it!" Flamedramon clenched his eyes and threw the rock at Wargreymon. He gasped in surprise and hit the rock to shreds.

     "What are you doing?!"

     "We can't kill him!"


     "We can't kill him!!"

     "Wrong, YOU can't kill him." Wargreymon ran forward. Flamedamon stepped in front of the fallen Digimon.

     "No! I won't let you!" He hit Wargreymon away with unkown stregth. Wargreymon flew back and hit the ground.

     "You little double-crossing bastard! You're no better than he is!" Wargreymon got up, "Next time I see him, I WILL destroy him. If you get in the way... then I'll have to destroy you too. He turned and ran off into the forest. Flamedramon sighed and looked back at Blackwargreymon. He shook his head went over to him.

     "Are you all right?" The virus Digimon sprang up and grasped Flamedramon's neck.

     "You little piece of shit!" He growled, "I'm going to enjoy destroying you." He squeezed the blue dragon's neck and he choked. Suddenly, Blackwargreymon hesitated. He slowly released Flamedramon to the ground and looked at his head.

     "What's wrong with me? I cannot destroy you." Flamedramon coughed and nodded.

     "Neither can I."

     "No, I mean something's holding me back. I know YOU can't destroy me." Flamedramon got up and looked at him. His broken armor revealed a rock-hard six-pack underneith. Flamedramon saw this and swallowed.

     "What's going on? What's wrong with me?" The blue dragon asked himself.

     "It's just a fluke. I WILL destroy you." Wargreymon lurched forward and socked Flamedramon across the face. He stumbled but didn't fight back. Blackwargreymon continued beating on him as he slowly neared the edge of the waterfall.

     "Come on! Fight me back!" He growled. Flamedramon didn't reply. As he was teetering over the edge, Blackwargreymon grabbed his throat, easily lifting the smaller Digimon into the air.

     "SPEAK, DAMN YOU!" He yelled. Flamedramon only looked into his eyes. Blackwargreymon saw this and hesitated again.

     "Stop... STOP THAT NOW!"



     "I... can't help it." Flamedramon groaned, "You're... so handsom." Blackwargreymon howled in anger and threw Flamedramon over the waterfall. Flamedramon fell like a stone towards the thrashing waters below. Blackwargreymon watched as he saw him plummit towards certain death. Something inside of him slapped him.

     "This... feeling... what is it?" He looked at Flamedramon, "It grows when I see that... weakling." He clenched his eyes and opened the shield on his back. He looked at Flamedramon once more before diving after him.


     Flamedramon slowly awoke. He was sitting next to a bon-fire, covered in bruises and cuts. He groaned and tried to sit up.

     "I wouldn't do that." A soft yet dark voice said, "You hurt your back pretty bad."

     "Black... wargreymon?" He groaned.

     "You could be dead by now... if I.. hadn't..."

     "Saved me..."

     "Grrrrrr ONLY because... because... I didn't want to destroy you right then." He stood angrily.

     "You mean you wouldn't kill me ever."

     "No!" Blackwargreymon turned to him, his armor tempered back to perfection, "I WILL kill you!" He plucked a tree out of the ground like a dandylion and held it above Flamedramon, "Are you afraid? I could kill you now!"

     "But I'm not... because I know you can't."

     "GrrrAAGHH!" Blackwargreymon lifted the tree. Suddenly, his mind wandered back to the flower. The flower he had protected from being trampled.

     "Why... why am I rememebring this now?" He asked himself. He looked down at Flamedramon and hesitated yet again. He threw the tree into the river and fell to his knees.

     "Why can't I destroy you? It would be so easy!" He said.

     "I couldn't kill you either." Flamedramon said, "It's... because you have feelings for me."

     "Feel... ings?"

     "Yes... I... I feel a certain way when I see you and... you must feel the same way about me."

     "What you are saying... does... does this mean I have...a... heart." Flamedramon nodded.

     "If you didn't... you wouldn't love... me."

     "Love you?"

     "It... sounds crazy... but it makes you want someone so badly... you couldn't possibly kill them no matter what."

     "Like... that flower..."


     "While I was fighting several Digimon, I noticed a small flower was about to be trampled. Something came over me and I did everything I could to protect the flower."

     "That means you have a heart. And you must feel about things."

     "And... this `love' is what held you back from destroying me?" Flamedramon blushed.

     "Er... yeah..." Blackwargreymon shook his head and stood.

     "No... this can't be happening. If I... love something... or someone... then I will become weak... I... I can't!"

     "But you do."

     "NO I DON'T! You're... lying! I can't love anything!" He spread his shield, "I can't! I don't have a heart!" He flew into the air.

