This is a lemon that contains adult material (sex for all the dummy's out there) and if you are under 18 then you can't read this (frankly I don't give a damn lets say if your old enough too know what sex is you can read this)

I do not own digimon. Toei animation and Fox Kids do.

This is an ongoing series.

Narrator: Last time on digimon, the Crystalcrests Z series: Ken saw onto his map that they’re where a whole bunch off control spires destroyed into the beta section. He knew that the digidestenid where responsible and contacted one of his generals named White. General White took off white his forces too the beta section. Meanwhile Kari thought about her events with Davis in the cave while Veemon and Gatomon went out to look for the others. But General White is already arrived in the beta section. Will Davis, Kari, Veemon and Gatomon be save? Let’s watch to know the answer to that.

The Crystalcrests Z series 3: Let The Hunt Begin coupling: N/A (lime)

By The Ganjamancer

The sun was out and it was a warm day but there was almost no sun coming through in the digimon emperor’s jail. Cody who was still a little tired from the seduction was having problems staying awake. Floramon saw this and decided to help him
“You can sleep if you want to.” She said to him
“Huh?” Cody said while he tried to keep his eyes open. “Oh no way, I'm not going to sleep as long as that fuck got me captured, who knows what he will do to me.... or you.”
“Don't worry about me, you better go to sleep, it's not good to stay awake when you are really tired.” Floramon said to him.
“Well, I am a little tired.” Cody replied back.
“Then please go to sleep” Floramon begged him. Cody nodded in agreement and he laid himself down onto a cot.
Floramon stared at the sleeping Cody before her<Wow he is kind of cute for a human boy>She said in herself.

“Master” Wormon said while he crawled to Ken.
“Yes, what is it?” Ken asked his green partner.
“General White haze arrived in the beta section and his scouts are already searching for the digidestenid.” Wormon said to him.
“Good, but tell him that if he let one off those children escape his last days are spent.” Ken said.
“Yes master.” Wormon said before he walked away.
<Now lets see how my guest is>Ken said in himself before he walked to a monitor where the cell and it's populations where in clear view. He saw a sleeping Cody and the Floramon that was staring at him.
A puddle of black smoke filled the area and it turned pitch black when a figure appeared. The area became the normal dark place that it usually was soon after the figure appeared.
“Ah there you are, just in time.” Ken said to the figure. “I need you to read that Floramon's mind.”
“Why?” The figure asked to Ken not out confusion but more off a demand.
“Because I order you to it.” Ken shouted to the figure. The figure looked right into Ken's eyes before he walked to the monitor. He looked at Floramon and closed his eyes.
“Oh my, I found something interesting.” The figure said to Ken
“What?” Ken asked him.
“That Floramon has got some feelings for that boy.” The figure said to Ken.
“I knew it.” Ken quickly shouted out. “That can be very interesting.”
“Oh and don't ever yell to me again.” The figure said to Ken before he looked angry with him. Ken felt to the ground with his hands onto his head. He yelled out in pain because his head feels like it's about to explode. The figure stopped his attack and disappeared again.
“Master are you ok.” Wormon asked his partner. “I heard you yell and...”
“SHUT UP! LEAVE ME ALONE!” Ken shouted to Wormon. Wormon remained silent.

