This lemon by Red Rover contains adult concepts from the television show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under eighteen or the material is illegal in you jurisdiction.

A comedy spin-off inspired by Digistar DBZ. Thanks to SonimodB, Togashi, Metal Mikemon, Tank Cop, Hellravenmon, and Boss Reo for letting me write it. This one takes places after we all watch Tank Cop's "Memories: Part 1; The Good Old Days.." 

The Critics Series #7

Christine's "Broken Out of the Shell" Commentary

(Setting- Thousands of years in the future, the greatest lemon writers are brought back to life. No one can remember the other's lemons.)

HELLRAVENMON- So who are you bringing back this time?
RED ROVER- A digimon lemon writer. Duh.
HELLRAVENMON- You know what I mean.
TOGASHI- (Watching the Lemon Writer Reanimator as another form takes place.) I never get tired of that show.
CHRISTINE- It is impressive.
DARK JESTER- Why thank you! (Walks down from the stage.)
CHRISTINE- I mean the machine.
DARK JESTER- I like that nickname, "The Machine". I think I'll keep it.
CHRISTINE- You're pushing it.
TANK COP- It is getting crowded. With Dark Jester that leaves….one less than we had before. Hey, what happened to SonimodB and Boss Reo?
METAL MIKEMON- Maybe a mysterious villain has come out of the shadows, and is kidnapping all the lemon writers one by one, in order to challenge Red Rover in a battle for supremacy?
TOGASHI- Or maybe they just went to the can?
CHRISTINE- Mysterious villain…That's a good one. Well come on now, lets go see on of my lemons.
RED ROVER- Sounds good. (Follows the other lemon writers out the door to the lemon theaters.)
HELLRAVENMON- Here we go. (Reads movie poster.) Now playing-Christine's Broken Out of the Shell. A beautiful lemon from a writer know for elegance, as well as starring in many of her lemons as herself.
DARK JESTER- You write about yourself?
RED ROVER- Don't knock it till you tried it.
CHRISTINE- Why should the fictional characters have all the fun. SonimodB used me as well.
METAL MIKEMON- Same here. 
CHRISTINE- Well then…(Grabs Metal Mikemon's arm.). Why don't you escort your lemon topic to her seat. (Metal Mikemon and Christine walked to their seats.)
HELLRAVENMON- We need more female lemon writers.
RED ROVER- Either that, or write this lemon yourself. Ladies? (Ladydevimon and Lillymon came out, and take each of Red Rover's arms.) Now then, lets go to our seats.
LILLYMON- Sure thing.
LADYDEVIMON- You've got it big boy. (Red Rover, Lillymon and Ladydevimon walked into the theater.)
HELLRAVENMON- Where'd they come from?
TOGASHI- He's writing this lemon.
DARK JESTER- He's a bit conceited isn't he?
TOGASHI- You have no idea.
(Everyone is now in theater and the lemon starts playing.)


DARK JESTER- Reference to digieggs?
CHRISTINE- Just a metaphoric title.

It was a night I was never going to forget. I had Angemon with me, not necessarily meaning that I would like him, it's just that I know that he isn't the type. He's not likely to go up to a human, especially me, and say "Hi! Do you want to go out?". He doesn't look it. He's too calm and serious. It would be cool though if he would be nasty for once. But on that night. . . I learned that even the most difficult of people can break free and be who they really are. . . 

TOGASHI- Who is Angemon with? It's a bit confusing.
CHRISTINE- You'll find out.
RED ROVER- How could he digivolve without TK and Kari nearby?
CHRISTINE- Can we get on with the story please?

"Oh god, it feels like we've been walking for hours!"
"We have been walking for hours!"

HELLRAVENMON- Why would they walk when they have wings?

"How in the hell could you tell? You don't even have a watch!"

METAL MIKEMON- Angemon swears?
CHRISTINE- He does now.

"No I don't, but I can tell. We left the mountain area when the sun was up high. Now, we're hiking through the rainforest, and it's almost dark!"

TOGASHI- Where are they headed? Is there a point?
CHRISTINE- Must every detail be explained?

