This lemon by Red Rover contains adult concepts from the television show Digimon.  Do not proceed if you are under eighteen or the material is illegal in you jurisdiction.


A comedy spin-off inspired by Digistar DBZ.  Thanks to SonimodB, Christine, Togashi, Metal Mikemon, Tank Cop, Hellravenmon, and Boss Reo for letting me write it.   This one takes places after we all watch Dark Jester's 'Sora's Return';


The Critics Series #10


Polaris' Dream Confusion



NARRATOR-  We now return to the Mysterious Man's Lair, where he and the lemon writers Sonimodb, Boss Reo, Togashi, Christine, Hellravenmon, Dark Jester and Metal Mikemon held hostage. And cue the Mysterious Man.....

MYSTERIOUS MAN- At last, Red Rover is alone. Now nothing can stop me!

RED ROVER-  Ahem. (Red Rover is standing in the doorway.) One of the lessons about being an evil overlord. (Walks across room.) Saying that is just an excuse to get your ass kicked.

MYSTERIOUS MAN-  Ah, the infamous Red Rover! I have longed to destroy you. And it is your ass, not mine, that is going to get a thrashing.

RED ROVER- Charmed, I am sure.

MYSTERIOUS MAN-  Come on now. (Holds his hands wide.) Take your best shot.

RED ROVER- (Points his finger at Mysterious Man) Evil Overlord lesson number two. Never say that! (A burst of lightning shoots from his index finger. Mysterious Man is blown away, through the wall.)

HELLRAVENMON- Nicely done.

RED ROVER- Thanks. (Walks to cage.) I mean, I am the author of this lemon. It's not like he had a chance. Now let's get you out of this cage. Shall I do the flash explosion type deal?

SONIMODB-  You could simply unlock it.

RED ROVER- Yeah, but that's boring.

TANK COP-  So who's the posse?

RED ROVER-  Oh, well you guys kept disappearing on me, so I brought back some more authors.  Meet Polaris.


RED ROVER- Gabumatic.


RED ROVER-  Jaguar Janks, or Darkmon, or what ever he is calling himself these days.

DARKMON- Darkmon will work.

RED ROVER- That is Canius.

CANIUS- Nice to meet you all.

RED ROVER- Lord Archive.

LORD ARCHIVE- Greetings fellow lemon writers.

RED ROVER- And that guy next to him is the Mysterious Man, who I just killed. (Pause) Wait a sec....

MYSTERIOUS MAN-  A lesson for heroes.  (Pulls back fist.) Don't assume your enemy is dead till you see a corpse. THWACK!!! (Red Rover goes flying up into the ceiling.)

BOSS REO- Ah, crap.

SONIMODB- My sentiments exactly. (Watches Mysterious Man fly through hole.)

CANIUS- Hey, dont worry. (Runs up to cage.) We're still here.

GABUMATIC- Yeah, we like Red Rover's lemons.

TOGASHI- Hey, some nut kept kidnapping us. (Ceiling comes crashing down, Mysterious Man goes flying through the floor.)

METAL MIKEMON- And there he goes.

RED ROVER-  Hey I am not done with you yet! Bring it on (Flies out from ceiling, and gets nailed from a blast from the floor.)

MYSTERIOUS MAN- Happy to oblige. (Shoots bolts of ebergy from his eyes.)

POLARIS-  Looks like they may be a bit. (Grabs remote.)

DARK JESTER-  Great, let us out!

POLARIS-  Actually, (Aims remote to television), I thought we'd watch one of my lemons while we wait for Red there.

METAL MIKEMON- There a huge battle going on over there!

RED ROVER- I Am here to kick ass, and chew bubble gum! (Walks from rubble.) And I am all out of bubble gum. (Flies at Mysterious Man again.)

METAL MIKEMON- On second thought let's see the lemon. If that is the witty banter, let's watch a lemon instead.

DARKMON-  Where'd that big screen TV come from?

TANK COP-  Plot device, I imagine.

CHRISTINE- So what's playing?

LORD ARCHIVE- (Sits down in chair outside of cell, reading the screen.) Polaris' Dream Confusion. Another writer specializing in intense love scenes.

POLARIS- A,h good let's watch this classic of mine.



