The Faces We Ware


In lives in places in minds so far away and so far apart from each other there are bound to be feelings and similarities in people that some could never spot. Even the most analytical minds could find a wavering presence in them but never fully spot the obvious, this is why in some circumstances people come together under the most strange and idiotic moments. Most of the time these people find them selves hating their other half or disliking them to the point they would never even consider talking to each other, but when there is a better out there and the moons properly a line one event can change a vulgar sour venomous relationship to something to be proud of and with it comes new feelings and something’s on the moment acts of love and trust. Sometimes it can be the simplest things. For instance the power of love commands so many people and one phrase could change a lives worth of insults to happy teases. Never forget the power of “I love you…”


This day in the tamers lives started out like almost any other, Henry Wong was at home tending to his family life and Rika Nonaka was at her home tending to what she referred to as family as was Takato with his family, separately these children live their lives seemingly innocent to the world except for their ties to creatures known as Digimon, Terriermon Renamon and Guilmon, these are the Digimon of the tamers the main tamers, Terriermon to Henry, Renamon to Rika, and the special Digimon Guilmon to Takato. In this story it’s not the Digimon that are important, it’s the tamers themselves, two of them anyway.


That day started like most did as I said before, Rika sat at home in her room preparing for her day dressing herself in her usual cloths, a pair of jeans and her broken heart T-shirt many refereed to her with it as “Heart-breaker” gathering her cards and D-3 from her collection of cards. She is known also as the Digimon Queen, and for good reason. She doesn’t see herself very highly but high enough to look down on almost everyone she meets. This hard attitude has served her well in the calls against Digimon and human challenges alike, since she allied with the other tamers she had been fairly closed to them and more of a rouge till a few battles taught her that her pig headed attitude would get her partner killed, so she opened up slightly enough to let trust come from the other two tamers Henry and Takato. She has strictly avoided a relationship with them for her own selfish reasons but some how it’s about to change.


“Renamon.” Rika called into the empty house just after her grandmother left. “Yes Rika.” Renamons voice called from the shadows of the room behind her, “What are you doing today?” Rika asked while she tended to her mat on the floor. “I have no plans if that is what you’re asking.” Rika sighed as she leaned over her mat looking down at the blanket she had just folded incorrectly while she spoke. She huffed in a slight growl making Renamon shift a crossed the room to no surprise or look from her tamer, “What’s the matter Rika?” Renamon asked as she moved around in front of her standing at the opposite edge of Rika’s Mat with her claws holding down the blanket, “Nothing,” she grunted while she tugged on the blanket and felt the resistance of Renamons paws on the fabric, “Come on Renamon get off.” She said as she tugged hard enough to send a normal human falling over.


The two trusted each other after a few of their previous fights together and Renamon smiled at it as if it was a playful gesture and stepped away from the blanket while Rika gave a final tug and fell backwards from the force behind the pull. “Cute Renamon.” Rika smiled in a serious voice from under the blanket trying to keep up her appearance of high stature with a commanding tone. Renamon laughed and Rika waited a moment to pull the cover away making sure she had a straight face before she did. “Do you have anything planed today Rika?” Renamon asked as she stepped over to Rika’s nightstand and wastebasket looking at the contents and coverings of the small desk and receptacle.


Rika grunted with a smile on while her partner looked away maintaining the straight tone, “Absolutely nothing.” She said as she flopped down to the floor, “At least it’s Sunday, there won’t be any stupid classes till tomorrow.” Renamon bent down on her many jointed legs looking over the stack of cards Rika had and smiled as she saw one card separated from the rest as if for reserve, they’re were three cards all the same Digimon in perfect condition in protective sleeves depicting a bright yellow Digimon she knew all to well. Renamon was flattered by the stack of cards and thought she would recommend a relaxing day since no other planes where in effect. She turned around and looked at Rika while she fought the thick comforter to fold and stay folded while the padding felt otherwise. “Why don’t you go o the park for a few hours?” she said while Rika looked up in an angry eye for the blanket as she held it down with one knee like she was forcing down a suitcase. She gave a laugh while she looked down and forced into the blanket once more, “Why not.” She grunted with the effort. Standing up smiling to her partner, “Nothing better to do.”


She was thinking of Takato then, not as warmly as one would think. Possibly you could say she liked him but it wasn’t in a friendly way more of a disposable-ally kind of way, he was basically hired help to her. He and his Digimon could have fallen of the face of the planet and she seemingly wouldn’t care. Since she meet him though her thoughts had drifted to him several times and sometimes his incompetent comments to her in light situations and very well could have been jokes set her off, so much so she really wanted to slap him senseless. She couldn’t find her self doing it though but the mental image of her boxing his ears did bring a low smile to her face while she considered it in class. Its one of those looks that you’d expect an executioner to have before he pulled the cord on the gentian.


She had noticed the train of thought drift to him though, Henry was there sometimes but she couldn’t really see her self doing anything to him when she did she felt stupid for doing it and shook off the mental image, she figured she respected him a little more. As for Takato he was a child, immature and irresponsible, on may occasions she recommended to Renamon to load his partner but she never did. It was taken as a joke and somewhere in her mind that’s how it was meant. “Rika?” Renamon said as Rika noticed the smile she had when she wanted to pursue bodily harm to Takato gasping at it then standing up from the blanket. “Let’s go Renamon. Maybe I’ll think of something better in the park. You’re coming rite?” she asked as she pictured Renamon absorbing Guilmon, “Always Rika.” Renamon smiled as she dashed out the door seemingly dematerializing with the raw speed.


“Maybe I can punch around goggle-head, that’ll get me back on track for the day.” She smiled as she walked out the door and to the gate of her property leaving her home behind for what events could take place that day…



Elsewhere in the city Takato wakes up late as usual sleeping with his goggles on snoring loudly and above all sensually dead to the world. “Takato.” His mother yells from downstairs pausing for reply, “Takato…” she shouts again, “Takato honey get up it’s seven in the morning!” she shouts as Takato’s father starts up one of the louder machines in their bakery. While his parents may not have the time to wake him up in person in the mornings they can really mess with his dreams with the equipment in the kitchen, not knowing what the sound was the loud grinding sound marched threw his head making him dream he was being fed into a wood chipper till he woke up just in time before he was cut to ribbons. “AHHH!!” he shouted as he sat up in the bed looking to the door of his dark room. He had the curtains drawn and of coarse while he was sleeping the lights off. He rubbed his head pealing the goggles on his face up while he did it coming a crossed the lines they made in his skin rubbing the outline of them sighing and yawning taking the goggles off feeling naked without them. “Takato!” his mother shouted again starting up the steps to their house section of their shop “I’M UP! I’m up…” Takato yawned as he started to gather his senses, not before he stretched to far and fell out of the bed.


Twisted and in pain from slamming his face into the hard wood of the floor he saw the picture of Guilmon he had tacked to his wall in the low ambient glow the sun made as it shined off the material of the curtains. “Gotta feed Guilmon today, I haven’t had time the past few days, I bet he’s hungry.” Takato yawned as he pushed himself from the floor and fumbled for his goggles from the desk he had near his bed. He came back with a fist full of colored pencils and put them back while he tapped around till he was fed up with the blind search, “Oh come on I’m not in the mood for this.” He said as he tapped around some more not finding his sacred goggles he had as a devoted fan of the Digimon TV show.


Shooting up from the floor getting frustrated with the low light for hiding his goggles “Takato we need you to go to the market! Come down here and get ready!” Takato’s father shouted above the loud machines in the kitchen. “I’ll be down in a minuet!” he shouted back as he stormed over to the wall and turned on the light switch tripping over some clutter on the floor almost turning on the light with his face till he caught himself with his hands before he made another embarrassing mark on his face. Switching on the light not thinking it would have been easier to open the curtains. He turned around to his room seeing the art supplies he had as well as his collection of Digimon memorabilia mixed in with other small toys and knick-knacks from his other fan-domes not spotting the goggles he set down on the desk grunting while he pushed a few pairs of pants out of the way while he walked over to his desk and searched the just as messed surface of it for his head gear.