“Veemon.” Gatomon yelled “Common where are you.” She was walking and searching for Veemon<Where can he be, he told me that he be right back, which was 15 minutes ago> “Veemon where are you.” She yelled again.
“Here I am.” Veemon yelled back coming out of a bush with bout his hands behind his back.
“Finally where have you been?” Gatomon yelled to him a little angry. Veemon smiled at her and moved his hands to his front. “Here for you.” He said while he gave her some flowers.
“Oh Veemon they’re beautiful thank you.” Gatomon said to Veemon while she kissed him onto the lips. Veemon returned the kiss but then he quickly pushed her away.
“Vee... Was all she can get out because Veemon placed his hand onto her mouth. He pointed behind her so she turned around. There was a Bakemon searching all over the place. Luckily he didn't see them yet.
“We better get to the cave right now.” Veemon said to Gatomon. Gatomon nodded in agreement before they both ran back to the cave. Gatomon was the first to enter the cave. “What the heck.” She yelled out softly.
“What's wrong Gatomon?” Veemon asked her while he walked in too.
“That's wrong.” She said pointing to a sleeping Kari and Davis locked into an embrace.
“Wow, now that you don't see every day.” Veemon said a little stunned. “You don't think Davis and Kari are a item do you?” Veemon asked her.
“No way, Kari tells me everything, she never told me that she was interested in Davis.” Gatomon shouted to Veemon. Kari heard the yelling and waked up.
“What's wrong?” Kari asked the two digimon. She didn't know that Davis was still sleeping next to her, his arm still around her.
“Um that.” Veemon said pointing to Davis next to her. Kari remembered that Davis was sleeping next to her and became red around the cheeks.
“Um I can explain.” She said to a stunned Veemon and a little mad Gatomon. “Um you see I was a little tired so I laid myself next to Davis but I was cold so I asked him if he wanted to sleep next to me.” Gatomon gave her a you-think-I'm-a-idiot look while Veemon didn't know what to say. Just then Davis woke up and from his point of view he only saw Kari's back.
“Hi there beautiful.” He said while he sat up. But then he saw there two digimon partners and quickly thought about something to say. “Hi there beautiful.” He said again but this time to Gatomon. Gatomon looked at him like he was a ghost.
“You two think I'm stupid?” She asked Davis and Kari. “I WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE AND RIGHT NOW!” She yelled out.
Davis looked at Kari and she looked back “Well we better tell them.” Davis said. Kari nodded in agreement. “Um you guys Kari haze something to say.”
“Hey I'm not telling this alone.” She yelled a little mad at Davis for letting her do the work. They started fighting a little.
“STOP FIGHTING AND TELL ME NOW!” A now outraged Gatomon yelled to them. Davis and Kari quickly stopped fighting and both looked at Gatomon.
“Um well you now I love Kari right?” Davis asked the white cat digimon. She nodded. “Well today my love has been answered.” He said while he looked at a smiling Kari that looked back at him.
“What Davis is trying to tell is that I love him back.” Kari said to her digimon.
“Really?” Veemon asked. “Wow that's great.”
“What, how can you love that idiot?” Gatomon asked.
“Hey.” Davis yelled to the female digimon.
“GATOMON!” Kari yelled out scaring Gatomon a little. “He is not a idiot, tell Davis that you’re sorry.”
“Gees Gatomon what's your problem?” Veemon asked her. “It's not much difference between them and us.” Veemon said not thinking what he said.
“Veemon.” Gatomon said while she started blushing.
“Gatomon?” Kari said to her digimon who turned to look at her. “Is there something that you’re not telling me?”
“Um no” Gatomon replied laughing nervously. She saw the looks onto Davis and Kari's faces so she knows they where onto her and Veemon. “Oh all right, me and Veemon are a couple, happy now.”
“All right.” Davis yelled out getting confused looks from Gatomon and Kari. “Way to go little buddy.” He said to the blue dragon digimon who smirked.
“Yea you too with Kari.” He replied back.
Kari and Gatomon both began to sweat drop a little. “BOYS.” They both said.
Just then an explosion was heard. The two chosen with their digimon went out of the cave to see what caused it.
“Huh what digimon is that?” Davis asked.
“Vilemon, champion virus type.” Gatomon replied.
“What the, he doesn't have a dark ring around him.” Kari shouted.
“You guys better digivolve.” Davis said to the two digimon.
“DIGI_ARMOUR ENERGISE. ” Davis and Kari both yelled out."
