This writing by Red Rover contains adult situations involving characters from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under eighteen or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

The continuation of my on-going epic lemon. It takes place during season 2, after my END GAME epic lemon and before the Chimeramon saga.


Chapter 62

The Just Deception

Cody's eyes slowly moved from Matt, to Palmon, then to Angewomon. Myotismon was not a threat, as he lay bleeding on the floor. He had no choice but to reveal himself since his evil twin woke. Cody was reliving that battle back in Piedmon's funhouse as if it was happening this second….

"Izzy said you where dead!" Cody cried rubbing his sore neck. An impossible sight stood before him.
"Not quite, I die hard." Delta-Cody pointed his blade at Cody. "I imagine you do too."
Cody grabbed his grandfather's sword off the ground. "How can you work on the Council of Five?" Cody needed to keep his doppelganger talking. His head was still swimming from Piedmon nearly stranggling him from before.
"Come on now. You can't be serious." Delta-Cody smirked. "I spent my entire life living in the sewers. A little while ago, Epsilon came to me and said I had the honor of serving on the Council! I couldn't believe it, and I still don't. I never figured out why I was picked until now." Delta-Cody gave Cody a sly smile. "Apparently Ladydevimon came from an alternate time line, and she remembered the digidestined. You must have made quite an impression, I thank you for that, not to mention the fact you helped me kill Alpha. He didn't like that fact a human child was serving with him. Also the bastard killed my grandfather, so I owed him one." Delta-Cody waved his sword tip in circles at Cody's neck. "Now here's the rest of my plan. I don't want Ladydevimon to blame me for Piedmon's death. So I kill you, say you killed Alpha by a stroke of luck but succumbed to your wounds, and be on my merry way."
"How could we be the same person?" Cody scowled. "I respect all life, digimon and human!"
"Which puts you at a disadvantage in a fight to the death. Besides this isn't murder. Killing yourself is suicide." Delta-Cody laughed.
"I really don't like this side of me." Cody's head was clear, but now he was faced with the impossible decision, could he fight? Could he kill a human, even himself?
"Don't feel too bad, you aren't the only one with a duplicate. As a matter a fact, one of our doubles is currently hiding in your little party." Delta-Cody chuckled.
"Who?" Cody demanded. This was going from bad to worse.
"Now that would be telling. Not that it matters." Delta-Cody's sword stopped moving. "But enough talk." Delta-Cody let out a loud ki-yi, and charged Cody.
Cody held his sword high for a rising block, but then remembered the sword Delta-Cody was using. He jumped back as Delta-Cody's sword sheered of the top two inches of his grandfather's priceless sword like it was a cardboard tube. Delta-Cody's blade twisted in his grip as he made a lateral slash. Cody moved back, realizing blocking would be useless. He didn't move fast enough, and the tip of Delta-Cody's sword ripped into his sleeve, drawing blood.
"This is disappointing Cody, Alpha was talking highly of you. This isn't even a challenge." Delta-Cody walked in a semi-circle, the tip of his blade wet with Cody's blood.
"Why don't you give me that sword if you want a challenge?" Cody reached behind him slowly. His arm ached a little. It was a shallow cut, but it still stung.
Delta-Cody shook his head. "Do you expecte me to agree to such a stupid idea?"
Cody fingers wrapped around a small item in his back pocket. "I just want you to know one thing."
Delta-Cody brought up his sword. "What's that?"
"I'm sorry." Cody flung the key chain of his grandfather at Delta-Cody. Delta-Cody panicked and brought up his sword, slicing the key chain in half.
"KI-YAH!" Cody swung the remainder of his sword, taking advantage of Delta-Cody's distraction. He struck his double in the side of the head with all his strength. Delta-Cody crumpled to the ground, a gash on his head.
Cody just stood there for a minute, holding his sword and breathing slowly. Delta-Cody lay on the ground, a pool of blood forming on the ground. Cody fell to his knees, picking up the two halves of the key chain that was his Grandfather. Cody bowed his head. "Thank you." He wiped a tear from his eye. "Thank you for saving me."
