Getting A Charge Out Of Elecmon
By: Togashi

This story contains digimon/on digimon sex. (Well, I guess that's not so bad, is it:)
Anyway, if you don't like sex stories, or citrus fruits, don't read this lemon. Hey, I warned you. You know how lemons can squirt you in the eye? Well, this story's kinda like that if you don't read this warning. Wait a minute, what am I talking about? Where am I? Who are you people?
Oh well, just read the lemon…

Patamon and T.K. were glad to be alive. Tricked by Devimon into staying at his creepy mansion, and then being flung through the dark night still clinging to the bed they were sleeping in was not the most pleasant of experiences. Patamon tried to reassure the small boy, but she was scared as well. Finally they both came crashing to earth. Patamon nudged herself under T.K.'s trembling arm. "Come on T.K., it's going to be alright. We'll find the others, we'll find Matt, too, don't worry…" Patamon trailed off. She wasn't sure that they would. Both fell into a troubled sleep haunted by images of the horrible Devimon staring down on them with glowing eyes and wicked fangs.
Patamon was the first to wake up. She looked around. The surroundings were familiar, but something seemed wrong. The sky was moving by a lot faster than usual. Or was it something else? She couldn't quite figure it out, but it seemed like they were…moving? "T.K., wake up!" she poked him in the ribs.
"Huh…Patamon, a...are we O.K.?" T.K. said sleepily.
"Well, that all depends on what you mean by O.K." she replied.
"What do you mean?"
"T.K., I think this island is moving." Patamon said.
"What do you mean? It's an island, how could it be moving?" T.K. was getting noticeably concerned.
"I don't know, but I can tell that we're definitely going somewhere!" Patamon said.
"Well, what do we do Patamon? T.K. was trying to hide his fear, but Patamon could always tell.
"T.K., we've got to find the others. There's got to be someone else here with us. The beds were all flying fairly close to each other. We'll find your brother, too."
T.K. cheered up. "Yeah, Matt! He'll know what to do! Let's go find him, Patamon." T.K. exclaimed.
The two set off through the woods, their spirits lifting with each step.

Soon they came to a brightly colored village. Read, blue and yellow blocks were scattered all over the ground. Patamon recognized it immediately. "Primary Village!" he said. "This is where all digimon grow up and are raised!"
T.K. laughed. "It's looks like such a fun place! Let's go Patamon!" T.K. took off with Patamon clinging to his hat.
After a brief time looking at the newborn digimon, the two became aware of someone around them. A short red digimon with a tuft of black hair charged them from behind. Patamon yelled for T.K. to look out, and lunged to push the child out of the way, and they both landed on the ground in a pile. "T.K., this is Elecmon! He's the defender of primary village, and watches over all the little digimon. We shouldn't be fighting him, though. He's a good digimon!"
"Well, he doesn't look so good now!" said T.K. as they both got up off the ground. Patamon turned to face Elecmon. "Leave us alone!" she yelled out.
"I have to protect this village!" Elecmon yelled as he let another huge bolt of lightning fly at Patamon. She dodged, and filled her lungs with air. "Boom Bubble!!" But Elecmon was able to break the attack.
Suddenly, T.K. ran out between the two. "Hold on you two! You shouldn't be fighting like this around the little digimon! Why don't you do something else to resolve this instead of fighting?"
"Like what?" asked Elecmon.
"Well, you could, uh, ….play a game!" said T.K. "Like have a tug of war! That would show who was stronger, and you wouldn't disturb all the little digimon here!"
Both digimon agreed. Elecmon felt over confident looking at Patamon. "I should be able to beat this little flying pot roast no problem!" he said to himself.
"FLYING WHAT?!?!?" Patamon's eyes became huge as she started choking Elecmon with her short paws.
"Um, I was just saying, uh….I don't know what I was saying! I think you look fine!" exclaimed Elecmon, struggling to speak between gasps for breath.
"That's better." said Patamon, as she strutted away.

