In Loving Memory of that blue lover, Veemon. "Love, Lost and Found." By Reaper T. Bone It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Once again, feelings had begun to stir in Davis. How long had it been since he last saw Veemon? Six months? A year? No, it was longer than that. Much too long. The problem was that Davis would never see his beloved Veemon again, for he had lost Veemon in a digimon battle. There were so many sleepless nights when Davis thought long about his beloved digimon. It would have not been so bad if Veemon had been killed before Davis met him, but everyone knows that there was a bond between Davis and his digimon that was more than just destiny. Davis loved his digimon with all his heart, and Veemon loved him in return. Davis recollected memories of their first meeting. Davis remembers after he left the digimon world for the first time. He remembers himself saying "I just can't stop thinking about Veemon." This was even more true now, for the love between Davis and Veemon was greater with every moment they were together. Of course the love was more than just skin deep, Veemon and Davis were meant for each other. Suicidal tendencies were common for poor Davis. The thought that having to go another day without his lover felt like eternal hell. Davis slept quite soundly tonight, at least for a while. He began to have the dream again... ***"Davis, I need to fight, you know I could never let anything happen to you..." "I know Veemon, just....stay safe..." Davis gave a kiss that only a true lover could give. A kiss of passion embraced Veemon and Davis, and Veemon lept at the evil digimon. One swift blow from the digimon's claw was all it took to down Veemon. Davis ran to Veemon's almost lifeless body. Davis looked longingly into Veemon's eyes. Tears began to form in Veemon's eyes, as they did in Davis' as well. "I am so sorry I let you down Davis..." Davis clasped Veemon's paw. "It's not your fault...I didn't help you...I'm so sorry, I love you so much Veemon." "I love you too...Davis. Listen...I want you to find someone else. You know I am going to go...I know you can find another that can probably love you better than I." "No Veemon, I could never do that." "You must Davis, for me." Davis moved closer to kiss Veemon but as he neared Veemon's muzzle, Veemon's eyes rolled back and his head fell sideways. "Oh Veemon, please don't go!" Davis screamed. Tears were streaming down Davis' face. His lover is now deceased and he no longer wants to live himself. Davis calls out to the murderer digimon. "Take me fucker! Take me!" Davis rips his shirt in anguish. The evil digimon looks back, gives Davis a smirk, then departs.*** For a long time Davis was caught in a deep depression. Davis' family tried to help him. They sent him to counselling, but Davis would not talk. The only people who knew about digimon were his close friends, but he had never even told his friends the extent of his love for Veemon. Davis especially did not want others to know how he made love many times to a male digimon. Davis never did pay much attention to girls in school, he did look at the guys though, but nothing compared to Veemon. Davis tried to compensate what Veemon said to him. Find another lover. How could Veemon say that. Veemon knew that Davis could never love another digimon. And Davis knew that no digimon would ever love him as much as Veemon did. It just seemed that no digimon could do anything as good as Veemon. Veemon was good at so many things. Veemon could make Davis feel better after any situation. Veemon could also make love like no other. Veemon could make Davis' peak last longer than imaginable. Davis was quite good himself, but Veemon was by far much better. Even just seeing Veemon's gleeful blue face in the morning could bring up Davis' mood. But not anymore. Nothing could bring Davis out of his depression. No matter how hard he tried to forget Veemon, he could never forget Veemon for all that he was. Friday after school Davis was feeling more down than ever. He had an idea, he would go back to the digiworld, just to see how it has changed. It was dangerous to go through the ports now, mainly because they hadn't been used for a while. He didn't care, he wasn't too worried about death today. Davis inputted all of the necessary controls to enter the port. He transported himself to the digiworld. The port was not as smooth as it had once been. As Davis saw the earth he was not prepared and hit the ground hard. Davis shook his head but everything was spinning. Suddenly he blacked out. Davis awoke what seemed like hours later. He shook his head and looked up. He saw a familiar blue face. It was Veemon! Davis sprung up and attempted to hug Veemon, but Veemon jumped back, and this surprised Davis. "Veemon..." Davis looked longingly in his lover's eyes. "Davis, do you not remember what I told you?" "I do, but I will never find anyone like you, besides, why would I have to find someone else