Cody gently placed the two halves back on the pedestal in respect. Then he turned back to Delta-Cody. The child was alive. Cody had struck him with the back dull side of the sword, but he was still badly injured. Now Cody was left with an impossible decision. Should he let him live so he could hurt his friends? Cody picked up the monofilament blade of Delta-Cody, holding it to the Council member's neck. (No…) Cody brought the blade down. (No matter how much I want to, need to, I can't. But what now? There's a spy in our group, and we have no way of knowing. How can I flush him out?) Suddenly Phantomon flew past the door. Cody remained motionless as the ghost disappeared. An idea quickly hatched in Cody's head. He hastily took off his D3 and organizer, and placed them on Delta-Cody. Luckily they where both wearing nearly identical outfits. 
Cody quickly ran out of the room and down the hall. Phantomon was currently attacking Kari, Agumon, Armadillomon, and Gatomon. Before Phantomon knew it, Cody rushed forward, bringing the sword across Phantomon's back. Phantomon screamed and turned around. "Run for it, I'll handle Phantomon!" Cody turned around and ran back. Now for the real challenge, to convince Phantomon and the entire Council of Five that he was Delta. That way he might be able to find the spy, and maybe save everybody.

Cody still felt guilty for what he did, but he had no choice. The necessary decision isn't always the moral one. He didn't kill Delta-Cody, but he almost did. Cody cleared his head of these thoughts. He had another problem now. "Izzy's not the only one who can fake sides." 
"Boy you had me completely fooled." Angewomon smirked.
"He had all of us fooled, even Izzy. That's impressive." Matt got out his whip. "I don't think anybody's ever pulled one on Izzy."
"A smart child would have killed Delta and taken his place." Palmon looked over at Delta-Cody, still chained up. "We would have never noticed." Palmon turned back to Cody.
"I am nothing like him!" The true Cody replied.
"I can tell. If you were smarter, you would have kept your mouth shut." Angewomon took a step forward. "Now let's review. One, Your friends are captured and powerless. Two, we have all the digivices, power, and armies." Angewomon pointed her finger at Cody as her glove wings slowly grew. "And the only thing that stands between us and ultimate power, is a pre-pubescent child with a sword."
"And his digimon!" Angewomon turned to the side, just in time to see Digmon throw his arms open wide. "Gold Rush!"
Angewomon didn't have time to defend herself, taking the hail of projectiles full force. She screamed and went sailing into, then through, the wall as Digmon fired another round into the hole. The ceiling partially collapsed, hailing Angewomon with debris.
Digmon smiled in spite of himself. When Cody told him that he looked forward to go sailing in the ocean again, a light went on his head. He shouldn't be able to digivolve with a fake Cody. He never went in the ocean as Subemerimon with this world's Cody, so that could only mean that this was his Cody. Luckily, Izzy left Cody's digivice on him, thinking he was Delta. Cody even said digi-armor energize, so he could digivolve in a moment's notice. Digmon took out Angewomon first, he fought her as Gatomon and lost, and wasn't planning on fighting her ultimate form. He needed a few seconds to reload and fire at Palmon. He wasn't going to get it.
"Palmon digivolve to… TOGEMON!" Togemon threw out her arms. "Needle Spray!"
Digmon closed his eyes and protected his face as a thousand needles hit him, bouncing off his carapace, but it still stung. "You'll have to do better than that!"
"I intended to!" Togemon landed a haymaker on top of Digmon's head. "Come on big boy!" Togemon hit Digmon with an uppercut, sending him stumbling back. "Don't you know how to tango?" Togemon pulled back for another punch. 
Togemon threw a right jab full force, but Digmon caught it with his left hand. Togemon threw her left, but Digmon caught it as well. "Sorry lady, my dance card's full!" Digmon's nose started spinning rapidly. "But maybe I can find a hole for you!"
Digmon shoved his head forward, burying his nose in Togemon's forehead. Togemon's eyes and mouth burst with light, before her form broke up. Digmon blinked twice in surprise. He never intended to delete Togemon, did he? He got so caught up in the battle he lost himself. Suddenly a heavy weight landed on his head, driving his face into the cement floor.