     "Blackwargreymon!" Flamedramon raised his claws. He watched Blackwargreymon fly quickly away.

     "He really is looking for something... he's... looking to be loved." Flamedramon lowered his claws, "You do have a heart... you just don't know how to find it..."

     The next day, the Digidestined group found Flamedramon sitting next to the river, looking into the sky.

     "Flamedramon!" Davis ran forward, "Augumon told us you were here. What happened?" Flamedramon stood up.

     "Nothing... I got pushed over the cliff by Blackwar-greymon... and passed out." Everyone looked oddly at him, wondering why he had such an odd tone of voice.

     "Well... let's go home." Davis said.

     "Yeah... okay..." Flamedramon nodded.


     The next night, Flamedramon went in search of Blackwargreymon again. He went the last known place he was at. Flamedramon neared the river again and was relieved to see Blackwargreymon again. He slowly approached him and reached out his hand.

     "You're back." He said and Flamedramon gasped, "I've been doing some thinking about what you said yesterday." He turned to face him, "Why do I love you?"

     "Nobody... really knows why they love someone. They just do."

     "So I cannot stop myself from loving you..." Blackwargreymon looked down.

     "Why would you not want to? Don't you like the feeling?"

     "Yes... and no."

     "Why no?" Flamedramon asked, concerned.

     "Because if I love you, I will become weak."


     "I will bound to love other things... preventing me from destroying them."

     "No." Flamedramon shook his head, "You can only love one thing. You may THINK you love other things, but eventually you come back to your REAL love." Blackwargreymon looked perplexed.

     "So I can only love... one thing?"

     "Yes... me."

     "I don't understand." Blackwargreymon turned away.

     "Not many do..." Flamedramon was about to put his hand on his shoulder when something wrapped around his neck. He choked and something else wrapped around his arms and legs. They dragged him to the ground as he managed to grunt, "Blackwargreymon!" The mega turned around and looked back to see Mummymon and Arukennimon.

     "Good job, Blackwargreymon." Arukennimon laughed.

     "Thanks to you and your `feelings' we were able to catch this twit with no trouble at all." Mummymon chimed in.

     "What?" Blackwargreymon asked.

     "You distracted him and since you didn't seem to want to kill him, we took the liberty to do it ourselves." Mummymon replied. Blackwargreymon looked down at Flamedramon, writhing against Mummymon's Snake Bandages.

     "Help... me..." He groaned.

     "SILENCE!" Mummymon fired his rifle into Flamedramon.

     "GUAAAGHHH!!" His back arched in extreme pain.

     "Don't listen to what that little shit told you. You were made out of control spires." Arukennimon hissed, "It's impossible for you to have a heart."

     "No... don't listen... Blackwar.... greymon... I know you have a-GYYYAAANNNGH!" Flamedramon tried.

     "Shut up!" Mummymon growled. Blackwargreymon looked from Flamedramon to Arukennimon and Mummymon then back.

     "Hurry up, Blackwargreymon, finish him off!" Arukennimon yelled."

     "No... don't listen to them! You know you don't have to!"

     "He's lying! The second you cave and think you have `feelings' he'll destroy you!" She argued.

     "Blackwargreymon... you know I can't kill you! I love-AHHHNNGG!"

     "Hurry up and kill him! KILL HIM NOW!" Blackwargreymon held his head in confusion as everything happened at once. Suddenly, he remembered the flower. The delicate flower that he fought so hard to protect. He looked at Flamedramon writhing in pain and threw his head back.

     "NOOOOOOOOO!" He ran forward and hit Mummymon away, "Black Tornado!!" He spun into a huge tornado and slashed through Mummymon. He stopped and turned to Arukennimon.

     "You are WRONG!!" He clutched her throat, "I DO have a heart!" He threw her into the river and she bobbed to the surface.

     "Arukennimon!" Mummymon ran over and leapt in too. Blackwargreymon watched the two struggle down river. Suddenly, he remembered Flamedramon was still slowly sufficating. He ran over to him and pulled off the bandages. He put his head close to his mouth and listened.

     "No... NO!" He looked at the blue dragon, unsure of what to do. Acting on instinct, he threw off his helmet and pulled off Flamedramon's, pressing his lips to his. He blew air into his lungs and let it come out. He breathed in again and Flamedramon coughed, coming back to conscoiusness.

     "Flamedramon!" Blackwargreymon looked at him.

     "You... saved me. Again..." Flamedramon panted.

