This writing by Red Rover contains adult situation involving the television show Digimon.  Do not proceed if you are under eighteen, or if this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.



The continuation of my on-going epic lemon, and the start of the third epic lemon. It takes place at the end of season two, and the Tamers where transported before the start of the Deva saga.  For simplistic sakes, the young Izzy will now be referred to as Emperor Izzy. The alternate version of Matt Lillymon and Cody are Gamma-Matt, Epsilon-Lillymon, and Delta-Cody.






Chapter 11


Two Warriors



          Rika and Renamon walked through the Digital World. Mimi was with them. She had insisted on searching the Digital World around where Palmon usually hung out. Rika and Renamon were there for protection; the Digital World had become a dangerous place. “This is where you and your Palmon hung out?”

          “Yes, we had picnics around here all the time.” Mimi sighed as she walked down the forest. “We had walks here all the time, just chatting.”

          “Walks, picnics.” Rika shook her head as she walked with Mimi.

          “What is that supposed to mean?” Mimi snapped. She was not in the best of moods.

          “No wonder your Palmon got captured. You treat her like some pet.”  Rika laid it out. She didn’t much care for Mimi. Mimi was everything she was not. A pacifist who ran from the first sign of trouble, who enjoyed dresses and tea instead of jeans and sports. The reason she was here is because she figured Mimi would need the most protection.

          “Well, I am not as blood thirsty as you!” Mimi growled. Her digivice began to glow, as dark emotions started to take over.

          A twig snapped in the bushes behind the two. “Shhhhh…” Rika’s head snapped, and pointed to the bushes.

          Mimi’s common sense, and loyalty to Palmon came back. She walked over to Rika. “What is it?” Rika pointed to a clearing. A green rookie digimon with a colour flower, was bound with chains. Renamon glanced at Palmon's captors, two large ghost with rows of sharp teeth. "Bakemon."  Mimi identified the digimon, with black spirals on their arms.

          Rika held out her digivice. "Viral type. Ghost." Rika placed her digivice back. "Renamon?"

          Renamon shimmered into view, almost magically. "Easily done."  Renamon leapt straight up.

          Palmon sniffled softy as she was being lead through the forest.  Suddenly, a yellow digimon landed in front of her and her two Bakemon guards. "Hey boys. Want to play?"

          The Bakemon growled. "And who are you to stop us?"

          Renamon leapt back. "Your worst nightmare."

          "Get her!" The two Bakemon rushed forward, thinking Renamon was trying to escape.

          Renamon smirked. They may be champions, but any warrior worth her salt would never fall for a simple retreat and attack maneuver. The Bakemon were going forward full speed when she landed from her backwards jump.  She bent her knees and sprung forward, claws bared.

          "ARGGH!!" The Bakemon screamed as duel scratches appeared across their faces. They turned behind them, where Renamon went, but she was nowhere near them. "Where'd she go?"

          "Up here!" The Bakemon looked up. The left one had Renamon land full on his face, driving him into ground. The right one didn't have time to attack, as Renamon used her momentum to deliver a crushing blow into the Bakemon's face. Both Bakemon were stunned from the blows as Renamon did a back flip behind them. She placed her hands over her chest, channeling energy. "Diamond Shower!" Renamon through out here hands. Shards of energy came flying down. The Bakemon screamed as they were pierced.  Suddenly the Bakemon broke up, in a flurry of white atoms.

          "Rika!" Mimi looked angrily at Rika. "Why did she delete them?!"

          "She is a warrior." Rika didn't even look at Mimi. "And they were her enemies."

          "But they were spiral controlled..." Mimi looked back. Renamon stood in the center, with her eyes closed. Mimi watched, entranced. The white atoms, floating away, suddenly shifted. Renamon began to glow, when the atoms of energy came back. "Wh… what is she doing?"

          "Absorbing their data." Renamon breathed in deep as Rika watched.  "It makes her stronger."

          "You..." Mimi looked back at Rika. "That's horrible!"

