This lemon by Red Rover contains adult concepts from the television show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under eighteen or the material is illegal in you jurisdiction.

A comedy spin-off inspired by Digistar DBZ. Thanks to SonimodB, Togashi, Metal Mikemon, and Boss Reo for letting me write it. This one takes places after we all watch Metal Mikemon's "Bond, TK Bond." WARNING! You have to be a Canadian to realize some of these jokes.

The Critics Series #6

Tank Cop's 'Memories: Part 1 -The Good Old Days' Commentary

Setting- Thousands of years in the future, the greatest digimon lemon writers of all time are resurrected. Red Rover, SonimodB, Metal Mikemon, Christine, Tank Cop, Boss Reo and Togashi, now reanimated, travel to a lemon theater, where they watch-read each other's lemons. No one can remember the other's lemons.

TANK COP- (Fantastic light show as the Lemon Writer Reanimator is activated.) And back to resurrect another Lemon Writer.
METAL MIKEMON- There's quite a lot of us aren't there?
CHRISTINE- One big happy family.
BOSS REO- Except about that whole Patamon gender issue.
HELLRAVENMON- I like SonimodB's description the best. (Walks down from the platform.) But I think Patamon's a guy to.
SONIMODB- Canadians. Always stick together.
RED ROVER- Except for Quebec, and that whole civil nuclear war of 2026.
HELLRAVENMON- Eh, we eventually settled our differences.
METAL MIKEMON- After the rest of Canada took over the world.
TOGASHI- How the hell did you guys get so many jet fighters, tanks, and nuclear weapons?
RED ROVER- Canadian Tire Money.
HELLRAVENMON- It really adds up when you save it.
TANK COP- And where did you keep all your weapons of mass destruction hidden so no one would find them?
HELLRAVENMON- A barren place, where no human ever visits.
CHRISTINE- Where was that?
RED ROVER- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
SONIMODB- Speak English.
TANK COP- Anyway, weren't we going to see one of my lemons? CHRISTINE- Of course. Come on Hellravenmon. (The group of lemon writers walk to a theater.)
TOGASHI- (Reading the poster.) Now playing, Tank Cop's Memories: Part 1 -The Good Old Days. Another pioneer of the Digimon Lemon, one who prides himself on detail.
METAL MIKEMON- Sounds good, lets go see. (They all walk in to the theater and take a seat. Lemon starts playing.)

I hope you all like this lemon. It stars my two most favorite Digimon, Gatomon and Wizardmon.

HELLRAVENMON- Well there goes the suspense on who the couple is.

Time Note: This takes place after Ken is defeated. 
Memories: Part 1 - The Good Old Days 

SONIMODB- Sounds like another series starting.
It was a clear day in the Digital World, as Gatomon, with some flowers in her hands, heads towards a place she makes a point to visit often. After a short walk she arrives at her destination, Wizardmon's grave.

METAL MIKEMON- I thought the Digital World rewrote itself? Why would there still be a grave?
TANK COP- She made a second one, sound good?

Gatomon lies the flowers in front of the grave Mimi had made for Wizardmon 4 years ago. She then talks to the grave, as if she was talking to her old friend once again. "Hi there Wizardmon. I know I haven't been by to see you in a while, but I have been very busy. I came to say that you were right. Right about the golden Digiegg and kindness being the thing that saved Ken from his evil side. You were right like you always were." 

SONIMODB- I still haven't figured out how Wizardmon knew all that.
BOSS REO- And would it make more sense to visit Wizardmon at the TV station?
TANK COP- Complain to Sanabi, not me.

Gatomon manages a smile that quickly turns to tears, then to sobs and crying. "Oh Wizardmon, I miss you so much. There's no one here that I care for as much as I cared for you. Not even Kari compares to the feelings you and I shared." She then falls to her knees in tears. 
After a few moments of loud sobs, Gatomon stands up and wipes the tears out of her eyes. "I'm sorry Wizardmon. I know you wouldn't want to see me crying like this. You always had a way of keeping me from crying and feeling all sad." Gatomon said sniffing and calming down. "I remember the first time we met. Back then things where a lot different for us." Gatomon said, thinking back to those old days. 

