This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

This lemon is my second for Season 2 of Digimon. This lemon takes place after Enter Flamedramon and after my lemon A New Hero.

Tight Quarters


Biyomon looked anxiously around. The Digimon Emperor may not appear at night, but some of his mind controlled minions where still around. She could swear she heard someone in the bushes, but it was pretty dark and hard to see. Suddenly a hand clamped down on her shoulder. An unfamiliar voice asked "Biyomon?"
"Awwwwwkkk!" Biyomon spun around. "Spiral twister!" A tornado of green angry spewed forth from her wings towards her target.
"Yeow!" A bluish digimon jumped straight up in the air.
"You won't catch me!" Biyomon started to fly off, but a hand grabbed her leg.
"Wait Gatomon sent oooofffff!" Biyomon struck her attacker in the face with her wing, shortly before she realized what he was saying. She realized that this weird looking digimon didn't have red eyes, and there was no dark ring on him.
"You're not one of the Emperor's minions." Biyomon eyed him suspiciously still. "Who are you?"
"Please allow me to introduce myself. The name's Veemon." Veemon bowed. "I'm a new chosen digimon, like yourself. Gatomon sent me to find you, she's getting Tentomon right now."
Biyomon blushed, embarrassed for attacking him. "Veemon, I thought you were a myth."
Veemon pinched himself. "Ouch, nope I'm real. Had to check though." Veemon laughed.
Biyomon laughed as well. It had been a while since she had a reason to smile. "Sorry for attacking you early, but it's been chaos around here. Dark rings, the emperor, I thought you where one of his minions."
"Like me? Twin sickle!" The two digimon looked up just in time to see Snimon attack from the air. Biyomon reacted quicker than the surprised Veemon. She grabbed Veemon from behind by the shoulders and pulled him back on top of her. Snimon's attack missed them, slicing the trees around them to kindling. Biyomon's trajectory caused them to fall in a nearly invisible hole, almost twenty feet deep, but barely a couple feet across. She landed on the bottom with a loud grunt, and grunted again as Veemon landed with his back on top of her. 
"Oops sorry I'll get off!" Veemon quickly apologized.
Snimon's voice echoed from the top of the hole. "Come out and die!"
"Or maybe we'll just stay here for a bit." Veemon whispered.
"Good idea." Biyomon replied. She tried to shift her position in order to be more comfortable. Veemon's tail, which was resting on her stomach, moved down, directly between her legs. Biyomon let out an involuntary gasp as the tip of his tail rubbed her pussy lips under her feathers.
"Are you ok?" Veemon asked. He chuckled slightly as Biyomon's feathers tickled his back and tail.
"Um yes." Biyomon answered slightly flustered. The tip of Veemon's tail was resting right on her bulb. Every slight movement sent a twinge of pleasure through her. She wiggled her hips to stop this treatment, so Veemon's tail dropped between her legs. Suddenly, Veemon's moved up too, and the tip of his tail plunged deep in her pussy. Biyomon let out a large gasp as four inches of his tail caressed the inside of her pussy.
"Are you sure you're all right? You keep gasping and moaning. Am I too heavy? Maybe I'll try to climb out." Another roar from Snimon from the top of the hole. "Maybe not."
"Fine, yeah I'm fine." But she wasn't. Every time Veemon moved, his tail kept working deeper and deeper inside her cunt. She wrapped her wings around her beak to keep from groaning. Five inches, six inches, six and a half. Biyomon tried to wiggle his tail out, but only succeed in bringing her even close to her inevitable orgasm. Biyomon finally decided she may as well go all the way. Instead of trying to remove his tail, she began humping it hard. She let out a muffled squeak as she hit her orgasm. Veemon's tail became soaked with her pussy juices as she climaxed.
Veemon, who's focus had been on Snimon's rampage on the service. Biyomon's squeak of pleasure caused him to turn his attention back to her. He was about to say something, when a weird yet familiar smell filled the cramped confines. He had just smelt it recently but where…. It dawned on him; he smelt that smell on Gatomon barely an hour ago. That was pussy juice, Biyomon was masturbating under her. He then became aware of a wet tightness around his tail. Biyomon was using his own tail as a dildo.
Veemon, smiled and began to wiggles his butt around, moving his tail in out of Biyomon's pussy. Biyomon covered her beak even tighter, trying in vain to keep from moaning out loud. Veemon laughed slightly at Biyomon's embarrassment. Biyomon heard Veemon's laughing, and realization hit her. Biyomon smiled to herself, mostly because off her second imminent orgasm. Knowing Veemon knew what was going on, she wrapped her wings around Veemon's chest and started to rub his chest, all the while still humping the end of his tail. Her wings moved down his body, rubbing his belly at first, but quickly moved to his crotch. Veemon gasped as Biyomon rubbed in circles, slowly coaching his bright blue cock out of his pouch. She placed both wings around his cock and started to move them up and down in a regular fashion. She smiled as she felt Veemon's cock stiffen under her feathery touch. Veemon let out a combination of moan and a laugh as Biyomon tickled him to an orgasm. Biyomon felt his hot cum squirt out on to her wings as Veemon shuddered in delight. Biyomon gripped his dick even tighter as she plunged herself down on to his tail one last time. More pussy juices flowed from her, more than her first time dripped down and made a small puddle on the bottom of the hole.
Veemon dick never last its rigidity as Biyomon subconsciously continued to jack him off as her orgasm ran through her. When at last her wings fell to her side Veemon braced each of his hands and legs against the hole's walls. In a remarkable show of strength and agility, he turned himself around so he now as facing Biyomon face to face. He gently lowered himself down, letting go of the wall as he landed on top of Biyomon. Biyomon immediately went to work licking Veemon across his horned nose and pointed mouth. Veemon just let Biyomon's tongue work its way across his face. Biyomon could feel his hard cock rubbing against the inside of her thigh. Still licking his face, Biyomon wiggled down. They both let out twin gasps as Veemon's member slowly inserted it's way into her already damp pussy. Veemon immediately began humping. His first thrust was so enthusiastic that he slammed his head into the side of the wall, chips of rocks went flying in all directions. Veemon hardly noticed thanks to his hard skull as well as the hormones raging through him. Veemon gripped Biyomon tightly on her shoulder and thrust again, this time making sure not to bang his head again. Biyomon closed her eyes and cooed softly as Veemon continued entering and exiting her again and again. Veemon closed his eyes too, as his second orgasm burst forth. Another stream of cum shot forth from his bright blue dick. This instantly set off Biyomon's third and hardest orgasm of the night. She let out a loud screech of pleasure. The noise echoed throughout the hole. Snimon, who was at the top of the hole, heard this sound and thought it was made by a massively huge and powerful digimon. He flew up in the sky as quickly as he could, afraid that the digimon would be after him any second now.
The last echo from Biyomon passion scream died down. The two lay on top one another breathing deeply for a minute until Veemon slowly pulled out. "Look!" Cried Biyomon. "The sun's out! We have to hurry and meet Sora and the others." Veemon, quite exhausted, made his way to the top of the hole with some difficulty. Biyomon flew lazily out after him. She landed next to Veemon, and planted a quick peck on his cheek. "You'll make an excellent addition to the team."
Veemon smiled, and thought to himself. Under that egg for years, and when I get out, I score twice in one day. He smiled at Biyomon again and the two took off to meet their friends.

That's me second season 2 lemon. As for requests, I try to incorporate as many as I read on message boards in my lemons. If you want me to do a request personally, or a lemon about a picture, comments, suggestions, writing tips, feel free to post them at this site or e-mail me at