"Auuugggh! I want to go home! I can't stand it here. I'm a friggin' Angewomon for god's sake! Stop right now! I want to go back!!!"

TOGASHI- Boy, she's whiny today.

"Woah! PMS calls!"

METAL MIKEMON- Well, that ends any lemon possibility.

"WHAT?? "
"Nothing. . . "

RED ROVER- Now beg for your code.

So here I was. Walking through the DigiWorld with Angemon. I wanted to go home. We were all alone. My back was slouched and I was draggin' my ass along beside him. I wanted to rest, he wanted to move on. "We have to find T.K . and the other DigiDestined."he says. Well I say SCREW IT! I want to go back. I can't even stand the wise cracks he makes about me. 
"Hey big n' tall! My period's not due for a week so shut up!"

RED ROVER- Angewomon shouldn't have a period. The premenstrual syndrome is a by product of the mammalian process for preparing the body for pregnancy. Since Digimon are born from eggs, that would mean Angewomon…
LILLYMON- Red Rover, Sweetie?

Oops. I had just admitted that I had my period. 
"Ahehehe! Just look at yourself! You're blushing all the way to your ears!"

TOGASHI- How can you see her ears under all that blond hair?

"Oooooohhhhh! Why I otta. . . "
He shook his finger at me.
"You should now better than to pick on someone bigger than you!"

TOGASHI- He's a champion, she should be more powerful as an ultimate.

"Ooh Mr. Smarty Pants, in what way are you bigger than me!?"

HELLRAVENMON- I hope she's not referring to what I think she's referring to.
RED ROVER- Angewomon having a dick shatters a lot of fantasies for me.
LADYDEVIMON- Hmmmmm….not for me. (Snuggles close to Red Rover.)

He stood totally still. I think he took that in the wrong way. He bent over and fell onto the ground.
"( gasp). . . Are you okay!?"

METAL MIKEMON- Oh my god, she killed Angemon!
RED ROVER- You Bastard!

He started to shake. I bent over and turned him over onto his back.
( snicker snicker ) "
He was laughing at me. Then . . . he burst!
"Whahahahaha! Hehehhahahah!"

TANK COP- He's not very charming to the ladies.

"Hey what's so funny!"
"Aheheheahaha. . . nothing! I'm just thinking something really sick!"
"Oh, well. . . I have something else in mind!"
I said in a sexy voice. 

RED ROVER- And on with the lemon!

He didn't fall for it!
"Nice try!"
He quickly got up off the ground. He brushed himself off and continued walking.

RED ROVER- OK, that was a tease.

"You know, we are all alone after all, and I was thinkin' that maybe we could. . "
"Fool around a bit?"
He had spun around to look at me. He quickly pulled me towards him and held me tightly. He had finished off my sentence.

HELLRAVENMON- Since when did Angemon become so blunt?

"Oh Angemon. . . I . . . I. . . !"

RED ROVER- Now the lemon!

I slowly and gently pushed him away from me. 
"I'm not ready yet. . . it's just not our time!"

RED ROVER- You're really fooling with us, aren't you?
CHRISTINE- I thought you liked a little plot Red?

"I understand fully, I was just joking anyway!"
"Heheh! Sure you were! " 
"I was, really, I was!"
"Yeah ! Whatever!"

TANK COP- Notice guys only say they're kidding when they're rejected.

I ran ahead of him playfully. I was running really fast.
"Ahaha! Catch me if you can!"
I said in a playful kiddish voice.

TOGASHI- I still don't know why they're running. Are those wings for show?

" If you can even keep u~~~ SMACK~~~"
I had smashed face first into a tree. Ouch. That really hurts. My helmet made a loud CLONK as it hit the tree. It looked like I was giving the thick tree a big hug with both my arms and legs. The whole damn tree shook.

METAL MIKEMON- The tree's seen more action than Angemon has.

"( muffled ) Owww. . . "
I heard a loud laughter from behind me.
"Ahahaha! Hey bark-face. I think that's called getting a little too close to nature! Heheheh!"

HELLRAVENMON- Is that how he seduces a digi-woman.