when you are standing right here?" "Don't worry, you'll find someone...besides I have to go, this digimon still means business." Veemon pointed upward and Davis looked up in horror. It was the digimon that killed Veemon. What was going on? The evil digimon lives, as well as Veemon? Veemon walked away from Davis, toward the evil digimon. Davis stretched out his arm. "Veemon, don't go, I need you more than ever." Veemon kept walking and did not look back. Instead, Veemon gave a wave, and Davis blacked out again. Davis awoke again, now realizing that his last consciousness was only a dream, and he had not actually seen his digimon. He wept slightly and placed his head on his knees. Someone poked him in the back. Davis turned around hopefully, but instead only saw a familiar digimon he had never seen before. It looked like a Veemon, except a little taller and more well defined. In fact it looked a little like a Flamedramon. "What's wrong?" the digimon asked as he brushed back his ears. "Nothing, it's nothing, don't worry about it." "No, it looks like something is bothering you, maybe I can help." Davis looked at this digimon in the eyes. His eyes were just like Veemon's. Tears began to roll down Davis' cheek. The digimon wiped Davis' tear off his right eye with one finger. The digimon smiled. "My name is Flamedramon. Do you have a name?" "Yeah, it's Davis." Davis' voice crackled. "That's a nice name, so, do you want to tell me what the problem is." Davis blushed. He liked how this digimon cared, but he wasn't ready to tell. "Not really." "Well not telling isn't going to make it any better." "So..." Davis could tell that Flamedramon was dissapointed, but not discouraged. Flamedramon moved closer and gave Davis a hug, rubbing Davis' back. Davis wanted to object, but he really didn't mind. Flamedramon moved his muzzle closer to Davis' ear. "You know kid, I really like you..." Flamedramon whispered. Davis didn't know what to think, but he felt the same way. He was attracted to this digimon. "I'm not really ready for this right now..." Flamedramon released his grip on Davis and moved back slightly. "Oh, ok...I see." "Don't worry, it's not you, it's me." Davis stood up tall. "Listen, I have to go home now, but it was nice meeting you." "Same to you, Davis. You can come back here anytime, I'll be waiting." Flamedramon winked at Davis, and Davis transported himself back to earth. Davis made his was home and did all he was supposed to do. He made his way to bed that night and was in a little better mood than before. He dozed off. He woke slightly and gazed at the clock. 2:16. It's too early, I should go back to sleep. Davis rolled onto his back and looked up. He saw Flamedramon sitting right on top of his thighs. "Davis, I want you so bad." The powerful digimon held Davis' shoulders as he lip locked Davis. There was passion in the kiss, but Davis did not like being dominated. It was never that way with Veemon. Davis struggled to gain control, but alas, he was too weak for the strong digimon. Flamedramon ripped off Davis' shirt and pants and began to try to rape Davis. He screamed and woke himself up. It was only a dream. He mopped the sweat from his brow and layed his head back onto the pillow. Only a dream...but is this digimon right for me? What if he is too powerful and tries to hurt me? Davis did not know what to think of the digimon, but he was still compelled to see him again. Davis began to think that maybe he was afraid of the digimon because he was afraid of forgetting Veemon, but that is what Veemon wanted. Maybe I will see him, for Veemon's sake. He seems nice... Davis drifted off again. Davis decided to go back to the digiworld, and since it was now Saturday, he could stay longer if he wanted. The journey was a little less rough this time, and he did not get knocked out again. Davis searched for the digimon he saw yesterday. He looked for an hour and did not find him. Davis began to get discouraged. He said he would wait for me...that's it, I should just leave. Just as Davis decided to leave he felt a strong hand on his shoulder. "Davis..." "Hi...Flamedramon?" "Yes, I'm sorry I did not approach you sooner, you see, you caught me at an awkward situation..." Davis did not know what he meant by that, but he acted like he didn't care. Davis and Flamedramon walked around the digiworld and talked all the way. They told each other about themselves. They told a lot, but not a lot of personal things. They came upon a beach. Flamedramon sat on the warm sand and patted the ground beside him. He smiled at Davis. "You can tell me anything here...anything. Nobody comes here often, so any secrets you have to tell, no one will hear." Flamedramon looked as if he were anticipating Davis to say something in particular, but Davis told another story instead. "The other day, you could tell I was bothered...and I'll tell you why." "Ok, please do, I want to help." "Well, it's hard for me to say, it kinda gets