This is a lemon. Not one of those fun little yellow citrus fruits that are really really sour, and make your eyes go all squinchy when you bite into them, ‘cuz it’s impossible to write THAT kind of lemon. You can draw them, but you can’t really write them. No, this type of lemon is a fictional story with sexually explicit parts, based on the TV show, Digimon. So, if you’re under 18, or just don’t like reading this kinda stuff, get out now. Otherwise, enjoy!


Note, before you continue: I’m an amateur at writing this kind of stuff. The story has a lot of stuff that, basically, compliments my avatar, Falcon, which, in turn, compliments me. Not only that, but I haven’t watched enough Digimon Season 3 to fully have a grasp on exactly what’s going on, so pardon me if I accidentally break the continuity of the show. A lot. Or if I make any horrendous errors. Anyway. Consider this a beta of my mAd lemon-writing skillz. Well, if you’re still reading, you must really want to read this lemon, so, go ahead, I’m not stopping you.


btw, Red Rover: Tributes and kudos, and various other things, for you, are at the end of the lemon.


Saviour of Renamon


It was a late Thursday evening. A small tearoom sat on the second story of a quaint brick building.  The doors on the first story bookstore were locked, of course, but there was no need to lock the windows on the second floor. This suited the intruder just fine.  The climb up a fire escape, then jump to the six-inch concrete ledge was little more than a mild exertion on her part. The window slid open with a silent squeak.

            Renamon quietly slipped into the tearoom, her paws making no noise on the hard wood floor. Renamon looked around, the surroundings already familiar.  She had discovered this place a while ago, an earshot from Rika's place. It had become a place she hid to lose herself. "Sigh...." Renamon placed some hot water in a kettle. "What does she want?" Renamon watched the kettle whistle, almost therapeutically. "Am I nothing more than data?" Renamon lifted the kettle, and poured boiling hot water into a small mug. She replaced the kettle, and swiped a single bag of green tea. Renamon was smart enough to replace everything she took. Even the angle of the kettle was the same, and the owners of the building would hardly miss a tea bag from the box of a hundred.

            Renamon sat down at the low-lying table, watching the steam rise from the cup. She took a spoonful of sugar, and dropped it into the cup. "But I eat, I drink. Is that not more than data?" Renamon took a deep sip from the tea. The warmth was soothing, very relaxing. Renamon took another deep breath. "I wonder... what would happen if I disappeared? Defeated in one of those battles?" She took another drink from the warm liquid, her eyelids growing heavy. "Would Rika miss me? Or would it be simply like losing a game...?" Renamon placed the tea bag back in the half filled cup, and began to swirl it around. The whirlpool swirled in the cup, flakes of white powder sticking to the side.  "Hmmmm?" She noticed a few white flakes of undissolved powder on the side of the cup. "Is that flour?" She brought the cup close to her eyes, the cup seeming very heavy. "What's happening to me?" The cup slipped from her grip, and shattered on the corner of the table. "Uhhhh...." Renamon stood up, but her legs were like rubber. She took a step forward, and every ounce of strength left her. She fell to the floor with a dull thump.

            "Heehee." Another figure laughed from the darkened corner. "A little something added to the sugar.” The tiny figure walked up to Renamon's sleeping form. "And now the fun begins."




            Renamon's first sensation was a weird pressing on her lips. A wet touch was up against her. She opened her eyes, seeing only blackened darkness. She concentrated harder, forcing the black to go away. Light slowly crept around the corners, but a large black patch remained in front of her eyes. Renamon strained harder. The black began to turn into a face. The drugs caused Renamon to take a second before she recognized the face clumsily kissing her. "YOU!" Renamon snapped her head to the side.

            Impmon fell over. "Finally, I was getting tired of waiting for you to wake up, so I decided to start without you.”

            "What are you talking about?!" Renamon growled, and tried to take a step forward, but was pulled back. She realized that her arms were chained behind her back, and chained to the ceiling. Renamon was also very weak, from whatever drug she ingested. She couldn't even stand up straight, her head down at a right angle. Trying to stand up straight filled her with nausea. Renamon looked back and realized that her tail was attached to the chain as well, now straight up in the air.

            Impmon grinned. "You know, you are such a bitch. I mean brushing me off like that! I mean, there are so few digi chicks around. And most of them are so... boring.

             "So where do you want it?" Impmon asked, almost triumphantly somehow, rubbing his crotch.

            "What do you mean?" Renamon glared.

            "Ass, pussy, or mouth." Impmon smiled as his dick began to emerge.  "Come on, make up your mind."