"( muffled ) I'm going to kill you! ( blushes ) "
I gave out that muffled reply . I didn't mean it, but boy was he really getting on my nerves.
"Hehehe. Let's keep on going!"
So we kept on walking. I heard a strange rushing noise.

RED ROVER- Finally a horde of viral digimon!

"Hey, what's that?"
"It seems to be a waterfall!"

TANK COP- Or a waterfall, exciting.
CHRISTINE- My lemons aren't full of battles and blood.

I ran into the clearing, where there was a little pool of water; a fresh waterfall spiraling off a cliff high above was the water source.
"Yay! Finally I can take a bath!"

HELLRAVENMON- That's her automatic reaction?

Angemon just blushed. 
"Hey angel, aren't you going to come in with me?"
"I. . . uh, no thanks, I think I'll pass!"

METAL MIKEMON- Angemon has gone nuts. That's the only explanation.

"Alright scaredy-cat. Suit yourself. You might as well wait for me over there on that rock. I have to undress you know. If I can even get out of this costume!"

TANK COP- She's never taken off her outfit before?
LADYDEVIMON- Talk about being a prude….So unlike me, right Red Rover?

" Y. . . you can. The zipper on the left leg should help. Oh, and as for the helmet. . . "
Angemon slowly walked up to me. He was stuttering with every word he said. 
" I. . . I just want to see your face!"

TOGASHI- That's not what I would want to see.

He gently put his warm hands on my cheeks and worked his way up. He gently slid off the helmet. The rest of my golden-blonde hair fell out of it's ( helmet-head ) place. I blinked, then opened my eyes again. My light green eyes sparkled into the moonlight. My soft, delicate skin shone with beauty. Angemon seemed in awe. . . as if I was the most wonderful thing he'd ever seen. He lifted my chin up.

LILLYMON- Hey Angewomon has blue eyes!
RED ROVER- You're right, I sense a plot twist coming up.

"Wow. You are so beautiful. . . I never knew. You are the most wonderful thing I've ever set my eyes on."
He stroked my cheek with his fingers. I put my hands around his helmet and gently lifted it off. He had beautiful sky ( baby ) blue colored eyes. He had long bangs, separated in an " M " shape, his soft and tender skin looked smooth and warm. 

HELLRAVENMON- I didn't even think that helmet came off.

"You aren't so bad looking yourself. Oh my god. . . you are so handsome I . . . I shouldn't have been so mean to you. "

TANK COP- After seeing her, I'd apologize for shooting Lincoln.

"Me neither. Do you forgive me?"
"Of course I do. I kinda think you're sexy. Rrrroooooowwwwwrrrr!"

DARK JESTER- He is blunt, isn't he.
RED ROVER- At least we're finally at the lemon.

"Ahehe. I think you're sexy too!"
"Oh, yeah. . . um, why don't you wait over there while I take a bath, okay?"

RED ROVER- Oh come on now!
LILLYMON- You're so tense. Relax. How about a neck rub?
TOGASHI- You're having to much fun, aren't you Red?

He slowly walked over to the rock an sat down. I unzipped the cold , metal zipper on the side of my leg. I slowly slid off the costume. It felt so good to have my wings free. I folded it and placed it in a pile at the corner of the pool. I placed the helmet down beside Angemon's . I dived into the water. Its warm temperature soothed my muscles. I swam to the surface. It was quite shallow. The water level was only just above my bellybutton. I had done a shallow dive. I waded over to the waterfall. I jumped under it's falling waters, wetting my hair and body. The feel of the luke warm water splashing against my face and dripping down onto my body felt so refreshing. I heard another splash. I opened my eyes and looked over to where Angemon was supposed to be. He wasn't there. All that was left was his costume, meaning that he was somewhere near, running around naked. Oh if that doesn't turn me on, nothing will. 
"Angemon. . . ? "
I heard another splash and suddenly felt warm, strong arms caressing my body from behind. 
"I'm right here."
"Oh you sure know how to turn a woman on!"

RED ROVER- Now the lemon?

"Yes . . . I do. And I know exactly which spots on your body to touch to get you going."

