This writing by Red Rover contains adult situation involving the television show Digimon.  Do not proceed if you are under eighteen, or if this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.



The continuation of my on- going epic lemon, and the start of the third epic lemon. It takes place at the end of season two, and the Tamers where transported before the start of the Deva saga.  For simplistic sakes, the young Izzy will now be referred to as Emperor Izzy. The alternate version of Matt, Lillymon and Cody are Gamma-Matt, Epsilon-Lillymon, and Delta-Cody.   This title was originally Black and White, but Neo Patamon X, another talented writer, got the title first.  Anywho, renamed title.






Chapter 12


Black, White, and Shades of Gray




          Blackgatomon cranked her neck all around. “That was a cheap trick.  Hitting me when my guard was down.” Blackgatomon looked at her assailants, Patamon and Veemon, looking at her with duel angry expressions.

          “You’re one to talk about cheap tricks!” Davis shouted as he stood next to TK.

          “Pretending to be some cheap rip off Gatomon!” Veemon scowled with Patamon next to him.

          “Believe what you want blue boy.” Blackgatomon raised her claws.

          “Time to take her down!” TK announced. “Hard!”

          “Patamon digivolve to… ANGEMON!” Angemon’s tall golden haired figure appeared in the sky.

          “Veemon digivolve to… EXVEEMON!” The muscular winged dragon stood on the ground.

          “The bigger they are.” Blackgatomon twitched.

          “HEY!” Calumon suddenly shouted from behind.

          Blackgatomon rolled her eyes involuntarily. (I knew I forgot about something.)

          “Are they here to play too?” Calumon flew over Blackgatomon’s head.

          “Playtime’s over!” Exveemon flexed his muscles.

          “Any friend of Blackgatomon’s is an enemy of ours!” Angemon pointed his rod at the tiny white digimon. “Now surrender!”

          Blackgatomon cursed softly. (I can‘t let them get a hold of Calumon!  I need him to digivovle to my Ultimate level!) Blackgatomon reached into her glove. “Calumon, these are mean digimon!” Blackgatomon threw a small device to Calumon, who caught it involuntarily. “Take that piece to a computer, and get to the Digital World!”

          “But…” Calumon looked at the device, confused.

          “You aren’t going anywhere!” Exveemon reached out with a massive fist to catch Calumon.

          “Go!” Blackgatomon leapt out, kicking the massive hand away.

          Calumon looked nervously at Blackgatomon, before taking off into the forest. “He’s getting away!” TK shouted as Calumon disappeared in the green.

          “Forgot whoever that was!” Davis announced. “Get Blackgatomon!”

          “Right!” Angemon and Exveemon shouted together, as they both attacked as one.




          Highton View Terrace.  A building not unlike thousands of others in Japan. But this building has special meaning. It was the first place where the barrier between Digital World and the Earth was breached, allowing the first two digimon ever. It was the home for the first eight digidestined. But to Gatomon it had a more personal meaning. It was where Kari, her digidestined, lived. But it was also the place where Gatomon almost killed… yes, killed, Kari.

          Gatomon stood perched on a roof overlooking Kari’s apartment; undistinguishable from the stone gargoyles perched on either side of her. An image was running through her mind. She was perched on the back of her couch, Kari, who was eight at the time, watching TV, sitting there.  Gatomon’s claws hovered behind Kari’s neck, just stood there, ready, ready….

          “A beautiful view, is it not?”

          Gatomon’s head snapped to the side, her claws bared as she got up.  It wasn’t Myotismon, or Blackgatomon. It was a strange man, clad in beige robes similar to the kind Gennai and his allies used to wear. “Who are you?”

          “Prophet.” Prophet answered as he looked down at the city.

          “What are you doing here?!” Gatomon screamed.

          “Same as you. Pondering.” Prophet looked over the cityscape. “It’s so beautiful. A thousand families, all together.”

          “Go away.” Gatomon lowered her claws. “I want to be alone.”

          “You spent enough time alone already. You wandered server for years, latching on to Myotismon, the first digimon to show you the slightest attention.” Prophet went on. “It’s not your fault you forgot yourself for a while. The important thing is you remembered yourself.”

          “….How… how do you know?” Gatomon tried to look in his face.  She saw a chin, with a deep scar on it. Gatomon then looked at his hands.  They looked like they had been burned and scarred.