A few minuets passed and Takato for the sake of appearance was going threw an anxiety attack searching for his face and rite before his mother was going to call for him again he screamed filling the bakery with the tormented call of “WHERE ARE THEY!!” making his parents think twice about even whispering his name in his frame of mind. In the kitchen of the bakery his mother and father where covered in flower and assorted substances they used to create their products looked at each other as they kneaded dough and pulled other breads and confections from the ovens while the mixers twirled and grinded not covering up Takato’s ramped thumping search upstairs. “Are you ok Takato?” his mother shouted as she set down a cookie sheet full of rolls, “I’m fine!” he grunted from upstairs while a crash sounded like a struggle, “I just can’t find my goggles! Be down in a minuet!” he shouted as he cheered in success as one final thump sounded while he jumped for joy, “Found um’!” he shouted while he looked around his room seeing he had torn walls to floor in an exaggerated sense making a worse mess than he had started out with and sighed, “Make that ten minuets.” He shouted down as he put his specs around his neck where he was sure he wouldn’t lose them.


“You can clean your room later we need you to go to the store Takato.” His father shouted up between grunts as he pushed and pulled at the dough, not liking the idea of putting effort into his room to begin with Takato scurried around the room pealing off his pajamas to skibbies and dressed himself in cloths he had that he thought where clean just not put up hurrying down stairs hoping his socks matched as he turned off the light. “Commin...” he said as he looked back to his room remembering Guilmon again missing the first stair going down and toppling down the steep stairs looking up to see his parents, “Pay more attention honey, one of these days you’re going to get hurt.” His mother said while he forced a laugh, “I will mom.” He said as he picked himself up in front of customers on the floor section of their store. Takato’s father cleared his throat looking over the clumsiness of his son and spoke again, “We need you to go to the store Takato Milk flower and sugar two of each bag and don’t waste time we need them for a special order. The moneys by the door now get going.” Takato looked at his father and then into the lobby of the store seeing a man looking the opposite way warring a black suit snapping a hinge to what Takato thought to be some kind of stress toy but actually tuned out to be a Zippo lighter. “Don’t I get to eat first?” Takato whined, “No time Takato, Mr. Yamaki here is waiting for a special order of tarts and we need the things from the store. Money’s by the door with your things now hurry please.” He said as he pulled the dough from the large metal cooking bowl to a pan while Takato moaned to the door less tied than when he first opened his eyes but just as grumpy. “I’ll be back in a half an hour.” he said as he slipped his shoes on at the door picking up the money and his bag while he opened the door.


Getting outside pulling the straps of his bag over his shoulder he smiled while he turned to his rite. His parents where fairly humane people and left two and three day old bread near the dumpster not to far up the ally from the back of their store for homeless people and most of the time it went to Guilmon, he was tetchily homeless, or at least he didn’t live at home, not Takato’s anyway. The bread and dough-nuts where in a large plastic bag they used to line the trash cans in the kittens almost thirteen galloons worth of unsold breads and smiled as a his mother called from inside, “You had better not make a side trip to the park Takato.” She shouted threw the metal door making him cringe but smile as he knew that’s exactly what he was going to do. Opening the bag full of bread he started shoving loves and things into his lined bag making sure Guilmon would be full for the day even though he never seemed to bring enough for his hungry dinosaur friend. “I hear you rooting threw the bag out there Takato… Get going he needs theses tarts by nine.” Takato stopped in another cringe and looked at the door with a sneer he expected Rika to make and stood up in a sigh bowing to his parents inside for losing his temper and moved on down the street.


As much with Rika Takato was flowing his thoughts towards Rika, but she was much more to him than he was to her. He looked up to her as such a strong tamer finding himself wishing he could be half as strong as she was wondering if her personality was what made her that ruthlessly powerful. She won the Digimon regionals twice in Shenjuku and compared to her he was a novice. She made him feel that way too, sine they meet all he wanted was to just talk to he but she blew him off at every turn till the idea faded into a respectful observation over communication. He just didn’t want to get pumbled was more of the reason and since then he felt like it was a bad thing to get into a fight with her, Digimon or just plain nitty-gritty fist to fist. He had his reason for not hitting girls but as far as he was concerned that day she wasn’t a girl or even a tomboy. She was just some one who was obnoxious to him and treated him like dirt, “I swear if she calls me goggle-head one more time…” Takato said as he started off to the Park first cutting him self short trying to control his temper with the bad day he was having while he cleared his mind with the thought of seeing Guilmon at least once during that day.


With the fight against the Devas Takato Henry or Rika hadn’t had much time with their partners aside form the battles, they were all distracted by the Digimon to the point that they where stressed at each other and to the braking point. Between Takato and Rika this was extremely visible. Both Rika and Takato threw conversations with Henry showed signs of clawing each other’s eyes out. Then again some could just say they loved each other that much, but at first glance putting a knife between them could have been a bad call. As it goes the two tamers made their way to the park separate paths but more or less the same destination, both fairly calm with the company they kept or where going to come to with that in mind trying not to think of each other while they converged walking in their separate paths threw the woody park…



Now over looking them both we see that entering the park they both look to the trees expecting to see Renamon, where Rika dose Takato doesn’t till they get closer to each other. Well to start with they both were trying to avoid each other so Rika stayed clear of the section of the park where Guilmon lived in his concrete bunker and Takato made his way there to see his friend and partner. Coming up the thin path to his little building smiling “Guilmon!” he shouted hearing the snot of his Digimon waking him up, “Huh,” his Digimon yawed as he woke up the same as Takato did thumping into a wall inside the little utility building while Takato smirked at the sound while Guilmon moaned in slight pain from bashing his head against the wall. “I brought you some bread boy.” Takato said as he opened the gate to the building seeing Guilmon rubbing his head with his large claws paws looking with one eye to his tamer, “Yeah! Bread!” Guilmon shouted as he hopped to his feet and danced in front of Takato as he backed away so he didn’t knock him over, “Ok, ok that’s enough of that Guilmon. I just came by to drop it off for you. My parents want me to get something’s from the store so I have ta go.” He said as he set the bag down and pulled out the plastic trash bag he used to line his bag, “OH but why Takato-mon? I want to play.” Guilmon moaned sadly while Takato turned around, “I’ll try to come back later on today ok buddy. I just have to do a few things before I can. Maybe Calamon will drop by, just don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone ok.” Guilmon was almost too involved in the bag of bread to listen but looked up to acknowledge his tamer “Ok Takato-mon I promise.” He said as Takato put him bag back on and walked out side, “Ok Guilmon I’ll be back in a little while, and I’m not a ‘mon’ ok?” he laughed as he walked up the path to the other side of the park where a store he usually went to was not looking to the treetops how he would have.


He was deep enough into the park that almost no one went into but was still tended to enough to look nice and just enjoyed the sounds of birds chirping brightening his demeanor for the day slightly till he heard the sound of Renamon’s voice. “What do you think the Devas want Rika?” making Takato jump into the bushes aside the path hoping not to bunt head with Rika that day, “I don’t know Renamon but I don’t want to think about it rite now.” Rika responded to her Digimon coldly as she walked with her arms behind her head. “Takato-mon! Takato-mon! You dropped this!” he heard Guilmon shout as Rika and Renamon stopped in the path rite in front of the bush he was hiding in to see Guilmon holding the wad of change and yen his parents had given him to shop with. “Oh hi Renamon.” Guilmon laughed as he stopped in their path while Takato wanted to signal for him to let them pass while Guilmon asked stupid questions, “Have you seen Takato-mon he was just here and he dropped this.” He said as he showed Rika the money he had put in his bag for safekeeping, “Just here eh?” Rika said as she looked over to the bush he was hiding behind looking straight at him but not seeing him as he froze in position not moving a muscle or even breathing feeling fear from her as well as a strange excitement from hiding from her glaring eyes.