TOGASHI- And cue the flash back sequence.

*Flashback to 6 years ago, before the Digidestined came to the Digital World*.
Wizardmon wakes up after Gatomon gave him some water and takes him out of that town and to the forest. It was late and there was a roaring campfire. 
"I see you're finally awake. I was worried you were to far gone to ever wake up." Gatomon said. Wizardmon slowly gets up. Gatomon helps him over to a log where he can sit down. "You need to take it easy, you're in pretty bad shape." Gatomon offers him some coffee she had got in town. 

HELLRAVENMON- Where would they get coffee in the Digital World?
TANK COP- Starbucks.

Wizardmon takes the coffee. "Why did you help me?" Wizardmon asked, finally having the strength to talk. "Well I couldn't just leave you there to die." Wizardmon takes another sip of coffee. "Why not just let me die. Every where else I have gone no one ever cared for me." Wizardmon said. 

METAL MIKEMON- He has a nice healthy outlook on life.

Gatomon looks at him with understanding. "Seems you have had a hard life. Well, I know the feeling." Gatomon gets up and walks over to where Wizardmon is sitting and sits next to him. "You see I have had my share of hard ships too. My entire life I have wondered where I belong in this world. I have no idea where I came from. So your not alone in having no where to go. I wander where ever I can looking for my past." Wizardmon was very moved by what Gatomon said. 

CHRISTINE- I thought she already worked for Myotismon now. He did capture her when she was Salamon.
TANK COP- Let us not quibble over details.
TOGASHI- Some people get so testy when you spot mistakes.

That Night after a good meal, Gatomon had fallen to sleep. Except Wizardmon couldn't sleep. He was thinking about Gatomon's story and thought a lot about his own past. How he was forced to leave his people and the woman he loved. It was a hard life he has lived.

BOSS REO- When did all this happen?
TOGASHI- I'm more interested about who Wizardmon's relationship was with.
RED ROVER- There's not a whole lot of choices. Besides Biyomon and Palmon, there's not a lot of female Digimon.
METAL MIKEMON- Floramon, Ladydevimon, and Arukinimon.
CHRISTINE- Sounds like we've got some lemon possibilities coming up.

As the fire started to die out Wizardmon looks over to where Gatomon was sleeping. She was shivering and very cold, dissipite the warm fur she had. Wizardmon gets off the log, goes over to the cold Gatomon, takes off his coat and puts it over her. Gatomon stops shivering and even smiles when the coat is placed on her. Wizardmon also smiles at the good thing he did. For a while after he just stared at Gatomon, seeing how lovely she looked and thinking how she was to only one that helped her, and how they seem to have so much in common. Wizardmon starts to have feelings for Gatomon. Feelings which he has not felt in a long time. Feelings of love. 

CHRISTINE- It doesn't take long for him to fall in love.
SONIMODB- There's really not much selection, is there?

As soon as the fire completely dies out Wizardmon goes over to Gatomon, kneels down next to her and gives her a kiss on her cheek. "I don't know why, but I love you so very deeply." 

BOSS REO- You better hope she's asleep.
TOGASHI- Not a smart idea to start kissing Gatomon in her sleep. Might lose something vital.

He kisses her again then lies next to her with his arms over her so he can keep warm in the cold night's air. 

CHRSITINE- Wouldn't he worry that Gatomon would wake up and shred him?
TANK COP- Then it wouldn't be a lemon, would it?

The next day both Gatomon and Wizardmon were walking through the forest together. 

RED ROVER- That was disappointing, where is the lemon?
TANK COP- Give it some time. Aren't we impatient?

"Look, I told you I don't need anyone to come with me. I'm just fine on my own. I don't need a traveling companion." Gatomon said.