          “I am one who understands you, because I have gone through it as well.” Prophet sat down on the ledge. “You are regretting a thought. A choice you almost made. I had the same choice. I chose wrong.”

          “But…” Gatomon sat down. “I almost killed Kari… Blackgatomon is right. I would have killed her.”

          “Yet you didn’t.” Prophet answered.

          “But I almost…” Gatomon started.

          “Almost!” Prophet snapped. “Do not blame yourself for what might have been! You had a choice, plain and simple. And what did you choose?”

          “… I chose Kari.” Gatomon looked up.

          “And when Myotismon threatened to kill Kari, what did you do? Whose side did you choose?” Prophet asked again.

          “Kari's.” Gatomon replied.

          “Every digimon, no matter how much stronger than you, gave you that same choice. You could have run, but what did you choose?” Prophet stood up.

          “To be with Kari.” Gatomon stood up.

          Prophet bent down, and wiped the dried tears from Gatomon’s eyes.  “You chose Kari. And she needs you now more than ever.” Prophet stood up straight. “Your friends are in the park. They need your help.” Prophet turned to leave.

          “Wait!” Gatomon called out. “Who are you?”

          “One who wishes he was as brave as you were all those years ago.”  Prophet walked on.




          “Hand of Fate!” The longhaired angel digimon fired a bolt of pure golden energy.

          “XV Laser!” The blue muscular dragon fired a second blast from his chest.

          Blackgatomon rolled as the two blasts sailed at her. “You two are getting annoying!” Blackgatomon was showered with dirt and grass.

          “Take her down hard!” Davis shouted as Exveemon divided from the skies at Blackgatomon.

          “XV punch!” Exveemon took a swing at Blackgatomon.

          Blackgatomon leapt up, over the swinging massive fist, and into Exveemon’s face. “Uhh!” Exveemon fell back.

          “Angel Rod!” Blackgatomon turned in mid air as she fell off, moving her head to the left as the golden rod slipped past.

          “Stop her!” TK shouted as Angemon caught the staff.

          Blackgatomon landed on a tree branch. “Hey boys!” Davis and TK looked up. “Nap time! Cat’s Eye Hypnotism!” Blackgatomon’s eyes flashed.

          TK and Davis suddenly fell forward, fast asleep. “Bad idea!”  Exveemon leapt off the ground. “XV punch!” The tree shattered into splinters as Exveemon destroyed the tree.

          Blackgatomon hit the ground rolling just as Angemon descended on her. Blackgatomon smiled. She may not have projectile attacks like her ultimate form. But she could fake it. “Catch!”

          Angemon was taken by surprise as the baseball size rock caromed of his chest, stunning him. This was all Blackgatomon needed, following up the attack with a powerful punch to Angemon’s stomach. “Ahhhh…” Angemon flew to the ground turning to Patamon as he landed.

          “XV kick!” Blackgatomon smirked and turned, just in time to see an enormous clawed foot coming at her.

          “MEOW!” Blackgatomon screamed as the foot landed on her tail.

          “Gotcha!” Exveemon smiled at his efforts.

          “Jerk!” Blackgatomon scooped her paws in the ground, and sent a spray of dirt into Exveemon’s face. 

          Exveemon closed his eyes, and felt a sharp pain in his knee. “OW!”  Exveemon crumbled, and this was followed by another powerful blow to his chin.  The dragon digimon tumbled backwards, stunned as he turned back to his rookie Veemon form.

          Blackgatomon stretched her tired muscles and walked up to the stunned rookies. “Well, that was fun.” Blackgatomon smirked as she dragged her claws up Veemon’s chest. “But I have other things to do.”  Blackgatomon walked over to Patamon’s slumped form. “Patamon, Patamon, Patamon. I keep killing you, and you keep coming back.”  Blackgatomon slapped Patamon across the face.

          “UH…” Patamon snapped awake, and was shoved up against a tree.  “What?”

          “Hey lover pig.” Blackgatomon smiled as she kept Patamon pinned with one paw.

          “You…” Patamon choked out.

          “You defeated me. Hell you even defeated Emperor Izzy, you just don’t know it. I’ve seen you die twice. And yet you keep coming back.”  Blackgatomon applied pressure. (Normally I would kill him a third time.  But I still may need the digidestined to defeat Emperor Izzy. But I must give them a reason to fear me.)

