This writing by Red Rover contains adult situation involving the television show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under eighteen, or if this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

The continuation of my on-going epic lemon, and the start of the third epic lemon. It takes place at the end of season two, and the Tamers where transported before the start of the Deva saga. For simplistic sakes, the young Izzy will now be referred to as Emperor Izzy. The alternate version of Matt, Lillymon and Cody are Gamma-Matt, Epsilon-Lillymon, and Delta-Cody.

End Game:

Fated Circle

Chapter 45

Bitter History

There was some joy now in the combined group of Digidestined and Tamers. Rika and Renamon were reunited. Cody found Armadillomon to be all right, and not killed like the traitorous Delta-Cody had said before. Gabumon was all right, as was Gatomon. But still there were those who were missing. Guilmon had run off after attacking Hawkmon. Emperor Izzy had captured Kari, Izzy, and Biyomon. And as far as anyone knew, Emperor Izzy had convinced Ken and Wormmon to work for him. Joe didn't believe it when Delta-Cody first said it, but Palmon confirmed it. Ken was working as the Digimon Emperor. Ken had hit her to get information out of her. Ken. Everyone had found it hard to believe but Palmon was no liar. At least, this Palmon wasn't.

There was also some more tensing in the crowd as the followed Emperor Izzy's base. Only a few knew why, Agumon, Patamon, Davis, Davis, and of course, Veemon. Veemon knew since he was the one feeling tensed. Unlikely Veemon's normal behaviour of hanging close to Gatomon, to chat, spark some conversation, he was as far away from her as possible, afraid to catch an even sideways glance. Or more likely, a glancing side kick

The attention was turned as they heard shouting with a familiar British accent from the skies. "Everyone!" Hawkmon shouted as he came flying back. He had been flying overhead as they entered the forest once again. "Look what I found!" Hawkmon flew in front of Yolei, dropping something from his yellow talons into Yolei's hands.

"Ken's goggles?" Yolei looked at the blackened goggles with yellow rims.

"I spotted them on the edge of the forest, but they can be anywhere by now." Hawkmon answered as he hovered overhead. "I tried flying up, but I couldn't see anything under the forest canopy."

"He must be around here." Mimi answered, but it wasn't enthusiastic. She was angry with Ken. Ken had hit Palmon. Her friend.

"Agumon, smell anything?" Tai looked at his buddy. Agumon had great tracking ability; thanks to the fact his face was over half snout.

Agumon sniffed again. "I can smell Biyomon and Wormmon.... and Ken.... and Kari." Agumon sniffed the air, Tai's eyes lit up when Kari's name was mentioned "But I can't tell where they went. The smoke from the mountain is messing up my senses. Plus the smell is quite faint. If they were here, it was quite a while ago."

"Biyomon's near?" Sora cried happily. That meant Biyomon was alive.

Tai nodded. "We'll split up. We need to find them fast. " Tai announced the old leader in him. Plus Kari was potential in danger, not to mention the key to time travel. "If you get lost head west to the river, we will meet at the lake upstream. If you see Ken, consider him your enemy till other wise."

"You don't really think...." Davis started to say.

"No we should be careful." Palmon spoke up. She knew what Ken was capable of now.

"Maybe I should digivolve?" Hawkmon asked. "As Aquilamon I can cover more ground...."

"And be a huge target." Renamon answered stoically. "Stealth is required here."

"I am not taking any chances." Tai replied. "Stay with your digimon. If Ken comes along willingly fine, but don't let your guard down for a second. Meet back here in one hour. And if you run into Myotismon, Emperor Izzy or anyone else like that, run."

"That goes without saying." Joe replied as they all began to walk off in different directions.

"Be careful everybody, and meet back here by sunset." Tai shouted as everyone disappeared in groups in the forest.


Davis and Veemon walked through the forest, Veemon still not talking much. His life had gotten more complicated than he ever imagined in the last little while. "Hey Vee." Davis suddenly whispered.

"Wha?" Veemon's head snapped up from his trance.

"Veemon look..." Davis pointed in the forest by the riverbed. Gatomon was by the water, washing her face.

"Oh no!" Veemon suddenly hid behind Davis. "Let's go back in the other direction!" Veemon shouted, but in a whisper, afraid Gatomon would overhear. "Fast!"

"This may be an opportunity for you." Davis peered through the forest Veemon by his side.

"What do you mean?" Veemon asked pretending not to know.

"You can't avoid her forever." Davis warned as Veemon hid behind him.

"I can try." Veemon replied cowering in fear that Gatomon may suddenly spot him, and come tearing across the field. "You have never seen Gatomon that angry."