WARNING: This story/lemon based on the animated show Digimon Digital Monsters, should not be viewed by youngsters or anyone under the age of 18 , blah .... blah.... blah.....yhada ....yhada...yhada. But then again I think the only ones interested on reading this would be those who watch the show, in other words......... children! (I don't mind)


SONIMODB- Well, a lot of us are teenagers. I still was under age when I wrote my own lemons.

CHRISTINE- Same here. Too young to read my own writings.

This series contains sex between human/human, human/digimon and digimon/digimon, please continue.

HELLRAVENMON-  All right, all three of the basics.

Well, enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DARKMON- Long enough pause.


DARK JESTER- Whoa, not much for humbleness?

Dream Confusion

METAL MIKEMON- Another classic dream sequence?

POLARIS- You'll see.

After defeating the digimon emperor, the smell of peace was once again on the green fields of the digital world.


TOGASHI- How do you smell peace?

Regardless of any responsibilities they had on the real world, the young and old digidestined decided to take a short vacation at the many relaxing getaways on the digiworld with the purpose of getting to "know each other better".....


LORD ARCHIVE-  That phrase takes on a whole new meaning in a lemon.

"This is so cool, everybody is here!" Sweet Kari said in an enthusiastic voice. "I'm so happy our parents didn't have any trouble with us going on this trip alone." Commented Yolei.


CANIUS-  I thought their parents didn't know about the Digital World yet?

POLARIS- No pointing out plot holes.


"Don't worry, you girls are with me, ha ha aha!" Said Davis. "Exactly my point." Said Yolei. "I guess they let us come because they know Matt, Tai, Joe and Izzy were coming. Said Cody.


SONIMODB- Not letting us in on the couple just yet are you?

"Hey Tai, where are we gonna camp?" Asked Kari. "Well, I thought of a perfect spot, the same spot that we slept our first night on the digital world and the same spot we left through the eclipse.
Said Tai. "Nice thinking Tai." Said Matt.


DARK JESTER-  Yeah great idea. Camp where we were nearly eaten by Seadramon.


"Actually, it was my idea Matt." Izzy acknowledged. "I should of known." Said Joe.


DARKMON- Always needs to take credit.


"Well, I helped! Exclaimed Tai. "You were dozing off while I was talking!" Said Izzy. "Does it really matter?" Asked T.K. "Now let's set up camp."
"I think we brought everything necessary for a month." Joe said.


TOGASHI-  Whoa, month long orgy.

GABUMATIC-  Joe must have a lot of condoms in those bags.

"Everybody is carrying at least four big bags except Mimi."

"Hey, I got my hands busy with this bag of salty nuts! Mmmmm..." Bragged Mimi.


LORD ARCHIVE- Oh she would have to know what she was saying before she said that!


Matt said, "If you want salty nuts I'm getting kinda sweaty and...."


(Miscellaneous explosions, the sound of falling debris, pummeling, destruction, etc, etc, etc, in background)

CHRISTINE-  Why do guys always say things like that?

METAL MIKEMON- Well there are many theories on male chromosomes, genetics, behavioral instincts, but it comes down to one fact.


BOSS REO- Men are pigs.


 "Shut up Matt or I'm gonna look for the nut cracker!" Interrupted Sora, she reached out and lightly but firmly squeezes Matt between his legs.


HELLRAVENMON- Whoa, little voyeurism there.


"Ow!" Matt yelled trying not to be loud.


DARKMON- Now move it around a little.


"We're here!" Yelled Tai.
The view was almost the same as the first time the old digidestined met this place, a beautiful lake filled with pure transparent water and a dock that lead to a small island in the middle of the lake, in the island on the middle of the lake there was the same kart that the digidestined left through the eclipse. "Well, I see Gennai got to replace that kart, good for us, bad for San Francisco."


BOSS REO- Now if this was San Francisco, this would be a yaoi lemon.

"Who's up for a splash?!" Said Gomamon. "Me me me me!.." Palmon, Tentomon, Biyomon, Veemon, Hawkmon and Agumon agreed.


GABUMATIC- Palmon, Tentomon, Biyomon, Veemon, Hawkmon and Agumon. Whoa, try saying that five times fast.