     "Of course. It is... because I love you, isn't it?" He slowly smiled. Flamedramon smiled back and sat up slightly. Blackwargreymon gasped to feel his lips connect with his in a passionate kiss. They pulled away and Flamedramon nuzzled Blackwargreymon's shoulder.

     "Yes. And I love you." He whispered, kissing his cheek. Blackwargreymon lifted his fallen love into his arms. He walked into the forest, picking up their helmets and softly cuddling Flamedramon before the blue dragon fell unconscious.


     Flamedramon slowly awoke later that night, when the moon was full overhead. He looked back to see Blackwargreymon sleeping lightly behind him, their armor lying in a heap next to them and with arms wrapped around him. He reached back and rubbed his cheek softly before kissing him on the cheek. Blackwargreymon opened his eyes and looked at Flamedramon.

     "You're all right." He sat up, looking over his blue friend.

     "Of course." Flamedramon sat up too, "Because of you." He wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly. Blackwargreymon placed his hand on Flamedramon's hip and they looked at each other.

     "Something... else. I feel something else now."

     "What do you mean?"

     "It's... not like love. It's..." He looked into Flamedramon's crimson eyes, "It's..." He leaned forward and they kissed longingly. Flamedramon smiled and kissed back, rubbing Blackwargreymon's bare and muscular torso. Blackwargreymon traced his tongue down Flamedramon's cheek, making him shudder.

     "What... are we... suppose to do?" He asked shyly. Flmaedramon smiled and whispered, "Follow your instinct." Blackwargreymon nodded and rubbed Flamedramon's back. They embraced for the longest moment as their tongues danced against each other's faces. Flamedramon's hand slowly traced down Blackwargreymon's rock hard six-pack and teased him right above his crotch. He reached down and removed his black shorts. Flamedramon smiled and stared at his semi-erect member. He softly grasped it and began rubbing it. Blackwargreymon grunted and sat up slightly in surprise.

     "Relax." Flamedramon kissed his cheek and he laid back again. He stroked and gave a small massage to his lover's cock as it filled with blood. Soon it had grown to full erection, pointing sixteen inches into the air.

     "Wow, you're big." Flamedramon chuckled, kissing his cheast.

     "Thank you." Blackwargreymon replied shyly. Flamedramon's lips pressed and traced down his abs, reaching the base of his cock. He had dark-blonde pubic hair right above it which he  played with for a second. He kissed the base of his cock and wrapped his muzzle around the side of it. He dragged it up at an agonizingly slow pace.

     "Auuuughhhhh." Blackwargreymon growled, accidentally thrusting his hips. Flamedramon chuckled at this and rubbed his sides, calming him down.

     "Jeeze, you're excitable." He smiled. Blackwargreymon smiled back and stroked Flamedramon's head. He gave a long lick to the underside of his large penis, sending shocks of pleasure up Blackwargreymon's spine.

     "Ohhhh, that feels... ahhh, good." He moaned silently.

     "If you think that feels good." Flaedramon grinned, opening his mouth. He wrapped his muzzle around the huge penis and slid down quickly. Blackwargreymon gave out a sharp cry as he felt his cock surrounded by the warm-wetness and rough tongue of Flamedramon's mouth. He placed one hand on his head, rubbing it lightly while his other went to his erect nipples. Flamedramon forced himself as far as he could down his lover's throbbing cock.

     "Gyahhh! I can... feel something else! AUUUNGGH!" Blackwargremon cried out, thrusting his hips up. Flamedramon felt something warm slosh down his throat. He pulled his cock from his mouth right as Blackwargreymon gave another spurt of ejaculation to his face. Opening his mouth, Flamedramon got the rest of his semen and swallowed the salty substance.

     "Mmm." Flamedramon licked his lips. Blackwargreymon panted for a moment, regaining his strength.

     "That... was incredible." He said simply.

     "Thanks." Flamedramon blushed.

     "What was that?"

     "You've... never done it before?"

     "No. I never though of it." Blackwargreymon shook his head.

     "Wow. I'm the first Digimon to ever give you an orgasm." He threw his arms around Blackwargreymon's neck, "I feel so proud." Blackwargreymon chuckled and shook his head.

     "Was... that an actual laugh? I don't think I've ever heard you laugh before."

     "I never had much reason to." He sat up and pushed the young dragon to his back, "Now I want to give you and orgasm." He grinned. Flamedramon nodded with a shudder of anticipation as his lover's long tongue traced up his ass crack and crotch.

     "Angh! Not so hard!" He whimpered.

     "Sorry." Blackwargreymon licked him softer. His tongue suddenly pushed into Flamedramon's sheath. He jerked up abruptly and gasped.