          "Do you want our help or not?" Rika snapped back. "There are differences between your digimon and mine. Another one being that mine is more powerful than yours." Rika glared at Mimi. "So you don't tell me how to train mine, and I won't tell you how to baby yours."

          "Get away from me!" Mimi ran up to Palmon, who stood their transfixed. "Palmon?" Mimi grabbed the rope knot. "Is it really you?" She asked as she easily undid the knot.

          Palmon smiled as she turned around. "Oh Mimi, I was so scared!"  Palmon hugged Mimi close.

          "It's okay..." Mimi returned the hug.

          “Some Palmon looked and sounded just like me...” Palmon sniffled.  “Attacked me… she digivovled to Lillymon. I... I... tried to fight back....
          "There... there..." Mimi comforted, holding Palmon tight.

          Palmon looked over Mimi's shoulder. "Who is this digimon?" Palmon looked up at the large yellow fox that had destroyed the Bakemon.

          "I am Renamon." Renamon never uncrossed her arms.

          "And who's your Tamer?" Palmon looked at the red haired girl in the green and white shirt.

          Rika cocked an eyebrow. "My name is Rika." Rika looked at Renamon, and nodded. "Do it."

          "Done." Renamon nodded. CRACK! Renamon caught Palmon under her jaw by surprise. The rookie plant went flying into the trees, rolling several times before coming to a stop.

          "STOP IT!" Mimi grabbed Rika. Anger had completely taken over, fuelled by her digivice, which contained Izzy’s mind warping code. "Are you vampires planning on absorbing Palmon, you MONSTERS!"

          Renamon walked forward as Palmon got up off the ground. "Do not assume me as gullible as these digidestined."

          Palmon stood up, green blood dripping from her lip. She had saw the blow, not in time to dodge it, but in time to roll with it. "I'll remember that."

          "Palmon?" Mimi was still holding Rika by the shirt.

          "No pinkie. Epsilon." Epsilon-Palmon laughed as she spit out green blood to the side. "So, what gave me away?"

          "You called Rika a Digimon Tamer." Renamon replied as she advanced. “You could not have heard that title unless you met us before.  You would have called her a Digidestined.”

          Epsilon-Palmon put her hands together and clapped. "Very good."  Palmon chuckled as she bent her knees and held out her hands. "I am very impressed. Smart and strong." Epsilon-Palmon's fingers extended slightly.  "The digital world needs more women like us."

          "It'll soon have one less." Renamon bared her claws.

          "Oh, come on, I could digivolve to Lillymon and kill you in a heartbeat." Epsilon-Palmon's fingers twitched.

          "You fought me as an ultimate." Renamon eyes shifted. "Do you have the skill to take me on even terms?"

          "Trying to goad me?" Epsilon-Palmon took a step forward. "It worked.  I could kill you as my in-training Tanemon form if I wanted to. But my rookie form is more than enough. Bring it."

          Renamon leapt up into the air. She had seen the shows, and knew all about Epsilon-Palmon's moves and abilities. She was not a very skilled fighter as a rookie. This should be easy if she could take her down before she could digivolve to ultimate. "HA!" Renamon sailed towards Epsilon-Palmon, aiming her feet for one finishing kick to the head.

          Epsilon-Palmon waited until the last second to dodge, moving her head to the left. Renamon's foot went sailing by, touching the flower petal on her head. Epsilon-Palmon grabbed Renamon's leg. While not very strong, she could easily redirect Renamon's direction as she flung the yellow fox towards a tree trunk. "Little telegraphed there." Epsilon-Palmon released her grip.

          Renamon however curled in a ball, and hit the tree with her feet, the trunk cracking. Renamon pushed off and launched herself at Epsilon-Palmon again. "A lucky move!" Renamon aimed with her claws this time as Epsilon-Palmon dropped to one knee.

          "Not luck, skill!" Palmon suddenly flung her hands up, throwing a face of dirt at Renamon. Renamon's vision was obstructed as she sailed by Epsilon-Palmon. 

          Renamon landed on her feet, but lost her footing when her legs were yanked out from under her. "Offf!" Epsilon-Palmon had jumped on her stomach, throwing her entire weight into her landing.