            Renamon's eyes narrowed. "You come one inch closer and I will rip that off." Renamon tried to sound threatening, but her voice wavered.

            Impmon pretended not to hear her. "So what to do first?" He walked around Renamon.

            She tried to shake her front paws free, but the chain was strong, and tied too tight. "Release me!"

            Impmon stopped in front of her. "Oh, there is so much I want to do to you, I hardly know where to begin." He smiled as his eyes moved down to her chest, and her furry mane. "Hey, bet you got a nice rack under there, mind if I took a look?" Impmon began brushing the white fur aside.

            Renamon scowled, and kicked out with her hind paws. "You are a sick twisted bastard!" She coughed. She was still weak, and her kick was slow.  Impmon dodged with little effort.

            Impmon reached up and grabbed Renamon's cheek, pinching it hard. "You know, babe, I don't think you're enjoying this." Impmon walked over to a dusty shelf, and came back with a box. "Now let me show how nice I was being." Impmon reached into the box, and pulled out a spring clothespin.

            "What are you doing?" Renamon looked down.

            Impmon reached under her white mane and brushed the fur aside. "Oh, you are big!" Impmon smiled as he caressed the breast. "Now, anyway, you are going to be much nicer to me." Impmon moved the cloth pin to the left nipple.  "Right?" Impmon smiled as he released the pin on the nipple.

            "ARGGGH!!" Renamon screamed as the pin clamped. She tried to shake it off, but it only succeeded in making it worse.

            "Now you see how rough I can be?" Impmon grabbed another cloth pin.

            "No, don't!" Renamon pleaded, tears in her eyes, as another cloth pin clamped on her right nipple. "AAGH!!!" Renamon screamed again.

            "Now you know how much fun we could be having now?" Impmon jumped on Renamon's back. Renamon whined again as another cloth pin was clamped on her left ear. "This must really hurt." Impmon let another pin shut on her right ear. Renamon let out a little squeak as more pain filled her. Impmon turned to her tail, and clipped one on the very tip. "Now then..." Impmon jumped off Renamon. "Ready to behave?"

            "Crawl back under your rock!" Renamon snorted, trying to shake off the pins on her nipples.

            Impmon sighed, and walked up under Renamon. "You know, I was hoping by being nice, you'd see my way." Impmon was at Renamon's crotch.  Renamon tried to kick out again, but Impmon stopped her with his right hand.  "Now then...." Impmon ran his hand over her pussy, moving the fur around until her slit was visible. "One last time, are you going to do whatever I say?"

            "Never, you vermin." Renamon was angry at how weak she was.

            Impmon smiled, opening a cloth pin. "How about..." Impmon moved the pin over Renamon's slit. Renamon's digimon species has a very pronounced clitoris, Impmon discovered…

            Renamon realized what Impmon was up to, and squeezed her eyes tight, preparing for the most unimaginable, searing pain that was to come. It never did, but she heard a loud THWACK! and an “Oof!” Renamon opened her eyes, and looked left and right. All of the lights had gone out. She heard a strange metallic twisting and whirring, and then she almost had a heart attack as a bright green, glowing blade pierced the darkness. It let out a low hum, as it whirred through the air. The green glow illuminated Impmon lying on the floor, unconscious, with the box of clothespins all over him. It also illuminated the blade’s carrier. A young male human, medium height and build, with short, curly hair, and glasses, was holding the blade by what appeared to be his watch. Renamon looked at the watch, and saw that it had a bulky apparatus affixed to the top, with a fire design on it, something like Flamedramon’s armour. She looked back up to the face.

            “Who are you?” Renamon inquired, still trying to sound arrogant, but, still being weak, and with the clothespins hanging like parasites to her ears, nipples, and tail, she could not bring herself to her full level of anger at this new intruder.

            “Never mind that. I’m here to get rid of this pestilence and release you from this cruel torture that he has put you through.” The unnamed intruder “sheathed” his green blade, allowing the apparatus to glow brightly so he could see, then reached up to Renamon’s head. She thought he may have something amounting to the same perverted idea as Impmon, but sighed in relief when she felt one clothespin loosen its hold on her ear, and then the other. The young man moved beside her, and removed the clothespin from the tip of her tail. He came forward again, and peered under her belly. “Uh, there are still two clothespins here… do ya mind?”

            Renamon tried to talk normally, thankful that this human was here to help her, but her nerve finally deserted her, and all of her thoughts directed themselves towards her nipples, the clothespins, and the pain radiating out from them. Once again, she was angry at how weak she was. “Please… just get rid… of the pain!”