HELLRAVENMON- You'd think she'd be used to men following her.

Wizardmon was right behind her, keeping up the pace. "Well, is it okay if I just walk with you to the next town then? When we get there we can part ways then." Wizardmon said. Gatomon was a bit reluctant. "Fine, whatever." 

METAL MIKEMON- I can see why he's falling in love. Such a sparkling personality.
TOGASHI- I don't think he's interested in her mind.
TANK COP- This is a lemon after all.

As they were moving through the forest, a group of ten Gazimon leapt out of the trees and surrounded Gatomon and Wizardmon. 

TOGASHI- Why would ten Gazimon rookies take on two champions?
SONIMODB- Especially Gatomon. That's the equivalent of suicide.

"Give us your money girly and maybe we won't hurt you or your friend." One of the Gazimon said. 

HELLRAVENMON- They're mugging her?
METAL MIKEMON- Nice to know the Digital World and Earth have some similarities. Muggermon.

Gatomon puts her old bag she was carrying down. "You all are making a mistake. I suggest you all leave now!" Gatomon said getting ready for a fight. "Oh, a feisty little bitch aren't you? Maybe we can have a little fun with you babe. If you're nice to us we won't hurt you too bad!" 

RED ROVER- Well he's dead.
BOSS REO- Calling Gatomon a bitch. Why not go make fun of Peidmon for wearing make-up?

Another Gazimon laughs. Gatomon looks over to Wizardmon and with a simple nod of her head they start the attack! 

HELLRAVENMON- Any one want to take bets? I'll give odds.
RED ROVER- This is a lemon. Money means nothing here.

Gatomon goes at it with her attack. "LIGHTING CLAW!" She yelled as she takes out two of the Gazimon. Wizardmon is making short work of some of the other Gazimon with his own attack. "ENERGY BALL!" Blasting three of the Gazimon away. Wizardmon took out two more Gazimon, then looked over to see Gatomon being held down by two and being hit hard by one. 

METAL MIKEMON- Gatomon being held down by two Gazimon?
SONIMODB- She took on all the digidestined digimon without batting an eye.
RED ROVER- Maybe she's playing the helpless female need rescuing by the big strong Wizardmon?
TANK COP- I don't think she does helpless.

"Gatomon hang on!" Wizardmon said. "ENERGY BALL!" Wizardmon yelled sending the last three Gazimon running into the forest. Wizardmon runs to Gatomon and holds her in his arms.

CHRISTINE- Now he gets to be her knight in shining armor.
BOSS REO- Or at least sorcerer in dusty robes.

"Gatomon are you ok? Speak to me." Gatomon has a few cuts and bruises. She is breathing very slowly. "Ummm....Wizardmon....oh." Gatomon said before she passed out. 

TOGASHI- Beaten up by three rookies. I'd leave that out of the memoirs.

Wizardmon picks her up and runs through the forest as fast as he can to get Gatomon some help. "Hold on Gatomon, you're going to be ok." 
Later that day, Wizardmon had made it to a town. Gatomon had gotten the medical help she needed. Wizardmon had got a room in an inn at the town for them to spend the night. After a meal they had in the room, they talked some more.

BOSS REO- How did Gatomon get all the money for this?
RED ROVER- Maybe Myotismon gives her an allowance?

"So how are you feeling?" Wizardmon asked. "Better thanks to you." Gatomon said. "Why did you help me?" Gatomon asked. Wizardmon looked confused. "What do you mean?" Wizardmon asked. "You could have taken my stuff while the Gazimon were attacking me and left, but you didn't, why?" Gatomon asked. 

METAL MIKEMON- Boy is she a pessimist.

Wizardmon gave her an answer she most likely already knew. "As you said before, I couldn't just leave you there to die. I care for you to much to see you hurt." Wizardmon said. Gatomon was surprised by what Wizardmon said. "Wizardmon, do you love me?" Gatomon asked, almost unable to say the words. 

HELLRAVENMON- Always a difficult question to answer.