          "You made one mistake!" Epsilon-Palmon held out her left hand.  "Poison Ivy!" Vines wrapped around Renamon's neck. "You assumed that I was the same weak as Palmon!"

          "Palmon stop it!" Mimi ordered and ran forward. “Listen to ME!”  Mimi shouted angrily, the mind warping code in effect.

          Epsilon-Palmon turned and pointed her right hand. "Poison Ivy!"  Another three vines wrapped around Mimi's neck. "Oh, this is a good day!"  Mimi eyes fluttered. "I mean, how many times do you get to relive your favorite kill?"

          "Digi modify!" Rika took out a card.

          Epsilon-Palmon let Mimi fall from her grip. She remembered Rika doing this before. “Ah, no.” Epsilon-Palmon leapt forward. "Poison Ivy!"

          Rika dodged as the vines sailed to the left. "Missed!"

          Epsilon-Palmon came forward full force, pulled by her own vines as they had wrapped around a tree trunk. "Nope!" Epsilon-Palmon's foot connected with Rika's neck, knocking her out cold.

          "Leave her ALONE!" Epsilon-Palmon turned as Renamon tackled her.

          "Ugh..." Epsilon-Palmon landed on the ground with Renamon on top.  "Didn't strangle you enough."

          "Then let me show you how it's done!" Renamon's hands wrapped around Epsilon-Palmon's neck.

          "Ugh!" Epsilon-Palmon lifted one arm behind her. "Not today!"  Palmon's fingers shot out, wrapping around a tree trunk behind her. She quickly retracted the vines, and managed to pull herself out.

          Renamon fell off as Epsilon-Palmon was pulled out from under her.  "You will not escape me!" Renamon leapt after Epsilon-Palmon as she was yanked towards the tree behind her.

          Epsilon-Palmon smirked. "Who's escaping?!" Using her momentum and vines, she swung around the tree trunk like a sling. Renamon was in mid- leap when Palmon was suddenly flying towards her, two green feet aimed right at her face. Renamon realized she had just fallen for her own trick.

          Epsilon-Palmon and Renamon landed ten meters apart. Both fighters stayed on their feet, backs turned. "Unhhhhh...." Renamon suddenly fell to her knees, her face falling to the dirt a second later, sending up a small storm of dirt.

          Epsilon-Palmon turned around, cranking her neck around. "Mmm. That was close.” Epsilon-Palmon walked over to Renamon. "And now, a little down time."




          "Mmmm Rika?" Renamon woke up, eyes having trouble focusing.

          "Nope." Renamon's eyes finished focusing. Epsilon-Palmon looked down at her, with a weird smirk on her lips. "You know? You sure do talk big." Epsilon-Palmon sat down on Renamon's stomach. "I mean, the way you went on, I assumed you'd be some unstoppable fighting machine."

          Renamon looked at herself, she was strung on the ground in the spread eagle position with strong vines. "Release me from these bounds and I will show you what I am truly capable of." Renamon tried to sound brave, but truth be told, this Palmon was frightening her. She had never lost to a rookie before.

          "Oh, you can show me what your capable of, just like that." Epsilon-Palmon gestured behind her. Rika and Mimi were strung up to two trees behind her. They had their arms pinned to the sides, with vines wrapped around the tree trunks and their bodies.

          "What did you DO?" Renamon lifted her head up.

          Epsilon-Palmon walked over to Rika and placed a hand on Renamon's chin. She lifted Rika's head up and shoved it back down. "They're fine.  Although a little out of it."

          “So why am I still alive?” Renamon glared as Epsilon-Palmon walked over.

          “Well, Emperor Izzy said I wasn’t allowed to kill anybody. He never said anything about torture.” Epsilon-Palmon jumped on Renamon’s chest.

          Renamon’s eyes narrowed. “If you expect me to beg, you are sadly mistaken.”

          “But then I thought, we could do something a little more… fun.”  Epsilon-Palmon held her left palm leaf hand out. Vines strung from her palm, and began moving over Renamon’s body.