          Patamon’s eyes grew wide as Blackgatomon drew her paw back. “Let me go!”

          “No.” Blackgatomon smirked as she held Patamon down.

          Blackgatomon’s suddenly felt a heavy grip on her arm. A beige gloved paw had seized them. “Yes.” Gatomon sneered.

          “Kitty-cat.” Blackgatomon smiled as she jumped back, letting Patamon slide to the ground. “What has our killer been up to?”

          “You attacked me.” Gatomon walked forward. “Not physically, but my soul. You violated me in the most horrible way.”

          “All I did was remind you of what you are.” Blackgatomon smiled softly.

          “No.” Gatomon’s eyes flashed. “You reminded me of what I WAS!”

          Blackgatomon raised her paws, just as Gatomon tackled her. The two went down with a flurry of claws, white and black tearing at one another. 

          “Veemon!” Patamon shouted and shook the blue dragon.

          “Ugh…” Veemon blinked and sat up. “What’s going on?” Veemon head snapped up as he heard a blood-curdling scream. Gatomon had just thrown Blackgatomon across the green grass. “Gatomon?” Veemon got up, feeling a bit dizzy. “Should we help her?”

          Blackgatomon had gotten up, just as Gatomon descended on her again. Patamon looked at Veemon. “Why? Besides… I think she needs to do this herself.”

          “RE-RAR!!” Gatomon screamed as Blackgatomon went flying into the fountain once again, this time taking off the entire top.

          All were silent as everything just seemed to hang there. Then Blackgatomon slowly crawled out of the water. She was hurt; one eye was half shut. But she smiled. “Looks like kitty has some teeth.” Blackgatomon opened her mouth baring her fangs.

          “Rrrr….” Gatomon growled, coming deep from her throat.

          “You are an evil one, aren’t you?” Blackgatomon jumped down from the fountain.

          “I am nothing like you!” Gatomon stepped forward.

          Blackgatomon placed her paws behind her head. “You are.”  Blackgatomon slipped a black gear from her glove. “You just don’t know it yet.” Blackgatomon flung her paws in front of her.

          Patamon’s eyes grew wide as he saw the black gear fly from her grip.  "Gatomon watch OUT!"

          Gatomon saw the gear fly towards her. Instant recognition filled her.  She dodged to the left, a split second too late. “NOOoooo…” Gatomon fell to her knees. The Gear had hit her in the shoulder, burrowing into her skin.

          “Gatomon?!” Veemon ran forward.

          “Veemon, we’ve got to get out of here!” Patamon gasped as Blackgatomon suddenly moved on him, grabbing him by his long ears.

          “Un uh, let Veemon find out for himself.” Blackgatomon leaned over and blew into Gatomon’s ear.

          “Gatomon?” Veemon went over to Gatomon, who was bent over.  “Are you fine?”

          Gatomon looked up, and smiled. “Never better.”

          “Ummm Gatomon?” Veemon sweated a little; Gatomon was eyeing him like a piece of meat.

          “I never realized how cute you looked.” Gatomon looked Veemon over.

          Normally Veemon would love to be complimented like this, but this was odd. “Gatomon, what’s wrong with you?”

          “I’m lonely.” Gatomon suddenly leapt forward, and jumped on top of Veemon.

          “Gatomon?” Veemon choked as Gatomon lay on top of him.

          “It’s the black gear!” Patamon choked as Blackgatomon held him in a bare hug. “It makes digimon viral, and they lose their morals!”

          “MMmmmm…” Gatomon began licking Veemon’s face, tracing the yellow v on his forehead.

          “And it looks like Gatomon is horny. When was the last time you got any action Gatomon?” Blackgatomon asked as she held Patamon.  (Gatomon must not have got any for a long time, which would explain why she succumbed to her hormones so quickly.)

          “Years. Agumon almost four years ago.” Gatomon continued to tongue wash Veemon’s face.

          “And you Veemon? Judging by that boner you are sprouting, several years as well.” Blackgatomon smirked as she moved her paws down Patamon’s belly. “And some one is getting turned on as well.”  Blackgatomon felt Patamon’s semi erection. “Say Gatomon, have you ever raped someone?”

          “Yes. Gomamon. My very first sexual experience.” Gatomon began to nibble Veemon’s ears.