            The young man reached under Renamon’s mane of white fur, and felt the two clothespins still on her nipples. He removed one slowly, as to keep from affecting the weak Digimon’s affliction further. Renamon breathed another sigh of relief as she felt the second clothespin taken off her other nipple.

            By this time, Impmon had regained consciousness, and jumped to his feet, yelling, “Just what do you think you’re doing? I caught this Digimon myself! Now bug off!”

            Ignoring the small, hysterical annoyance, the intruder whispered to Renamon, “Now, dip your head and don’t move.”

            The fox Digimon did as she was told, bowed her head, and stayed stock-still. The young man unsheathed his green blade again, and cleanly severed the chains connecting her hind paws and tail to the ceiling, allowing her to right herself. He then cut the chains holding her front paws, and she dropped to the floor, absorbing the impact on her legs. She flexed her shoulders to get rid of the strange feeling hanging like that had on them.

At this point, Impmon had had enough. He ran towards the human rescuer, and jumped at him, teeth bared. Quickly sheathing the blade again, the young man slammed a punch to Impmon’s chest, stopping him in midair. The little black monster’s mouth was shaped into an O of surprise. He then barreled a double-handed downward smash to the top of Impmon’s head, sending him crashing to the floor, unconscious again.

“Now that we have the little fruit out of the way… My name is Falcon. You’re Renamon, right? I’ve admired you for quite a while.”

Renamon was slightly taken aback by his knowing her name, and his apparent high regard for her. “Uh, yeah. But how’d you get up here? You couldn’t have come through the door, right?”

“To tell you the truth, I really don’t know. I had a twinge in my brain, like something was wrong, and then my body went into autopilot.”

Renamon thought about this for a moment, pausing to look at Falcon’s wristwatch/blade machine. She pointed nervously at it, like it might explode. “What’s that thing?”

Falcon looked down at the large machine sitting on top of his watch. “Oh, this? This is a GARD. Stands for Graviton Atom Relocation Disruptor. An energy sword.” He stopped to think. “Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Somehow I got the feeling I’d need this on the way out…” Falcon pulled an NRG Bar out from a pocket in the long black cloak that he wore, unwrapped it, and tossed it to Renamon, who hastily began eating it.

Mmph, thanks. Grrf snnnch but what are we going to do about Impmon?” She looked up, and Falcon was gone. Renamon went back to the coffee table, cleaned up the remains of her smashed cup, picked up the clothespins, and left, leaving Impmon alone and unconscious in the tearoom.




The next night, Renamon was slumbering peacefully at the foot of Rika’s bed. During that day, she had almost completely forgotten about her rape attempt last night. However, someone had other plans. Her eyes shot open as a small arm wrapped around her neck, choking her, and somehow carrying her outside the house. With no way to breathe, Renamon’s vision began to swim, and the last thing she saw before she passed out was a devilish grin… or impish…


Renamon came back to consciousness back in the tearoom, this time hanging belly up, a foot off the ground. She looked around, and saw Falcon, her rescuer just the night before, hanging not ten feet from her, unconscious. She saw a movement in the shadows. It was Impmon.

Impmon had a look of mock surprise on his face, like he was not expecting her to be hanging from the roof. “Why, foxy, I didn’t expect you to want to come back after what happened last night. Whatever made you change your mind?”

“Ugh,” Renamon groaned. She turned her head away from the small, sarcastic little bastard, and looked at Falcon. She noticed he had his eyes open, and she caught a wink from him. He knew what he was doing. She turned back to Impmon. “What is it this time, you sick, perverted little monster? Another rape attempt?”

“My, my, so brave, but so helpless. I even managed to detain your friend over there, the one who so kindly interrupted our… meeting last night.” He began to rub his crotch, just like the night before. “Now, once again, where do you want it? Ass, pussy, or mouth?”

“How about you go eat some worms?” Renamon growled at him.

“Tsk tsk, just like last night. Well then, I’ll have to give you the same treatment. Clothespins it is.”

Just before Impmon reached the box on the shelf, Renamon cried out, “No! Fine, I’ll do… whatever you say.” She looked back at Falcon, and winked. He knew what he was doing.