          “What are you doing?!” Renamon struggled with her bonds.

          “Torturing you would serve no purpose.” Epsilon-Palmon’s vines wrapped around Renamon’s breasts, and gave a tight squeeze. “Humiliating a fighter such as yourself will be so much more fun.”

          “Release me!” Renamon pulled her arms tightly as she felt a jolt of pleasure.

          “You see this?” Epsilon-Palmon took her free hand and pulled out a black gear from her flower. “Since you’ve seen the show Impmon told me about, I guess you remember. But these gears are a bit difference. They make any data or vaccine digimon viral, and makes them completely corrupt.”  Epsilon-Palmon smiled as she let one vine trace under Renamon’s chin.  "You’d beg for this if I put one in you." Epsilon-Palmon’s bent down, and laid on top of Renamon stomach. “But I want to rape you instead. I will make you scream in pleasure.”

          Renamon bit her lip as a vine caressed her tit. “I will not give you the satisfaction.”

          “I enjoy a challenge.” Epsilon-Palmon parted Renamon’s white main, and exposed her two enormous breasts, covered with a thin layer of fur, except for the nipples. “Whoa, I have never seen a rookie with such a rack!”  Epsilon-Palmon moved her green mouth to Renamon’s left tit, and began sucking. Renamon closed her eyes, and ignored the sensation of her tits hardening. Epsilon-Palmon was skilled at this, sucking and licking in one motion. “Mmmm… not a peep?” Epsilon-Palmon moved over to the right nipple. “Mmmm- guess I’ve got to try harder.” Epsilon-Palmon’s vines moved lower, and wrapped themselves all around Renamon’s legs.

          Renamon squirmed uncomfortable as a thousand snake like tendrils caressed her legs. They moved up, running over her pussy lips, touching her clit. Renamon clenched her teeth tight, not uttering a sound until Renamon felt a vine crept up her cunt, sinking deeper in her. “Uhh!”

          Epsilon-Palmon took her lips off Renamon’s breasts. “Boy, you are tight! You are a virgin, aren’t you?” Epsilon-Palmon crawled up, so she was looking in Renamon’s face. Renamon had a scowl of anger and indignity.  Epsilon-Palmon loved it. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Epsilon-Palmon squeezed her body to Renamon’s body. “How can a mon with such a body be a virgin?” Epsilon-Palmon’s twisted the vine in Renamon’s twat. “Hell, even if you didn’t want it, I am surprised some other champion didn’t rape you.”

          “No champion would ever touch me.” Renamon scowled in Epsilon-Palmon’s face.

          “Yeah right, so why is a rookie fucking you against your will right now.” Epsilon-Palmon licked Renamon’s nose. “I know why you are a virgin.  You’re a tight ass.” Renamon felt a vine snake under her, and up her ass crack. “Let’s just see how right I am.”

          Renamon’s eyes lit up as a vine shot up her ass, just under her bushy tail. The odd feeling off the green intruder caused her to squirm left and right as it worked deeper and deeper in her rectum. She closed her eyes and dwelled out the pain, only to have her face licked by Epsilon-Palmon.  “Mmmm you like it up the ass don’t you? Luckily with me I can take you in every hole at once. What more could you ask?” Renamon kept turning her head side to side, but Epsilon-Palmon kept licking her cheeks, lips, and nose.

          Another vine started to rub Renamon’s clit as Palmon began to rhythmically fuck both Renamon’s front and back at the same time. Renamon began to groan despite herself. She had never had sex, it was true. She had never even masturbated before. Now, a lifetime of sexual tension was being forced on her. Epsilon-Palmon took two more vines, and wrapped them completely around the breasts, squeezing them at the same time. Renamon bit her lower lip, but with every possible erogenous zone being rubbed at the same time, she couldn’t hold it back.