"Listen I will be right here in the bushes if you need me." Davis put a hand on Veemon's shoulder. "Just... try and apologise."

Veemon gulped. He never showed fear, but now he was dripping it. "All right.... I guess I do need to talk."


Gatomon was taking a few seconds to wash herself in the river. She was still a little sticky from having sex with Agumon and Patamon just recently. (Why did I do that?) Gatomon scrubbed her face again. (I mean, for years I all but abstained from any sort of sex. I couldn't even touch another male with out feeling regrets for what I did under Ladydevimon's control. I raped. More than that, I enjoyed it. I raped every male, either bluntly or using those damned mind control gears, the same ones that controlled me. I even raped.... Kari....) Gatomon winced, her guilt returning. (A child. A friend. And yet I violated her as I did the others. I can't believe they where all so forgiving to me. All I did, even killing Biyomon.) Gatomon sighed as she dipped her tail in the water, making a small circle. (I couldn't get really close to another man again. If I felt enjoyment from holding Agumon in my arms, even in a friendly hug, it felt the same as when I raped him. They may not consider it rape; they were under the same black gear control I was. They wanted it as bad as me.) Gatomon looked at her reflection, and scowled. (You know what?) Gatomon slapped the water hard with her tail (It makes no difference. That is why Blackgatomon hurt me so much with words. A part of me loved it, still did love it. And I hate that. Loathe that part of me. That little spark that relished working for Myotismon, that enjoys killing a digimon, that enjoyed violating my friends all those years ago... And Veemon brought it all back.) Gatomon stood up. (He knew I was not in my right mind, knew I was under some control. But he screwed me like a five-dollar whore. Maybe that is why I've suddenly latched on to any male who looks sideways to me now, Armadillomon, Patamon, Agumon. Because I simply feel like a whore now.)

"Ummm hi?" A thin voice squeaked out.

Gatomon wasn't paying attention she was so wrapped up in thought. But her hearing was acute, thanks to her large purple tinted ears. She slowly turned around, recognizing the voice.

Veemon stood on the shoreline, sweat dripping from his brow. His tongue felt like lead as he spoke. "Err I saw you by the river and umm...." Veemon's lisp was horrendous now. "I just wanted to talk...." Gatomon raised an eyebrow, but her face remained stone solid. (Ok she's not ripping me to shreds, which is a good thing.) Veemon privately thought as he continued talking. "I know what I did was wrong... but I wasn't in my right mind..." Gatomon slowly began to walk closer, still not speaking. "You had just given me a blow job, and I was so turned on... I mean I had a crush on you for a while..." Veemon blushed, but continued speaking. "I guess maybe I lost it... I heard all the guys you um... have been with.... I was really jealous... and I guess.... I kinda..." Gatomon had heard enough, and her left paw suddenly shot out faster than Veemon could see. "GRAAAA....Gramph!" Veemon started to scream but Gatomon clamped her other paw over his mouth, silencing him. Her left paw however, was firmly between Veemon's legs, squeezing his privates in a way that brought tears to Veemon's eyes.

"Shut up and listen." Gatomon's fangs flashed as she squeezed tightly. "You listen and you listen good." Gatomon squeezed slightly harder. She easily could cause major damage with her paws. Tai and Kari always got a kicked how she could crush and sort of nut with her bare paws. Right now she had a pair of nuts that would crush much easier. "If you think I am ever going to forgive you for what you did you are sadly mistaken." Gatomon lifted Veemon right off the ground now, his legs dangling between Gatomon's arms. Veemon had grabbed Gatomon's arm to support himself, reducing the pain somewhat. "You raped me Veemon." Gatomon hissed softly. "It was no different if I was tied to a chair, or drugged unconscious. You realize that?" Gatomon didn't expect an answer. "Now there is only one thing that keeps me from ripping off your dick and fore feeding it to you, and that's because Kari may still be in danger. So as much as it sickens me to say this, I need you." Gatomon's face scowled. "I need everyone to help fight Emperor Izzy. So after this is over, you and I are going to go our separate ways. And we will never, ever, speak or see each other again." Gatomon let go of Veemon. Veemon feel to the ground, tight in the jack knife position, his hands covering his blue balls. "Get it?"

"Got it." Veemon coughed off, his eyes teared over.