Impmon jumped onto Renamon’s chest, his red, spear-shaped member now fully emerged from its hidden pouch. “Oh, but we are going to have so much fun,” he said, as he inched his dick closer and closer to Renamon’s mouth. She leaned back her head to avoid having it enter her, but Impmon kept moving forward. “So much fun…”

When Impmon’s dick was less than an inch from Renamon’s mouth, they both heard a metallic whirring and twisting, coming from Falcon’s direction. He had a triumphant grin on his face. “Now who’s gonna have some fun, Impmon?” He twisted his wrist around, slashing through his bonds with his GARD sword, and landed neatly on the floor. He adopted a fighting stance, one that he had learned in a martial arts class. Impmon hopped back off Renamon’s chest, his cock now having shrunk back into its sac, and tried to take the same stance, but looked wavery on his own two feet. To avoid falling over, he charged at Falcon like a mad bull. He launched himself off the ground, right at the smirking Falcon.

Falcon easily dodged the flying Impmon, and dealt him an elbow to the small of his back, right above the base of his tail. Impmon crashed to the floor, sliding on the polished hardwood panels. He dug his claws into the hardwood to stop himself, got up, and charged again. This time, instead of leaping at Falcon, he waited until he dodged what wasn’t coming, and readjusted his course, plowing right into Falcon’s stomach with a mighty headbutt.

Reeling slightly from this attack, Falcon quickly recovered, grabbing Impmon by the forearms and spinning him around, then throwing him into a wall. This gave him time to dash to where Renamon was struggling to break free of her bonds, and cut her loose, so that she could battle as well. Renamon quickly adjusted to Impmon’s fighting style, if you can call what he was doing “fighting”, since she had done so many times before.

“What?! Two against one? That isn’t fair!” Impmon was yelling from the floor. “I’ll have to do something I’ll prolly regret later… nah.” He began to glow brightly, and what happened next neither Falcon nor Renamon was expecting.

“Impmon… SPECIAL Digivolve to…” A bright flash filled the room. Both Falcon and Renamon had to shield their eyes to avoid being blinded by the strong light. “…DAEMON!” The light receded. When the fox Digimon and the human opened their eyes, Impmon had very much changed. He had grown to almost twice or three times his original height. His tail had grown as well, and now it had two pairs of barbed spikes near the end of it. Heh. Who wins now, Falcon? A human? Or a dæmon?”

Renamon was stunned. She had fully expected Impmon to Digivolve to Beelzemon. Besides that, she had never even heard of a Special Digivolution. Bringing herself back to reality, she watched as Falcon ran at Daemon, fists ready for combat. He threw a hard right at Daemon’s belly, but the large black Digimon easily deflected it, grabbed Falcon by the collar of his T-shirt, and lifted him three feet up the wall. Falcon’s angry eyes stared into the smug ones of Daemon. The latter smirked again.

Falcon remembered the GARD sword still on his wristwatch. He extended it, but it was not able to do much damage as Daemon’s other clawed hand swung around and knocked the entire apparatus off of Falcon’s wrist. However, this short distraction gave Renamon enough time to dash forwards and drive a punch to Daemon’s ribs, causing him to howl in pain, and drop Falcon, who quickly moved out of Daemon’s punch range.

Rubbing his ribs, Daemon stood up to his full height, glaring at Renamon. “Insolent little whelp! I’ll destroy you as soon as I’m finished with your friend!” With that, Daemon lifted his arm above his head, like he was about to launch a bowling ball. He called out, “Gehenna Strike!” and a huge green fireball flew from his hand as he swooped it downwards. It struck Falcon in the midriff, almost sending him out the window; as it was, Falcon was knocked unconscious on impact with the hard brick wall.

“Falcon!” Renamon screamed as she watched him being taken down by a single fireball. “RrrrrRRRARGH!” She summoned all of her energy into a large blue ball of data, and sent it flying at Daemon. He was trapped in the path of the streaking blue bomb, but as it seemed to collide with Daemon, he zoomed out of the way. With all of Renamon’s energy gone, it would have been no hard task to destroy her, but Daemon was inexperienced to his new power, and had used it all on his Gehenna Strike. He de-digivolved back to Impmon, and bounded past Renamon and out the window.

Renamon was exhausted by the delete command, but she knew she had to get Falcon somewhere so that she could heal the incredible burns he had on his torso and waist. She picked Falcon up and jumped out the window, landing softly on the ground outside the bookstore. She then sprinted back to Rika’s house with Falcon on her back. After all, if jumping to a six-inch ledge on the second story of a building was only a mild exertion, then a short sprint with a load wasn’t much more…




Falcon regained consciousness on a couch, inside a house. He felt a hand – no, it was too small to be a hand. A paw? – massaging his torso, which itself felt strange. He opened his eyes, and saw Renamon’s face leaning over his. He stifled a yell of surprise, but Renamon already knew he was awake.