"Do you have room for me now?" Lillymon did a backflip off of Digmon's head, landing in front of him. "You're not the only one who can do that quick silent digivolve."
Digmon got up, fighting a minor concussion. He had hoped to take Palmon out before she could digivolve to her ultimate Lillymon form. "I ain't done yet plant girl."
Lillymon smiled. "Yes you are."
Meanwhile, Cody was running to the control room where the digivices were kept. He ran inside and reached for the container which had the D3's, when a whip encircled his hands. He was yanked backward, into Matt's strong grip. Cody tried to bring up his sword, but Matt moved faster. He grabbed Cody's hand, and squeezed painfully hard. Matt shook Cody's arm, almost to the point of breaking it, forcing him to drop the sword. "I can't believe you made us all look like idiots!" Matt slammed Cody against the wall.
"It wasn't too hard." Cody answered, rubbing his bruised arm. "You were doing a fine job on your own."
Matt picked up Cody by his shoulders and shoved him up against the wall. "Well, no more sword and no more friends. So what are you going to do now?"
Cody grimaced as Matt squeezed tighter. "Improvise." Cody delivered a powerful kick, right between Matt's legs. Matt's eyes widened in pain as he fell to his knees, clutching his bruised balls. Cody fell to the ground and grabbed his sword. Matt shrugged off the pain and began to get up, but Cody rested his sword on his neck. "No sudden movements."
Matt barely moved. "You won't kill a human."
Cody reached back and grabbed the D3's while still resting the sword on Matt. "Bet your life? This world's Cody did." Cody slowly worked his way around Matt, never moving his eyes off him. When he was at the door he slowly backed away, and in one fluid motion, shut the door behind him. Matt was up like a shot, grabbing the door knob and pushing outwards.
Cody jammed the sword into the ground, still amazed at how easily the blade went through solid concrete. Matt opened the door, but it jammed against the hilt of the unbreakable sword. Cody turned back to his friends, just in time to see Digmon go flying into the wall. "Come on now drill boy, don't tell me your getting tired." Lillymon chuckled.
Digmon stood weakly up, and smiled. "Nah, just think it's time for some of my friends to join in."
Lillymon turned around just as Cody finished throwing the digivices to everybody.
"Digi armor energize!" Davis, TK, and Yolei shouted.
"Patamon armor-digivolve to…PEGASUSMON; Flying hope!"
"Hawkmon armor-digivolve to…SHURIMON; Samurai of sincerity!"
"Veemon armor-digivolve to…FLAMEDRAMON; Fires of Courage!"
"Wormon digivolve to…STINGMON!"
Lillymon looked as the champions' chains burst apart. "Uh-oh." She let herself be distracted, and took a blow in the back. Lillymon did a somersault in mid-air, rubbing her bruised back. Digmon was behind her, ready to start again.
Cody pulled his sword out of the ground Matt coming out a split second later. Matt ran out, whip in hand, but stopped when he saw his opponents.
"Time to go!" Lillymon swooped low, dodging various blast from her enemies. She scooped up Matt and flew out the hole Angewomon made. Lillymon grabbed Alpha-Gatomon, and flew off down the halls.
"Come back here!" Delta-Cody shouted, still chained to the wall.
"Nice friends." Cody slashed at Ken's chains, the laser edge Digizoidum sword going through the chains effortlessly. "I prefer my own."
"Rock cracking!" Digimon freed Davis and TK with his spinning drills. "And as I said, my Cody is ten times better than this world's Cody."
"I'm glad you picked up the hint." Cody slashed at Yolei's chains. "Sorry about before Yolei, but we didn't have a chance against Myotismon in a fair fight. It was the safest course of action. I am sorry I couldn't tell anybody I was acting, but I didn't know who I could trust."
"I'm not complaining!" Yolei gave Cody a hug.
"You had us all going there." Davis gave Cody a pat on the arm.
"Ow!" Cody answered, shrugging away from the touch.
"Cody you're hurt!" Yolei checked Cody's arm, already turning deep purple.
"It's ok, Matt tried to stop me from getting the D3 devices." Cody rubbed his arm.
"I'm sorry Cody." TK apologized.
