This lemon by Red Rover contains adult concepts from the television show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under eighteen or the material is illegal in you jurisdiction.

Another idea that's been kicking around for who knows how long. This is the second time I've had to write it, because something happened to the disk that I was storing some of my lemons on! This lemon takes placed during season 1, when Gatomon rescues Wizardmon and they meet for the first time.



Wizardmon couldn't remember much of what happened in the last hour. He remembered flying, and there was a sandstorm of some sort. He fell, and remembered landing in some town, filled with viral digimon. He called for help, but no one heeded his cries. Just before he passed out from dehydration, someone gave him water, saving his life.
Wizardmon woke up next to a roaring campfire. He blinked twice, washing the spots away from his eyes. There was another smallish figure next to the fire. A cat-like creature with purple ears and a long tail with a gold ring on it. "I see you're awake." The cat remarked.
"Thank you…" Wizardmon replied as he sat up. "I'm Wizardmon, who are you?"
"I'm Gatomon." Gatomon's tail twitched in the firelight.
"Why did you save me?" Wizardmon asked. No one else in the town would even look at him.
"I saw no reason to let you die." Gatomon answered. That was not entirely true. She had been so lonely over these years. Serving Myotismon gave her some sense of purpose, but it wasn't enough. She knew there was more, something else, or more accurately someone else. She was supposed to meet someone, but the memory was becoming dimmer over time. Gatomon couldn't remember whom she was supposed to find, or much else for that matter since Myotismon found her as Salomon. She guessed that one day she would forget it.
Wizardmon stood up, rather weakly. "Thanks for your help." He stumbled again.
"You should rest a bit. You were almost were deleted." Gatomon replied.
"I guess your right." The wind picked up around him, and Wizardmon grabbed his hat. The sandstorm that struck him down before had caught up with him, seemingly intent of finishing the job it started. The fire burned bright red from the excess oxygen, until the blowing sand snuffed it out. Wizardmon grabbed his wand and pointed into a sand dune. "Magical Gi!" Wizardmon's staff glowed with blue lightning, which streaked towards the sand. The sand melted and disintegrated as the wind blew with even more force, sticking the pair's eyes. The wind cooled down the melting sand, turning the cave walls into solid glass. "Inside, quick!"
Gatomon followed Wizardmon inside the cavern as the entrance was filled with sand. Wizardmon chanted a quick incantation, and the sun on his staff glowed, lighting up the tiny cavern. The cavern was very hot from Wizardmon's attack. Wizardmon removed his hat and cape and placed them in a pile. Gatomon, not having any clothes, simply sweated profusely sweated profusely. She was feeling very tired. "We better go to sleep. That storm looks like its going to last for a while." Wizardmon nodded, and lay down on his back on the smooth floor. Using his cape as a sort of pillow, he placed his head down. Tired from the whole day, he went to sleep almost instantly.
Gatomon on the other tried to make herself comfortable, however, the floor was unbelievably hard. For ten minutes she tried to get comfortable, but it was impossible, especially in the cramped confines. She stood up in the dimly lit refuge, and looked over at Wizardmon's sleeping form. He was in a dead slumber, and probably wouldn't notice. She climbed up gently on his stomach, and curled in a little ball. Resting on his chest proved to be quite relaxing as he breathed in and out. She quickly fell asleep now.
"You will obey me…" Gatomon was dreaming now. She hid cowering in this corner as Myotismon lorded over her. "I will purge every trace of disobedience from those eyes." A flash of crimson lightning caught her under the chin. Gatomon growled and whimpered at the same time. In the real world, she began twisting in her sleep. n her dream though, she leapt forward, enraged, and slashing. Her claws moved in the real world, and cut a hole in Wizardmon's lower suit. If she had slashed a little deeper, she would have cut his dick off. Her tail dropped between his legs, slowly brushing up against his crotch, stimulating Wizardmon in his sleep.
Gatomon was back in the corner now, crying. Myotismon walked over to her. "You will learn your place. You have nothing. You are nothing. You will always be nothing." Myotismon laughed, when another figure appeared in her dream. She, (Gatomon could tell it was a she even though she couldn't see much else), walked between Myotismon and Gatomon. Myotismon laughed. "You don't exist. You will not save her. She is mine!"
The figure, which wasn't a digimon, but something else, started to turn white with energy. "No, she isn't." A flash of light burst from her body. Myotismon screamed, and disappeared. The girl turned around and bent down to Gatomon's frightened form. "Don't be afraid. I am your friend and your destiny." The girl picked Gatomon up, rubbing a hand over her tear stained eyes. "I am sorry I couldn't be there for you. But remember you do have friends, and don't forget who you are."