Both digimon took their place at both ends of the rope. T.K. was going to be the referee. Patamon had put on her little sumo belt to appear like more of a professional. T.K. shouted for them to begin. Both Elecmon and Patamon at first appeared to be evenly matched, but Elecmon could have easily beaten her at any time. He smiled as he toyed with her. He would taunt her just a little bit more, and then put her away. Then he realized that Patamon was really giving it her all. He looked around and saw her straining with all her might on the rope. He started to respect her. He also snuck a quick look at her cute ass. He stared for only a moment until he regained control. 'Elecmon, what are you thinking?' he thought to himself. 'She's way to young for you, and it would never work out! Besides, she's on this quest to destroy Devimon. I can't get involved.' The more Elecmon thought about it, the more it made sense. He completely lost his footing (on purpose) and let Patamon throw him into the air.
Elecmon walked up to Patamon afterwards. "Well, I guess that you're stronger than me." He said.
Patamon looked at him and smiled. "We can still be friends, though, right?"
"Elecmon smiled back. "Yeah, friends. We'll be friends." Patamon and Elecmon put their arms around each other and celebrated. Patamon looked up at Elecmon and saw him flash her a quick grin. Patamon was a little puzzled as to what it meant, but she soon forgot about it.
T.K. and Patamon had just lain down for the night. They both felt safe in Primary Village, and T.K. was out like a light. Patamon worked her way out from under her arm and started to walk around. Something was bothering her. She couldn't get Elecmon out of her head. She walked out towards the nearby lake and saw a lone figure staring out at the water. Patamon walked up and sat down next to Elecmon. They both just stared out at the water as the moon shone down and glistened of the mirror surface, creating rippling patterns on both the digimon.
"Patamon spoke first. "Elecmon, when you smiled at me before, it was more than just a 'let's be friends' smile, wasn't it?"
Elecmon was quiet for a moment. "Well, it's just that I saw something in you that I never had seen before in any girl digimon, or any digimon for that matter. You had a lot of courage, I mean real courage, enough to stand up to Devimon, and I really respect that."
"Oh, is that what you saw before." said Patamon. She was a little disappointed.
"Well, you're incredibly cute, too." He smiled at her.
Patamon giggled. "You little sweet talker!"
"Well you can't blame me, can you?" he reached up and stroked to side of her cheek. Patamon looked into his eyes, while he was lost hers. Elecmon leaned forward and embrace her in a deep kiss. Patamon sighed deeply. She wrapped her wings around him to envelop them both in her warmth. They just embraced for almost an hour. Elecmon was just about to take it to the next level when Patamon broke away.
"Elecmon, I just can't do this. Not now. I have to look out for T.K. He's my responsibility."
"He'll be fine. There aren't any evil digimon around for miles."
"No, you don't understand. I can't stay here with you. I need to go with him tomorrow. It would just be too difficult if we…Elecmon, I'm just so sorry!" Patamon ran off towards the village. Elecmon was about to go after her, but he understood. He sat down and just stared out at the water.