For a time that seemed like forever, Wizardmon said nothing; he just looked into Gatomon's lovely eyes. "I'm going to have a shower, do you want to have a bath before I take my shower?" Wizardmon asked still looking into Gatomon's eyes. 

CHRISTINE- Oh that's a great reply to do you love me? You need a bath! That's charming.
RED ROVER- Well, it is for a man. 

"No, it's ok, you can have your shower first." Gatomon said her voice low and soft. 

HELLRAVENMON- Do you think he realizes what she is planning?

After Wizardmon takes his shower, he comes out with a towel on and sees Gatomon like he hasn't seen her before. "Well that was refreshing, the bathrooms all yours nowwwwww WOW!" The fur covering Gatomon's breasts and pussy were no longer covered. 

METAL MIKEMON- What did she do? Shave herself?
RED ROVER- For some reason I don't think that would be very attractive.

"I think that my hero deserves a reward for saving me." Gatomon said. 

TOGASH- 'And what could that reward be? Wizardmon asks.'

Wizardmon's cock goes to attention in less then a second! "Gatomon, you're so beautiful, but you don't need to do this." Wizardmon said.

HELLRAVENMON- Okay, Wizardmon is a complete idiot.

Gatomon was thinking different. "Oh, yes I do. I want to do this. You saved my life. I could have been killed by the Gazimon, or worse raped by them."

CHRISTINE- That still sounds wrong. Ten Gazimon should be a light workout for Gatomon.
BOSS REO- Although that would have made an intense lemon.

"You were there and you saved me. This is my way of thanking you. Please don't tell me not to do this." Gatomon started to have tears in her eyes. 

TOGASHI- Why on Earth would he say no?
BOSS REO- I'd just like to know how he got Gatomon begging him for sex.

"Awww, now don't cry." Wizardmon said as he sat down next to her in bed. He wiped the tears from her eyes and gives her a kiss. Gatomon then kisses back. Then both of them are hugging and kissing wildly.

METAL MIKEMON- So who knew what the kiss would lead to?
CHRISTINE- All of us, this is a lemon you know.

Gatomon removes Wizardmon's towel from his waist and starts to stroke his cock with her paws. Wizardmon lies Gatomon down on the bed and rubs her breasts and with one hand and fingers her pussy with the other. "Oh Gatomon, you're so wet!" Wizardmon said. "Oh Wizardmon, more please more!" Gatomon moans. 

BOSS REO- I'd still like to know Wizardmon's trick for making her beg for sex.

Wizardmon takes hold of Gatomon's breasts, twisting and pinching them. 

SONIMODB- Her breasts can't be that big.

Gatomon gives moans and yelps of pleasure as Wizardmon works his way down. Licking her stomach, then moving to her clit! He takes her clit in his lips and gives it some hard sucks. Gatomon cries out in pleasure. Wizardmon works on her clit for a while taking soft bites on it from time to time. He keeps at it until Gatomon cums! "Oh that was great!" Gatomon said breathlessly. 

HELLRAVENMON- How could she say that when she's breathless.
TANK COP- It's an expression.

"I'm not done yet. I have to lick all the cum off your pussy first." Wizardmon again goes back down between Gatomon's legs and he takes long hard licks on Gatomon's swollen pussy. "Oh, you taste so sweet Gatomon." Wizardmon licks Gatomon's outer pussy lips, getting her all clean. Gatomon was in heaven. As Wizardmon licks up the last of Gatomon's cum, she again explodes onto Wizardmon's face. He takes as much as he can into his mouth! Then lies in bed next to Gatomon. 
Gatomon laughs as she sees Wizardmon's face covered in her cum. She then licks some of it off his face. 

BOSS REO- Now that's just kinky.
TANK COP- Well, she is a cat. She's probably done it to herself before.

"Thanks again for everything you have done for me." Gatomon said. "Same to you." Wizardmon said. They lie there for a while. After a few minutes of rest Gatomon gets out of bed.