     "OH, JEEZE!" He grunted, "Oh, shit, that feels great!" Blackwargreymon continued to push into the dragon's sheath until he had reached his erecting member. He licked at it slowly as it made it's way to the surface world. Soon, Blackwargreymon was licking Flamedramon's fully-erect and fully-unsheathed member. He admired his ten inches of meat and rubbed it longingly. Blackwargreymon noticed the reactions he got when he touched Flamedramon's ass, so he drove his tongue along the outer rim. Flamedramon groaned wildly as his legs kicked. Blackwargreymon held his legs still and put them over his shoulders.

     Blackwargreymon continued to lick and occassionally suck at Flamedramon's wet ass hole. He dragged his tongue up the crack to his balls, giving them the same tongue bath. Flamedramon was in exstacy as Blackwargreymon took both of his testicles into his mouth. He sucked them generously and noted the look of extreme pleasure on Flamedramon's face. He slowly withrew Flamedramon's balls, leaving a trail of saliva to bridge from his mouth to the appendage.

     "Ohhhh, Blackwargreymonnnnn." Flamedramon moaned, "Lick my cock. Lick it hard, baby." He begged, moving his hips up and down. Blackwargreymon nodded and dragged his tongue once again up Flamedramon's lower body. As his tongue hit the base of Flamedramon's cock, his lover jumped.

     "OH!" He gasped, surprised at how good it felt. Blackwargreymon continued up, ever closer to his most sensitive part. As he neared the head, Blackwargreymon reach up and pulled back the foreskin from Flamedramon's penis. Flamedramon gasped then grunted as his pink cock-head was exposed. Wargreymon's long tongue wrapped around the tip of his cock, making Flamedramon cry out.

     "Ohhhhh, OHHHHH! BlackwarGREYMONNNN!!" He nearly screamed, pushing his hips up. Blackwargreymon was surprised to see thick white fluid stream out of the young Digimon's cock. A drop hit his tongue and he tasted it. Delicious. He placed his mouth over the cock-head and sucked all of Flamedramon's white cum that he could.

     "That tastes wonderful. What is it?" Blackwargreymon asked. Flamedramon smiled while panting.

     "It's... my cum..." He said, catching his breath.

     "It's delicious." He crawled on top of Flamedramon, gently biting his shoulder. Flamedramon responded with closed eyes and surprised mews.

     "I want to do something else." He whispered.


     "But I... uh..."

     "What is it?" Flamedramon opened his eyes. He saw that Blackwargreymon was blushing

     "I don't know what to do." He said quietly, embarrassed. Flamedramon smiled and turned to his somach, raising his hips slightly as not to painfully bend his still-throbbing erection.

     "Fuck me." He whispered.

     "Fuck you?"

     "Yes. Put that big cock of yours right up my ass. It'll feel so good." He moved his hips slightly. Blackwargreymon watched the sensual and melodic movements of his lover's hips and felt his cock throb for relief. He grasped the young blue dragon's buttocks and he yelped.

     "So, you want me to fuck you hard, huh?" He grinned, pulling himself on top of Flamedramon, "You want me to push my big cock up your ass?" Flamedramon nodded eagerly, "Okay." He spread the smaller Digimon's ass cheeks, opening his hole. Flamedramon clenched his eyes and gripped the soft grass underneith him as Blackwargreymon pushed his engorged member deep into his anal cavety.

     "OHHHHH! It's so biiiig! Don't stop!" He bucked slightly. Blackwargreymon buried his member deeper into the young dragon's rectum. He couldn't get enough of the tightness and exstacy he felt as his pulled his member out and re-entered his lover.

     "Morrrrrre, MORRRRRE!" Flamedramon tried to speed up his thrusts. Blackwargreymon suddenly leaned back, pulling Flamedramon up with him. He raised and lowered the small dragon along his shaft. Flamedramon grasped his own erection, rubbing and stroking it in time with Blackwargreymon's thrusts.

     "AHHHHH, Blackwargreymonnnnnn!!" Flamedramon cried out, shooting his semen into the air.

     "Flamedramonnnnnn!" Blackwargreymon moaned back, blowing his own load into the little dragon's ass. They both came for what seemed like an eternity before Blackwargreymon fell back, Flamedramon soon following. They tried to catch their breaths as passion and lust sunk in. Flamedramon turned around and kissed his new love.

     "I love you." He whispered.

     "I love you also." The mega Digimon murmured back. They held each other, eyes half closed, as they exchanged sweet nothings.