"Good." Gatomon spit on Veemon's face, one last bit of indignity. Gatomon turned on her paw, and began to walk upstream, not looking back

Davis watched from the trees, his own balls aching. He had considered helping Veemon, but quickly decided that it was in his best interest to help Veemon after Gatomon was done. That and it looked like Gatomon would be perfectly happy in giving Davis a matched set of blue balls to go with Veemon's. Davis waited for Gatomon to walk away up stream, then came tearing out of the forest. "Veemon!"

"Uhhhh...." Veemon whimpered in extreme discomfort.

"Veemon!" Davis bent down by his friend. "Are you ok?"

"I am alive." Veemon groaned. "I know by the pain."

"Man I had no idea she would react that badly!" Davis put his hand on Veemon's head.

"I did..." Veemon whimpered again. "but at least this time she didn't try and kill me..."

"Man... did she do any damage?" Davis helped Veemon sit up.

"Nothing... permanent I hope." Veemon cried as he held his hands over his crotch still. "There still all thre..."

"Sorry Veemon..." Davis apologized. "I.... honestly didn't think..."

"No I deserved it. Gatomon is right." Veemon sniffled, this time from guilt. "I did rape her. There was no excuse. I can't complain." Veemon's balls ached again. "Davis, could you go for a bit? I... need to be alone." Veemon whined softly. He wanted to be alone in his thoughts, that and he planned on soaking his balls in the cool stream for a few minutes.

"Err ok." Davis stood up. "You sure you are going to be all right?"

"Yeah..." Veemon sighed. "As all right as I am ever going to be I guess."


"Veemon Veemon Veemon." Davis sighed as he walked downstream, the opposite direction from where Gatomon was. Davis didn't want to get a bruised set of jewels just for association for being Veemon's friends. "I had no idea she was this ticked." Davis talked to himself, his hands behind his head. "You have a crush on a girl for a year, and you blow it like that." Davis kicked a rock into the water. He walked about a mile up the river, lost in thought.

"I needed this...."

Davis' head perked up. He heard splashing up in the river. Davis stopped cold, waiting till he knew more, he just realized hew as along way from Veemon, and therefore totally helpless. Davis waiting a second till a second voice spoke.

"Yes, I mean we've been walking , fighting for the longest time."

(Biyomon? That sounds like Biyomon!) Davis gasped.

"I know what you mean, this is relaxing."

(Kari!!) Davis wasn't sure if that was Biyomon's voice, but he knew Kari's voice as well as he knew his own. Davis tore into a run over the small embankment. "Kari!" David cleared the hill calling Kari's name. "Kari I found YAAH!" Davis screamed as he suddenly stopped dead, and actually started to run backwards falling head over heels.

"Davis!" Kari screamed as she threw her hands over her naked body. She and Biyomon were bathing. Biyomon felt rather dirty, from being with Impmon and Wormmon. Kari, having been forced to blow a Gazimon and nearly being raped that evil Epsilon-Lillymon clone, also decided a quick bath would be a good idea.

Davis looked up from the ground for a split second, before covering his eyes. "Ohgodohgod!" Davis blushed beet red. "I had no idea!"

Biyomon got out of the water first as Kari dived, so she was up to her neck in water. Biyomon shook herself, and anything that might have been showing was hidden quick. "Davis what are you doing here?"

"Looking at you." Davis replied. "For you! Looking for you!" Davis suddenly backpedaled.

"Man are we glad to see you." Kari smiled from the water. "Though your timing stinks."

"I had no idea you were um..." Davis still had his palms over his eyes.

"Davis if you knew we were bathing, you wouldn't come barging over the hill like that." Kari giggled slightly.

"You'd be peering from behind the tree." Biyomon giggled from the sky.

" I would never do that!" Davis gasped at getting in trouble with Kari. And in turn, getting in trouble with an already angry and pissed off champion feline.

"Calm down Davis." Kari called from the water. "Biyomon was kidding, speaking of which." Kari looked up from the water. "Biyomon could you be a dear and go get Ken?" Kari looked up at the pink bird.

"I'll be right back!" Biyomon answered as she took off back to where in Ken and Wormmon was, anxious to get back to Sora.

"Err Kari? Could you get dressed please?" Davis asked still sitting down. "Before I errr..."

"Oh ok." Kari mentioned as she swam as to the shore. "Biyomon may be a bit anyway, Ken is quite a bit upstream."

"Actually I did want to talk to you alone." Davis answered eyes still closed. This would be a good opportunity to talk to Kari about Veemon and Gatomon. Kari was the only person who could reach Gatomon right now.

"What about?" Kari asked as she walked over to the rock with her clothes, a bit embarrassed but Davis seemed not to be sneaking a peak.