BOSS REO- You'd think she'd do something to Wizardmon at least. He's probably going out of his mind by now.

"It's my turn to have a bath now. Would you like to come with me, then you can wash that cum off your face?" Gatomon asked. 

METAL MIKEMON- Another rhetorical question I'm guessing.

"Sure, I would like that." Wizardmon said. 

BOSS REO- And he agreed. A huge surprise.

The next day both Gatomon and Wizardmon where at the end of the town and about to part ways. "Well, here's where I say good bye and go my own way." Wizardmon said. "Yeah, I guess so." Gatomon said in a low tone. "It was nice meeting you Gatomon, I hope someday we can again see each other." Wizardmon then gives Gatomon a hug and a kiss, and walks in the other direction. 

CHRSTINE- You'd think he try a little harder to go with her

Gatomon then yells at him. "Wizardmon, wait, stop!" Wizardmon stops and looks back as Gatomon run up to him. "Its a long way to the next town, I could use a traveling companion. We can find our own paths in life better if we go together, I think." Gatomon said. "I would be honored to go with you, friend Gatomon." Wizardmon said with a smile. 

HELLRAVENMON- He agreed to go with her. Another huge surprise.

They both walked into the forest together and both of them no longer felt alone anymore. 

CHRISTINE- A touching ending.

To Be Continued........ 
That was the first half of my two part series, Memories. 
Now for a preview of part 2: In part 2 we see what happens with Gatomon and Wizardmon when they where under the control of Myotismon. 
There will be more love scenes, with lots more sex. 

CHRISTINE- When you said love scenes, I think sex was implied.

Well until then remember to vote for me and keep reading my work. 
Tank Cop ^_~

TOGASHI- Vote for you?
RED ROVER- An advertising plug at the end.
TANK COP- Hey it pays to advertise.
CHRSTINE- Nice lemon.Very touching.
HELLRAVENMON- So what now?
RED ROVER- Well, the Lemon Writer Reanimator has enough power to bring back another writer.
TOGASHI- Lets go do that then.
SONIMODB- You guys go ahead. Me and Boss Reo have to talk.
BOSS REO- We do? (Sonimodb kicks him in the shin.) Ow! I mean we do.
METAL MIKEMON- Suit yourself. See you guys later. (Everyone but SonimodB and Boss Reo leave for the Lemon Reanimator Room.)
BOSS REO- So what do you want to talk about?
SONIMODB- Something's a little odd here…
BOSS REO- That we are reanimated lemon writers brought back to life?
SONIMODB- No, Red Rover's writing this.
SONIMODB- Well, where is the overly complicated plot twists and secret characters? (Burst of fire fills the room, causing Sonimodb and Boss Reo to jump back in surprise.)
MYSTERIOUS MAN- Fear me, puny mortal lemon writers!
BOSS REO- You had to say that didn't you. Soni?
NARRATOR- What will happen to these brave lemon writers? What is this Mysterious Man plans? Tune in next time on the Critic Series!
SONIMODB- Whose the scrawny guy with the deep voice?
MYSTERIOUS MAN- The narrator. He has seen my power and has agreed to listen to me. You'd be wise to do the same.
BOSS REO- You're a few enchiladas short of a combination platter aren't you?
MYSTERIOUS MAN- (Points finger at Boss Reo, engulfing him in flames.) Pardon me?
BOSS REO- (Coughs up black smoke.) I said lead the way.
SONIMODB- Wimp. (Mysterious Man points his finger at Sonimodb). But I can live with that title.
MYSTERIOUS MAN- Excellent. Now onward, to claim my destiny!

Thanks to Hellravenmon, Sonimodb, Boss Reo, Metal Mikemon, Tank Cop, Christine and Togashi for allowing me to write this, and Boss Reo for letting me use his lemon. Any lemons or authors you think should be in this series, comments, requests, writing tips, etc, post them or send me an e-mail of
Proofread by: Jason the Madman