HELLRAVENON- Not a hint of modesty eh?

He said as he stroked the underside of my chin.
"Oh . . . you are so nasty. "

TOGASHI- Touching the underside of her chin isn't that nasty…
CHRISTINE- Patience.

I turned around to face Angemon. He was smiling and blushing. He was looking over my body. He had just seen me naked. There was a twinkle in his eye that was just unforgettable.

METAL MIKEMON- He's buck naked, and she's noticing his eyes?

"Hhhmmmm. . . do you like what you see?"
"Yes, very much!"

TANK COP- Would you honestly expect a no?

I wrapped my arms around him in a tight embrace. His body was so warm. I could feel his heart pounding against mine. He held me close. I could feel him breathing on my neck. I felt a warm sensation in my body. I knew it was love. I held the back of Angemon's head. His hair was soft, long and silky ( not to mention wet ). I pulled his head towards mine. His lips were close enough to mine that I could feel them shaking. Our lips touched in a passion filled kiss. I tried to back away, but my body kept glued against his. To be honest with you, I didn't want to leave. I knew that it was fate, that it was destiny that we were going to be lovers. We stopped.
"Why did you kiss me?"

HELLRAVENMON- We're naked in a pool of water, talking dirty the last hour, and locked in a tight embrace? That sound like a good answer?

"Well. . . Angemon, it's because. . . I want you. I . . . I love you! I want you to be with me forever."
"You love me even after all the jokes and rude things I've said to and about you?"
I saw a tear running down his cheek. 
"Yes. I do! "
Angemon started to gently run his fingers up my back.
"Ohh Angemon, don't tease me like that. Hold me tight!"

RED ROVER- She's accusing him of being a tease?

He held me tight. Suddenly, I felt something. A hand , running from my cheek, down further, down my neck, and almost a bit to close to my breasts. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. 
"Uhh. . . I think my bathtime is over. "

RED ROVER- You've got to be kidding me!
LADYDEVIMON- She's almost as big a tease as you are Lillymon.
LILLYMON- You be quiet!

I quickly got out of his arms and ran out of the pool. I shook like a dog to get the water out of my hair and to dry off the feathers on my wings. I sat down on the nearest pile of palm branches, using them as a bed. I hid my face in my hands. Angemon got out of the pool and walked to me. He kneeled down behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.
"You don't have to hide it, don't run away from it."
"I have to. I'm not really an Angewomon. I can't do this!"

TOGASHI- Did I miss something?
TANK COP- The helmet, blond hair, and wings threw me off.

"With an angel, 'can't' isn't in our vocabulary."
He started to rub me down. His hands working over my back in such a way that you know he was trying to make you happy. I loved the feel of his skin against mine. 
"Oh yeah! That feels so good!"
"Thanks. "
His hands worked their way over my shoulders and onto my front side. His hands were just about to touch my breasts again. I put my hands on his.
"I'd prefer you didn't!"
I brushed his hand away.

RED ROVER- Ok, Angemon's head will explode with hormones right about now….

"Why not? You can't keep on hiding your feelings for me!"
I thought about it for a moment. . . 
"You know, you're right! I can't keep on running from you. "

TANK COP- I can't believe that line worked.

I directed his hands onto my shoulders. Angemon gasped in amazement that I would do such a thing. 
"Yes, it's okay. Go ahead. I'm not going to push you away this time. "
I turned towards him. I hugged him tightly. 

RED ROVER- I wouldn't be to sure, she pushed his away before.

"Angemon? Could you do me a favor?"
"I want you inside of me!"

METAL MIKEMON- Now she's getting blunt.

Do what?"
"Yes! I want to mate with you."

DARK JESTER- Who uses the word mate?
CHRISTINE- Digimon do.

"Are you sure you're ready ?"
"I'm sure."
"Do you really want this?"
"Yes, I want it and I want you bad!"

TANK COP- What guy would ask are you sure so many times? All a woman has to do is say yes once.
CHRISTINE- Angemon's being polite. I know its unusual for a male!
LILLYMON- Ouch, nailed you boys good.