"Aaaa... no thanks, I don't want to get my fur wet." Gabumon said.
"I'm a cat, I don't like baths that involve water, I'll just lick myself later." Gatomon said.


BOSS REO- One of those classic think before you say.

HELLRAVENMON- Gatomon solo?

TANK COP- Why would she ever need to go solo?


"You go you dirty girl you!" Exclaimed Tentomon.


LORD ARCHIVE- Surprised he was the first one to catch that.


"I don't mean it that way Tentomon!" Said Gatomon.


TOGASHI-  Sure she did.


"You're still a dirty ghetto-ass cat." Said Tentomon.


METAL MIKEMON-  Tentomon learned a few new phrases.

CHRISTINE- Bad thing to say to a powerful female.


"I'll take that as a complement." Said Gatomon.


BOSS REO- Whoa, Gatomon reveals her slutness.

DARK JESTER-  Gatomon and Tentomon lemon all right.

"Are you going in Armadillomon?" Asked Cody. "Uh, I just don't like water."


SONIMODB-  One of his champion forms is a submarine!

POLARIS-  Repeat, no pointing out plot holes.


"That's alright, you can help us set up camp." Said Izzy. "I'm just gonna take a nap over by that tree, you are welcome to join me T.K." Patamon said.


RED ROVER- (Kicks Mysterious man across room.) Ah, not a yaoi lemon. I prefer straight and Yuri myself.

POLARIS- Don't worry, it's not.

RED ROVER- Ah, good.

MYSTERIOUS MAN-  Excuse me? I'm trying to annihilate you! SLAM!! (Throws Red Rover into some machinery) Traditional boss fight going on here, I'd suggest you pay attention, or you'll end up paying with your...

RED ROVER- (Gives Mysterious Man a boot to the head). Oh, do pay attention.


"I'm gonna help with camp first Patamon." T.K said. "Okay but I'll be waiting." Patamon said with a seductive voice wiggling her ass as she walked into the forest at the side of the lake.


DARK JESTER- I swear I heard 'her' ass....


"Ok, lets set up camp!" said Tai. Everybody started to set up tents and unpack all sorts of junk. After a while, everybody was exhausted and wanted to relax with their friends. "I'm gonna go look for Patamon." Said T.K.


DARKMON-  I thought this wasn't a yaoi lemon?


He walked over into the woods at the side of the lake to look for Patamon, as he was looking he found her sleeping against a tree. T.K was lying down next to her when Patamon moaned and opened one of her eyes.



POLARIS-  Told you, no yaoi. Just a little gender confusion.

CANIUS- Gender confusion, that be a good name for a lemon.


"It's okay Patamon, I just gonna rest here for a while." Said T.K. "T.K, I'm cold." Said Patamon. T.K lied next to Patamon and hugged her close so she can feel the warm feeling of T.K's body.


RED ROVER- (While holding Mysterious Man's hands in a mercy type fight.) Oh no, not another one!  (Throws Mysterious Man away, and holds out his hands, covering the Mysterious Man with fire.) BOY! Patamon is a boy!

TOGASHI- (Watches as  Mysterious Man comes flying out of the flames, ramming feet first into Red Rover.) Girl!

SONIMODB- I say boy.

BOSS REO- I had her as a girl.

GABUMATIC-  Yeah, but you had her as a boy originally.

MYSTERIOUS MAN-  Will you please shut the fuck up and battle, you clown!

As they fell asleep T.K was dreaming about Kari and why he hasn't said anything about how he felt about her. He pictured Kari in his dream and her cute face in a seductive pose and started to think sexually about her.


HELLRAVENMON- Of course, any dream a guy has about a girl is always sexually.

CHRISTINE- Do guys always think about sex?

SONIMODB- Not always. Sometimes we're having it.


Out of the dream, T.K was starting to get sentimental and with the feeling of Patamon's warm body in his thorax and arms, he started to bring her down between his legs slowly, pushing her against his personal area.


TOGASHI- Personal Area. That's a new one.Very G-rated


Patamon was moaning to this action because she liked the warm feeling of T.K's manhood getting bigger every moment.


METAL MIKEMON- Wonder what she is dreaming about?