Renamon looked around for a second with a look of detection and then took a sniff of the air as Guilmon did the same then they both looked to the bushes Takato was hiding in, “Takato-mon I thought you said you didn’t have time to play!” Guilmon shouted as he lunged for the bush he was in tackling him to the ground laughing while Takato shouted, “Come on Guilmon get off would ya?!” Rika started to smile while Takato wrestled his Digimon from over top of him thinking of herself in that position punching his face in till Takato sat up to see the unusually happy face she had, “Uh hello Rika.” He laughed as Guilmon gave him a hug from the side wrapping his arms around his neck temporarily making it impossible to breath. She almost froze like Takato did from him speaking to her ripping her from the happy violent thought, “Wha? What were you doing spying on me?” she said coming to something to sound as impossible as she always seemed, “No, I was uh?” he stuttered looking to Guilmon’s paw he had around his neck seeing the money he lost, “I was looking for my money I thought I heard it drop and bounce over here and I was just looking for it.” he laughed innocently Rika thought It was possible but very unlikely while Takato pulled the Digimon’s arm from around him to take the money and pat the dirt from himself and laugh, “I don’t know why I didn’t say anything really.” He said trying to shuffle to the side to get away from her before she hurt him. “Don’t let it happen again goggle-head.” She said as she started to walk away. Takato looked down to see his goggles around his neck and looked back up to Rika, “My name is Takato Ta-Ka-To get it rite!” he said angrily starring her down while she walked away, “What ever goggle-head.” Rika laughed as she walked away, she had the sight of her beating the tar out of her for challenging him but just smiled at it with a laugh. “WUSSY!! How about I call you, err um breaker for that dumb shirt you ware!” he shouted from the bush line.


Rika stopped while Renamon took a few more steps away turning to see Rika stopped at the insult, shocked that something like that would get to her while she looked threw the tufts on her shoulder to see Guilmon just as stunned as she was moving away from his tamer into something that could be considered a defensive position for a Digimon battle in front of his tamer. “Renamon.” Rika said as she turned back around un-snapping her Digivice. “No you and me Rika.” Takato said as he shook his fist. “Fine.” Rika said as she snapped her Digivice back to her belt loop and closed her card pouch. “I’m tired of you talking down to me!” Takato shouted as he slammed his fists to his sides, “And I’m tired of you! You want some of this? Come one little boy lets see what you’ve got!” Rika said as she leaned into a fighting stance while Takato looked at it like she was some kind of videogame character bouncing on the screen laughing, “What are you doing?” he said as he pointed a finger on a raised arm putting his other arm over his chest while he started to cackle. “Renamon go on I’ll meet you at home in about an hour.” Rika said as she turned red in embarrassment as she realized she was making a fool of her self in that fighting stance, “You go on Guilmon. I’ll be back later on.” Takato said as Rika stepped closer to him in a steel cutting glare while Takato stepped into the path for Rika.


“But Rika?” Renamon said as Guilmon asked, “Takato-mon?” and both tamers now almost face to face barked, “GO!” and their Digimon listened without another word moving off into the rest of the artificial forest and their sounds soon faded away leaving the two tamers at each others throat. “You have a problem goggle boy?” Rika said into Takato’s face while he almost backed away from the comment she spit at him, “Yeah I do!” he said as Rika raised a hand to the side and subconsciously wracked it a crossed his face making him fall to the side but still stand. Takato defended himself by doing the same thing in a momentary gasp of uncontrolled action. “What was that for??” he shouted while Rika glared in return, “What was that for??” both holding their cheeks growling each other down not moving an inch away from each other. “YOU HIT ME DAMN IT!” Takato said as he rubbed his red cheek, “N’ YOU HIT ME BACK YOU LITTLE SLUG!” Rika shouted as Takato returned her glare with revelry and Rika felt a twinge of excitement for living her visions. “SLUG??” Takato shouted as he leaned forward into Rika making her lean back then come forward in a head but, “AHH!” Takato shouted as Rika slammed her head against his regretting it as both their head hurt from the collision.


“GOGGLE HEAD!!” rika shouted as she fell back while Takato growled, “BREAKER!!” lunging at her bringing her to the ground holding her arms down while she squirmed “GET OFF ME!!” she shouted as Takato pulled one arm away to go into a punch as Rika smiled and started to laugh stunning him enough for her to taker her arm and make the punch he couldn’t, “Come on Goggle-boy lets see what you got!” she laughed as Takato felt his face cave in. Takato didn’t have much time to react but came back with his raised arm aiming for her face but the shift in him made him bring it down on her stomach while she continued to laugh after she grunted from the blow. “BITCH!” he shouted making Rika happy for some reason taking his next swing as he punched her a crossed the face laughing, “Bitch am I?” she laughed freaking Takato out, “My turn.” She laughed while Takato fell backwards while she chased him from over top of her swinging once missing his face by a few inches coming back with her other arm moving it away from the ground catching him in the face that time while they both fell to the ground and Rika laughed hysterically, “I love this!” she shouted to the sky While Takato started to find his feet and run away, “I’m not done with you Goggle-head come back here!” Rika shouted as she stood up and chased him a few hundred yards to the shore of the lack in the park tackling him to the ground, “GET AWAY FROM ME YOU SCYCO!!” he shouted as Rika forced his head to the ground, “I love it!” she shouted as Takato grunted on the ground as Rika gave him a  playful proud in the kidney making him cough and try to curl into a ball.


“No one ever fought me before. I love it!” she giggled over top of him looking down as he started to see just how strange Rika was, she was getting off on it she thought it was funny! “Yeah, I love you too?” he said hoping it would get her off of him. It shocked her but not in the way he thought it would and she gave him another shot to the kidneys so he wouldn’t be able to move away. Standing up from him standing over him startled till he rolled over then flopping down on his stomach arching over him with a big smile, “Slap me again.” She said making him look at her.


“What?” he cringed in fear at the smile so bright and friendly, completely not like her, “I said SLAP ME AGAIN!” she shouted as she reared back another punch. Takato wasn’t going to let her get another hit in on his face so he did what she said brining his hand a crossed her face and she gave a shout of pain fallowed by a giggle, “Do it again.” She said and Takato was a gas as to why she would want him to again, “Your going to hit me back for it no.” he said while he looked up to her with his right arm evening out the cherry tine in her face, “I’m going to hit you again if you don’t.” she said lowly and Takato closed his eyes and brought his hand back over her face to another call of pain and a ecstatic giggle. Takato was about to do it again just so she didn’t scream at him and she grabbed his arm and leaned down to his face and kissed him making him shoot open his eyes to a panic and squirm away while she kissed him on the lips.


Scurrying away to a distance of about five feet, “What are you doing??” he shouted while she leaned back putting her hands in her lap covering her crotch up, from her that was a tease. Takato couldn’t see it past the trauma, “I love you too Takato.” Rika said confusing him further, “ Hmm-an-a, who, what, huh?” was all the sound he could manage to make while he looked at Rika standing up, “No one besides my mom has ever had the balls to hit me.” she said as she started to walk over to him. “I never thought a goggle-head like you would be the first one.” She said as she stopped in front of him. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Don’t hurt me!” he pleaded while Rika took his flailing arms and parted them so she could see his face while he whimpered as she moved in with the strangest look he had ever seen and closed her eyes as she puckered up and kissed him again to where he couldn’t move away. He felt strangely comfortable then and so confused he couldn’t moved even if Rika wasn’t holding him down, energized and calm. He never pictured Rika to have that kind of side to her. He didn’t move and didn’t want to while she let go of his arms as they moved up to her and he closed his eyes as she started to breathe harder threw her nose onto his face. While she almost fell into his lap forward thrusting her crotch onto him as he put his hands under her arms moving them around to her back starting to hug her.