          “Gomamon was your first?” Veemon said with jealousy. “Who else?!”

          “Let’s see… Tai was next. There was also Gabumon, Matt, Joe, Agumon, TK, Patamon…” Veemon cast Patamon an angry glare. Patamon shrugged uncomfortably as Gatomon went on, still licking Veemon’s face.  “Kari, Palmon.” Veemon gasped as Gatomon mentioned these two.  Gatomon merely chuckled. “A girl is allowed to experiment, isn’t she?”

          Veemon's eyes were still wide. “Has everybody had sex with you besides me?”

          "Oh hush, I am going to change that shortly."  Gatomon moved down, licking down Veemon’s white chest, moving downwards, until she reached Veemon’s dick. “Oh blue, my favorite color.” Gatomon batted her eyes.

          “Say Gatomon, care to have a contest?” Blackgatomon whirled Patamon around, admiring his erection. Blackgatomon got on her knees, and held Patamon by his dick. Patamon wanted to run, but with the claws wrapped around his cock, he wouldn’t dare.

          Gatomon playfully batted Veemon’s cock. “Name it.”

          “Let’s see who can make their partner cum first.” Blackgatomon smirked as she gave Patamon a playful lick.

          “And what do we get if I win?” Gatomon suddenly grabbed Veemon’s dick with both paws, causing Veemon to gasp.

          “To fuck the digimon who doesn’t cum.” Blackgatomon opened her mouth wide.

          “Hey!” Patamon gasped as Blackgatomon swallowed him. He instinctively tried to pull away.

          “Nah-uh!” Blackgatomon warned, holding the cock in her mouth. She gritted her sharp teeth as she spoke. “You might get away, but you’ll be a couple inches shorter.” Blackgatomon smiled as she moved her paw under Patamon’s crotch, and played with his short tail.

          “Mmmmmm!” Gatomon slurped over Veemon’s blue cock. Veemon stared down in disbelief as one of his ultimate fantasies came true. Gatomon was certainly skilled at this, although Veemon really didn’t have much to compare to. But his knees felt weak, and his hormones were racing.  Gatomon seemed to be enjoying this to, all be it not nearly as much as much as he was.

          Patamon was trying to hold back, to spare himself the embarrassment of cumming for this creature. But he was losing. Blackgatomon sucked his head as she ran her paws up and down the length of his shaft.  “Mmmmmm…” Patamon moaned in spite of himself, realizing ready or not, he was going to blow.

          Blackgatomon purred as she sucked off Patamon. “Cum on, cum for me piggy.” Blackgatomon gave his dick one particularly hard and loud slurp.

          “Uhhhh!” Patamon came hard, his dick twitching violently.

          “Now I feel like a little action myself.” Blackgatomon moved up, her chin sporting a drop of cum.

          Patamon moved to fly away, but Blackgatomon merely grabbed him by his long ears. “OW!”

          Blackgatomon shoved Patamon’s face in her crotch. The strong pussy smell hit his nostrils. “Now lick me!” Blackgatomon pulled Patamon’s ears hard to either side, making him whimper. “Or I make a wish.”

          Patamon sighed and stuck out his tongue. He was at Blackgatomon’s perverted mercy. Blackgatomon’s cunt tasted rather strong, similar to Gatomon’s though if he remembered correctly. Blackgatomon moaned.  “Oh now keep it up, make me squeal…”

          Gatomon looked over, seeing Patamon had came. “Looks like I win.” Gatomon removed the dick from her mouth. The bright blue shaft was rock hard, glistening with her saliva. “Mmm you want more, I can tell.”

          Veemon sat on the ground, panting. Gatomon had turned around, her tail sticking straight up. Veemon’s jaw dropped as Gatomon got down on all fours, and placed her jaw on the ground. Her ass was sticking straight up as her head rested on the ground. Her tail moved up as she seductively moved her ass back and forth. Gatomon’s slit was now visible since it was slightly wet.Veemon could also just see her asshole, nearly invisible in the white fur.  “Ga… Gatomon?” Veemon sweat dropped.

          “Oh, come on now.” Gatomon turned her head on the grass, looking at him out of the corner of her eye. “Fuck me. Stick that big blue rod in me.”