RED ROVER- (In a headlock under Mysterious Man's arm.) The way you guys interpret gender, soon tehy'll be having sex with a male version of Mimi. (Throws Mysterious Man off, and through the floor.)

SONIMODB- Oh, nasty image!

With this feeling, Patamon woke up and realized what was happening, she was surprised and happy because she wanted this opportunity a long time ago since she hadn't gotten busy for a long time. She slowly turned around and started to unzip T.K's shorts.


DARKMON- Patamon obviously doesn't think much about taking advantage of her digidestined.

POLARIS- You can't be taken advantage of if you want it.

SONIMODB- She gets to the point rather quick.


Then she pulled his underwear down a little bit revealing the head of T.K's penis already wet with his semen.


BOSS REO-  Doesn't take him long at all.


Patamon smiled before what she was looking at and wasting no time she started to lick the semen from the head of T.K's penis.



LORD ARCHIVE-  Boy, are you going to get a surprise when you wake up.


T.K did a pleasure face at this; while still asleep and still dreaming about Kari.


TANK COP-  I don't Patamon looks much like Kari, do you guys?

T.K was having the dream of his life dreaming that was Kari the one licking his head. This was too much pleasure for him, he opened his eyes to see his beloved life companion licking his dick, Patamon didn't realize that T.K was looking at her doing this.


METAL MIKEMON- You have to expect him to wake up sometimes. No guy can sleep through that.


But when Patamon did a rough lick on him T.K moaned a little too loud and Patamon looked up to see T.K staring at her, with no words to say.


BOSS REO-  Hard to talk with a dick in your mouth, anyway.


Patamon looked for an excuse to tell T.K but nothing came to her head. "It's okay Patamon, you don't have to say anything" T.K reassured.


SONIMODB- You'd think he'd want an explanation to why his partner is sucking his dick?

BOSS REO-  If  you woke up and had a girl sucking you, would you care?

SONIMODB- Well, I'd hope she'd at elast be from the same dimension!


 With these words Patamon didn't know if to continue or leave but T.K lied flat on his back and put both his hands on Patamons body, Patamon got the point and started to deep throat T.K. This wasn't hard for her cause she could do some big dicks.


SONIMODB- She could do big dicks?

HELLRAVENMON- Who would that be?

POLARIS- Maybe Greymon?

DARKMON-  A female Patamon and Greymon? That would get the prize for the weirdest lemon.

After a couple of minutes of this T.K was having a real good time a feeling that he had felt before but the warm feeling of Patamon's mouth and squishy saliva made it more intense, he came all over Patamon's mouth.


METAL MIKEMON- Wouldn't inside her mouth be appropriate?

POLARIS-  Boy has a big load.


This took her by surprise and she had to swallow, T.K picked up Patamon and brought her to his face. T.K turned her around and started to touch her lips, this made Patamon horny and juices stated to flow form her pussy.


TOGASHI-  Doesn't take her much to get going.

RED ROVER- (Shooting eye beams at Mysterious Man.) Boy! Boy! Boy! 

MYSTERIOUS MAN- (Dodging the beams with relative ease) Fine, it's a boy. Now, can we get back to the part where I was- oh, what's the word...oh, yeah...Royally KICKING YOUR ASS!!! (Flys through Red's balsts, fires an immense amount of energy from his hand, decimating the surrounding area, and sending Red Rover hurtling backwards into a solid steel beam).

EVERYONE- Ooohhh, that's gonna leave a mark.

T.K, after fingering Patamon a few times started to lick her, Patamon's reaction to this is unexplainable. 


CANIUS- She is experienced with dicks, yet she never had an orgasm.

GABUMATIC- Hey, some women you have to work a little harder.

TANK COP- They've only been at it for two minutes!


She was in a place that she never had been before, with her climax approaching she moaned all the way, "T.K, I love you!."


SONIMODB- Did you say she had several big cocks before?

METAL MIKEMON- Yeah, she obviously must not be a virgin.

POLARIS- Are you going to nit pick every plot hole.

SONIMODB- Oh yeah, that's the fun of these series.


Patamon screamed, a few seconds away before she came and felt asleep on T.K's chest. They both slept for a while and then headed back to camp to eat and have some more fun.