personal." "Please tell, if you asked me anything, I would tell you..." Flamedramon winked at Davis. "Well ok. It started a few years ago. I came to the digiworld and I met a digimon, a Veemon. I knew there was something special about him. I knew we were meant to be. I was a digidestined and he was my digimon, but it was more than that. The more time we spent together, the closer we got. We started to" "Active...?" "I mean,'s hard to say...intimate." "Oh...." Flamedramon's face was glowing and he was trying very hard to hide his playful smile." "Yeah, we used to have sex all the time, but it was more than that. We were in love. I loved him more than anyone else." " keep using words in the past tense, did you break up?" "No, no, never..." A tear began to form in Davis' eye. "No, I...lost him...he fought to protect me and...he...d...d...died..." Davis couldn't hold it in any longer. He wept and leaned on Flamedramon's shoulder. Flamedramon allowed this and rubbed Davis' back. "I'm so sorry, I never would have guessed you lost someone so close...I cannot truly sympathise because I have not been in that scenario before." "It's ok...but I have to ask you something..." "Anything." "Well, Veemon said I should look for someone else...and well...I kinda like you." Flamedramon's face turned bright red. Flamedramon spoke softly, "since I met you I knew you were something special. That is why I was so compelled to comfort you. I am not only attracted to your body, but I am also attracted to you..." Now it was Davis' turn to blush. "You really like me?" "Yes, a lot...well, see for yourself..." Davis looked at Flamedramon's crotch skin. He could see it was bulging. Davis became aroused and he could feel his pants getting tighter. The air was getting warmer as Davis and Flamedramon drew their faces closer to one another. They engulfed in a passionate kiss, but after a few seconds Davis turned away. "I'm sorry Davis, did I do something wrong?" "No Flamedramon, it's not you...I just don't know if I am ready for a relationship yet." "Well that's ok. Just remember, whenever you want something more, I will be here for you, I love you Davis. I have since the moment I saw you and well...if I were Veemon, I would have died for you as well...there is noone more deserving of you than him, but I would love to be with you." Davis blushed and began to walk away. "Flamedramon...I'll be back soon, I promise." Davis continued through Sunday and the rest of the next week. He was not as depressed as he once was. He was actually happy he got to meet Flamedramon. Man, I can't stop thinking about him...he's so hot, but I don't want to forget Veemon... Davis just couldn't get Flamedramon out of his head. He didn't know what to do. It was Thursday night and Davis got into bed. He thought about Flamedramon for a while, then dozed off. Davis had very vivid dreams that made no sense. Strange dreams like floating on clouds and bright colors. The only thing that Davis could make any sense of was just before he woke up. He saw an image of Veemon with Flamedramon. They were both smiling and Veemon looks at Davis and mouths "Take him. He will be good to you..." Davis awoke after this. Davis dragged through Friday, he had plans for afterschool. Finally after the day ended, Davis took his books home and planned to make a trip to the digiworld. He left a note for his mother saying that he might be staying at a friend's tonight, and he called his friend to cover him. He said he was going to a party and the friend believed him. Davis made his way to the digiworld... Davis walked around for a while looking for his new friend. He looked around for a long time but found nothing. He knew that Flamedramon would be waiting. Finally he found Flamedramon at the beach, laying in the sun. "Hi there..." "Davis?" Flamedramon looked up. "I thought you might not be coming back." Flamedramon stood up and gave Davis a hug. Davis gave Flamedramon a peck on the cheek and Flamedramon's face turned bright red as he smiled. "Davis, I love you so much. I want to be with you forever." Davis smiled and hugged Flamedramon back. Davis ran his hand down Flamedramon's back. Lower, lower, lower. He stroked Flamedramon's tail, which caused it to go up. Davis took his hand off Flamedramon's tail and put both hands on Flamedramon's ass and squeezed it. Davis pulled Flamedramon's torso closer to his. Davis is not usually this aggressive but it has been a long time since he has had relations with another digimon. Davis rubbed his hands on Flamedramon's tight ass some more. Davis felt a slight poking on his left thigh. He looked down and saw that Flamedramon's crotch skin was bulging. "Flamey, do you know anywhere we can be...well...private?" "Yeah, I found the perfect place." Flamedramon and Davis walked hand in hand to Flamedramon's secret cavern. "I found this place just after I met you...I kinda wanted a place to go if we wanted to get a little more intimate." "This is nice it ok