"It's not your fault. That's not Matt." Cody looked at Delta-Cody still chained up. "Anymore than that's me."
"Why don't you give up and spare yourselves a painful death?" Delta-Cody shouted.
"What should we do with him?" Digmon asked.
"Leave him, we've got more important things to worry about." Gatomon rubbed her wrists. "We've got save Kari!"
Cody handed Kari's D3 to Gatomon. "You better hang on to this, now lets go!"
Everyone left the room, running down the hall and leaving Delta-Cody chained up. Myotismon slowly dragged himself to Cody, barely able to hold himself together. Delta-Cody shouted down at the critically injured Myotismon. "How the hell could you mistake him for me! How much more stupid can you be?"
Myotismon got up, supporting himself with the chains so he was standing. He was seconds away from deletion, he could feel it. Myotismon turned to Delta-Cody, and in his last bit of strength, lunged on Delta-Cody's neck. Delta-Cody's eyes went wide as two sharp prongs of pain stabbed into his neck. Then another feeling, a feel of being drained as a weakness washed over him. Delta-Cody tried to scream, but his voice came as straggled gasp as his head fell limp.
Myotismon stood up, his injuries starting to mend. He was far from fighting shape, but he was no longer in any danger. Myotismon looked at Delta-Cody's motionless form, hanging to the wall. "How much more stupid could I be? I could insult a dying vampiric ultimate digimon, foolish child." Myotismon walked out of the room, leaving his victim chained against the wall.

Lillymon landed in a communication room on another floor. She dropped Matt and Alpha-Gatomon to the ground. "That blasted child!" Lillymon cracked her neck around. "And that tin plated digimon of his!"
Matt's balls ached at the mention of Cody. "I know, he suckered us all."
"Well, you better call Izzy. He's not going to be too pleased." Lillymon sighed as she brushed her brow, removing a stray green strand of hair.
"Why me?" Matt looked at the communication device. "I don't particularly feel like giving the ultra powerful Digimon Emperor bad news like this."
"Oh, come on." Lillymon stretched her arms. "I just saved your cute ass from a herd of digimon. Give me some leeway."
Matt sighed as he walked over to the computer screen. "Could never say no to you, Epsilon."
"You never wanted to say no Gamma." Lillymon smiled.
Matt shook his head as the screen clicked on. "Ah Gamma!" Izzy was working on a computer. "So have you picked your digimon slaves yet?"
"Um, not really…." Matt stuttered. "we've had sort of a problem…."
"Listen, if you're fighting over who gets what slave find a way to settle it amongst yourselves." Izzy sighed. "I assumed my Council of Five members would have more maturity than to squabble over something as petty as this."
"It's not that." Matt responded nervously. Matt never had had to give bad news to Izzy before. He wasn't especially looking forward to telling Izzy he was fooled. "You see…" Matt suddenly stopped as he heard a zipping sound. He glanced down briefly, and saw Lillymon under the counter and out of view, pulling down his blue jeans. 
"Well?" Izzy replied impatiently. "I have a rather special project in the work right now." 
Matt quickly looked back up as he felt his boxers slide to the ground. He felt Lillymon begin to fondle his balls as he tried to speak. "The digidestined have escaped." Matt blurted out as Lillymon kissed the head of his prick.
"WHAT?" Izzy's eyes flashed red. "Forgive my ignorance, but explain to me how a chained up group of children and rookie digimon can escape in a room with three ultimate digimon?"
Matt was now more nervous, because he wanted to groan and smile in ecstasy as Lillymon slurped the head of his now fully erect cock. "Cody helped them escape Izzy." Matt bit on his lower lip, but still made small gasping sounds.
"Oh how foolish of me!" Izzy slapped his head. "A preteen child half dead and chained up. He should easily overcome my Council of Five!"
Matt felt Lillymon's hands wrap around his bare ass, and felt fingers playing with his ass hole. None of this distracted him from the wet tightness of Lillymon's mouth sucking him off. "No, their Cody was pretending to be Delta. He overcame Delta back in Piedmon's funhouse…"
"And took his place." Izzy finished his sentence. "That's how he knew my name." Izzy breathed out. "He was even smarter than I gave him credit for."