          Epsilon-Palmon smiled. It was a silent orgasm, Renamon kept quite, but it was apparent. Renamon’s whole body spasmed, and her pussy became wet. Epsilon-Palmon smiled as she retracted her vines. “Oh yeah, what a lucky girl you are. Losing your virginity to me.” Epsilon-Palmon ran her fingers to her cunt, and inserted them quickly before removing them. “Now look.” Epsilon-Palmon pulled her fingers from her cunt. "You got me all wet." Epsilon-Palmon ran her fingers over Renamon’s lips. “Now what are we going to do about it?”

          "Rip them off?" Renamon defiantly replied.

          “No…. Palmon digivolve to …. TOGEMON!” Togemon was suddenly sitting on Renamon’s chest. The enormous weight forced the air out of her. Luckily it was only there for a second as Epsilon-Togemon shouted.  “Togemon digivolve to... LILLYMON!” Lillymon’s lighter form burst out of a flower from Togemon’s head, and stood over Renamon. “I think now you are going to do me." Epsilon-Lillymon walked over so her dress was hanging over Renamon’s face.

          Renamon looked up, seeing Epsilon-Lillymon's pink cut lips. She didn't even wear any form of underwear. “You’ll have to delete me first.”

          Epsilon-Lillymon shrugged and put her hands together. “Flower CANNON!” A blast of energy sailed from her hands.

          Renamon’s head snapped up, and she gasped. Right next to where Rika was strung up; an entire section of the forest next to her was gone, leaves and twigs falling as the explosion died down. “Uhh...” Renamon trembled.

          “Oops- I missed.” Epsilon-Lillymon chuckled as her hands morphed back to normal. Epsilon-Lillymon sat down, her pussy landing on Renamon’s face. “Now maybe my second shot will hit, unless I am distracted.”  Renamon scowled, and licked Epsilon-Lillymon’s twat. “Ohh that’s the way!” It wasn’t really that good, Renamon wasn’t into it very much, but raping someone, especially a defiant female like Renamon, was always a good turn on. Epsilon-Lillymon just grinded her pussy into Renamon’s face, loving the fur caressing her clit. “Oh make me cum you whore.” Epsilon-Lillymon grabbed Renamon’s breasts with each hand and squeezed as she slid down in the sixty-nine position. “I just wonder how you taste, foxy lady.”

          Renamon legs were still pulled open by the vines, so she couldn’t close them. “Whoa….” Epsilon-Lillymon pulled Renamon’s pussy apart; Renamon could feel the cold air blowing inside her damp love box. “What a big clit you have.” Epsilon-Lillymon admired Renamon’s above average clitoris, a trait of her species. “All the better to suck my dear.” Renamon grimaced with unwelcome pleasure. This made her lick harder involuntarily, subconsciously Renamon realized the quicker Epsilon-Lillymon came, the quicker it might be over. Pain Renamon could handle. This was something else.

          “Mmmm, you taste so strong.” Epsilon-Lillymon declared as she licked down the pussy lips, admiring Renamon’s strong taste. She inserted two fingers inside the vagina, and began pumping them as she licked around the base of her fingers. “How do I taste?” Epsilon-Lillymon squeezed her legs tight, suffocating Renamon for a second. “Can’t get enough?”

          “Gaspp...” Renamon gasped for air as Epsilon-Lillymon released her, and went back to work. Epsilon-Lillymon’s moaning became more frequent, and Renamon realized her rapist was coming soon. By the same token, Renamon realized her own moans were loud, muffled by the cunt in her face.  Renamon fought back her hormones, and continued licking.

          Epsilon-Lillymon wasn't holding back, however. “Oh yeah, lick me, come on…” Epsilon-Lillymon still finger fucked Renamon, but now she was concerned for her own pleasure. "Ohhh here I CUM!" Renamon just managed to hold back her own orgasm as Epsilon-Lillymon came on her face. The smell of strawberries became more distinct as Epsilon-Lillymon moaned in her delight. Finally, as the sweet tasting cunt lips finished grinding over her now cum soaked face Epsilon-Lillymon stood off. Renamon was afraid that Epsilon-Lillymon would finish the job, making her cum once last time as a final indignity. Luckily, Epsilon-Lillymon was satisfied. She had what she wanted. “Oh, what a good little slut.” Epsilon-Lillymon slowly reached into her flower. “That was such a nice fuck, we must do it again some time.”