if I call you that?" "Yeah, it kinda makes me feel a bit younger, I like it." Flamedramon took a spot on a bed that he placed in the cavern. Davis followed and noticed that the sheets felt very silky on his skin. "I hope you like the bed Davis, I made it just for you..." "We can share you know..." Davis removed his shirt and he could tell he had Flamedramon's undivided attention. Flamedramon could see it in Davis' eyes that he should make a move. Flamedramon began to feel Davis' well defined torso. He ran his hands up and down Davis' chest and felt his abs. Flamedramon became more aroused and his penis started to come out a little. Davis caught sight of this and he could feel his penis bulging hard underneath his pants. Davis became more comfortable and removed his pants slowly. His boxers tented around his erect penis. Davis hugged Flamedramon with one arm and the two lovers embraced in a french kiss. While they were kissing Davis began to fondle the tip of Flamedramon's penis, making it grow harder and extend further out of his pouch. Flamedramon began to feel Davis' penis through his boxers and fondled Davis' testicles. Flamedramon could not take it anymore. He lightly placed Davis on the bed and smiled right to his face. Flamedramon removed Davis' last article of clothing, his boxers, and looked at his lover's erect penis. It was only about 5 1/2 inches but that was ok, Davis was only fifteen, so he still had a little more growing to do. Davis looked at Flamedramon's genitals. Flamey's penis was now fully elongated and his testicles were visible. Davis leaned up slightly and began to lick the head of Flamedramon's penis. Flamedramon leaned back and moaned in pleasure. Davis fondled Flamedramon's testicles while he began to engulf Flamedramon's entire penis in his mouth. Davis moved his mouth back and forth over Flamedramon's shaft, occasionally teasing the tip of Flamedramon's penis with his tongue. Davis felt Flamedramon's urethra begin to expand and he prepared himself for Flamedramon's ejaculation. Flamedramon released his semen into Davis' mouth. He swallowed what was released and lapped up the last of the fluid off the tip of Flamedramon's penis. Flamedramon was panting a little, but now he felt it was his turn to embrace Davis. He began to lightly stroke Davis' penis, moving his hand from the bottom of the shaft to the top of the head. Davis arched his back in pleasure. Flamedramon could tell Davis has had better sex, so he tried harder. He teased the head of Davis' penis with his tongue, like Davis had done to him. Flamedramon engulfed Davis' entire penis and his testicles in his mouth. The inside of Flamedramon's mouth was soft and Davis really enjoyed his blowjob. Flamedramon worked Davis' penis in his mouth for a couple minutes until Davis peaked and ejaculated into Flamedramon's mouth. Flamedramon swallowed the semen also, hoping this would satisfy Davis, and it did. Davis was spent but his arousal was not complete. He still had energy to do more. He moved his mouth close to Flamedramon's ear. "I want you to do me in the ass..." Flamedramon smiled and turned red again, for he was looking forward to this. Flamedramon had never had anal sex before but he knew how it was done. Davis sat up and got on all fours for Flamedramon. Flamedramon moved his penis towards Davis' exposed anus. He tickled the outside with his penis, the slowly penetrated. Davis was engulfed in the most pleasure he had ever experienced. Flamedramon's penis was much larger than Veemon's and it felt like there was a fire inside him. Flamedramon moved his penis slowly back and forth inside Davis' anus, slowly gaining speed. Flamedramon moved faster and faster. Davis could not control himself and began to moan loudly. Flamedramon began to make noise himself too, for Davis did not have a very large anus, and it was tight around his large penis. Flamedramon finally peaked inside Davis and removed his penis. Davis could feel the warm juices inside him. Flamedramon layed spent on the bed but Davis gave him a look. Flamey smiled and got on all fours. Davis slowly penetrated Flamedramon and began to rapidly increase speed. Flamedramon enjoyed this a lot, for although Davis' penis was not very larger, Flamedramon had never had anal sex before, so his anus was very tight. Davis worked Flamedramon until he peaked and released his load into Flamedramon's ass. Flamedramon loved the feeling of warm juices inside him. Davis removed his penis and it began to soften as well. Flamedramon and Davis layed naked together on the silky sheet, both spent. Davis gave his lover another kiss. "I think I'll stay here tonight Flamey..." "I would love that so much..." Davis and Flamedramon talked for a while and pleasured each other once more before they went to sleep. That night Davis slept peacefully and dreamed about Veemon for the last time. All he saw was Veemon with a mischievious smile on his face, waving as he walked into nothingness.