This girl began floating backwards. Gatomon ran forward crying. "Wait, don't go! Come back!"
Wizardmon woke up to gentle sobbing. He saw Gatomon resting on his stomach. She was still asleep, but tears were streaming down her face. Wizardmon wasn't sure what to do as Gatomon's warm furry body rested on him. He decided that he better wake her. "Gatomon wake up." He called gently. Gatomon woke up, the tears still clinging to the fur under her eyes. She tried to wipe them away quickly and regain her composure, but couldn't. "What's wrong Gatomon?"
"I don't know." Gatomon stuttered. "I had a dream, I met somebody, I had a friend…" Gatomon tried to recall more, but the dream faded quickly.
Wizardmon felt sorry for Gatomon. He placed a hand on her head. "Don't be sad. I'll be your friend. I'll be there for you, just like you were there for me."
Gatomon smiled, which was something she had been doing less and less over the years. "Thank you. No one's ever been kind to me before." Gatomon smiled as she twitched her tail left and right. Wizardmon felt a funny feeling coming over him, but he wasn't quite sure what it was. Gatomon blushed, "Sorry for waking you." She turned her head, noticing the cut she placed in Gatomon's suit. "Oh Wizardmon, I cut you in my sleep!"
"It's ok, you didn't hurt me." Wizardmon replied.
"Let me check, I am so sorry." Gatomon jumped off Wizardmon's stomach, and placed her hand on the cut. Wizardmon's dick, which was already quite hard from Gatomon's tail, sprung out when she move the fabric slightly. Gatomon's eyes grew wide as Wizardmon's dick stood out in front of her. It was a grayish colour, the same colour as the rest of his skin. Wizardmon blushed embarrassingly as the head of his dick pointed at Gatomon's mouth. Wizardmon was about to say something when Gatomon opened her mouth and stuck out her rough tongue. She slowly dragged her tongue up from the base of his shaft. Wizardmon gasped in surprise at first, but started to moan in pleasure as the feline's tongue continued its path. It took almost a full minute before Gatomon reached the head of his dick. When she finally reached the head, she opened her mouth, and began taking Wizardmon's cock inside. Wizardmon groaned with the unexpected pleasure.
Gatomon swirled the cock inside her mouth. This wasn't the first time she did something like this. She chuckled lightly to herself as she ran her tongue over Wizardmon's prick head. It was hard to believe that that imp Demidevimon was her first. (See my lemon Working Acquaintances. Note- I know I wrote lemons about her before this, but from a chronological standpoint, Demidevimon was her first.) Wizardmon thrust his hips forward once, and came inside Gatomon's mouth. Unlike the time with Demidevimon, Gatomon swallowed Wizardmon's cum, enjoying the salty taste in her mouth.
After swallowing the last bit of cum, Gatomon crawled up on to Wizardmon's belly. She smiled at him as she ran her tail over his still hard cock. Wizardmon placed a gloved hand on Gatomon's furry butt, and another on his dick. He guided her to his member, and slowly began entering her. He didn't want to go to fast, since he didn't know how big she was or how much she could handle. He began entering her slowly, enjoying the sensation of having her tight feline cunt hug his dick. Gatomon purred as she felt her cunt fill. Demidevimon wasn't nearly this big. Finally, Wizardmon got his dick completely inside her pussy. He was quite amazed how easily she took it in. He even had to ask. "Does it hurt?"
"Only if you don't start…" Gatomon purred as she began moving up and down on the shaft. Wizardmon groaned in delight, and began helping Gatomon with her movements. He had both of his hands on her furry ass, and was pumping her up and down. The small glass lined cave echoed every sound of lovemaking. It sounded like there was a dozen couples having sex. Gatomon humped harder, having her first orgasm. She let a meow that echoed three times before it began to die in the confined quarters. Wizardmon felt her cunt get wet, and he began humping harder, bucking his hips. His dick slid in and out almost effortlessly. Gatomon began squeezing her hips again, hugging his dick. They frantically slammed themselves together, climaxing at the same time. Gatomon felt his warm cum shoot up inside her before dripping out the sides as it mixed with her own cum. The two continued to slow hump one another, not wanting the experience to end. Finally the two stopped, him on the floor, and Gatomon lying on his stomach purring contently.
"Gatomon?" Wizardmon asked quietly.
"Yes?" Gatomon replied softly.
"Are you ok?" Wizardmon questioned.
Gatomon thought to herself briefly. She crawled up to his chest, and kissed Wizardmon once on his sewn shut lips. "For the first time in my life, yes." She had a friend now, and she also new somewhere out there, there was some else. Someone she would meet someday, she was sure of it.

The end of a requested lemon, and a lemon idea that's been kicking around for who knows how long. It was about time someone did this lemon. Any comments, requests, writing tips, pictures you want lemons off, etc, post them or send me an e-mail of