“VEEMON ARMOR DIGIVOLVE TO...” A white light surrounds Veemon before he digivolves. “FLAMDRAMON THE FIRE OF COURAGE!”
“GATOMON ARMOR DIGIVOLVE TO...” The same light surrounds Gatomon to. “NEFERTIMON THE ANGEL OF LIGHT!”
“Ha, one champion digimon against two armor, this is as good as over” Davis said.
“Oh but I'm not alone.” The Vilemon said. Suddenly a whole group off Vilemon, Gazimon, Snimon and Bakemon came out surrounding the digidestenid.
“Oh shit.” Davis yelled out.
“What do we do now?” Kari asked.
“Fight.” Flamdramon said.
“Yes let’s go.” Nefertimon said while she flies off to a group off four Vilemons. “Rosetta Stone!” She yelled out before some stones fired off to the Vilemons. But they maneuvered easily away from the attack.
“Davis.” Flamdramon yelled. “These digimon are not under affect off the control spires because not even one off them is wearing a dark ring.”
“WHAT!” Davis screamed out. “But why are they attacking us.”
“Because I ordered them to.” A strong voice said that came from behind the digidestenid. They looked behind them but didn't see his shape because he was inside the cave in the dark.
“Who are you?” Davis yelled out.
“Just call me General White.” The digimon said before he came out off the dark.
“Phantomon.” Kari yelled out. “But we destroyed you when you worked for Myotismon.”
“I'm sorry girl, that must have been another Phantomon.” White replied.
“I don't see any dark rings so why are you doing this?” Davis asked.
“Simple, I am a ultimate but against hundreds of rookies and champions I don't stand a chance so I work for the digimon emperor, when he takes over the digiworld I get a piece to rule over and the only thing I need to do is call myself General White.” Phantomon told them. “Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard.”
“I choose hard.” Flamdramon said.
“As you wish.” Phantomon replied. “Shadow Scythe!” he yelled out before he swings his scythe to Flamdramon who barely ducked away. “Hmm you’re good, most digimon wood be dead or at least wounded by now.”
“Yea well let’s see how good you are.” Flamdramon replied. “Fire Rockets!” Three fireballs came out off Flamdramon’s hand and shot out to Phantomon while he just stood there. The balls connected but he was unharmed. “WHAT!” Flamdramon yelled out.
“Foolish digimon no one can defeat me.” Phantomon said while laughing. “Shadow Scythe!” He swings his scythe again but this time he hit Flamdramon in the chest who de-digivolvde back to Veemon and felt to the ground.
“VEEMON NO!” Nefertimon scouted out and dived after him but she didn’t see Phantomon who dived after her.
“Shadow Scythe!” He swings his scythe this time hitting Nefertimon who also de-digivolvde back to Gatomon.
“Oh no Gatomon.” Kari yelled while she ran to her wounded digimon while Davis did the same with his.
“Hey buddy you’re ok?” Davis asked his digimon.
“Yea never been better.” He replied before he passed out.
“Now then we can still do this the easy way, just follow me and no one gets hurt well anymore.” Phantomon said to the two digidestenid.
“Dammed we have no other chose Kari.” Davis said to her.
“Ok we go with you but promise us or digimon stay unharmed.” Kari said.
“I promise it, I may be working for a evil master but I still have my honor and I never brake a promise.” Phantomon said. “Just crawl onto those Snimon. Kari and Davis both carrying their digimon walked to the Snimon but just when they wanted to crawl onto them an explosion was heard.
“What was that?” Phantomon asked.
“LOOK OUT!” A Gazimon yelled but it was too late when a beam hit him and some other Gazimon deleting them.
“Grrr who dares to defy me?” Phantomon asked but no answer came. Suddenly the sky turned black and some digimon came out off the clouds.
“But those are Devidramon.” Kari said.
“You know those digimon?” Davis asked.
“Yes when my brother and the others fought with Myotismon they fought some Devidramon.
“Red Eyes Beam!” All the Devidramon yelled out together while a beam shot out off their eyes each connecting with some digimon deleting them.
“But that’s impossible.” Gatomon said with a weak voice. “Devidramon don’t have that attack, they have a Red Eyes attack but that hypnotizes you.
“Destroy them.” Phantomon ordered.
“Twin Sickles!” All the Snimon fired their attack to the Devidramon.
“Electric Stun Blast!” All the Gazimon did the same.
“Nightmare Shocker!” As did the Vilemon. All the attacks fired out to the Devidramon but they maneuvered easily out off the way.
“Red Eyes Beam!” The Devidramon fired their attack deleting some digimon again.