     After sensually bathing each other in a near-by river, Blackwargreymon and Flamedramon found a soft patch of grass to sleep on that night. They laid against a tree, Flamedramon against Blackwargreymon, and listened to the sounds of the night. Suddenly, something occured to Blackwargreymon.

     "I've found what I'm looking for."

     "Hmm?" Flamedramon lazily opened an eye.

     "What I've been looking for all this time. It's someone to love."

     "I'm just glad your happy... my love." Flamedramon nodded, rubbing the bigger dragon's cheek.

     "As am I." He kissed Flamedramon's neck before they both drifted into deep slumber.


     The next morning, Flamedramon and Blackwargreymon had gotten up and eaten breakfast together. They had just put on their armor when they turned to say good-bye.

     "I'm sorry I can't stay longer but the other might get suspicious..." Flamedramon apologized.

     "I understand." Blackwargreymon smiled, stroking his cheek. He picked Flamedramon up by his hips and drew him into a sensual kiss. Flamedramon giggled and kissed back, bracing his hands against the strong mega's cheast. They looked into each other's eyes and Flamedramon licked Blackwargreymon's cheek.

     "I don't want to go." He sighed, hugging close to him.

     "I know. Neither do I." Blackwargreymon replied, "But we'll see each other again."

     "Tonight?" Flamedramon said excitedly. Blackwargreymon nodded. He nodded back and looked at him.



     "Will you... continue destroying now that you have found what you've been looking for?" Blackwargreymon was startled by this question.

     "No... I suppose not. It would be pointless to do that now." Flamedramon nodded and kissed him once more before Blackwargreymon set him down. He strapped on his helmet before giving his lover a last look. They waved and Blackwargreymon flew off. Flamedramon gave a long sigh as he watched Blackwargreymon fly away before slipping on his own helmet.

     As Veemon came through Davis's computer, he was met with a nasty surprise. He eeped as he saw Davis standing in front of him.

     "Heh, heh, hi Davish." He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head.

     "Where were you last night?" His Digidestined partner asked sternly.

     "Last night?"

     "Yes. Where were you?"

     "Where... was I?"

     "Is there an echo in here? Answer my question."

     "Uh... I was... I was, um..."

     "What are you hiding from me?" Davis raised an eyebrow.

     "Nothing. I'm not hiding anything, Davish, I just... went for a little walk last night in the Digital World and... I kinda didn't want to take the time to go all the way back to a TV."

     "So... you slept in the Digital World."

     "Yeah." Veemon nodded, feeling triumphant.

     "Then answer me this: What the fuck did you sleep in? Man, you REEK!" Davis shook his head.

     "Heh, sorry, I got kinda sweaty. Jungles are humid." Veemon shrugged.

     "Well, get in the tub or take a shower or SOMETHING."

     "Okay." Veemon gave more nervous laughter before dashing into the bathroom and locking the door.

     After a while of soaking, Veemon's thoughts began to wander. Mainly, he thought of Blackwargreymon. He sighed, remembering the immeanse pleasure he had given and recieved and sunk deeper into the hot waters. Just the thought of his huge, black cock slowly thrusting into him was enough to...

     "Uh-oh." He looked down to see his fully erect member sticking out of the water. He looked at it for a second then smiled.

     "Well, I obviously can't get out looking like this." He chuckled to himself. His hand grasped his cock, rubbing it in slow rhythmic movements. He gave a tiny moan but immediately silenced as he remembered Davis's room was just on the other side of the door. He contained pleasureful sounds as he thought of his lover and stroked his hard cock.

     Veemon imagined Blackwargreymon's hard six-pack and shuddered slightly, pumping his fist up and down his cock faster. The image of his hot, naked body aroused him even further. He remembered how wonderful it felt when Blackwargreymon penetrated him and reached his other hand back. His fingers rubbed the rim of his anus before he pleasurefully pushed two in. He grit his teeth, resisting the urge to cry out.

     "Black... wargreymon." He whispered. His thrusts quickened as well as his fist as he slowly arched his back. His hips moved into motion with his hand as he clenched his eyes shut.

     "Shiiiiitttt." He silently groaned, spewing cum into the air. He opened his mouth and got a shot or two into his mouth, pretending it was Blackwargreymon's thick juices he was eating. He fell back into the tub and sighed, catching his breath.

     "Veemon?" Davis knocked on the door.

     "Y-yeah?" Veemon jumped.

     "Are you done yet?"

     "Yeah... I just finished. I'll be right out." He smiled at himself as he stood out of the water, "Soon..."


To be continued...


Written by: Trillermon


Comments? Contact me @ colorcodedcorpses3@hotmail.com