It was one of those mushy moments in soap operas it didn’t finish as one though if it wasn’t for Takato’s errands I’m sure it would have went further but instead just as Rika came to his lap he opened his eyes and backed away from Rika, “JEEZ I FORGOT!” he shouted as he got up making Rika fall onto him as she slid down him stopping with her head on his thigh and her hand on his tent. “Oh uh…” he stuttered as Rika was mesmerized by him looking at him while he tried to force himself to move. He found quickly he couldn’t say a single word around what she was pressing her hand to so he decided to change the subject past his erection. “I have to go to the store, my parents want me to pick up a few things.” He said slowly looking down as Rika looked up to his face moving her hand away clearing her throat and putting back on her normal face closing what could have been a threat with a smile, “We’ll finish this later then.” she said as she turned to a warm smile that both freaked him out and made him calm, “Get outa here before I change my mind.” Rika said turning to the lake to see the waters shimmering in the morning sun. Pressing her hand to her crotch feeling warmth from it like Takato had hit her there somehow but it didn’t hurt the opposite in fact when she pressed her hand to herself she shuttered and looked over her shoulder wanting Takato in some way she couldn’t place then while he started to walk back to the path where it all started.


Takato looked down at himself whimpering thinking ‘What just happened?’ he asked himself as he walked on starring down looking on in aw at himself at the rise while he walked uncomfortable reaching down into his pants and readjusted so he could walk back to his bag and his money. He paused for a moment patting his pockets and realizing he put the money in his pants and now it wasn’t there. He put his hand to his head in a moan feeling the bumps and burses Rika supplied and pulled his hand away as he stopped to his pain, “They are going to KILL me.” he said as he put his hand back to his face rubbing down to his goggles not caring about his pain. He picked up his bag and looked back to see Rika standing in a pose rubbing her face with her hand to her crotch. She seemed vulnerable to him then and when he looked back he smiled remembering how she had picked on him wondering if she cared about him in some way. He smiled back coming back to reality from the short stair at her picking up his bag and started to run away while Rika moaned as she touched herself threw her pants while she watched him run away.


“We’ll finish this later.” She smiled and drew her hand away saving it for later wondering what it all possible could have meant with the same thought running threw Takato’s head…


Takato made it home in a few minuets where he was lectured and punished for a few minuets till he could think of a lie to tell his parents about where the money went sitting in his room absolutely silent past him thinking about Rika and the wrath of the family gods looking over his tossed room thinking it looked like someone broke in and robbed him blind smiling after almost a half an hour to the tune of his lie while his father went out to get the cooking supplies they needed to full the special order. “Mom.” He shouted as he stood up rubbing his face. “Your grounded mister I don’t want to hear It.” she shouted back up the stairs. “You wanted to know what happened to Me.,” he said as he heard her stop what she was doing. He hadn’t told her why he was so beat up he didn’t think he could tell her the truth and the fact is that he wasn’t to sure of what happened anyway all he knew is he wanted to go back. “I was mugged ok!” he said as he heard his mother drop a metal bowl and a sudden rush of thumps up the stairs and the door to his room swing open almost in one swift movement.


He looked down to the floor more embarrassed for lying to her then than telling her as she sobbed, “OH my poor baby, what did he look like? We’ll call the police.” She cried while Takato assured her he didn’t get a good look at his “mugger.” She had already treated his burses and told him how irresponsible he was but that quickly turned into, “I’m so proud.” and, “I’m so sorry honey” Takato didn’t have to act embarrassed from the hour of sob till his father came back to hear his mother crying quickly investigating to find her holding him and wondering why while Takato found the metal strength to repeat the lie to his father, he was rewarded for it but refused all the things they were trying to give him thinking about Rika while they praised him. Then the question cam “Where did you get mugged?” and he almost froze but raced around to the name of the store on the opposite side of the park. After a while of the sobbing they knew they had to either get back to work or close up shop for the day, because the customer had a truck waiting down stairs for the special order of tarts ringing the desk bell till Takato pointed out the chime for service.


His parents went down stairs and Takato fell back on his bead looking to the ceiling while he heard his parents explain why the order wasn’t filled and the person who was to pick up the goods stormed out vowing never to come there again for the slop job they were running. Takato felt he should do something around the lie and started cleaning up his room while his goggles jiggled around his neck and he wandered around the room till noon making it seem like he had obsessive-compulsive disorder till his mother came up to see his room spotless from wall to wall. “Why don’t you go out and play.” She said making the question sound more like an order. Takato had thought lightly on it and came up with a line for it, “What if the muggers still out there?” and his mother spent ten minuets telling him not to worry about it, reluctantly agreeing with her to leave. His face was starting to change colors and he couldn’t ware his goggles even if he wanted to so he left them around his neck while he left looking around for show till he left his street bound for the park.


He hummed past the sore face he had while he walked on threw the forest till he heard a sound in the bushes in the part of the park where it was safe for tamer and Digimon to see each other looking over to see Guilmon with Calamon on his head. “Hello little Guy.” He smiled over at the small Digimon while his battered face scared him, “Looks like you had something against a wall.” Calamon said as he drew his large ears back to his head. “What happened to you Takato-mon?” Guilmon asked as Takato blinked to Calamon’s comment. “Oh this Rika and I had a decision.” He laughed as he put his hand behind his head and smiled to a swollen cheek. “Looks like she let the ground do all the talking to Me.” Calamon laughed while Takato tried not to blush, “Did she hurt you Takato?” Guilmon asked as he stepped from the bushes, “Nah I’m fine I was going to see her.” she said stopping with the end of the sentence thinking how he was just wandering not going anywhere till he said where he now knew he was heading. “I don’t think it’s such a good idea Takato-mon. you look pretty bad.” Takato smiled as he brought his hand from his head thinking of Rika, “I don’t think it’ll go that way if we try again.” He said wondering what he was talking about. The words were just coming from nowhere bur for some reason he was starting to understand it. “Le’me give you a kiss the people in the boxes always say that makes it feel better.” Calamon smiled as he puffed out his ears and wafted on a breeze over to him planting his lips on Takato’s black and blue cheek making him step back and his thinking of Rika feeling a rise again while he moved away from Calamon.


“Wow their little guy, that’s ok.” he smiled as he looked down feeling there was no way to stop what was happening, it was only natural. He had read the books and seen something’s on the computer kids his age shouldn’t. Knowing what he felt for Rika and what she possibly felt for him not understanding it fully but enough to know what was happening. “I’ll come back later on Guilmon, I promise.” He shouted as he started to run away smiling thinking and more in tune with what was going on that day. ‘I’m going to see Rika.’ He smiled as he ran to the lake in the park and waited thinking that’s where he would find her. He waited while Rika was finding out something’s on her own. Something about he she never knew she felt…



Rika went home after their little tiff in the park, mostly with her hand on or around her crotch wondering what the feeling was she was having. Wondering why she was so excited for being hit. Getting confused as to why she would like something like that, no one likes to get hurt. In her mind it didn’t hurt the sting was exhilarating and strangely arousing even though she didn’t know that’s what it was. Walking home she found herself looking back over her shoulder wondering if Takato was fallowing while she tapped her sides in more public places to see she had something more in her pants than her cards and D-3 pulling up the small wad of yen in a plastic baggy thinking she had stolen Takato’s lunch money in a sense. She sighed looking at it wondering how it got in her pocket in the first place looking around like a thief not saying a word while she walked finally getting down to her own street wondering what was going on as a few feelings faded.


“Now he’ll never talk to me again.” She grunted as she opened the gate on the wall to her property looking in on the grounds seeing Renamon standing in the yard looking back at her from a meditation session of soothing movements. “Rika?” Renamon said shrilly as she looked back to her tamer shocked to see the marks on her, “what happened?” she asked as she just pushed her off and walked a crossed the yard to her room. “Did the other tamer do that to you? Takato?” she said sounding angry Rika smiled as she stopped while Renamon walked on a head a few steps stopping in front of her letting her tail swish from side to side, “He hurt you Rika?” she asked and she shook her head while Renamon’s fur started to stand on end. “Did he give you those marks?” Renamon asked in the coldest tone possible but the question brought a smile to Rika’s face as she brought the hand with Takato’s money to her cheek and put a finger to the slap mark feeling the sting but getting excited again finally nodding while Renamons started to growl, “I’ll make him pay for it.” she said as Renamon turned and crouched down to jump away, “Wait!” she shouted as she put her hand out.


