The DigiKnight Saga

By: Takenouchi Ryu

Chapter 2: School of Hard Knocks


The next morning was Monday, dreaded school! After having breakfast everyone left for the two and a half mile walk to the complex. In light of the new Viral threat, the city council had decided to keep all the students in one building. Supposed safety in numbers.

Everything was going smooth at first. While walking down the hall, a young boy about TK's age started calling out.

"Hey Rika! How about a fight, eh? Or are you too much of a pussy! Bitch!"

"Just keep walking Rika" Renamon said, noticing the dangerous glint in her Tamer's eyes.

Rika actually managed to walk away without doing a single thing. Then the boy decided to try a new tactic. He ran up behind Rika and shoved her against a locker.

"Nobody ignores me! You best learn that lesson before I kick your ass!"

"Screw off Mizuka! Why don't you find a kindergartner to kick your ass for you?"

"That's it! I've had enough of you! Agh!"

Mizuka pulled back to punch Rika and received a nasty surprise when he tried to follow through. His arm wouldn't budge an inch! He looked back and saw Micah had a firm grip on his arm. Mizuka then spun around, thus freeing his arm.

"Oh, so now you want some too? My pleasure!"

Before Mizuka even halfway finished his punch Micah counter attacked. Mizuka's eyes widened in surprise and pain and Micah's open palm struck him square on the chest. Mizuka fell backwards and jumped up. Nobody, but nobody made a fool of him and got away with it. Nobody ever beat up on girls in front of Micah and walked away uninjured enough to tell about it either.

The fight was brutally one-sided. Micah let loose with a fury of open palm strikes, close fisted punches, and kicks. Mizuka ended up sprawled out on the floor with a black eye, busted nose, and a broken arm. Micah leaned down toward the terrified Mizuka.

"Don't ever let me catch you doing anything even remotely similar to that again, do I make myself clear?"


"Good, now get outta my sight!"

Micah smiled at the sight of the fleeing Mizuka. He just gave the DigiDestined and the Tamers a smile as he continued heading towards his first class.

History and Trig were an hour each of Boredom Hell. Chemistry was no better. By the time lunch rolled around Micah was itching for some excitement. He had barely finished eating when a guy about his age walked up to him.

"I heard you beat Mizuka this morning. Is it true?" the youth asked.

"Yeah, I kicked the little punk's ass if that's what you're asking." Micah replied.

"That 'little punk' was my brother dip-shit. I don't appreciate plane trash(A/N: a derogatory term for those from a different dimension) beating up on him either."

"Is that so? I don't appreciate cock-suckers like him beating up on ladies either. That makes us even."

"Why you! Who do you think you are!? That's it, I challenge you to a DigiBattle!"

A wicked grin spread across Micah's face as he answered, "Challenge accepted, baka!"

Everyone around them oo'ed at the proclamation and made way for the two to the DigiBattle station.

The console was a pedestal ending about waist-high in large dome. On either side were the control panels. Four overhead monitors hung from the ceiling so that the spectators would have a decent view. By the time Micah and his foe reached the area, every kid in the school knew what was going down. The DigiDestined and the Tamers were among the first to reach the DigiBattle console. The challengers stepped up to the control panels.

"You know how to play, plane trash?"

"No shit Sherlock."

"Good! Then you'll soon know that no one survives ganging up on Tachi's bro!"

"We'll see about that!"

A computerized voice interrupted the two, "Players, insert BattleCards now!"

Micah and Tachi placed their BattleCards, little Memory Card shaped devices, into the slot on the control panel. They set the arena mode and customized the controls.

"You're dead, faggot!"

"I think not, Tachi."

Again, the console's voice prompt, "Ready? Beginning Battle now!"

The dome and monitors exploded into color as the field was set. The chosen arena was a desert wasteland with boulders strewn about. Tachi's character was the first to appear.

"Player 1, Ninjamon, entering arena!"

Micah's wasn't far behind.

"Player 2, Runeamon, entering arena!"

Ninjamon looked for all the world your stereotypical ninja. Runeamon was a different matter. What appeared to be a male Renamon whose main coloring was crimson red materialized on the field. The Battle began.

Runeamon was the first to move rushing in and landing a kick on the Ninjamon.

"Ninjamon, retaliate!"

"Ninja's Poison!"

A black mist erupted towards Micah's player. The Runeamon dodged just in time and then countered.

"Rune Kick!"

Runeamon kicked what appeared to be an obscure ideogram towards the Ninjamon. Upon striking though, the rune exploded with a burst of energy, sending the Ninjamon flying backwards. The ninja struck back with its own attack, recovering the distance between the two fighters almost instantaneously.

"Assassin Slash!"

Runeamon parried the sword and landed a punch of his own on Ninjamon.

"Ninjamon, use your stealth abilities!"

It instantly disappeared. Micah scanned the arena while Tachi smirked at him.

"Awwwww, the poor plane trash can't fight as well as he thought he could. Poor baby! Don't worry, I'll finish this quickly!"

Runeamon was still scanning when it suddenly stopped. It started a Rune Kick in his present direction but turned around at the last second.


The attack caught the Ninjamon square in the chest.

"Runeamon, finish him!"

Runeamon jumped into the air, "Fire Storm!"

Dozens of tiny fireballs struck Ninjamon. It instantly disappeared while the computer voice announce the winner.

"Player 2 wins. Flawless Victory!"

Renamon had been in the front row and observing the match the whole time.

<Hmmm...Micah should've lost that fight. It's impossible to have a reaction time that quick. It's almost as if that Battle DigiMon were him.>

"How can this be? I never lose!"

"There's a first time for everything, Tachi." Micah replied before walking off.

The rest of the school day was a breeze, and soon everyone was back at the penthouse. Izzy was busy trying to upgrade the computer while Ken and Yolei were engrossed in a game of chess. Rika was using Micah's advice with the cards by practicing with Takato. Everyone else except Micah, TK, and Gatomon were watching with amusement.

Micah noticed a little "shrine" on the mantelpiece and was studying it when TK and Gatomon approached.

"Hey Micah, whatcha looking at?" TK asked.

"Oh, I was just studying this little shrine. Who put it here?"

"Actually we did." Gatomon answered.

"Oh, may I ask why?" Micah said as he took a set on one of the couches.

"Four years ago Gatomon and I got separated from the others during a fight with Arukenimon and Mummymon. We landed in a field of digilillies. They're these type of aphrodisiatic flowers native to the Digital World. We succumbed to their effects to say the least. Gaotmon laid a digiegg soon afterwards. We maid the mistake of leaving it there. Gennai told us later that he found the egg and sent it somewhere safe. We just regret ever having been too scared to take responsibility for our actions and abandoning our child."

"Yes, we also wish that we can see our child again someday." Gatomon added.

Micah replied, "I'm sure the kid doesn't harbor any ill feelings towards you two. Don't worry 'bout seeing 'im again either. I'm sure you will meet sooner or later."

"Yeah, you're right. That's what we tell ourselves." TK answered.

By then everyone started heading for bed. Led by Takato retreating after losing a record breaking 150 games straight. Micah lingered for a moment staring at the shrine placed for TK and Gatomon's child. A slight smile graced his face as he headed for bed himself, wondering what tomorrow would bring.

Author's Note: Flames, comments, suggestions? E-mail at: More to come later!