"Alright! If that's what you really want, that's what you're going to get. I love you so much I'm willing to do this for you!"

METAL MIKEMON- Geeze, he's making it sound like some noble sacrifice.

"Oh. . . thank you!"

RED ROVER- Did I miss the point where she was begging him?

I lied down on the leaves. I was feeling unsure, but yet excited. I could feel him gently spreading my legs open. I felt a warm sensation entering my body as I felt weight on my chest. Angemon was on top of me. I could feel it sliding into me. Slowly, but surely, I could feel it. I felt a sharp pain in me. The pain wouldn't go away. It hurt so much. I held Angemon's hand tightly, squeezing it to make me feel better. My face was a little bit scrunched up, and I was gritting my teeth. It hurt so much.
"Aahh, stop! Please stop!"

RED ROVER- What happened to no pushing away?

"Sshhhh! It's okay, everything's alright. Just hold on, I'm almost there!"

HELLRAVENMON- Otherwise he'd snap.

"( feeling even more pain and squeezing his hand even tighter ) Okay, just get it over with."

METAL MIKEMON- A lovely statement to say to your lover. Just get it over with.

I felt like something inside of me just left. I felt so filled, it still hurt, but not as much. Just then, I knew that I wasn't a virgin anymore. I opened my eyes to see Angemon starring into my eyes, lovingly, and blushing. I felt a throbbing in my bottom half. I knew that he was injecting his essence into me. My cheeks were warm, I guess I was still blushing. A tear started to form in my eye.
"Why are you crying?"
"Because it hurts."
"Well then I'll stop!"

DARK JESTER- Boy, what man would quit so quickly?

"No! Please stay in me."
"Don't worry, I will!"

TOGASHI- I don't think there was much chance of him refusing that request.

He started to move it around a little bit. He pushed it in further. It felt so good! He was in me, we were becoming one. I couldn't help it, a loud moan escaped my lips.
"Uh. . . mmm !"
"What was that for?"

HELLRAVENMON- It's a compliment I'd hope.
METAL MIKEMON- Now if she started moaning Wargreymon's name, that's a problem.

"Unnhh. . . it's nothing! Angemon. . . that feels so wonderful. Please don't stop!"
"I know, it feels good for me too!"
He actually said that it felt good. 

RED ROVER- I'd imagined it would.
LILLYMON- Why wouldn't it?
LADYDEVIMON- Well, how about your Togemon form?
RED ROVER- That be fatal.

"Oh I love you so much !"
"Thank you. "
"Please go harder. . . I want to feel you more!"

DARK JESTER- She changed her tone rather quickly.

"Uunnhh. . . I will!"
I felt him push it in harder and harder, not stopping. He started to make noises, turning me on even more. I felt like screaming out for mercy, but there was something about him that wouldn't let me squeal. 
"Oh baby don't stop!"

METAL MIKEMON- Sounded like a squeal to me.
HELLRAVENMON- More of a statement.

I could feel the numbness in my body growing more and more. It got to such a point I was trembling and crying. I was starting to moan more, as he pushed really hard, giving me all that he had. He held my hand tight, rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb.
"It's okay. I can feel you shaking. It's going to be alright. "
He gently pulled it out a bit so that it wouldn't hurt anymore. He held me close. I wrapped my arms around him.
"Yes. . . it will!"
The numbness stopped. I regained the feeling in my body. My whole body was shaky, I was panting and breathing hard. My cheeks were red, from blushing. My eyes were relaxed, from all of the pleasure I was feeling. Angemon slowly pulled it out all of the way. He got off of me. 
"What happened? "
"My job is done. That was great though!"

TOGASHI- My job is done. Oh that's just poetic.

"Yeah, I agree!"
The last tear fell from my cheek. I loved him so much.
"Do you have anything left in you? "
"I think so, why?"

HELLRAVENMON- He is surprisingly naïve.

"I want to give it to you, my way."
"Oh, okay! "

DARK JESTER- He agreed. What a surprise.

