Promises, Promises

A quickie-fic by Tony Greyfox




"Are you kidding? I'm not going in there!"


Takato crossed his arms and glared at Rika, who snorted and shook her

head. "Oh, for crying out loud, Takato, don't be such a baby. I'm just

asking you to handle this for me. It's not like it's a life-or-death



"Then you do it!" Takato turned his back on the other Tamer and

grumbled as he walked over to Guilmon, who glanced over at Henry and

Terriermon; Henry was shaking his head and rubbing his temples, and

Terriermon was looking back and forth between Takato and Rika with his

usual smug grin before turning to his tamer.


"Are they both looney?" he inquired. "Or did I miss something?"


"It's Takato and Rika, Terriermon. They don't need to be looney, they

just act like that naturally." Picking up his Digimon, Henry moved

away, carefully avoiding drawing Rika's attention, keeping an eye on

the situation as Guilmon and Takato shared a laugh, probably something

about the strangeness of girls.


Rika, for her part, turned around and flopped down on a bench next to

Renamon. The fox-Digimon looked down at her inquiringly. "Well?"


"You saw. He's just being a stupid boy." Kicking at a pigeon that

flapped off indignantly, Rika shook her head. "I ask him for a small,

simple favour, and what does he do? Tells me no! I just don't

understand it!"


Chuckling, Renamon looked over at her Tamer. "And you expected

differently? This is Takato we're talking about. He's not exactly good

at taking orders, in case you hadn't noticed."


"Oh, shut up." Rika straightened, a resolute expression crossing her

face. "I guess I'll do it myself."


"Hang on. Did you try what we were talking about the other day?"


Rika colored. "Uh... no, I didn't."


Placing a big paw on her partner's shoulder, Renamon grinned. "Well,

before you give up, why don't you try it? Remember, you're female,

he's a teenage male. That gives you lots of power."


"I, uh... it just seems ... weird, though." Rika looked distinctly

uncomfortable with the prospect. "Doesn't really fit the whole

'tomboy' image, either."


"Rika, you've got it. Flaunt it. Just this once."


The girl sighed. "Oh, all right." Standing up, she looked at Renamon.

"Are you sure?"


"Go. If it doesn't work, I'll beat him up."




Henry had watched the discussion between the two females, though the

conversation had been too quiet for him to discern. Now, he watched

Rika stand up. "Oh, great, she's going to try it again. She never

learns." She didn't head straight over to Takato, though, instead

doing something - apparently adjusting her shirt, and he blinked as

the action apparently enhanced the appearance of a couple of her

emerging, more salient features.


"I don't like the looks of this," he commented to Terriermon, who was

too busy chasing pigeons to be paying attention.


"Um... Takato?"


The Tamer spun around and glared at Rika. "Look, I said..." He was cut

off as she stepped closer, taking a deep breath that further

accentuated some things that teenage boys take entirely too much

interest in sometimes. "Uh...."


"Would you *please* do me this small favour, Takato?" She stepped a

bit closer and smiled winsomely, leaning forward just a bit.



"Rika, why do you want *me* to do this? I mean, YOU'RE the one



She growled quietly and her hands twitched up towards his shirt, but

managed to control the surge of irritation and stepped just a bit

closer. "If you do this for me, I'll be really, really happy... and

I'll maybe do a favour for you...."


"Uh..." Takato looked confused. And not a little flustered as his gaze

dropped downwards, then back up to her face, then back down again and

stayed there this time. "Like...?"


Okay, so she had to break out the big guns. She leaned over, her

breath tickling his ear, and told him.


Renamon watched, smiling quietly, as her Tamer tried out some of the

techniques they had been talking about. This partnership thing was

fun, she considered. She learned things from Rika, and Rika learned

things from her. And apparently they were working, she thought, as

Takato straightened, wobbled, and sprinted off, bowling Guilmon over

in the process.


He reappeared within seconds, still wobbling, but ran right over to

Rika and presented her his precious cargo. "H... here you go!" he

said, proudly.


"Thank you!"


"Okay, I don't believe this. All of this was over THAT?" Henry stalked

over to the other two, and they were all joined by their Digimon.

"Over an ICE CREAM CONE?!"


Rika took a petite lick of the triple-decker chocolate-coated

monstrosity that was fixing to drip down her hands. "You expected a

girl to buy something like this herself?"


"Well done, Rika," Renamon commented, smiling as she walked next to

her Tamer. "But I hope you didn't do anything too excessive... he

seemed to be fairly resistant. There are things you just shouldn't do

for an ice cream."


"Oh, I know. I had to be a little bit ... persuasive."


"And you said...?"


Renamon looked a bit shocked at the explanation. "For an ICE CREAM



"Well, I really wanted it." She took another lick. "Don't worry about



"Don't worry?" Renamon's tail flared. "I don't think you even know how



Rika shrugged. "I don't." *lick* "I told him you'd do it."


Takato looked over his shoulder, grinned and winked at Renamon,

mouthing "Tonight."






Well, that was silly.

Characters (c) Toei. Used without permission.