          “You are not that Palmon, are you?” Renamon scowled.

          “Right foxy lady. I am Epsilon.” Epsilon-Lillymon flung a fist of pollen into Renamon’s face.

          Renamon coughed. "I will… stop…" Renamon’s eyes grew heavy.  “You.”

          "Sweet dreams." Epsilon-Lillymon smiled as she looked over Renamon. Epsilon-Lillymon bent down, and ran a hand over Renamon’s furry body. “I think I may keep you as a pet. Chain you up against some wall, rape you every day. The idea has merit.” Epsilon-Lillymon stood up, and looked at the two humans. “Now then, Emperor Izzy did say not to kill anybody."  Epsilon-Lillymon's hands morphed, forming into her Flower Cannon. "But hey, accidents happen?" Epsilon-Lillymon slowly moved her Flower Cannon from Mimi, and then to Rika. "Sorry pinky." Epsilon-Lillymon aimed her cannon at Mimi. "You lose."

          FW-ISH!! The air was suddenly broke by a whishing sound. "What now?!" Lillymon looked behind her, just as a pair of bolas wrapped around her upper torso. Her hands snapped to her torso. "All right, who has a death wish?!" Lillymon scowled as she strained against her bounds.

          "I believe you do." A white roped figure walked out from behind the trees.

          "Neat trick." Lillymon smirked. "Digizoidium metal rope. Even Emperor Izzy himself would be hard pressed to break these. But they will make a nice souvenir after I bring him your head, who ever you are."

          "You can me Prophet, for I know all about you Epsilon." Prophet kept his head low, his face covered by shadows.

          "Then you know how I am going to rip you a new one shortly."  Epsilon-Lillymon chuckled, her arms still pressed to her side.

          "And for what reason would you do that?" Prophet simply asked.

          "Tying me up for starters." Epsilon-Lillymon took a step forward.  "Not that I don't like the ropes."

          "I know that Epsilon. I also know why you became Epsilon in the first place." Prophet replied.

          "I find that unlikely. Everyone who knows me is dead or working for Emperor Izzy." Epsilon-Lillymon raised an eyebrow.

          "You were angry that your digidestined never showed." Prophet went on. "First you hoped she would show, but after years passed, your hopes died. You ran away from your friends, wandering the continent of Server for even longer, and spent even longer trapped as the Dark Master's prisoner.  Not that you would have escaped even if you wanted to." Prophet saw his words strike deep into Epsilon-Lillymon. "Izzy came. Brought you out of the cell. Offered you power, life, and a purpose. How could you refuse? You'd be mad. So you became Epsilon. The feared Epsilon. The dreaded Epsilon."

          "And what's wrong with that?" Epsilon-Lillymon shrugged her shoulders. "Power is what makes the world go around. Or stop the world as the case may be."

          "But how can you blame one who had no choice?" Prophet held out a hand and pointed to Mimi, still strung to the tree, asleep. "She was robbed of her destiny the same as you." Prophet brushed a strand of pink hair from Mimi's forehead. "But she didn't forget who she was in your world. A truly noble soul." Prophet bowed his head. “It makes me ashamed of my own mistakes. But I will correct my errors.” Prophet turned back to Epsilon-Lillymon. “How about you? Do you care about anything?”

          "Nah. I stopped caring about the bitch the minute I became Epsilon back in my time." Epsilon-Lillymon smiled. "I think the fact that I killed her in my world proves that."

          "And what did you feel?" Prophet turned back to Mimi, and ran a hand  through Mimi's. "Taking her life I mean."

          "Nothing." Epsilon-Lillymon stepped forward. "Like stepping on a bug."

          "That is because you are dead inside." Prophet turned back, his face still covered in shadows by his hood. "You were eaten by guilt from the inside out, until the hollow husk of Epsilon was left." Prophet walked up to Epsilon-Lillymon, without the slightest bit of fear. "Do you wish to return to that existence? The fear, hate, misery? Your counterpart here has friends.  People who would do anything for her. What would happen if Emperor Izzy one day decides it is in his best entrance to replace you?"