(Now what do I say?) Davis thought to himself. (Gatomon had a black gear in her and Veemon decided to fuck her? And now I am afraid Gatomon may decide to make a windbreaker from his hide? God then Kari would kill me.... Maybe I can try softening it a bit) "Err let's say hypothetically a guy had a crush on a girl."

Kari had slipped on her pink gloves first on the rock, when she stopped. "Someone we now?"

"Umm yes." Davis admitted as she tried to think of a way not to implement Veemon. "Anyway this guy has had a crush on this girl for the longest time, but he's never really said much about it."

"Ok go on." Kari's voice seemed a bit closer.

"Well um let's say this guy did something, he felt really, really guilty for it." Davis went on. "And he is trying to think of some way to make up for it."

"Maybe what he did wasn't all that bad." Kari answered, her voice seeming very close.

"Well he thinks it is." Davis kept answering for Veemon. "He's never done anything like that before, and he just succumbed to temptation." (Ok now for the big question.) "Err if you were this girl, how would you like to be approached for an apology?" (Without getting your throat ripped out by razor sharp claws.)

"I think what you did was just fine." Kari answered as she suddenly placed a hand on Davis' thigh.

"Kari!" Davis' opened his eyes, but shut them again when he saw Kari was still naked, although she had her pink arm length gloves on. Davis was kind of surprise that he notice that.

"I can't believe you feel so guilty for stealing a peek like that Davis." Kari giggled as she rubbed Davis' thigh. "I also can't believe you are that attracted to me, that you feel so guilty about it."

"Kari what..." Davis started to say, then thought to himself. (Let's review.... friend of my has crush... sorry for what he did.... aw CRAP!) Davis suddenly felt Kari kiss his lips. (Kari thinks I was talking about me!) Davis thought to himself as he resisted the temptation to open his eyes.

Kari pulled her lips off for a second. "I knew you flirted with me Davis, but to be honest I always thought it was just that, flirting." Kari suddenly began to kiss Davis again.

(Oh this is bad, I was trying to help Veemon, and now!) Kari suddenly slipped the tongue in his mouth. (Kari.. is making out with me.. naked........ Ok it's official I am the world's biggest idiot.) Davis put his hands around Kari's back, feeling her bare skin. (I sweet-talked Kari with out even knowing it, and I call it a bad thing?)

Kari fell on top of Davis making out hard. Kari felt a little forward, but she had had to give a blowjob Gazimon and was just saved from a rape by Epsilon-Palmon. Maybe she was pushing this, but Davis hardly seemed to mind. She didn't want her last sexual experience to be with a spiral control Gazimon and an evil Palmon.

Davis finally opened his eyes, almost afraid that he'd wake up from a dream or discover it was a shape shifter. But Davis found his crush of two years and then some kissing him back. (Oh man I've thought about this moment since I first met her, and now, I don't what the hell to do! I mean do I make the next move or....) Davis gasped as Kari's hand slipped in his pants and wrapped around his cock. "Whoa!" Davis gasped in utter surprise. "Kari!"

Kari giggled, "Kari, now's not exactly a good time, we don't know what's going on." Kari began to move her hand in circles. "Everybody's probably worried about us, especially your brother...." Kari squeezed his dick tightly under his clothes, feeling it become erect under her touch. "We have to..." Kari slipped her other hand under his shorts. "Ah hellY" Davis announced.

Kari smiled and unbuckled Davis's pants as Davis grinned in anticipation. She slid them done to his knees. His dick was already hard from Kari's quickie hand job. Kari ran her hand up Davis's dick, Davis gasping in surprise. "I haven't done anything like this for a while Kari replied with a slight kidding. She didn't count that spire controlled Gazimon, she was forced into it.

"You've done this before?" Davis gasped. "With who? TK?!" Davis was suddenly instantly jealous.

"Well if it bothers you I can stop." Kari eyed Davis with a slight smirk. "Besides that was years ago. It wasn't really more than two kids experimenting." Kari remembered her first real time was years ago in a cave; she and TK had not even hit double digits yet.

"Not in the slightest!" Davis became scared Kari would stop, and it suddenly became pointless to care about what Kari did years ago. Kari was here now and that was all that mattered.