“Be still. Do you remember what happened?” she asked quietly and soothingly.

“Urgh…” was all that Falcon could make out. Then he found his voice, and had to restrain himself from springing to his feet. “Daemon! What—”

“He’s long gone. You suffered a terrible hit to the stomach. I’m healing you as best I can.” Falcon relaxed again, allowing Renamon to do whatever it was she was doing to heal him. He felt her warm paw moving in circles on his belly, then his eyes flew open as her paw rubbed lower and lower, getting closer and closer to his crotch.


“Shh. We don’t want to wake up Rika or her parents.” The paw moved lower, and he felt his pants being undone.

“What are you doing…?”

“That last attack of Daemon’s gave you some bad burns around your midriff and… slightly lower. I’m trying to use my Vaccine properties to heal them. Now shh.” The paw was right above his dick now. He tried to keep it down, but he couldn’t. It was rock solid now. Renamon continued rubbing Falcon’s crotch, and at one point touched his cock. He gasped.

“What?” Renamon was immediately on the alert, careful for just about anything.

Your – the – it – and…” Falcon couldn’t get two words out without gasping again.

 It didn’t matter, anyway. Renamon saw a bulge in Falcon’s underwear, and pulled them off. She stared in awe at his member, then lowered her head to it. Falcon almost passed out again as he felt Renamon’s mouth envelop his rock-hard dick.

“Oh… Renamon… Wait a second!” He pushed Renamon’s head away from his member, and hurriedly pulled up his underwear. “You can’t do this! This is what I saved you from, remember? When Impmon was about to rape you?”

“It’s not really rape if you want it…” Renamon whispered, easing Falcon’s pants down again. His dick had gone semi, and she put her mouth over it again. It almost immediately shot straight back up. Falcon began to breathe heavily with every motion of Renamon’s head.

Something finally snapped inside the young man’s head, and he began to moan, “Yes… yes…” He grabbed Renamon’s right leg, and pulled her on top of him, so that her legs were above his head. He brushed away the fur around her pussy, and began to lick furiously. They both were moaning as they 69’ed each other. He felt her use her paws to rub his balls, and he groaned in appreciation.

For the second time in two days, Falcon reached under Renamon’s mane of white fur. However, this was not to remove any clothespins. He felt her breasts, and began rubbing them in a circle. Renamon gave a slight shudder every time his hands went around her breasts. This continued for about two or three minutes, then, suddenly, Renamon pulled her pussy away from Falcon’s mouth, and released his hard cock from her mouth.

“What are you doing?” Falcon whispered. He watched Renamon bring herself to her knees, and then he almost screamed out in delight as she slowly lowered her cunt onto his rock-hard member. She began to slowly move up and down, and then gradually the bouncing got quicker. Falcon had a completely stupid grin on his face; this was the first time he had ever fucked a female, even a Digimon. He began to thrust his hips in rhythm to Renamon’s bouncing, and soon they were both moaning appreciatively.

Renamon, on the other hand, was used to a hard cock penetrating her wet slit, and she was able to restrain herself from any such goofy facial expression. She gave Falcon a smug grin, as she said, “Remember, I still owe you for saving me.”

She clenched the muscles of her pussy. “Twice.”

Falcon gasped; he was about to blow his stack into Renamon. A few more seconds and Renamon would be filled with Falcon’s seed.

A few more seconds passed, and then Renamon felt Falcon shooting his load deep into her pussy. She stood up, slowly releasing Falcon’s shrinking dick from her wet cunt, and licked up the mixture of Falcon’s and her own cum from his cock.

Falcon was panting loudly. “Oh… my… god… wow. Wow.” Then he panted some more. He stood up, pulling up his pants, still panting heavily.

Then a light flicked on behind Renamon. “Oh jeezus!” whispered Falcon. “I gotta get outta here!” He had to get out of Rika’s house, or be discovered.

Renamon thought quickly, and went into action. She only had one alternative to being caught. She swung her paw, balled into a fist, at the side of Falcon’s head, at the space just underneath his jawline.

He was immediately out cold.

Renamon laid Falcon out on the couch again, and checked his burn. It had been forgotten during their sexual event. It was not as bad as it looked back in the tearoom, but it was far from healed. She resumed massaging his burned torso as Rika came into the room.

Renamon? What’s going on down… who is that?!” she half-yelled, pointing at Falcon’s unconscious body.

“Him? Well, it’s a long story…”

“You’ve got time.”

