I don’t own digimon (even though I wish I did :p), blah blah blah, you know the drill.  This is not for kids, so you’re either old enough and like this stuff, or too young and lied about your age (don’t worry I won’t tell).  This is my very first time writing a lemon so bare with me.

In this world, the digidestined and their digimon live in the real world, all the bad guys are gone, but the portal linking the two worlds never closed. The digimon have been a little promiscuous with each other, but they sorta are some couples like Palmon and Gabumon, Biyomon and Agumon, and Patamon and Gatomon, but they still fool around with others cause sex to them is a big deal, so to speak, its fun. 




                                                The Rules are Set! Players ready?


            “Why are we here again?” questioned Agumon, scratching his head.

            “I told you to wait ‘til the others get here, then I can explain it to everyone,” grumbled a very annoyed Gatomon.  He had asked her that 5 times in the last 10 minutes. 


            Agumon, listen.  Just go with the flow.” said Gomamon lying on his back basking in the sun.  “If Gatomon says they’ll be here soon, then they’ll be here soon.”

            They were waiting near Primal Village for the other digidestined digimon to arrive.  Gatomon had called them together, hoping for a fun night out with old friends.... at least that’s what she told the guys.  Agumon and Gomamon were the first to arrive, even though they were a little early, they had been waiting there for 10 minutes. Fortunately, Gomamon brought a little something just in case the others were late.  

            “Here.” Gomamon said as he reached into a small bag, and tossed an apple to Agumon. “Just eat that, and relax for a bit.”

            Mphff-phfooAgumon mumbled, munching on the apple.

            “Finally...” sighed a frustrated Gatomon. They’re late she thought and I told them to be here at SHARP!!

            “Hey! Sorry I’m late!” Biyomon said as she flew in from above. “You wouldn’t believe how long it took me to get Sora to let me go.”

            “Forget about it,” said Gatomon, feeling a little better that someone else arrived, “have you heard from Palmon yet?”

            “Yeah! She said she was going to be a little late, and to go on without her she meet us at the place, and that she’s bringing a friend.”

            “What? Who?” both Agumon and Gomamon responded. Biyomon put her wings to her mouth, realizing she said that a little too loud.  Gatomon raced over to Biyomon and shut her beak with her paw, but it was too late, the guys already heard it.

            “She meant to say ‘baking a cake’” Gatomon said, making it up off the top of her head.  She felt a little stupid for not coming up with something better.

            “Oh” Gomamon said laying back down.

            “That’s nice.” Agumon remarked.  The girls sighed. Phew...they bought it thought Gatomon.

            “Wait a minute....” Gomamon interjected, getting back up and glared at the two. The girls started sweating a little thinking that Gomamon just might have suspected something.

            “Y-y-yes?” Biyomon asked.

            “What kind? Chocolate?” Gomamon asked, perking up.           

            Gatomon sighed and turned to Biyomon giving her the that-was-too-close look. “Yes, chocolate.” Biyomon squeaked.

            “Oh, ok.” Gomamon said lying back down. “Wait a minute...” he said as he rose again glaring at the two again.  Gatomon and Biyomon froze.

            “Will there be enough for everyone?” he said, sounding less suspicious.

            Gatomon sighed again, and said, “Of course.”

            “Excellent,” Gomamon said lying back down.....again.  “Wait a minute....”

            Biyomon was sweating bullets.

            “You guys are acting awfully suspicious...” Gomamon pointed out.

            “Yeah!” Agumon added.

            Gatomon then popped in with an idea. “Oh, we’re just excited about this get-together, that’s all. It’s going to be full of fun.”

            “Oh, ok” said Gomamon

            “Great! Grand! Wonderful! Terrific!!” Agumon said, bouncing up and down. Biyomon chuckled to herself.

            “Hey, guys!! We’re here” shouted a voice off some distance. Gatomon turned around to see Gabumon and Patamon walking towards the bunch.

            “Great! Everyone’s almost here,” shrieked an excited Gatomon. 