I turned over, I was now lying on my stomach. I felt stress in my muscles. I turned my head in such a way that I could see him crawl on top of me. I felt him entering me once again. It hurt really bad this time. I was so uptight that my nerves wouldn't let it go in properly. It felt kind of numb and sore at the same time. I was getting it doggy-style position, but it went into the right hole. 
"Ahhh. . . Unh. . . owww wow! Stop it , it hurts. Stop!"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Just relax Angel Mine. It's okay."

TOGASHI- Nice phrase.
CHRISTINE- I thought so to.

He gently whispered. . . He started to rub my back and kiss my neck as he pushed it in more. My muscles rested, I was now soothed. He was lying on top of me, it was a cool night, so he covered me with his wings so I wouldn't be cold.

"Hmmmm, . . . that's great! No wonder why you're an angel!"
"I'm not just anyone's Angel, I'm yours!"
"Oh. . . god I love you so much! Angemon? Do you not care what I am like because I'm in an Angewomon form? Or do you really love me for who I am?"

DARK JESTER- I love you because of the Angewomon form.
CHRISTINE- The absolute wrong thing to say.

He wrapped his arms around me. I felt like I was loved, for the first time I actually felt needed. He moved my hair away from the back of my neck. He tenderly kissed my neck, as if to say "It's alright, I'm here for you!". He held me tighter, making me feel whole as I climaxed. We just lay there for while, resting in each other's arms. He got off of me and lied down beside me. I closed my eyes as he pulled me on top of him. I rested my head on his shoulder. He was so warm. His wings were cupped around us, like a sacred dome that can't be entered. There was light shining through, making the illusion of a mystical glow inside. I was all warm and comfortable. He hugged me again, I love the feel of his strong, warm arms around my body. I can feel his love for me flowing into my body in his gentle touch.
"I love you for who you are. If I loved you only because of your form, I'd be calling you Angewomon. But I'm not! I've been calling you Christine the whole time. I love you for who you are, and don't care what you look like. My goal in life is to please you."

TOGASHI- Did I miss something?
RED ROVER- This lemon is about you?
CHRISTINE- Why should the fictional characters have all the fun?
HELLRAVENMON- He never called her Christine before.

I softly kissed him on his smooth lips and looked into his eyes.
"( whispering in a loving voice) And you've succeeded. "
We kissed again. He gently stroked my cheek with his hand.
"Angemon? Did you enjoy it?"

METAL MIKEMON- Duh. What do you think?

"Yes I did. I find that making love isn't about the fact of not being a virgin, or just getting to do it for the first time, it's about the pleasure and the love we feel for each other is what really matters. "

TANK COP- Now that was eloquent.

"Wow, I never knew that you had such a way with words."

TANK COP- Just what I said.

His lips touched mine again. The warmth of his body and the smoothness of his lips made me feel protected and safe. 
"You'll never know how much you mean to me. You are my life!"
He put his hands at the back of my head. My head was on his chest, listening to the true words of his heart.
"Oh Angemon, why are you saying all these things to me?"

HELLRAVENMON- Because I want more nookie.
CHRISTINE- Charming, Hell.

"It's because they're true!"
I was still on top of him. I didn't want to get off. One of his arms released the grip on my back and his fingers searched my chest for a certain spot. They stopped near the left side. His pointer finger and his middle finger put pressure on that spot.
"Wow! For such a sleepy and calm woman, your heart sure beats fast!"

RED ROVER- A good excuse to cop another feel.

The pressure subsided and his hand went back to being around my waist. 
"My heart only beats like this when I'm with you!"
I could feel his hand , ever so gently stroking my cheek. His finger tips ran over my lips and I tenderly kissed them. 
"Will you always be here to protect me?"
"Yes, I will. I'll do anything for your safety. "

DARK JESTER- I'd do anything period.

"What happens if you die?"
"I won't let it happen!"
He closed my lips with his finger. His hand went back down to being near my waist. He held my hand and stroked the top of it with his thumb. I could feel his lips against my ear. 
"I love you, Angel Mine!"

RED ROVER- That is catchy.
CHRISTINE- Thank you.