Renamon looked at her tamer cocked head and one dropped ear in confusion why she wouldn’t want her to destroy him for his intrusion onto her person waiting for a response while Rika just left the hand with the money out slowly bringing it back in while she saw Takato’s hand come a crossed her face with another sting bringing her a smile and a jump as her vision flashed with the impact  starting to giggle with the memory as she walked inside. “Rika?” Renamon asked as she stood back up and fallowed her tamer in, “What happened?” Rika went over to her vanity she had in her room. Her mother had given it to her when she was young but all she seemed to use it for until then was a desk when she did her schoolwork but then she looked at Renamon who tried not to look at her self in the reflection. “It’s nothing Renamon.” She said softly as she put her hands to her chin looking at the puffy red marks on her face while she ran her fingers over them feeling overcome with something, “I’m not to sure of that Rika.” Renamon said as she turned around to look away from the mirror while Rika made a laugh, “Is there something with that tamer?” Renamon asked as Rika couldn’t help but put one hand in her lap teasing herself while she felt the urge to do something. “No of cores not!” she said as she turned form the mirror in her usual tone showing completely that was what it was.


She didn’t see it even then as Renamon did. “I think you care for him to let him do that to you rika.” Renamon said as she looked with one eye over the tufts on her shoulder snapping back around as the mirror reflection started to linger on her. “Are you jealous?” Rika asked as she smiled to her partner looking around wondering what she meant by it in the sense with Takato. “Not at all Rika,” Renamon said turning around with a sad smile on her muzzle hidden by the happy expression she had in her eyes and her down tilted head. “You should have someone of your own kind.” She said while Rika blushed, “I don’t have any feelings for him what are you talking about.” she said as she looked down to the ground seeing she had forgotten to take her shoes off at the door. Pulling them off and tossing them to the sliding panel to the hallway. “I can tell when you lie Rika.” Renamon said as she stepped a side so she could throw her shoes to a distance she could put them on at when she left. “I’m not lying Renamon. What would I ever want with Takato anyway? That goggle-head is such an idiot it makes me sick!” she lied looking down again knowing it was a lie.


“I’m sure.” Renamon said as she stepped out side. “You really need to show how you feel more Rika, even I know how much that can help others.” Renamon said as she stepped out side. Rika wasn’t sure what she meant by that but she was starting to realize how much Takato meant to her then. She wanted him to hit her in the park, and she wanted him to stay with her then, but he didn’t and now she was sure that he was never going to even look at her for beating him up let alone taking his money. She sat in her room for a while looking at the ceiling wondering if Renamon was rite, she was to contained to herself short of her grandmother and Renamon no one really knew how she felt most of the time. She felt alone then and smiled at the times she teased Takato wondering to herself if she was hiding not only from him but from herself if she had feelings for him the entire time. All the time she spent daydreaming about creaming Takato, why did she want to hurt him if she licked him. She knew she did then in some strange way she knew she did, care for him. “What do I care?” she said flatly looking at the ceiling listening to Renamon practice outside, “He doesn’t mean anything?” she said making it sound like a comment but inside knew it was a question while she answered in his head ‘does he?’ sitting up from the stool of the vanity looking out the open door of her room to see her grandmother walking into the yard while Renamon practiced. Since she had found out about her Renamon had stopped disappearing when she came around, she only stopped while she passed and that’s what she did.


Rika’s grandmother looked at the large yellow fox and smiled and Renamon, who usually returned it, only looked over her shoulder to Rika. It was about ten o’clock then and Rika’s elder took the look to Rika as advisement to talk to her; going about putting her things down before she went to Rika as counsel, By now most of the marks that Takato had made where gone which Rika wasn’t too happy about. She wanted them to be there to remind her of the moment but couldn’t think of why.


“Rika?” he grandmother said as she stopped at her door while the sun shined threw the door way and the wood screens separating the hall from the outside. Rika looked up seeing Renamon beside her grandmother just standing in the yard looking at her while her grandmother looked her over. “Are you hurt?” she asked as Rika shook her head, “I’m fine.” She said straightly hiding the concern for herself, “Was it a Digimon?” her grandmother asked as Rika shook her head again. Her grandmother turned around and Renamon nodded as if they read each other’s mind and she walked in closing the door behind her, “Boy trouble rite?” she asked and Rika looked down blushing, ‘Renamon…’ Rika thought as she tried to look up with out letting her see the blush in her face.


“If he hits you let him go dear.” She said in respect not knowing the situation, “I asked for this.” Rika said looking up seriously, “You never deserve to get struck Rika.” Her grandmother said as Rika cleared up her point. “No I asked for this.” She said confusing herself again. Her grandmother tilted her head how Renamon did when Rika told her not to remove limbs from Takato and stepped closer, “I see.” She said as she stopped where Rika’s mat would be for the night waiting a few minuets hoping Rika would tell more so she didn’t blindly beat around a point. Finally seeing Rika was as confused about it as she was, “I think,” she started as she held one finger up in a smile, “You don’t know what you want rite now. Rite?” she asked as Rika looked up with a twisted confused look making her see that it was further than that, “You don’t even know why you wanted him to hit you do you?” and Rika slowly nodded.


Her grandmother nodded putting one hand to her chin while Rika looked away feeling embarrassed in the conversation. Still with the money she took from Takato in her hand. “You need to tell him.” she said finally sheering off the topic down to its bare point. “What? Him?” she gasped back trying to look appalled at the topic feeling it was rite. “Yes, other wise your going to have this eat at you.” she said and Rika looked to her grandmother and grunted, “Why would I want to tell that nimrod I think,” she stopped and blushed again not hearing the words out loud ‘I love him.’ “No not in a MILLION years, goggle-head isn’t worth it.” she said as she turned to the side putting her arms up feudally and exposing the “him” in the conversation, “I see I know him then, Takato is it?” she asked in a laugh while Rika huffed against the act of saying his pet-name out loud. “That’s him.” she said as she leaned onto one knee on the bench and put her chin on her hand and stewed over the lose of strategy in that discussion.


“Tell him Rika, and maybe you won’t have to beat yourself up. From the looks of it you seem to like it when he dose that.” She laughed as she thought of Takato as a gentle person. She couldn’t really picture him hitting Rika unless possible in defense, which as you know is what happened. Rika closed her eyes from the point she just made still not understanding why she did enjoy it and  huffed, “I don’t think he’s going to want to talk to me now.” She said opening her eyes and looking at her grandmother while she sat on the floor on her legs. “Why’s that?” Rika already bright from the topic of relationships wasn’t going to waste time so she just pinched the opening of the bag and let it roll out of her grip till it hung from her fingers, “I see, did you mean to?” she asked and Rika shook her head, “No.” she said bluntly and her grandmother laughed as she stood up, “Then you have nothing to worry about. I’m sure if you give it back he’ll understand.”


Rika tossed the bag up into the air slightly and caught it as her grandmother started to walk away making it to the door and half way opened it, she expected it to be the dreaded conversation about sex but somehow she just avoided that lecture for another day. “Go on Rika I’m sure if you feel that way about him he has the same for you somewhere.” and Rika stood up slowly blushing the entire way still not accepting it for what it really was.


