This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

This is another requested lemon for a picture. It takes place when Sora and Biyomon are by themselves, after the defeat of Etemon.

Digivolve into Ultimate


"Sora, we've been wandering by ourselves for weeks now, why can't we meet our friends?" Biyomon flew a few feet over her head as Sora paddled in the swan boat.
Sora ran her fingers over her crest. "I can't, not yet. Not till I figure out what this crest means." They where paddling across the lake, following Tai and TK from a distance. They had just secretly help Augmon by informing him about the mushrooms of forgetfulness. Now they where seeing them if they needed help across the sea. Tai's boat was pulling further and further away in the distance. Tai and TK where paddling together, while Sora was paddling only by herself. (Biyomon's legs were to short to reach the pedals). "Where going to lose them!" She cried as Tai's boat disappeared over the horizon.
Suddenly the water around them erupted. The swan craft rocked violently, and Sora's head collided with the roof of the boat, knocking her out cold. Luckily for Biyomon she wasn't riding on the swan, or she would have been knocked out to. A large head raised from the water, gleaming with metal. "You're going to lose more than that!"
Biyomon hovered several feet away from the gigantic form. "Who are you?"
"Metalseadramon is my name." His armor shone on the sun. "Me and my fellow dark masters have been searching for you digidestined all over Server. You're lucky I found you first, I'll kill you much quicker than any of my allies would."
"Oh yeah," Light surrounded Biyomon. "Biyomon digivolve to BIRDRAMON!" The gigantic firebird hovered in front of the sea serpent. "Let's see you try. Meteor wing!" Fire flew from her wings, but harmlessly splashed against his armor.
Metalseadramon sneered and head-butted Birdramon, knocking her back. "As you wish, your no match for me. River of Power!" A glow built in Metalseadramon's nose, but before he could release on the momentarily stunned firebird, a large object jumped from the sea, colliding with him, sending his shot wild. Metalseadramon turned around to face his attacker. "Who are you to attack me?"
Another sea creature was clearly emerged from the sea. It resembled an enormous dolphin, with stripes running down either side of his head. "The name's Zukamon. (The Digimon screen popped up, showing his name and picture.) I'm a powerful sea creature, which can swim at speeds half the speed of sound. My attack is the powerful Water Blaster."
"I'll engrave it on your tombstone. River of Power!" A constant stream of energy shot out of Metalseadramon's nose.
"Water Blaster!" A high-pressure stream of water shot out of Zukamon's blowhole. It collided with Metalseadramon's blast. The two beams cancelled each other out, steam rising into the sky."
"Not bad, but you no Mega." Metalseadramon increased his power, and slowly Metalseadramon's River of Power worked its way closer and closer to Zukamon. The dolphin was clearly straining against the pressure, but suddenly his power left him. His stream of water ended, and Metalseadramon's River of Pain collided with him. Zukamon was thrown back. Luckily, Metalseadramon had used up a lot of his power, so his energy blast was only half intensity.
The haze in Birdramon's eyes was clearing, and her eye focused on the scene in front of her. Metalseadramon, after using all his powers, had encircled Zukamon and was slowly squeezing the life from him. Birdramon looked at the suffocating creature, something familiar in his eyes, something she knew.
Birdramon instantly flashed back to Yokomon village. She was with hundreds of her own kind. But there was one Yokomon she had eyes for. Most of the other Yokomon, although they always acted nice around her, where a little jealous of her of being one of the chosen digimon. But this Yokomon wasn't. He was brave, even for an in-training digimon. He saved her life once when she nearly drowned; he was always an excellent swimmer. When she awoke from her near drowning, she looked up and saw his eyes full concern; the same eyes this Zukamon had.
"NO! STOP! I won't let you hurt him!" Sora's crest glowed on her, and a new energy flowed through. Flame ensnarled Birdramon. "Birdramon, digivolve to GARUDAMON!" Garudamon looked briefly at herself, surprised at her knew form, but quickly recovered.
"Hey you water snake, leave him alone." Metalseadramon turned around, just in time to see Garudamon grab his tail. He was wretched off Zukamon, as Garudamon flew up in the air. "Let's go for a spin." Twirling Metalseadramon like a top, she threw him even higher in the air. At his apex, Garudamon screamed as she felt a new power flow through her. "Wing Blaze!" And a huge bird of fire originating from her wings sailed at high speeds, colliding with Metalseadramon. His form, ablaze, spiraled down towards the ocean, landing with an enormous splash.