"I thought as much." Kari giggled as she bent her head down. Davis watched in complete surprise as she began to lick his cock, a blast of pleasure hitting his system. She bent her head between Davis's knees and started licking up and down the length of the shaft. Davis's cock grew harder and harder as her tongue bathed his sensitive member. She ended at his head and went around in circles around his piss hole with his tongue. All Davis could do now is pant; his mind was now fully controlled by his hormones. Kari smiled as she stopped, Davis' face falling. "Oh don't worry I wouldn't tease you like that." She didn't give Davis a chance to respond as she took the greater portion of his cock in her mouth. "Kari!" Davis started to moan loudly as Kari pumped Davis's prick rhythmically in and out of her mouth. She played Davis's balls with one hand and stroked the bottom of his cock with the other hand. Davis placed a single hand on Kari's head as he felt himself draw to the inevitable climax. Suddenly Kari stopped, the second before Davis came. "Kari!" Davis suddenly called her name again, this time it was disappointment.

"Oh gee Davis, calm down." Kari grabbed Davis' arm. "Maybe I want some fun now." Kari pulled Davis' forward, landing on her butt.

Davis was pulled forward on his knees before he realized. "Kari what..." Davis looked down at Kari's naked body, well almost naked. She still had on those sexy pink gloves. His prick was right at her cunt opening. "Kari you sure..." Davis was more nervous then he had ever been in his life.

"I just need this right now." Kari smiled softly, moving her hips down slightly.

Davis felt his cock jump when she said this. He thought for a second though. This was supposed to be a conversation about Veemon and Gatomon. Then he looked down, Kari naked underneath him. (Sorry Veemon, but you got understand this. I wanted this badly...) Davis thought about this for a second. "You aren't um... under any sort of mind control or anything are you?'

"What?" Kari looked at Davis confused. (Oh wait that code I heard Emperor Izzy put in our digivices. Man I can't believe he would think about that now!) "No Davis I am not. If I was I probably would have tied you up and forced you." Kari joked.

(Whoa... man I would love that... I can see how Veemon would find it hard to say no to Gatomon.) "Just checking." Davis smiled as began to move close, summoning up all his courage.

. Kari took a deep breath. She could feel Davis's cock rubbing against her wet pussy opening. "Ok Davis do it." Kari barely said this when Davis shoved himself forward impatiently. Kari felt a bit of pain, Davis was a bit inexperienced, but he seemed to be learning fast. Kari let out a little gasp as Davis wiggled his dick deep inside her. He began moving in and out of her in slow powerful strokes, overcome with sexual hormones and instinct. Davis and Kari both groaning and sweating as he began to pick up speed. Kari wrapped her hands around Davis's neck, feeling the little fur collar on his neck. Davis's goggles slipped off as he moved rapidly up and down on top of the beautiful young girl. Kari gripped his neck tighter as Davis moved with an increased tempo.

"Kari!" Davis felt himself release, his hips shuddering.

"Davis!" Kari shouted out his names as well, they both climaxed at the same time. Davis shot his entire load deep into Kari's eager pussy, mixing with her own pussy juices as they dripped out of her cunt on to the ground. Davis fell on top of her, leaving his dick inside of her for a minute just so the feeling would last a little longer, until he finally pulled out with a bit of a sigh for having to end this. A small puddle of mixed spunk dripped down her inner hips as his dick flopped out.

"Kari, that was incredible...." Davis stood up and brought his pants up. He bent down and replaced his hat on top of his head. He just couldn't believe it. He had just had sex with Kari. Kari! (Damn I can't wait to tell Veemon! Errr.... oh man maybe I should wait a bit. Veemon still depressed that Gatomon wants to filet him.)

"It was, wasn't it?' Kari walked over to the stone, where her clothes were. Davis never took her eyes off as she began to dress herself, slipping her panties on first.

"But we do need to find everyone, Gatomon and your brother are probably worried sick about you." Davis answered as Kari slipped on her pants, still naked form the waist up. "Not that I wouldn't want to stay longer...."

"No I understand, I probably was being a bit forward." Kari smiled as she slipped her shirt over her head. "I just wanted to...." Kari blushed as she sat on the rock and began to put on her socks and shoes.

"Hey, works for me." Davis tried to joke but felt very awkward. How do you act around the girl you just had sex with? Davis had a huge urge to flex his muscles and shout to the world.

Kari smiled a little more as she tied her shoes. "We better go meet Ken and Wormmon. I do want to met Gatomon and my brother right away, but..."

"Ken..." Davis thought to himself. "We better find him right away... we heard what he has been up to from Palmon."

"Oh..." Kari whispered. "Then we better find him fast." Kari began to be worried. Ken was the Digimon Emperor for a short time again. It would be best to find him before any major damage could be done.

"Agreed." Davis nodded as they both hurried of into the direction Biyomon took off to in the forest.

And that's the next chapter of my on going epic! Any suggestions, plot ideas, comments, request, or wishes to be on my mailing list, send them to