“Your mother will be home by five Rika and its almost one now, get home soon.” her grandmother said as Renamon looked on smiling as Rika eyed her for interfering. “Aren’t you coming?” Rika asked to Renamon as she declined with a subtle shake of her head while Rika was left to say it alone while she asked her self if it was really true. Now she was mad at the world as she always appeared to be and stormed from her home back to the park. She stopped a few blocks into the city wondering where Takato would be, thinking back to the park and what she was going to do for the day sighing into herself  dropping the notion of telling Takato on the surface and just made her way to the park to relax again. “Get my mind off things.” She grumbled, “Stupid goggle-head.” She muttered ending the only comment she could think of with a smile and a loud unruly grunt of obvious discontent. She saw her self beating on Takato in vision not in the even and it brightened her up a little till she came to the street that bordered the park asking her self one question with what her grandmother said to her, “Do I want to hit him or do I want him to do it to me?”…



Takato looked to his Digivice on his waste as he sat against the wall wondering if Rika would show it was close to one and he was sure his mother would want him to come back and help out around the shop, aside from waiting for Rika the stiffness in his arms and a few rub burns kept him from leaving but as he remembered how Rika looked at him it didn’t matter. He did what she told him to and it made her happy, causing pain didn’t seem like such a good way to do it. To Rika in some perverted way it was happiness. Takato sat against a tree trunk pulling rocks from the ground where he sat looking into the lake after he had made a pile of them he started throwing them into the lake out of boredom listening to them skip a crossed the path like the sound of Rika’s Digivice dancing on her hip while she walked and hearing the rock hit the water some how remedied him of when she spoke, not to him mind you but warmly like she did to Renamon.


“I whish she was that nice to Me.” he said as he threw a rock and watched it bounce to the water line stopped by a tennis shoe as the person in it cleared their throat. “Takato.” Rika said as she looked down to him seeing the burses and scrapes over him. He didn’t cringe away that time though which started to make it hard for her, she was used to being feared and he gazed at her, she heard what he said and wondered if he was talking about her. He looked up to her coming up her legs hovering over her crotch for a second then up her stomach to her chest also hovering then they meet eye, he smiled as he looked into her eyes, “Rika…” he said almost as if he was unconcerned with him. Rika sighed as she turned away looking down starting to blush again, “This is stupid.” She said while Takato threw another rock that skipped past her leg and went into the water while he gave a sigh, “What’s stupid?” he asked while he looked down her back while he saw her shirt shift and fall down her hip showing half of her ass in her tight jeans making him feel his pecker again rise and tent his pants, ‘no better time than now…’ he thought as he stuck his hand in his pants while Rika was turned but bad timing and all she caught him adjusting and they both giggled embarrassedly while Takato’s hard-on was no longer a secret. ‘At least he thinks I’m pretty enough.’ She thought shaking her head getting away from meeting him again to something else , anything else. “Takato,” she started again now trying not to make it sound like a greeting, “You dropped this.” She said as she pulled her hand from hr pocket showing him the baggy of money. “You keep it.” Takato replied while she blushed to him sitting calmly on the ground.


She looked to the side while she rubbed her arm, “Are you trying to buy me off?” she asked losing her straight tone for something with affection. Takato tried to act cool then and only smiled in return, “Maybe.” Making them both laugh a little, “I’m still going to kick your ass goggle-head…” Rika said as the laugh started to fade, “I think I’d like that.” Takato said making Rika see him slap her in her mind and smile with a shutter as she wanted it again. They both where afraid of what they wanted to say and Rika wasn’t about to openly tell someone she had the slightest amount of feelings so Takato tried, “Rika?” he said as he stood up on one of his sore spots, Rika didn’t look back still blushing but only smiled in response, “Do you…?” he said choking at the last second. “What?” Rika said turning around to see him standing there and they were dangerously close to one another, after the shock of it they both started to laugh and Rika put her head forward in so much trust onto Takato’s shoulder. He was surprised but not stunned as when she told him to slap her. “Nothing.” Takato smiled as he put his arms around her latching them together around her waste while they stood there with each other, “I love you” rika mouthed out not finding the voice to say it and Takato caught the last part of the silent pledge and smiled almost in tears knowing what the rest of the silent sentence was. “I love you Rika.” He said as she put her head into his neck and cuddled making a slight jump over come with the words, “Shut up goggle-head.” She smiled with a cracked voice trying not to cry as a tear left her eye, ‘I’m not alone…’ she though as she started to make little jumps in his arms while she tried not to cry.


Ten minuets went by while they held each other till Rika found the will to push away, not far but enough to see him smile. She pulled his goggles up his head to where he would usually have them on his forehead and giggled as he cringed when it crossed the burse on his face. “Maybe we should go somewhere else, Guilmon might find us here.” Rika nodded as she took him by the hand and guided him into the trees away from the lake to a open spot in the park like a small field or a man made clearing only about a hundred yards but there was no one there so they where alone. While they where there an hour past with them just looking out over the clearing as birds flew and sang, bugs chirped and made their own sounds while the two seemingly who where far apart sat against the same tree against each other head on shoulder and head on head. “I want to hear you say you love me Rika.” Takato said finally and Rika giggled, “Really? Since when did you start caring about me?” and Takato looked to her, “Since,” he paused, “I knew you.” he said knowing he felt for her since the day they meet. “Fine lover boy. I love you.” she said as she pulled away from his shoulder making him look into her eyes deeply making the subsided hard-on return.


She looked down to it as he tried to hide it and forced his hands away putting her own over it, “Let me.” she smiled putting her fingers to him running them up the flap that hid his zipper. She was feeling so ready seeing a rise in him, for what she wasn’t sure but was going to take it for what it was at the time. “Kiss me.” she said as she fell back onto his shoulder before he could stop her catching her by her chest feeling her developing tits in her shirt while her lips where poised for him and he couldn’t resist to do it not moving his hand away he kissed her till they needed air and not even that stopped them, Rika was breathing as hard as Takato was while they both started rubbing each other where their hands where till Rika couldn’t stand it, pulling away from him looking into his face, “Hit me.” she begged and Takato closed his eyes and took his other hand and slapped her again making her gasp and smile coming back into the kiss while Rika brought down Takato’s Zipper freeing some space as his pants separated to show his white under ware tightly holding him in place in his pants till she found the opening to bring his pecker out.


He gasped making his hand jump and hit her in the chin and she laughed at it while it hurt and was pleasurable at the same time. “RIKA??” he gasped as she took his dick in her hand and started to stroke it panting while she moved his hand below her shirt and up to her chest forcing him to hold her tit while he was stunned at the feeling her hand was making. “Come on goggle head let’s see what you got.” She laughed as he started to rub and toss the small mound around in his hand feeling a nipple start to harden. Paying more attention to it than the rest of her chest and put it between his fingers while her squeezed the soft breast till Rika stopped playing with his cock and pulled her shirt off showing him her set making him gasp. It was truly the first time he had seen a girl naked away from a computer screen. Aside from his personal unit hanging out he thought it would be the most embarrassing thing to do. She wasn’t showing him what plumbing she had yet but he was sure that was where she was heading. That was what was on her mind and she wanted it so bad then. She moaned as she looked at his dick and then brought her eyes back up to his, “Pinch them.” she said as she jutted her chest to him closing her eyes and putting her head back while he slowly brought both hands up to her nipples one wasn’t hard but that soon changed as he played with it for a moment getting it as hard as the other then holding them lightly in his fingers while she pleaded, “Do it please!” she gasped as he gave a tug and a squeeze making her gasp happily while she leaned back to make it more taunt, he smiled at her letting her fall backwards still with her nipples between his fingers and gave them a twist making her gasp for more, “Feels so good…” she giggled as she brought one arm up to his neck and the other to her pants and started to play with the button in a tease making him see it as if she was having trouble while he moved one hand away from he chest to help her “out.”


“Not yet goggle boy.” She laughed to him while he smiled onto her face bending down moving his hand to her crotch over her pants and put his hand between her legs while he gave a good squeeze to her nipple making her scream out in temporary pain that turned to pleasure, from that she had no argument from his push to her sex and let him leave his hand there as he felt his dick almost wag from how high she was getting from the attention. She didn’t leave him hanging though and skillfully flipped the button on his pants with a snap of her fingers while she pulled on his belt making him come closer to her and stick his dick almost straight out touching her thigh till she managed to get the belt to come from it’s hole so she could pull it off and let his pants fall away.