LORD ARCHIVE- Whoa, 02 orgy coming up.

He he he, like that? I do, so send me any requests or comments to me by e-mail to


DARK JESTER- How about why you suddenly cut it so short? Left us hanging.

BOSS REO- Not to mention leaving TK hanging.

CANIUS- Bad pun.

TOGASHI- Well, every critic lemon needs one bad pun.

There will be more.


DARKMON- I hope so, you cut it short at the end.

TOGASHI- At least he wrote Patamon like a girl, as she should be.

RED ROVER- (Blasts Mysterious Man with a pulse of energy from his palms, disintegrating him.) GIRL! (Walks over to cage.) Man, all you guys still don't know the difference between guys and girls.

DARK JESTER- Fight later.You can get us out now.

RED ROVER- No problem. I am the author. I will just stop writing about that Mysterious Man. I was just having fun.

MYSTERIOUS MAN- It is not that easy fool. (Walks up from behind Red Rover.)

RED ROVER- Ah, man! (Turns around, into a punch with enough percussive power that it could level a city).

METAL MIKEMON- Like a New York Cockroach.

RED ROVER-  Enough games!  (Red Rovers eyes turn blue.)  I am the author! (His muscles expand.)  I have supreme power! (His hair bursts into gold.) We finish it NOW!



3 seconds, later.....


HELLRAVENMON- (Looks at Red Rover strapped to a James Bond type table.) Oh, this is bad.

POLARIS- (From behind bars with all the lemon writers.) Tell me about it.

GABUMATIC- We are in one lemon, and we are captured.

LORD ARCHIVE- Is it too late to change sides?

CHRISTINE-  Hey, Mysterious Man, Sure you dont have room on your team for a beautiful blonde?

METAL MIKEMON- Youre sucking up to him? (Looks at Mysterious Man, cackling with power.)  Sounds good to me.

RED ROVER- K, this is new. (Looks at his bonds.) But I will merely write myself out of this. One, two, three....

MYSTERIOUS MAN-  Ah, you can count to three. Impressive.

CANIUS- Shouldn't he be gone now?

DARKMON- I think we should go now.

RED ROVER- (Still tied down.) I dont suppose I can get the last request? Or the traditional evil back log?

MYSTERIOUS MAN- You are a fool. You thought merely because you were the author, you had supreme power?

RED ROVER- Well, yeah. I write these lemons, so who can over power me. But, I am curious; how can you do this?

DARKMON- Must be Red Rovers evil Izzy.

CANIUS-  Nah, I am going with Devimon.

CHRISTINE-  Ladydevimon maybe?

TANK COP- She's not even a man!

LORD ARCHIVE- Maybe you Sonimodb?

SONIMODB-  Think hard! (Shouts out to Red Rover) What do you do when you finish your lemons?

RED ROVER-  I send them out to...(Looks at Mysterious Man) My proof reader. Ah nuts.

MYSTERIOUS MAN- (Flings off cape.)  Ah, you realize the truth. It is me.The Madman. Took you long enough, all powerful lemon writers.

NARRATOR- The Mysterious Man has revealed his identity, as Red Rovers proof reader Madman. But what are his plans? What will happen to Red Rover and the other lemon writers? Why was Red Rover so stupid that he couldnt see this coming a mile away? Tune in next time for...BR-ZAP!! (Narrator explodes.)

RED ROVER- Thank you for at least letting me zap him.

MADMAN-  No problem, thats what hes here for. And now, time for the rest of my plans!  MUHAHAHAHAHA!!



And that was the continuation of what is now called Madman's Critics series. Thanks to Dark Jester, SonimodB, Togashi, Metal Mikemon, Tank Cop, Hellravenmon, Darkmon, Lord Archive, Christine, Canius, Gabumatic, and Boss Reo. Any comments, requests, question, writing  tips, etc, e-mail me at

Proofread by: God dammit, you lazy readers, if you just read this lemon, and haven't figured it out yet, it's Madman. If you still don't get it, I'm gonna reach through that goddamn screen, and shove my foot so far up your ass, you'll be tying the laces with your tongue. Oh, and have a nice day. MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!