"He attacked Beta, and took a chunk out of him with that sword." Matt gripped the council painfully hard as he was being sucked to an orgasm. "And that yellow digimon of his shot Angewomon in the back." Matt had to hold his breath to keep from moaning. "Epsilon and I barely managed to get out of there ourselves, with Alpha. I don't know what became of Beta and our Delta."
"I should have constructed digizoidium chains." Izzy shook his head. "But I didn't have time to construct them. To be honest I did not deem it necessary. But that doesn't change the problem at hand. Find the digidestined and check on Beta and Delta. See if they're alive. Oh, and Gamma…." Izzy smiled. "Don't look so nervous. I was fooled as well."
Matt gritted his teeth as he came. Lillymon held her head back, letting the cum shoot all over her face. "Yes Izzy. We'll find them, don't worry." Matt watched as Izzy's face disappeared. He finally looked down at Lillymon's cum covered face. "Why you bitch!"
Lillymon chuckled as she licked her lips. "You noticed."
"Come on now, I was trying to talk to Izzy!" Matt shouted.
"And you looked so nervous, I just wanted to relax you a little." Lillymon smiled. "Want to relax a little more?"
"Ugh!" Matt shook his head as he pulled up his pants. "Is that all you think about?"
"Boy, someone's in a grouchy mood." Alpha-Gatomon got up off the ground, just coming to her senses a little while ago. "You'd think he was the one who took the cheap shot by that Digmon jerk." Alpha-Gatomon sauntered over to Lillymon, and climbed on Lillymon's shoulder. Alpha-Gatomon ran her tongue up the side of Lillymon's face. "But I see you've been having fun with out me."
"Come on you two." Matt tried to sound serious as Alpha-Gatomon began licking his seed off Lillymon's face, but he was getting an erection just watching this, "We have a job to do. The digidestined?" 
"Can wait." Lillymon ran her hands up and down Alpha-Gatomon's tail as she started kissing the feline, enjoying the rough tongue. "Me and Alpha here just need a few minutes of rest." Lillymon ran her hand between Alpha-Gatomon's legs, getting a satisfying purr. Lillymon jammed one finger into Alpha-Gatomon's cunt, fingering the happy pussy. "You can join us if you want. We're not shy."
Matt shook his head. He knew he should go check on Myotismon and Delta-Cody right away. "You two are complete sluts."
"Purrr, I know…" Alpha-Gatomon moaned as Lillymon's thumb ran over her clit.
Matt took off his jacket and pants. His dick made a sizable bulge in his underwear, which quickly came off next. Only his anarchy symbol T-shirt remained. "You two are just too hot."
"I know." Lillymon laid back. "Now all you have to decide is how you want to fuck us."
Alpha-Gatomon bent over on Lillymon's face as Lillymon licked her chest. Alpha-Gatomon waved her behind back and forth. "How about me? You'll never have a tighter fuck."
"Maybe I want some action!" Lillymon lifted Alpha-Gatomon off her face. "I haven't had a good screw in almost an hour!"
"Well, me neither!" Alpha-Gatomon squirmed out of Lillymon's grip, landing on Lillymon's breasts.
Matt had to admit it, he rather enjoyed the two digi-girls fighting over him. "Well, if our other two companions are still alive, they'll be safe for a quickie." Matt realized Izzy would tear a strip off him if he found out, but the digidestined weren't going anywhere for a bit, and Izzy had things well in hand. Beta and Delta could wait as far as he was concerned.
"That's good." Lillymon smiled as she flipped over on her hands and knees, throwing Alpha-Gatomon off. Alpha-Gatomon gracefully landed on her feet. Lillymon lifted up her dress over her head, and discarded her green dress. She bent down on her hands and knees exposing her self to Matt. "Now shall we get started?"
"Clothes are such a nuisance," Alpha-Gatomon jumped on Lillymon's bare back. "They're such waste time." Alpha-Gatomon spread her legs wide in front of Matt.
Matt didn't realize he was absent mindingly stroking his cock as the two girls presented their cunts to him. "I don't know, something about watching a girl strip…" Matt smiled. "But then sometimes you want to get right down to business."