He didn’t pay any mind to it while he felt her tits up and massaged her crotch making her moan as she tugged at his waist trying to free him from his cloths while he was making her ready to free herself of hers. From what he could tell by how persistent she was with his belt he was almost there. She started to moved up and down from the ground with his stroke over her pussy and he could feel how warm it was down there almost to warm for a normal body and starting to get a little moist directly between her legs. He was trying to help her with his belt by giving her enough pull to just tug it off and when she found she had the clearance to do it she let go and used one finger to drag the buckle a crossed the rest of the belt making him pause.


“This is new…” Takato said as he sat down on his legs and looked between his arms to see her pull his belt off letting his pants loosely fall away making his white knickers show while his pants rested against his legs while Rika took him in her hand again and rolled him around till he gasped coming to the head of his dick with one finger putting her finger in the skin around it and circling it for a moment while he gasped again seeing he was almost ready for what ever was going to happen. “Don’t stop Takato.” She said as he saw he wasn’t doing anything but watching and gave her a good squeeze on the nipple and crotch till she screamed in pleasure fallowed by a squirm pushing his cock back in making him timidly laugh with her in what was left of what he was warring. It was defiantly new to him and past pictures he didn’t know what he was doing but it seemed to work for her so he kept it up while she pulled her hand from his drawers and pulled them down letting him flop out like a spring loaded bear trap onto her hand tucking his knickers under his balls while she moved her hand and fondled him taking the hand on his crotch into her pants below her panties to feel where all the moisture was coming from.


“You’re wet?” he said surprised, while she moaned from his fingers starting to push her lips apart and go over her young sex, “YES!” she shouted as she arched back ready for him to finger while he used her fluids to move in and out of her pussy making her moan on her arched back. She panted trying to breathe putting her arms out losing his balls in the process screaming out to a shrill gasp closed with a laugh coming back down to her pants while she gasped and un buttoned her pants and started to push them down while Takato tried to keep her entertained when her pants were down Takato put his hand straight up and down and ran his fingers over the lips of her pussy looking down her panties seeing the pink lips and gasping as he felt his cock get that much harder, “Oh my GOD!” he gasped as he watched his hand part her lips as if it was in some kind of movie. Pushing into her feeling the muscles of her hole squeeze his fingers as they slipped in making her moan, “First time?” Rika laughed as Takato stopped momentarily to look dazed and almost drugged at her and nod, “Me too…” she said as he started again making her slide her hands down her leg bunching up her panties till they rolled down her legs till she couldn’t move them any further.


“Stop.” She said and Takato did so without any argument as she stood up looking at him lovingly letting her panties and pants fall down to her ankles. “Strip.” She said simply as Takato stood up to it and almost in a blink of an eye as ass naked standing like some kind of super hero in proud posture while Rika laughed at him, “Forgot something.” She said as he looked up his bruised face to see the goggles holding back his hair, “Do I?” he said slouching down. She shook her head and said, “No, you wouldn’t be Goggle-head without them.” and he smiled as she kicked off her shoes and stepped out of her pants and waked over the foot to him pressing herself to him. He put his arms around her again feeling his dick rub up her stomach and didn’t know if she was going to let him or not, seemed that a hug would come after sex to him. “We are naked in the middle of a park.” Takato said realizing what they where doing not caring about it while Rika laughed into his chest, “So?” she said looking up to him while he half closed his eyes, “Guilmon is naked and it doesn’t seem to bother him.” Takato shuttered a little with the mental picture of his partner in his full natural, beauty? While Rika tapped his shoulder in a tease hitting a scrape she made tackling him to the ground earlier that day. “I do love you.” she said seeing that it really hurt while he laughed trying to hide it while she put her head against his chest. Looking at his nipples wondering if they were anything like hers sticking her tongue out and licked his chest making him gasp, “Woo.” He gasped as his hands fell away with the rest of his body to his butt where she leaned down, “Like that?” she asked leaning over letting what tits she did have hang. “Don’t know.” he said as he whipped the spit from himself wondering if that was pleasure or just creepy he was feeling as he obsessively whipped her saliva away.


She stepped up to him startling him again almost face to cooch till she sat down shot of the idea of giving her a taste like he had seen a few times. She pushed his dick down and sat on it while it pushed against her clit making her moan, “Spank me please,” she moaned as she pushed him down and he put a hand up looking at it in mid air while she slowly came down pushing his dick into her tight opening making him stop while she came down and then back up making him pant with her as she rode him slowly at first. “Spank me Takato.” She begged and before he could let hi hand drop and he put a powerful open handed swat a crossed her ass making her jump and yelp in pleasure. While she pumped him making him quiver and join in the movement, “Don’t stop.” She said as she bit her lip in a moan while he put a hand on her hip and used the other to smack her ass making her grunt and smile opening her eyes panting and moaning till she couldn’t hold it in. “TAKATO!!” she shouted as he swatted her again stopping against her ass feeling a hand mark raised off her ass rubbing over it while they moved in time both panting and moaning, “Should I even it out?” Takato asked sexually as he brought his hand he used to swat up her back and brought her chest to his head while she jumped on his cock, “YESS!! YESS!!” she shouted as she arched her back for him sticking her hard nipples in his face while he opened his mouth and put a tit to his mouth and lightly bit into it while she stopped bouncing on him to hold his head against her chest and lean he head back in a giggle as he raised his other hand to slap her ass making her jump and briefly scream and pant as two more swats fallowed making her fall onto his dick while he trusted into her feeling close to exploding.


Rika gasped without a voice to scream as he pushed into her arched back looking skyward while her chest was in his mouth and face and the sting a crossed her ass brought her to a high till she drew in a long breath and screamed out in orgasmic pleasure, “OH GOD!!!” falling onto Takato while he fell out and blew a load into the grass panting hard sweaty with his nut covered dick up the crack of her ass while she fell onto him.


Takato just held onto her while he fought off sleep feeling spent in every sense of the word as far as movement went and consciousness. Rika started to slide off of his front to his side and he rolled over so they could look at each other and smile, “That was intense.” Takato huffed heavily and Rika nodded, “Now let that be a lesson to ya.” She laughed as she brought her hand up to his face and ran her finger down his nose while he twisted into a confused look, “Huh?” and Rika laughed as she looked up to the sky, “I told you we’d finish it didn’t I?” and Takato started laughing with her coming to a relaxed happy tired state looking up with her seeing it was almost night. They both knew they needed to go home, but they didn’t want to move from each other; didn’t want it to end above that. “We should go home…” Rika said flatly as Takato looked to her in his arms, “Do we have to?” he asked as she giggled reaching up his face again pulling his goggles down his face over his eyes. “Yup.” She said happily.


A few minuets passed after that and the night fully settled over the park and Takato let go of Rika and the both looked over to their cloths and started putting them on Rika with out her panties and stood dressed and fairly aired out looking and twirled her pink knickers around her finger till Takato finished dressing himself. He looked at her standing poised to one side hand on hip and looking at him extremely out of normal appearance, smiling for one and two twirling panties around her finger. When he looked up she tossed them to her. “Aren’t you going to put them back on?” he asked as Rika started to walk away. “You keep um’.” she said as Takato looked at them strangely, “What do I need um’ fo…” he asked as she cut him off. “Remember this Goggle-boy because it might be the last time. Keep um to remember it by because I don’t think I can screw you and still look like top dog.” She said losing her comfortable stance to the hard emotionless pace she held every day he had known her, “Ok Breaker.” He teased as she walked away turning slightly to smile at him letting it disappear as she did into the sea of trees.