“Hey you guys why are we still standing here?” Davis asked. “No one is guarding us.”
“Hey over here.” A figure with a cloak (like Gennai’s) yelled to them. They followed him not even thinking about it. He walked to some bushes “In here” They followed him and sat down while they where still looking to the fight.
“Thanks for huh what the heck?” Davis said when he wanted to thank their rescuer when he turned around but all that was left was a small puddle of black smoke.
“Where did he go?” Kari asked him.
“I don’t now but for now we better stay here.” Davis said.
“Shadow Scythe!” Phantomon swings his scythe to a Devidramon but he just caught it. “WHAT BUT HOW!”
“Fool no one can defeat the warriors of Keltario” The Devidramon said. “Red Eyes Beam!” The attack hit Phantomon right in the chest but he was not deleted.
“Ugh you ugh you pay for this.” Phantomon said to the Devidramon. “Retreat.” He yelled to his army. All the remaining Snimon, Gazimon, Vilemon and Bakemon flew off behind Phantomon. All the Devidramon flew back into the clouds and the sky turned back to normal.
“Ok what the fuck just happened there?” Davis asked. “A ultimate and a whole bunch off champions that where defeated by some champions.”
“Devidramon are strong but there is no way they can defeat a Phantomon.” Gatomon replied. “And that attack, Devidramon don’t even have that attack.
“When the others get here we better go talk with Gennai.” Kari replied. (A/N I know that they have not meet Gennai yet but in my story they have)
“Hey Veemon are you ok?” Davis asked to the fainted digimon but no reply came.
“Veemon please say something tell me you’re ok.” Gatomon said while she started crying. “Come on now Veemon I can’t loose the mon that I love.
“You do?” Veemon asked weakly just coming out off it.
“Oh Veemon.” Gatomon yelled happily and hugged him. Davis and Kari just smiled at the sight.
“WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED HERE?” They heard a voice yell.
“Tai.” Kari yelled. “Is that you?”
“Kari we are over here.” Sora yelled.
“Wait we’re coming.” Kari yelled back lifting Gatomon up while Davis did the same with Veemon.
“Oh my god what happened?” TK asked.
“We where attacked by a Phantomon and his army.” Davis said.
“His army?” Izzy questioned.
“Yea Snimon, Gazimon, Vilemon and Bakemon and guess what none of them had a dark ring on them.” Kari said.
“WHAT?!” Everyone screamed.
“But how did you defeated them?” Patamon asked.
“Well we didn’t, suddenly the sky turned black and a bunch off Devidramon came out off the clouds and defeated them with ease.” Kari replied. “But that’s not all, they used a attack that they don’t even have.
“And don’t forget that weird guy that rescued us, we walked behind him and when we turned or backs to him for five seconds he was gone.” Davis said.
“Most interesting.” Izzy said “Tell me something about those attacks.”
“Well remember their Red Eyes attack?” Kari asked him while he nodded. “Well they used something like that, Red Eyes Beam and like the attack said they fire a beam out off their eyes strong enough to kill a champion.
“So where do we camp?” Mimi asked and like always not paying much attention to the story.
“There.” Davis said pointing to the cave. “Common let’s enter.”

“Yes master but it wasn’t my fault.” Phantomon replied.
“Spare me of your weakness.” Ken said. “Destroy him.” He said to the figure.
“As you wish.” He said before he powered up an attack.
“No please master, give me one more chance.” Phantomon begged. The figure fired a blue beam off energy to Phantomon deleting him.
“Wormon get General Red online right now.” Ken ordered.
“Yes master.” Wormon replied walking to the screens in Ken’s room. He punched some buttons and the screens shot on showing a dark room with a chair in the middle.
“General White failed me, you have one chance to bring me those children.” Ken said. “But watch out they have a ally.”
“Don’t worry master General White was a fool and a weakling.” General Red said in a female voice. “I will capture those digidestenid for you.”

What’s up with that mysterious figure? He’s helping Ken but he saved the digidestenid and it looks like the digidestenid will have a new enemy on there tail. I wonder who she is. Keep watching Digimon, The Crystalcrests Z series 4: Keltario, The Warriors Planet (part 1)

And here is chapter three. Sorry that it is a lime but don’t worry the next one isn’t. As usual email me at to tell me how my story sucks or to tell me it’s good, also email me for a request or if you have msn and you want a new guy on you’re list you can ad me.