Lillymon nodded in agreement as she felt Matt's rather strong grip her butt. It was followed closely by a pleasurable sensation as Matt pressed his prick up against her twat. Matt quickly pressed himself in, feeling the all too familiar sensation of Lillymon's cunt hugging his prick. Matt immediately began humping, doing Lillymon doggy-style.
"Hey!" Alpha-Gatomon whined from Lillymon's back. "This pussy's pussy needs some treatment!"
"Whatever our newest member wants." Matt smiled, and took off one hand off Lillymon's ass. He licked his fingers, and then ran his fingers up Alpha-Gatomon's leg. Alpha-Gatomon purred and turned over on her back, and spread her legs wide. Her tail whipped half way around Lillymon's stomach, to keep her self from falling off. Matt took two of his fingers, and jammed them into Alpha-Gatomon's tight cunt. Alpha-Gatomon's voice echoed in the control room, and thrusted her hips. 
"More fingers!" Alpha-Gatomon begged. Matt complied, and fit all four fingers. He would have sworn he was hurting her, but Alpha-Gatomon was purring in complete enjoyment. (The cat must like it rough…) Matt thought as he furiously rammed his digits in out, while at the same time doing Lillymon. Lillymon had her arms on the ground, shuddering with every thrust. She came first, her strawberry smelling juices covering Matt, and filling the room with her sweet odor. Matt didn't stop, trying to get out his second load that was boiling in his balls. Alpha-Gatomon beat him to the punch, letting out a meow of pleasure as she came on his hand. Her little body spasmed in orgasmic delight, making Matt's hand wet with her feline cum. She lost her grip on Lillymon's stomach, and fell off Lillymon when Matt thrust in particularly hard. Matt came shortly after, shooting a second load of warm cum, this time into Lillymon's cunt. Lillymon moaned softly as the warm spunk coated her insides.
"Oh, nothing like a good fuck after a battle." Lillymon moaned as Matt removed himself from her.
"Or before." Alpha-Gatomon got up off the ground.
"You two are unbelievable." Matt shook his head. "I'd like to stay, but we have a job to do."
"Yeah." Alpha-Gatomon motioned to Lillymon as she got dressed. "We have digidestined to capture. Come on Epsilon. As I said, nothing like a good screw before a battle."

Izzy switched of the monitor as mixed emotions filled him. He was angry, angrier than he had ever been. For the first time since he became the Digimon Emperor, he had been fooled. Cody stood eye to eye to him, and he never even saw it coming. Following a hunch, he turned the monitors on for the lab. Kari's cell door was wide open. Kari was long gone, the key to his future and past plans. Suddenly the monitors filled with static. Izzy flipped through a few more surveillance cameras, but also filed with static. All his security was disabled, he was blind and deaf. "Of course…." Izzy shook his head. "My security password. TK and Kari would have remembered it from the time line. And Ken's abilities would be able to hack through any other securities measures. I should have made a more secure password, but who else would have deduced prodigious?"
On the other hand, Izzy wanted to laugh. He had become bored, and these last few days have proven interesting, to say the least. It wouldn't be the digidestined if they went down so easy. The digidestined could not lose. Izzy got up off his throne. But of course, he was the digidestined that would not lose. Besides, this gave Izzy a chance to test out his new servants. Izzy looked to the corner, "Looks like the digidestined have proven more resourceful than I thought." Izzy's eyes turned red as he fueled himself with the power of Ladydevimon and Devimon. 
Ladydevimon flashed on the screen. "They got the best of you Izzy. That's a first." Ladydevimon began to laugh. "Now you know how I felt when you got me!"
Izzy took no notice of Ladydevimon's humor. She was a program now. A sentient program, but a program none the less. "At least it helps me make up my mind about what I should do with them. Shall we hunt them down, my new servants?"
Four sets of red eyes looked back at Izzy. "Sounds like fun." One voice answered as three heads nodded in agreement.

That was the next chapter of DESTINY'S END. If you have any ideas for the plot, predictions on what will happen, request for a lemon, writing tips, spot any mistakes, etc, post at this site or e-mail me at