Takato was dazed after that to say the least and it took him a minuet to realize at his age he was no longer virgin boy he was youthful sex-god supreme, he nailed Rika Nonaka and didn’t even know he did it till after the fact. He was all a giddy on the way home as he held the panties by the sides seeing Rika in them with his hand between her legs and almost fainted seeing it again. “I’m the man.” He said once as he came a crossed Guilmon’s shed not hearing his partner or Calamon meant he was either asleep or he was out with Calamon doing god knows what. Above that he found himself picturing what Rika said about him and shuttered as he started walking home. With that image in mind he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face if he dropped in to say hi. Which was better for him because he was going to get punished for staying out so late.


Before that though he walked threw the park observing the lingerie Rika had given him with a big head giggling as he held it out like a report card with good grades chuckling at how manly he thought he was stopping as his mind came to a screeching halt against the fact that maybe just maybe Rika wouldn’t like her under ware paraded around so before he left the park smiling devilishly he folded the garment and put it in his pocket. He knew that Rika wouldn’t be so forgiving if he said a word about what happened. Takato might be a kid but he wasn’t stupid while he smiled down the streets he fought the urge to find someone he knew and scream out “I HAD SEX!!!!” so five other people he knew could hear. Sighing as he tried to compose himself felling sore from the initial encounter as well as the exercise into nudity and further developments. Takato came home to find the bakery closed and all the lights off in the store, he went around to find the back door locked as well sighing he knew he was in for a long talk with his parents so he decided to slide down the wall and think of something to tell them so it wouldn’t look so bad for him. Telling the truth in this case wasn’t a good thing, the whole “call her mother” thing you always see on TV kept him from a direct honorable trust to his parents. So what did he say? Well to sum the hour and a half down into a few brief lines…


Takato: mom I got my mugger arrested.

His Mother: That’s good but you where out way past curfew.

His Father: Really? That was dangerous but good job… your grounded.



Takato went up the fire escape they had set up in what they used as a living room upstairs to find his parents where watching the TV glancing at the clock which read a little after nine. After the abridged version of Takato’s punishment minus the lip he went to his room and fell flat on his face and all but passed out on contact. He still had his hand on Rika as far as he was concerned and he fell asleep after a few short minuets of lack of stamina and dreamed Rika till the next day…



Rika walked away from Takato feeling extremely pleased with what she had done and twice as relieved from it. She had touched her self before but nothing like that, nothing like sex, true sex. She knew she loved Takato but she wanted to stay the Digimon Queen. Relationships were cheep and as far as she was concerned from that moment on he was still garbage. That’s what she told her self so she didn’t go back but not what she felt, Takato was for her as she was for him and the visions of her beating the crap out of him reminded her of that day knowing she didn’t want to hurt him she wanted it for herself, but personal statues kept her away from him and she knew that someday she could never hide it. As she walked home she felt her jeans rub on her comfortably riding her crotch reminding her further of Takato as she paced home finding Renamon waiting on a building out side the park fallowing her from the roof tops and power lines till Rika found a quiet ally to duck off into to see Renamon waiting for her.


“Don’t start.” She said as Renamon took a whiff of the air around and started to laugh lightly, “You found your mate Rika.” She said while Rika scowled to her, “Mate? Come on it was Takato, he’s goggle-head for a reason.” She said as she crossed her arms making her shirt look that much more worn in for the day and the time she had it off. “Maybe it’s just a pet name?” Renamon snickered as she leaned against a wall pushing the tufts on her shoulder as she leaned, “Not like you Renamon.” Rika said as she waved a finger at her, “Is it?” Renamon grunted in a laugh taunting her while Rika returned the grunt without the laugh. “I’m going home Renamon.” Rika said as she turned from the ally and smiled without showing it to her. “Well you grandmother was wrong, she told me that she figured you wouldn’t take it that far.” Renamon said as Rika turned around to only hear Renamon laugh as she disappeared to the roves overhead in a streak of movement that Rika could barely see looking up in time to see her tail flip past the edge of the roof as she passed on into the nights horizon.


Rika put her hand to her head in a sighing yawn feeling tired after exerting herself and didn’t want to think about telling her grandmother about it, she was sure that unless she told Renamon not to she would and explaining that was going to be harder. Finding a moment past school and Digimon taming with the Devas and all mixed in with her mother she didn’t think she was going to have a free minuet for a side conversation of explaining herself. She didn’t care though, she wasn’t much to put off but for that she was going to do it as long as possible. She walked from the ally looking up from the corner of her eye to Renamon’s ears visible and perky above the line of the roves so she could catch Rika’s voice if she said anything and she did lowly and seriously yet almost mute to human ears like death rolling from her lips, “Not a word you hear…” and Renamon stepped over to the side to tease her more mouthing out, “No promises Rika.” making her storm home in a growling huff, while Renamon smiled at her success in pushing Rika’s buttons.


Rika made it home later than usual but her mother was to distracted to ever really care, she had no clue the life she lead and what kind of “friends” she had past Henry and Takato. She thought they were groups in a sense with how far she had come in the “silly little card game” she played and the championships she won. Being the mystery daughter and not the flaunting super model she wanted made her less concerned with how she spent her time. The only person besides Renamon to pay attention to her was her grandmother while she kicked off her shoes at the door coming into the main room seeing her mother having a glass of tea while she watched TV from the comfort of the pillow on the ground. Rika just walked threw the room and up the hall to hers while her grand mother fallowed. “Good night Rika.” Her mother called as Rika cringed at the sound of her voice fallowed by the sound of her grandmothers footsteps behind her making her stop a few feet short of her door, “So did it go well?” she asked as Rika walked to her door pulling the collar of her shirt down and clearing her throat, “You could say that.” She said offly as she walked into her room and turned on the light.


Rika expected her grandmother to fallow her in for details but passed on it for her privacy as she readied for bed putting her mat back down and unfolding the comforter and bringing out her pillow. She walked to her door and stuck her head out into the hall making sure no one was there seeing her grandmother standing at the corner that goes around from the hall from the main room and Rika smiled to let her know that it went “fine” and closed the panel door so she could tend to her nightly things. Stripping down to her nude self so she could put her PJ’s on then deciding against it crawling under her covered naked to look up at the ceiling like she always did calm yet excited at the one person who’s vision and pleasure danced threw her head while she went about pleasuring herself till she fell asleep.


Rika wondered if it was such a good idea to have put out to Takato, more afraid that he would spill it to someone but that was surface. She didn’t think she could keep herself from going back to him. That was the best four or five hours of her life and short of her self and Renamon she didn’t think they’re where to many people she could trust with knowledge of that let alone the act of it. One pair of panties she would never get back and she knew it but if Takato was never going to see another pair at least he had something to remember her by, she just hoped he wouldn’t tack it to his wall like all of his other achievements and that vision both made her smile and shutter at the same time. She was happy then though, defiantly not stresses as she was prior and that was one thing the tamers needed in part before the rest of their adventures would take place, Jeri was part of the equation now and since Takato had the two dead weights along relief of stress was a good thing, kept Rika from killing them.


Other than that it’s all there was to it. Who knew? Rika and Takato and item, secrets they don’t want you to know but as it’s said threw out time, shit happens. When two people find each other like that there is no real way to go between it when they both know it. If no one else does can you say no? People could go an eternity together and still seem to hate each other, but if you can keep a secret. Its all going to be a loving game until the game will end. Who’s to say how long those two hid their feelings, but what it comes down to is they both knew it and as they both are honorably meant.


A promise is a promise, and love is forever…


The Faces We Ware



Authors notes:

AH HA!!! Boredom strikes again! Guess what every one I had twelve hours free and about four of them went into writing this. I have no idea why I wrote it but it just needed to be said, writers block strikes again as this turns into a side story while I grind away at the stone on my writing hand for when I type up Fox Tails. On a happy note I’m giving you something to read while I try to think of finer plot crunches for the next few sagas but anyway I hope you enjoyed this hopefully I’ll either have more to read soon if not my main concentration of Fox Tails something hot and juice for your to perv at. Have fun!


Well as always send me a line if you like (or dislike hehe) at my email