His voice was so calm and loving, it was like his voice was riding with a pure, sunset wind. The words he said into my ear, went straight to my heart. I now understood why he wanted to protect me. Just the way he whispered in my ear, sent a warm shiver throughout my body.
"Yes, I will be with you forever. Just the thought of you in my arms makes me truly happy."
"That sounds so nice!"
His words made me melt . I started to tear again . 
" Unhhh. . . Angemon I want to make you mine forever. I love you so much!"
"I know that you do. I can feel it in the words that you say to me."

DARK JESTER- And I can feel other things as well.

I took his arm and placed it back around me. I put my arms around him as well, our bodies were pressing together. His warm body was so perfect.
"You don't know how much you mean to me. I love the feel of you in me. I need you. Your are part of my life and now part of me. I never want you to leave."
"I won't. "

TANK COP- Who would?

He held me even tighter. Our bodies pushed so close together that we could feel each other's heartbeats on each others chests. My heart was beating faster and faster. 
" I. . . I. . . but I thought that. . . "
" Ssshhhh! It's gonna be okay, it's alright. You just rest now!"

METAL MIKEMON- I have to take pictures and post them on the net.
TOGASHI- Already up on my web site.
CHRISTINE- How droll guys.

"Hhhmmmmm, . . . okay!"
I held him tight. Nothing in the world was going to take him away from me. It felt so good and it felt so right. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy. I let out one last sleepy " I love you " and I was falling asleep in his arms. He lightly rubbed my back. Angemon gently kissed me on the forehead. 
"Sleep well. . . Angel Mine!"

RED ROVER- Wasn't that a song?
CHRISTINE- It's still a nice phrase, and highly appropriate.

<><><* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *><><>

I woke up early the next morning. I was in Angemon's arms. My vision was still blurry. Angemon was silently snoring, he was fast asleep. His flawless face looked perfect in the morning sunlight. I slipped my hand into his, holding it. I playfully licked his cheek. The next thing I knew was that I was staring into beautiful blue eyes. Picture perfect.

DARK JESTER- Except this is a lemon. No picture.

"Hhmmm. . . did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, I did. I had a wonderful dream. You and I were dancing under a full moon."

TOGASHI- I had a wonderful dream as well.You were there, and so was Ladydevimon, Lillymon….
RED ROVER- Hey leave my dates out of this!
TANK COP- You do have an ego problem.
LILLYMON- Now leave Red alone.

"That sounds nice. "
"It was very romantic too."
I held Angemon close to me.
"Do you know how special you are to me?"
"Yes I do!"
"You are the very reason why I breathe. I wouldn't have a purpose in the world if you weren't here for me. "
A tear slid down my cheek. He had no idea that he was so important to me.
"I love you so much! Words can't even describe the feelings I have for you."
"Then, did you think to use body language. . . . . . "

HELLRAVENMON- I think the body language was pretty obvious before.

He leaned towards me and our lips met. I held him tighter as the kiss continued. The kiss lifted. . . 
"Enough said. . . . "
"Why do you love me?"

DARK JESTER- Because I am incredibly horny?
CHRISTINE- No smart man would answer that way.

"Because you're. . . . you are my dream come true?"
"Then, a dream is a wish that the heart makes!"

RED ROVER- A little to metaphysical for me.

"Yes it is, and all my heart thinks about is you!"
I kissed him again. I did feel like I was in heaven. His eyes looked like the very reflection of the sky itself. His smile was charming and his voice was soothing. Nothing could've been better.
"Have you ever Digivolved into MagnaAngemon?"
"Yeah, remember when I defeated Piedmon?"

TANK COP- I thought this was a different Angewomon?

"You were awesome! Um. . . . I have a question, when you Digivolve, does everything get bigger?"

DARK JESTER- Okay, I can see where this is going.

"Yes, my whole body, why?"
"I was wondering if your. . . your ( giggle giggle ) Ahehehah!"
I started to laugh.
"What? What's so funny?"
"Ahahahahehaheh! Noth. . . heheh. . nothing!"
"Oh! I get it now. You were wondering if my . . . ( ahem ) got bigger!"

METAL MIKEMON- Oh that's nice. Can't your dick be any bigger? That always impresses a guy.