T.K. and Patamon joined up with the others in a few days. The group faced many dangers in the future. Patamon was key to defeating two of the most dangerous opponents that the team encountered, like Devimon and Piedmon. She was always there when they needed her. The Digidestined finally went up against Apocalamon, but even he could not defeat them. Then came the hardest day for Patamon and T.K. Gennai told the kids that they would have to go back to their world, leaving their digimon friends behind. T.K. and Patamon had a hard time saying good-bye. Right after the break-up, all the digimon felt lost and alone. Many wondered aimlessly for years, not knowing what to do, but Patamon knew immediately were her place was. It almost seemed like a sign; that her days of service were over, and now she was granted a rest. She started down the road to Primary Village.
Patamon could see the now renewed village in the distance. After defeating the Dark Masters, the village had returned to it's previous state. But something was different. There were a lot more little digimon! All the digimon that were destroyed during the fight against the evil digimon were being reborn, and Elecmon had his hands full. Patamon bounded down the hill, eager to see him again.
"Elecmon, it's me! It's Patamon!" she yelled out happily.
Elecmon could hardly believe his eyes. "Patamon! You're alive! I was worried I'd never see you again!" Elecmon's happy reunion was broken short by the crying of infants. "Um, could we talk later? I'm a little busy now!"
"Sure!" Patamon said. "It seems I have all the time in the world…"
The two working together were soon able to restore a small amount of order to the chaos of the village. Later that night, all the little digimon actually calmed down and slept, granting the two tired workers some time to themselves.
Patamon was finishing her story about how they defeated the evil digimon. "…and then Apocalamon de-digivolved us to rookie forms, and turned us into data, but using the powers already inside of the kids, we were able to digivolve, and reform into our old selves. Then we cleaned that guy's clock!" she giggled a little. Elecmon liked to watch her laugh. "But then Gennai said that the gate between our world and the children's world was closing, and they had to go." She trailed off. "T.K.'s gone now, Elecmon…." she started crying.
"Patamon, don't worry. You'll see them again, especially T.K. But right now, I'm here for you." He stroked the area between her wings as he cradled her head in his other arm. She looked up at him. "I'll always be there for you." Elecmon said to her.
"Elecmon, you don't have to say that. I'm fine." Patamon didn't want to seem too sensitive. She had a reputation as being the strongest around to keep!
Elecmon smiled at her. "Always acting brave, I see. Just like T.K." he said. "Patamon, I have something to tell you. Do you remember that little tug of war we had before?"
"Yes." Patamon said
"Well, I was becoming attracted to you even then. I sort of, um, let you win so that you wouldn't hate me for attacking you." Elecmon blurted out.
"You what?" Patamon acted surprised. She tried to act serious, but she let out a little giggle.
"You knew?!?" Elecmon's jaw dropped.
"Well, it was sort of obvious, silly!" Patamon broke away from the surprised Elecmon and strutted away from him. But, I was sort of thinking that we could, well, test your strength some other way?" she laughed as she looked over her back, seductively staring at the digimon.
"You know that I love the way you laugh?" Elecmon came up behind her and ran his fingers down the downy softness of her back. He reached the sensitive area under Patamon's wings, and started massaging her. Patamon enjoyed the attention. It was more than she had got for many months. Elecmon and Patamon were now both very much into this. Elecmon leaned forward and trailed kisses from Patamon's chest all the way to the digigirl's cute face, and eventually deeply kissing Patamon. Patamon returned the kiss. She was ready this time.
Elecmon continued the kiss as Patamon lay down on her side. She looked so seductive laying there, her eyes flickering in the fire. Elecmon practically dove on her as he continued. As the two kissed, Elecmon worked his hand down between Patamon's legs, and began to bring even more pleasure to the small digimon. Patamon began to moan out slightly. Elecmon broke away his kiss to trail down to Patamon's now wet crotch. He reached out his long, slender tongue, and began to lick the sweet juice from Patamon. Patamon moaned as she grabbed Elecmon's head with her small paws, rubbing the area between his long ears, and enjoying the warmth coming from between her legs. She had brought herself pleasure like this before, but with Elecmon it was much better!
Patamon bucked her hips against Elecmon's face, flooding his mouth with her juice as she had her first small orgasm. She caught her breath for a moment, and then looked hungrily at Elecmon. "Your turn." she smiled.
Before Elecmon could say anything, Patamon dove on him, and immediately began to lick his groin, coaxing his already growing member out of his pouch. (If you missed previous stories, All male digimon have a small pouch to hide genitalia in. Basic stuff, people! Shesh) Patamon took his entire 6 inches into her mouth, tickling it's length with her tongue tip as he thrust slowly into her sweet mouth. Elecmon could not even describe the immense joy he was feeling. He had also never been with another digimon before, and had already masturbated before, but man, this was so much better! Patamon had taken his dick so deeply, that she was now able to carress his balls with her tongue, playing with them as she still massaged his shaft inside her moth. Patamon grunted as he reached his orgasm, thrusting hard into her mouth.
***Author's note: Just like my other stories, all the male digimon reach orgasm diiferently. Elecmon reaches constantly building orgasms, each time having a more intense one than the last. Please continue:)
Patamon swallowed the small amount of cum easily, and sucked hungrily expecting more. Elecmon showed all the signs that he was done. "No more?" Patamon asked, dissapointedly.
"Hey, it takes more than that to finish me off! Lets go again." Elecmon said, regaining his composure. He reached out and turned Patamon around, presenting her cute ass to Elecmon. He reached out and caressed Patamon's intimate area, causing the flying digimon to gasp. Patamon was getting quite wet again. Elecmon noticed and slipped a finger into her wet pussy. Patamon moaned and thrust back at him. Elecmon knew she was ready. He put his dick at her smooth opening, and slowly worked his length into her. Patamon could feel every inch as it filed her completely. For being such a small digimon, she was still able to accomadate Elecmon's full length. When he finished, Elecmon looked down to see Patamon's pussy bulging around his cock. The sight was possibly the most erotic he'd ever seen. He attacked her cunt, thrusting slowly at first to pick up a rhythm, and then increasing speed to bring more pleasure to both the digimon. Patamon could feel her orgasm coming, as her pussy began to radiate with a feeling of warmth. Elecmon also felt his cum forcing into this hot digimon, as he worked at a feverish pace to work farther into Patamon. He eventually released his second load deep into Patamon. The feeling of the larger amount of cum blasting into her brought Patamon to her next orgasm, screaming out so loud that she hoped the babies wouldn't wake up. Patamon could feel Elecmon's hot cum dripping down her backside as he pulled out of her. But she could tell that he wanted even more.
In fact, the first two orgasms had just been a warm up for Elecmon. Now he was ready to have his third and most powerful orgasm. Lubricated with the cum from their last 'round', Elecmon placed the tip of his smooth read dick at the entrance to Patamon's ass. Patamon was originally concerned about this, but as Elecmon pushed into her tight hole, she found that she actually liked it! The feeling of being stretched even more to fit Elecmon was even more erotic then having conventional sex. She could even reach her paw between her legs and finger herself. She was squeling in delight with each thrust of Elecmon. He began to sweat heavily from his exertion, rubbing against Patamon's bottom with each push, driving into her as deep as possible. Elecmon finally let out one deep groan as he pushed all the way into the digigirl, nearly ablaze from the fiery last orgasm that he was having. His cum shot over and over into Patamon, and the spreading warmth inside of her caused her to cum all over her paw. She slid to the ground in a deep sleep, with Elecmon still holding his hot cum deep inside of her.
The next day Elecmon got up first and cleaned the two of them off. Patamon awoke to find him lovingly wiping her clean. "Elecmon, you know that T.K. isn't coming back for like a hundred digiyears, or so. At least that's what Gennai says." Patamon said.
"What, you think you're not going to be able to handle me that long?" Elecmon stood up proudly.
Patamon giggled. "No, sillymon. I was just wondering if you would be able to take care of all the babies." She winked at him.
"I, well, I, um…." Elecmon, for once, was speechless.


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