Garudamon flew down, fully expected to have heard the last of Metalseadramon. She was wrong as the metallic head burst forth from the water. His hair was scorched and his armor tarnished, but he still had a grin on his face. "Nice shot bird lady, but you and you fish friend only stunned me. While your power is impressive, it's still no match for me. I think I will allow you to live. I want to see the look on your face when me and the Dark Masters rewrite the digital world." Metalseadramon tore off into the distance laughing. "Enjoy your hollow victory, it won't last."
Garudamon didn't bother going after Metalseadramon. Instead, she dived into the water. She surfaced a split second later, cradling the enormous digimon in her arms, so she was up to her waist in water. "Zukamon, speak to me!"
Shaking his head, Zukamon spoke. "I'm fine, that serpent just knocked me for a loop. Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine, but Sora?" Garudamon's voice boomed with worry. She was too big to check Sora's form in the boat.
"Just a second." Zukamon released a loud screech. Garudamon covered her ears. "Sorry," Zukamon replied. "I was using my sonar. Your friend is breathing at a normal sleeping rate. She must merely be knocked out as I was. She'll be sleeping for a while, if that battle didn't wake her up, nothing will. We drove every living digimon away with our battle. I don't think there's a creature in miles."
Garudamon, now relived that Sora was fine, had other questions. "Do I know you? You remind me of someone I knew on File Island."
Zukamon smiled. "I used to be a Yokomon like you. When you left, I realized I wanted to explore the word too. I digivolved and eventually reached this form, Zukamon. I always did enjoy the water. How did you recognize me?"
Garudamon rubbed her hand over his head. "I remember those eyes. You've save my life twice now." Garudamon hugged Zukamon close. "You where always brave, always there when I need you." She kissed Zukamon once on the lips, quickly at first. But then she bent down and kissed him again, this time pushing her massive tongue down his pointed mouth. They hugged even tighter, with Garudamon wrapping her legs around Zukamon's tail.
Slowly, the couple began to rise into the air, propelled by Garudamon's massive wings. The two were now suspended several meters in the air, still hugging each other tightly. Garudamon felt something pushing in between her legs. Zukamon's enormous dick had been aroused out of its hidden pouch. Garudamon could feel the massive shaft rubbing against the outside of her pussy. She lifted herself slowly up, and placed the head at her pussy opening hidden amongst her feathers. She slowly lowered herself down. Zukamon released a high pitched whine as Garudamon fit his entire length inside her. Holding Zukamon with her arms, she flew up using her wings, and she quickly thrust herself back down again. Garudamon was groaning now as she lifted herself up and down, her grunts mixed in with Zukamon high pitched dolphin squeals.
The two flew higher in the air as their temp increased. Miles away digimon thought the terrible fight was still going on and ran even further. Garudamon was squeezing as tight as she could with her legs. Zukamon could fell himself ready to climax, and Garudamon was closing in as well. Zukamon arched backwards, with Garudamon riding on top of him. With one final thrust, Zukamon came, filling Garudamon's enormous belly with his seed. This set off Garudamon, who drenched Zukamon's tail with her pussy juices. Zukamon's trajectory continued, throwing them both into the sea. They continued humping underwater, holding each other tightly as the last remnants of the orgasms passed though the two of them. The waves washed away their cum as the two finally separated.
They both surfaced from the water. Garudamon hovered above Zukamon's head. "You where always there for me." Garudamon smiled.
Zukamon smiled as well, "I'll always be there for you, I may not be one of the chosen digimon, but I still will help whenever I can." With that he turned and began to swim off in the distance.
Garudamon watched Zukamon swim off into the distance. Her energy spent, she digivolved all the way back into Biyomon, it took all her concentration not to go back to her in-training form Yokomon. She flew up to Sora's face, who was just beginning to stir. "Are you ok?" Biyomon asked.
Sora removed her helmet and rubbed her head. "I think so, but I've got a killer headache. What happened?"
Biyomon was about to tell the whole story, but wondered how Sora would feel if she found out she digivolved for Zukamon and not her? And how would she explain Metalseadramon? "We hit a rock Sora, you where just out of it for a while."
"Ok then," Sora replaced her helmet. "We have to get going." She began to paddle the boat again, with Biyomon flying beside her. Biyomon took one last gaze to the sea, wondering if she would ever see Zukamon again.

That's the end of this requested lemon. If anyone has any suggestion for a topic, or if there is a picture you want me to write a story with, just mention it. Any comments, suggestions, writing tips, feel free to post them at this site or e-mail me at