          Veemon got up off the ground, his cock bouncing. Seeing Gatomon present herself like this made him hornier, if that was possible.Veemon knew he shouldn’t. This wasn’t Gatomon. Whatever the black gear was, it was making Gatomon do this. Gatomon would never be this blunt… Veemon knew he might never get this chance again. This was his dream girl. Veemon wordless walked over, and ran his hands down Gatomon’s legs, then back up again. “Oh yeah, come on. You know you want it sooooo bad…” Gatomon dragged out the word so.

          Veemon leaned up and over, positioning himself between the white furry pussy lips. Gatomon’s tail snaked over his face as he slowly began to slide in. “Uhhhh…” Veemon moaned as Gatomon’s wet snatch engulfed him. She was very tight, Gatomon tightening her powerful muscles.

          “MMmm all the way…” Gatomon still had her chin on the ground, so that Veemon had to lean on her supporting his weight. Gatomon of course could do this easily. Veemon placed his hands down by Gatomon’s head, so that just the tips of his pointed toes where on the ground. His dick was still just resting inside the feline; this feeling alone was driving Veemon nuts. Then Gatomon shouted, “Now fuck me! Hard!” And Veemon lost all control, and began to hump Gatomon like a sex-crazed beast.

          “Oh yeah…” Blackgatomon drooled as she thrusted her hips forward, hurting Patamon’s snout. “Come on, don’t hold back!”

          Patamon whimpered a little, Blackgatomon was holding his ears painfully tight. It was true, he wasn’t trying his best, but then again he was being forced against his will. He switched tactics, hoping maybe Blackgatomon would relent a little if she came. Patamon wrapped his mouth all around Blackgatomon’s crotch. His species of digimon could inhale massive amounts of air, before firing them back at an opponent. This made him great in terms of oral sex. Now with his mouth all around Blackgatomon’s pussy, he inhaled.

          “UHHHHH!!!” Blackgatomon shivered as she fell over. Her whole pussy vibrated as Patamon created a vacuum in his mouth. “Oh that feels SO good!” Patamon couldn’t help but feel a little proud of himself. High praise coming form this obvious slut. He continued, licking as he sucked in air, then blowing it out again. Blackgatomon was purring loudly, still holding the tips of Patamon’s ear wings so he wouldn’t fly away. “Oh man, here I CUM!” Blackgatomon came hard, her pussy juices being sucked down Patamon’s gullet.

          “Oh, what a talented mon you are.” Blackgatomon lifted Patamon and licked him on the side of the cheek. Patamon tried to squirm from Blackgatomon’s grip, but Blackgatomon merely laughed. “Who said you were done?” Blackgatomon shoved Patamon over. “Besides, judging by the size of that erection, you've got another round in you.” Blackgatomon walked over and placed herself over Patamon’s face.

          Patamon inhaled quickly, hoping to throw Blackgatomon off with a quick boom bubble, but even quicker, Blackgatomon wrapped her lips around Patamon’s dick. Patamon realized this game, throw me off and part of you comes with me. Patamon sighed softly, and then gasped as Blackgatomon sucked hard on his cock. Now defeated, Patamon merely continued his work on the black furred pussy.

          “UH!” Veemon came hard, sending months worth of his seed into Gatomon. Veemon panted as he still humped, sending his first wave of himself inside her.

          “Oh Veemon!” Gatomon had an orgasm meowing in contentment, the furry feline cum mixing with Veemon’s sperm. The warm sensation of being filled as well made Gatomon shake in bliss. “Keep going!” Gatomon moaned.  “I need more! I need you!” Gatomon screeched.

          Veemon had wanted to hear those words for the longest time. He had never realized how much he truly wanted Gatomon, now that he had her. He never lost his erection, his blue cock throbbing for more. Veemon continued fucking Gatomon, both of them panting and moaning in orgasmic contentment.

          “Keep going!” Blackgatomon ordered as she furiously licked all over Patamon’s cock, holding it with both her paws. “I’m almost there!” Patamon’s talented tongue and lips stimulated Blackgatomon’s entire pussy.  Blackgatomon arched her head back as she held Patamon tightly, squeezing a bit too tight. “AhhhhHHHHH!” Blackgatomon came hard on Patamon’s face a second time, his orange fur around his face and neck matted down.  Blackgatomon kept grinding her crotch in Patamon's nose as her orgasm passed, then immediately went down on Patamon again. “Mmmmm!”  Blackgatomon purred as she drooled all over Patamon’s long cock. Patamon’s dick began to twitch violently again, indicating his orgasm was near. “MMmmmm feed me you stud!” Blackgatomon moaned through her clenched lips. She worked one of her claws up Patamon’s ass as she worked his rod.