            “One itty-bitty-teensy-weensy problem.” interrupted Patamon. 

            “What?” the bunch responded.

            Tentomon said he couldn’t make it.”

            Gatomon and Biyomon exchanged glances. “Oh, that sucks, but at least it will be even.” squawked Biyomon, Gatomon turned and dashed for her again covering her beak. The guys all had puzzled looks on their faces. “Maybe I’ll just keep quiet for a while.” said Biyomon

            “Good idea.” said Gatomon, a little frustrated with Biyomon’s big mouth....errr beak. “Anyways, the gang’s all here, except for Palmon, but she knows where we’re going, so let be off!” Gatomon pronounced, and they headed down a path with Gatomon in the lead.

            After about 15 minutes of walking they arrived at their destination. Gatomon opened the door to the small house and proceeded in.  When everyone was inside she shut and locked the door behind them. 

            Uh..Gatomon? You sure we’re at the right place?” Agumon asked.

            “Yeah I can’t see a thing!” shouted Patamon

            “Maybe that’s because you’re blindfolded like the rest of us” Gabumon said

            “Oh yeah”

            Gatomon had asked them to wear blindfolds, with the exception of Biyomon before coming into view of the house.

            “Ok, you can take them off now.” Gatomon commanded. When the guys removed their blindfolds, they were surprised to see that the place they were in was setup much like the Kamiya residence with the kitchen and the living room, and bathroom, but that was about it.

            “What’s going on?” they all asked at once.

            “Ok, I sorta tricked you guys, but here’s the deal: As soon as Palmon gets her we’re going to have a little fun. Guys vs. Girls . In a battle of the “sexes.”  Each team picks a name from this hat,” she said holding up a black hat, “the name one of you guys chooses is the girl you do, and vice versa for us girls.  Basically whoever comes first loses, last team standing wins.”

            Y’know, you didn’t have to trick us into doing this,” Gomamon said with a big grin on his face.  “Yeah!” said the other guys.

            “I know, but its more fun this way!” Biyomon retorted , giggling like crazy.

            “Hello?!” came from a voice outside.

            “Come in, the door’s open” Gatomon called

            “Hi everyone!!” Palmon said, as she poked her head through the door. “Hi!!” Gabumon said back. I brought a friend who said she just had to see one of you guys again” All the guys again had puzzled looks on they faces.  As Palmon walked through the door with her guest Gabumon’s eyes bugged out. “No way!” he shouted.  Holding Palmon’s hand(is that right?) Was a Floramon. “Hi, Gabu, long time no see.” she giggled.  “Oh my digigods, what are you doing here?” Gabumon asked.

            “Well, I’m an old friend of Palmon, and when she said that she was getting together with some of her friends for a little fun, I just couldn’t pass up the chance of seeing you again.” she giggled.

            “Again? Gabu, when was this?” Gomamon asked

            “Oh, yeah, you guys weren’t there. Hehe. Well I met Floramon back when me and Matt took off from the rest of the group after that scuffle with Tai, remember?” Gabumon explained.

            “Oh, yeah...” Agumon said as he recalled that day.

            “Anyways, I just had to see you again and enjoy ourselves like before, remember that Gabu?” He couldn’t help but blush like crazy. “You are wild.”she added sending him a wink.

            “Ok let’s get started. Guys you can chose who goes first.”  The guys formed a huddle and quietly whispered, when they broke up they sat down, all save Patamon as he walked forth and said “I’m up first.”

            “Ok you guys have to draw from this hat, if you beat one of us, we’re eliminated and our name is removed from the pile. Ok, Patamon, draw!”


Who will Patamon pick:

a. Gatomon

b. Biyomon

c. Palmon

d. Floramon   


Cast in your votes at uulaw124@yahoo.com by Thursday April 4, 2002. Who u chose will determine who will win.

and remember:My first lemon, don’t hurt me, comments/ constructive criticism email me at also uulaw124@yahoo.com