For the slightest of moments, Renamon looked worried. Luckily, Rika missed it. “I was feeling uneasy a while ago, so I did a bit of recon, to get a better map of the city. After about a half-hour of scouting, I noticed something strange going on near a bookstore not far from here. Turns out my uneasiness paid off. Impmon was vandalizing the upper floor of the bookstore, which was a small tearoom. I emphasize the word was.

“I figured it was going to be an easy fight, because Impmon, as you know, isn’t much of a threat; he’s just a real nuisance. Unfortunately, his special digivolution, Daemon, is slightly stronger, faster, and more powerful. Besides that, I was ready to fight Beelzemon, not Daemon. I managed to evade him for a little while, and he tried to finish me off with one of his attacks, Gehenna Strike. Fortunately, it missed me; unfortunately, it hit this guy. I decided to finish Daemon off later; this guy needed healing badly. His burn was a lot worse when I got him here, but it still has a long way to go.

“The weird thing is, he was slipping in and out of consciousness on the way back here, and when he was conscious, he seemed to almost know who I was. And he seemed to be coming towards the bookstore with a purpose, like he wanted to help me fight Daemon, or something.”

They both puzzled over that, until Renamon heard Falcon groan, and slowly slide back into consciousness.

UrghOw,” was all that could be heard from Falcon’s lips.

“Be still. I’m healing your injuries as best I can.”

Falcon opened his eyes, and stared, once again, at the face of Renamon.

“What…” Falcon mumbled.

“You took a hit from an evil Digimon, known as Daemon. The attack gave you some severe burns. I’m using my Vaccine properties to heal them.” Falcon had his eyes open just long enough to catch another secretive wink from Renamon.

So he played along. He had heard everything Renamon had said to make sure neither of them got in too much trouble, so he was set to put up some pretty white lies himself. “Wait… what am I doing here? Where am I?”

“Um…” he heard from Rika’s direction, “in… the Makinos’ house…?”

Falcon sat up quickly. “Wait a sec. The Makinos? As in Rika Makino, with… Renamon?” He stopped, just long enough to take a deep breath and regain control of himself. “Wow. I’m in the presence of a Digimon and her Tamer. I am blessed.” He grinned. “I’ve been searching for a while for you or your partners. I guess you found me first.”

“Would you mind telling us exactly what you mean?” Rika asked of him.

“OK, I’d better start explaining then. My name is Falcon. I’ve had a bit of experience, and silly little ideas about Digimon ever since I saw those Digimon cards, but I knew I was not to be a Digidestined, like you and your friends. However, I had a niggling in the back of my mind, that I was to play some part, serve some purpose for the Digimon team. So, just for the hell of it, I became a young inventor, technologist, programmer, and general tinkerer, dreaming that I may meet up with you, and share my works. I never thought I’d actually meet you though.

“I’ve only come up with a few ideas so far, like a couple new Upgrade cards, and a wrist-mounted energy blade. Unfortunately, the latter of the two was—” He stopped himself. He couldn’t say that Daemon had ripped it off his wrist… that wouldn’t coincide with what Renamon said. It would blow everything. “—not stable enough. Turns out I had used it a bit too much. The blade eventually simply burned out, and the generator basically become a very complex paperweight.”

“Oh jeez…” whispered Rika.

“But I’m sure I can build another one, possibly more, maybe even one for every member of your posse. That is, if I can join you.”

Rika pondered over this for a while. I’ll have to discuss this with Takato and the others. They’ll know how to respond to this. She looked back to Falcon. “I’ll think about it.”

He had to restrain himself from whooping out loud. “Great. In the meantime, I should probably get out of here. It’s almost sun-up.” He got up from the couch, and whispered to Renamon, “Thanks for… everything.” Then he left.




WOOWOO! I wrote a lemon. I feel special. Thanks to Red Rover for the idea, and the first coupla paragraphs (they’re from Red Rover’s lemon “Sex Toy”), Renamon for some vital information, and everyone on the DigiArtist’s Domain for inspiring me to write a lemon of my own! I know, since this is my first lemon, it’s kinda biased towards making a good impression of me. (You guessed right. Falcon is based on yours truly.) It’s also got a lot of battling; I’ve always been partial to hand-to-hand (or in this case, hand to claw ~.~;) combat. Please forgive me for these little flaws. It’s my first lemon, ya can’t expect me to be aces left right and center on my first try. But now there’s a lemon out there by me! And you read it all! (hopefully) Thanx a bunches!


4I Falcon