I stopped laughing.
"That's exactly what I was wanting to know!"
"Well. . . the answer is yes, it does."

TANK COP- I'm sure he noticed when he was in a fight to the death with Piedmon. Gee is my cock any longer?

I started to heavily blush. I shivered from the thought of Angemon possibly being even sexier. 
"Woah Baby!"
"I guess you like that answer, huh?"
"Oh Yeah!! Wahooo!"
Angemon just laughed. I started to get all giddy.
"Rrroowwwrrr. Hubba hubba! Hehe, I like you the way you are too you know!"

DARK JESTER- Considering her next form is a huge pink dragon, I can see why he prefers this form.

"I know!"
"Are we still naked?"

METAL MIKEMON- How could you forget?

There was total silence for a moment. 
"Don't we still have to look for the DigiDestined?"
There was even more silence. . . we both quickly got up and pulled on our clothes.

HELLRAVENMON- It be a little awkward if they found the other digidestined while in their current state of undress.

"We better start looking!"
"Christine, wait! There's something I want to do before we go."

DARK JESTER- Still can't believe that's you.
TOGASHI- You look different. The wings threw me off.
CHRISTINE- As a said before, why should I let the fictional character have all the fun?

I gave him a puzzled look. He walked over to me and gave me a hug. He just held me. . 
"Oh, if only time would freeze! "
"If I knew how, I would make it. I want to stay like this forever. . . " 

HELLRAVENMON- It would be awful hard to finish this lemon if it goes on forever.

TO BE CONTINUED. . . . . .

HELLRAVENMON- Amazing how many lemons end like that.
RED ROVER- I must admit that was impressive. It's such a difference to read a lemon written from a woman's perspective.
TOGASHI- Yeah, we need more female lemon writers.
DARK JESTER- There is a definite change.
HELLRAVENMON- Yeah I like the first person perspective.
LADYDEVIMON- Well, it was nice, although I would be much more willing. My place later Red?
RED ROVER- Sure, see you there.
LILLYMON- Hey, what about me?
RED ROVER- You can come.Well I have to go. See you later ladies.
LILLYMON- See you! (Lillymon and Ladydevimon leave.)
TOGASHI- Your ego is out of control, you know that?
RED ROVER- (Waves goodbye to the digi-womon.) It is not, I just choose not to keep it confined.
CHRISTINE- We can see. Now let's go to another lemon.
TOGASHI- I'd like to know what happened to SonimodB and Boss Reo though.

Deep in the hidden lair beneath the lemon theater….

MYSTERIOUS MAN- Welcome to my hidden underground base!
SONMODB- How can this be secret? It's an underground stadium!
BOSS REO- You mean to tell me you built this, all by yourself, without anyone noticing?
MYSTERIOUS MAN- It's the Bat Cave principle. All powerful mysterious figures are able to construct huge bases of operations, without anybody noticing.
SONIMODB- So now what?
MYSTERIOUS MAN- Now I lock you in the cages while I go kidnap the remaining lemon writers.
BOSS REO- So why are you telling us your sinister plans?
MYSTERIOUS MAN- It's in the shadowy villain hand book.
SONIMODB- And why do you keep referring to yourself as the Mysterious Man? Its pretty obvious you're…
NARRATOR- SonimodB has deduced the identity of the Mysterious Man, but who is he? Will he succeed in his nefarious schemes? Tune in next time for The Critics Series!
BOSS REO- Why did you interrupt SonimodB?
NARRATOR- I am under orders to prevent any revelation of Mysterious Man's identity.
BOSS REO- But how can you do this?
MYSTERIOUS MAN- Simple, I have the power. Now into your cells. Red Rover is not the only one who can write an enigmatic character. Now the power is mine. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!...

And that was the continuation of my Critic series. I must admit, this lemon of Christine's is defiantly in my top five favorite lemons. Thanks to Dark Jester, SonimodB, Togashi, Metal Mikemon, Tank Cop, Hellravenmon, and Boss Reo. Any comments, requests, question, writing tips, etc, e-mail me at
Proofread by: Madman