          "Izzy would never..." Epsilon-Lillymon stuttered.

          "He reprogrammed Tentomon into the mindless machine Cyberkabuterimon. He would do the same to you if it suited him." Prophet went on, each word like a blow. "Are you willing to go back? And doom the world as well?"

          Epsilon-Lillymon took a step back, Prophet's words making her think.  But suddenly she scowled. "Listen you sanctimonious asshole. I've seen the Palmon here. A weak, pathetic girl who is afraid to sneeze around her digidestined. I will not be like that. I am more powerful than her." Epsilon-Epsilon-Lillymon smiled suddenly. "As well as smarter." Epsilon-Lillymon turned white with light and her form shrunk. Epsilon-Palmon returned in her place, the bolas sliding off her much smaller form. "And now you can die!  Palmon digivolve to..." Epsilon-Palmon's form suddenly expanded to three times his size. "TOGEMON!" The gigantic cactus took place. "Now go squish!"

          "I wish I could save you." Epsilon-Togemon brought her boxing glove down hard. "Remember my words." Prophet jumped back, the glove missing him by inches, the ground shaking. "Before you destroy yourself."       

          "Will you SHUT UP!" Togemon roared as she brought up both hands.

          Prophet reached into a pocket, and flung a fist full of some white powder.  "Sorry old friend."

          "BAH!" Togemon stumbled, her eyes watering. She decided there was a quick way to regain herself. "Togemon digivolve to..." A flower erupted in her head, and a much smaller plant woman jumped off. "Now you..." Epsilon-Lillymon looked around. "Damn!" Epsilon-Lillymon stomped a foot. "That bastard escaped!" Epsilon-Lillymon's hands morphed into a flower cannon.  "And now I have to go and take it out on the prisoners." Epsilon-Lillymon turned around, and brought her cannon up. "What?!" Epsilon-Lillymon looked at the tree. Epsilon-Lillymon looked to the absent spot of Mimi, and then down to Renamon's place. A dagger was there, stained green from where it had been used to cut the vines. Epsilon-Lillymon picked up the knife. "Oh that son of a BITCH!" Lillymon looked over to where Mimi was, and drove the blade into the tree. "That bastard Prophet cut her ropes while I wasn't paying attention, and slipped her a knife!" Epsilon-Lillymon took a breath, and calmed herself. “Fine then. I will hunt them down again.” Epsilon-Lillymon pulled the knife out of the trunk. "Only this time, we play for keeps."



And the start of my newest epic lemon, End Game: The Prophet.  A quick, (Very quick), summary of my first two epic lemons, which you need to read to get a lot of the plot.   In the first epic lemon End Game: The first Ladydevimon, Piedmon's servant, faked her death and attacked the digidestined.  We discover that Izzy is Ladydevimon and Devimon’s son, and has the power of a Mega digimon.   The digidestined managed to defeat Ladydevimon, but she escaped in a time portal, formed using Gabumon's code hidden under his fur, Izzy's password prodigious, and Kari's power.

          In the second epic lemon End Game: Destiny's End: The six second generation of digidestined were ripped out of their time line by their D3's, into alternate reality.  Ladydevimon had rewritten history, travelling back to when the original digidestined received their digivices, and then stealing them.   Ladydevimon had a Council of Five working for, Piedmon, who was later killed and replaced with the alternate version of Gatomon, Myotismon, Matt, Cody, and Lillymon.  It later turned out that Izzy was in charge not Ladydevimon, who still had his Mega digimon powers.  He killed all the digidestined, except for Kari, Ken, and Sam (who was alive in this reality).  They manage to escape back in time, using the same time portal, and stopped Ladydevimon from stealing the digivices, returning history to normal.  But Izzy managed to escape, using a D3 to save himself.  It's more in-depth than that, but that is the general idea.  Any suggestions, plot ideas, comments, request, send them to mrredrover@hotmail.

Proofread by: Madman