          “Ahhhhh!!” Patamon let out a loud moan, muffled with the pussy lips grinding in his face. He felt ashamed as Blackgatomon made him cum, and the fact that he really enjoyed it made the guilt even worse.

          Blackgatomon drank the seed, enjoying Patamon’s taste. “Mmmm what a tasty snack you are.” Blackgatomon slurped as she lifted her face off the semi flaccid member.

          Patamon suddenly welled up with air; Blackgatomon had freed his penis, releasing her hostage. “Boom Bubble!”

          Blackgatomon felt Patamon’s body expand, in a heartbeat she was off, the compressed air sailing into space. “Naughty!” Blackgatomon yanked Patamon off the ground, and pulled him into her lap. “Now come on, the first action you get in a long time, and you try to shoot a boom bubble up my twat?” Blackgatomon squeezed Patamon tight. “Lucky for you I like it rough.” Blackgatomon began nibbling Patamon’s ear, and at the same time worked part of her tail up his ass. “Now how about we make out a bit as we watch Veemon live his life’s dream.” Blackgatomon stared over at the couple, Veemon on her doggy style.

          “Uh uh uh uh.” Veemon panted like a dog, moving his hips as rapidly as he could. A second orgasm was almost on him, as well as Gatomon, if her pleas where any indication.

          “Oh blue, keep going.” Gatomon moaned as a second build up of hormones inside her white body. “I need release!” Gatomon replied again as the blue cock of Veemon was rammed completly in her tight twat. “Oh yeah!  Yeah! YEAH!” Gatomon moaned as her legs wobbled, so she ended up flat on her belly, Veemon falling down, resting inside her.

          “Uh uh uh.” Veemon panted as he drooled happily. Gatomon lay on the ground and purred as Veemon finally stopped humping her, resting his chin between Gatomon’s purple tinted ears. It was what he wanted, wasn’t it?  He had been fantasizing about Gatomon practically the minute he laid eyes on her. But it did seem to be missing something….

          “Wh…” Gatomon suddenly gasped. “Get OFF!” Gatomon ordered, though there was no need, as she stood up she threw Veemon effortlessly off.  Patamon was shifting uncomfortably as Blackgatomon had pinched, licked, and teased him as the mood struck her.

          Blackgatomon eyebrow raised as she continued toying with Patamon.  “Done so soon?” Blackgatomon licked the side of Patamon’s head. “Usually you like to play for a lot longer.

          “You BITCH!” Gatomon’s face was contoured in pure hatred.

          “I guess the black gear’s effect is gone.” Blackgatomon suddenly tossed Patamon hard, sending the rookie into a tree trunk.

          Blackgatomon smiled softly as Gatomon hissed. “Damn you!”

          “That’s odd, you’ve seem to have built up an immunity to my black gears.” Blackgatomon took a step back. “I guess since that now Kari has your digivice and you've spent so much time next to her, you’re no longer completely vulnerable to their effects. Might also be the D3 device, or even the digi egg of light.” Blackgatomon smiled. “But enough guessing. Time to go, get them Impmon!”

          Gatomon looked behind her, but only for a split second. “Damn it!”  She realized the foolishness of this; Blackgatomon had already disappeared into the bushes. “Come BACK!” Gatomon screamed. She roared again, and punched the stone fountain hard, shattering concrete.

          “Gatomon, she’s gone.” Patamon floated beside her.

          “Don’t worry, we’ll find her.” Veemon placed a hand on Gatomon's shoulders.

          Gatomon turned and looked in Veemon’s face. Veemon smiled awkwardly, but Gatomon scowled. “You….”

          KE-RRAAKKK! Veemon skidded across the lawn; his blue skinned stained green from the grass. “Wh…” Veemon stuttered as he weakly got up, his nose dripping with blue blood.

          “How dare you.” Gatomon coldly spoke as she walked forward.

          Veemon scooted backwards on his back as Gatomon advanced.  “But… the black gear…”

          “I had one in me.” Gatomon's eyes flashed. “YOU DIDN’T!”  Gatomon’s voice went back to the icy tone. “You took advantage of me when I had that black gear in me.” Gatomon kept walking on the petrified Veemon.  “Blackgatomon violated me twice and I hate her for that. But she is evil.”  Gatomon furrowed her brow. “But you Veemon, I trusted YOU!” Gatomon threw her paws to the side, the light glistening of them. “And you FUCKED me!”

          Veemon’s breath had left him. Nothing had ever scared him before.  Kimeramomon, Daemon, Malomytismon, he had never once trembled in fear.  But he had never seen Gatomon this angry before. “Gatomon, please!”

          Patamon suddenly flew in front of Gatomon. “Gatomon stop!”  Patamon hovered in front of Gatomon, positioning himself in front of Veemon and Gatomon. “Calm down. We still have to find Kari, remember?”

          Mentioning Kari’s name seemed to have the right effect. Gatomon took a deep breath in. “Right Patamon. Thank you. You’re a true friend.”  Gatomon glared over at Veemon when she said this.

          Patamon breathed a sigh of relief. Crisis adverted. “Okay, now we will go get TK and Davis, and then we will all….”

          “NO!” Gatomon snapped. “If that blue FREAK comes within ten feet of me, I will make him regret it!” Gatomon looked back at Patamon. “Let’s get TK and go look for Kari in the Digital World.”

          “Um yes.” Patamon decided not to press the point right now. Getting Gatomon away from Veemon would be the best thing right now anyway.  Patamon flew over with Gatomon to TK. Gatomon had just succeeded in bringing TK around.

          “UH…” TK blinked. “Did we win?” TK looked at Gatomon, and smiled. “Gatomon! You’re back!”

          Gatomon only nodded slightly. “Thanks for looking for me TK. But we really have to go find Kari and the others now.”

          “Ah, yeah, of course.” TK stood up. He wanted to find Matt of course, but Gatomon also was important. Besides, TK couldn’t fight his brother right now. “Let’s get Veemon and Dav…”

          “We go NOW!” Gatomon snapped, causing TK to jump. “Come on!”  Gatomon turned. “Or I leave with out you!”

          TK blinked in surprise. “Huh?”

          Patamon flew close to TK’s ear and whispered. “Just listen to her. I’ll explain later.”

          “Okay.” TK whispered back. He was now really confused, but trusted Patamon with his life. He got up, and followed Gatomon out of the park, giving a quick look to make sure Davis was fine.

          Davis was sitting up on the ground. “Man, that was a dirty trick.”  Davis rubbed his eyes. “Is Blackgatomon gone?”

          “Yeah.” Veemon hung his head. “Gatomon showed up.”

          “That’s great!” Davis looked around. “Uh, where is she? In fact, where is everybody?”

          Veemon sighed and sat down next to Davis. “Davis… I screwed up.”  Veemon sniffled. “I screwed up big time.”




          And the continuation of my newest epic lemon, End Game: The Prophet.  This chapter was sort of inspired by Jodan’s works.  A quick, (Very quick), summary of my first two epic lemons, which you need to read to get a lot of the plot.   In the first epic lemon End Game: The first Ladydevimon, Piedmon's servant, faked her death and attacked the digidestined.  We discover that Izzy is Ladydevimon and Devimon’s son, and has the power of a Mega digimon.   The digidestined managed to defeat Ladydevimon, but she escaped in a time portal, formed using Gabumon's code hidden under his fur, Izzy's password prodigious, and Kari's power.

          In the second epic lemon End Game: Destiny's End: The six second generation of digidestined were ripped out of their time line by their D3's, into alternate reality.  Ladydevimon had rewritten history, travelling back to when the original digidestined received their digivices, and then stealing them.   Ladydevimon had a Council of Five working for, Piedmon, who was later killed and replaced with the alternate version of Gatomon, Myotismon, Matt, Cody, and Lillymon.  It later turned out that Izzy was in charge not Ladydevimon, who still had his Mega digimon powers.  He killed all the digidestined, except for Kari, Ken, and Sam (who was alive in this reality).  They manage to escape back in time, using the same time portal, and stopped Ladydevimon from stealing the digivices, returning history to normal.  But Izzy managed to escape, using a D3 to save himself.  It's more in-depth than that, but that is the general idea.  Any suggestions, plot ideas, comments, request, send them to mrredrover@hotmail

Proofread by: Madman